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Fish assemblages were studied in a hypersaline tropical estuary in Northeastern Brazil. A total of 104 species were collected by beach seine during the dry and rainy seasons of 2012. Two families, Atherinopsidae and Gerreidae, were numerically dominant in all zones of the estuary; juveniles of Atherinella brasiliensis, Eucinostomus argenteus, Lile piquitinga, Ulaema lefroyi, Lutjanus analis and Sphoeroides greeleyi contributed 77% of the total catch. The factors that best explained the fish abundance pattern were salinity and depth, which were related to spatial segregation. Species richness was lowest in the upper zone, an area with high salinity and shallow depth. The distinct roles of structurally different habitats (submerged macrophyte beds and mangrove prop‐roots) and the influence of physicochemical conditions in the middle zone of the estuary may influence taxonomic diversity. The middle zone of the estuary is the one most attractive to juveniles of reef species (Lutjanidae and Serranidae). The fish assemblages are clearly dominated by marine estuarine dependent species, highlighting the importance of the ecosystem as a nursery ground for marine species of the Brazilian coast.  相似文献   
The concept of equilibrium plan form and equilibrium profile has been widely used as an engineering tool in order to design beach nourishment projects. The scope of this paper is to further explore this “equilibrium beach” concept in crenulated bays, as a long-term tool for beach nourishment projects. The proposed methodology is based on González and Medina (2001) and combines the static equilibrium plan and profile for long-term analysis. This methodology includes a modified equilibrium plan form, which is able to define the orientation of the local wave front in the diffracting point, and also to locate the downcoast starting point of the static equilibrium beach from which the parabolic plan form of Hsu and Evans (1989) is valid. This methodology permits the application of any equilibrium profile formulation. An example of the application of this methodology and long-term formulations to the design of the Spanish nourishment project of Poniente Beach (Gijón) is presented. Ten years after its construction, the beach has still got a static equilibrium and remains pretty close to the predicted equilibrium beach in plan and profile.  相似文献   
A beach profile equilibrium model for perched beaches is presented. The model assumes that wave reflection at the seaward and leeward sides of the breakwater is the most important process that modifies Dean's equilibrium profile model for non-perched beaches. The influence of wave breaking over the submerged structure is also discussed. Several laboratory data sets are used to analyze the merit of the proposed model for describing the equilibrium condition of a perched beach. A good comparison is obtained. Results show that if the ratio between the water depth above the submerged structure, d, and the water depth at the toe of the structure, he, is large, d/he>0.5, only minor advance of the shoreline is achieved with the construction of a toe structure. A considerable advance is obtained for d/he less that 0.1. In these situations, however, resonant effects may result in an inefficient structure. The proposed model is used to provide an estimation for the required sand volume and the associated beach advance for the case of narrow breakwaters.  相似文献   
Most climate change studies on high elevation ecosystems identify changes in biota, while several report abiotic factors. However, very few report expansion of the freeze-free period, or discuss monthly changes of temperature and growing degree days (GDD) during the growing season. This study provides initial data on agriculturally-related aspects of climate change during the growing season (M-J-J-A-S) in the inter-montane desert of the San Luis Valley (SLV), Colorado. Temperature data were gathered from 7 climate stations within the SLV. Based on ordinal days, the last vernal freeze is occurring (p?<?0.05) earlier at 3 stations than in prior years, ranging between 5.52 and 11.86?days during 1981–2007. Significantly-later autumnal freezes are occurring at 5 stations by 5.95–18.10?days, while expansion of the freeze-free period was significantly longer at all stations by 7.20–24.21?days. The freeze-free period averaged about 93?days prior to the 1980s, but now averages about 107?days. Increases (p?<?0.05) in daily mean, maximum, minimum temperature occurred at nearly all stations for each month. Increases in GDD10, GDD4.4 (potato) and GDD5.5 (alfalfa) also occurred at nearly all stations for all months during 1994–2007. Higher temperatures increase the number of GDD, quickening crop growth and maturity, and potentially reducing yield and quality unless varieties are adapted to changes and water is available for the season extension and increased evapotranspiration.  相似文献   
Numerical simulations of thermal field variation due to land use changes, such as the reduction of the lacustrine system and the growth of the urban area, in the Basin of Mexico are presented. It is shown that the historically recorded warming in the basin could be attributed, not only to the growth of the urban area, but more importantly to the drastic reduction in the lacustrine system that existed in the basin.  相似文献   
Focal mechanisms of the Atlas earthquakes,and tectonic implications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The determination of the focal mechanisms of the strongest shocks in the Atlas chain and the Canary Islands area reveals that the present-day tectonics along this range is a compression reflected either by reverse or dextral strike-slip faulting along the ENE-WSW trends. All the solutions are consistent with: 1. the other focal mechanism solutions determined further north in the Azores-Gibraltar, Alboran, Rif and Tell areas; 2. the NNW to NW trending compression inferred from other methods such as neotectonics,in situ stress field measurements and plate motions.
Zusammenfassung Die Bestimmung des Erdbebenherdmechanismus der stärksten Beben im Atlasgebirge und des Gebietes der Kanarischen Inseln gibt zu erkennen, daß die aktuellen tektonischen Bewegungen entlang dieses Bereiches kompressiv wirksam sind. Dies zeigt sich entweder anhand von Überschiebungen oder an dextralen Blattverschiebungen. Alle Ergebnisse sind übereinstimmend mit: 1. den anderen Erdbebenherdmechanismen weiter im Norden liegender Regionen (Azoren - Gibraltar, Alboran, Rif und Tell); 2. die nach NNW bis NW wirkende Kompression, welche von anderen Methoden abgeleitet wurde (Neotektonik,in-situ Spannungsmessungen und Plattenkinematik).

Résumé La détermination des mécanismes au foyer des séismes les plus importants de la chaîne atlasique et des îles Canaries révèle que la situation tectonique actuelle le long de cette chaîne est une compression reflétée par le jeu de failles soit inverses, soit décrochantes dextres le long des accidents ENE-WSW. Toutes les solutions sont compatibles avec: (1) les autres mécanismes déterminés plus au nord, dans les régions d'Açores-Gibraltar, Alboran, Rif et Tell; (2) la compression orientée NNW-SSE à NW-SE déterminée à l'aide d'autres méthodes comme la néotectonique, les mesures de contraintesin situ et la cinématique des plaques.

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We are proposing a mission devoted to high energy X-ray astronomy that is based on a focusing telescope operating in the 1?C200?keV energy range but optimized for the hard X-ray range. The main scientific topics concern: Physics of compact objects: The proximity of compact objects provides a unique laboratory to study matter and radiation in extreme conditions of temperature and density in strong gravitational environment. The emission of high energy photons from these objects is far from being understood. The unprecedented sensitivity in the high energy domain will allow a precise determination of the non-thermal processes at work in the vicinity of compact objects. The full 1?C200?keV energy coverage will be ideal to disentangle the emission processes produced in the spacetime regions most affected by strong-gravity, as well as the physical links: disk?Cthermal emission?Ciron line?Ccomptonisation?Creflection?Cnon-thermal emission?Cjets. Neutron stars?Cmagnetic field?Ccyclotron lines: Time resolved spectroscopy (and polarimetry) at ultra-high sensitivity of AXP, milliseconds pulsars and magnetars will give new tools to study the role of the synchrotron processes at work in these objects. Cyclotron lines?Cdirect measurement of magnetic filed?Cequation of state constraints?Cshort bursts?Cgiant flares could all be studied with great details. AGN: The large sensitivity improvement will provide detailed spectral properties of the high energy emission of AGN??s. This will give a fresh look to the connection between accretion and jet emission and will provide a new understanding of the physical processes at work. Detection of high-redshift active nuclei in this energy range will allow to introduce an evolutionary aspect to high-energy studies of AGN, probing directly the origin of the Cosmic X-ray Background also in the non-thermal range (> 20?keV). Element formation?CSupernovae: The energy resolution achievable for this mission (<0.5?keV) and a large high energy effective area are ideally suited for the 44Ti line study (68 and 78?keV). This radioactive nuclei emission will give an estimate of their quantities and speed in their environment. In addition the study of the spatial structure and spectral emission of SNR will advance our knowledge of the dynamics of supernovae explosions, of particles acceleration mechanisms and how the elements are released in the interstellar medium. Instrumental design: The progress of X-ray focusing optics techniques allows a major step in the instrumental design: the collecting area becomes independent of the detection area. This drastically reduces the instrumental background and will open a new era. The optics will be based on depth-graded multi-layer mirrors in a Wolter I configuration. To obtain a significant effective area in the hundred of keV range a focal length in the 40?C50 meters range (attainable with a deployable mast) is needed. In addition such a mission could benefit from recent progress made on mirror coating. We propose to cover the 1?C200?keV energy range with a single detector, a double-sided Germanium strip detector operating at 80?K. The main features will be: (a) good energy resolution (.150?keV at 5?keV and <.5?keV at 100?keV), (b) 3 dimensional event localization with a low number of electronic chains, (c) background rejection by the 3D localization, (d) polarisation capabilities in the Compton regime.  相似文献   
Quantum mechanical calculations based on the density functional theory (DFT) are used to study the crystal structures of dioctahedral 2:1 phyllosilicates. The isomorphous cation substitution is investigated by exploring different substitutions of octahedral Al3+ by Mg2+ or Fe3+, tetrahedral substitution of Si4+ by Al3+, and different interlayer cations (IC) (Na+, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+). Samples with different kinds of layer charges are studied: only tetrahedrally charged, only octahedrally charged, or mixed octahedral/tetrahedral charged. The effect of the relative arrangements of these substitutions on the lattice parameters and total energy is studied. The experimental observation of segregation tendency of Fe3+ and dispersion tendency of Mg2+ in the octahedral sheet is reproduced and explained with reference to the relative energies of the octahedral cation arrangements. These energies are higher than those due to the IC/tetrahedral and IC/octahedral relative arrangements. The tetrahedral and octahedral substitutions that generate charged layers also tend to be dispersed. The octahedral cation exchange potentials change with the IC-charge/ionic radius value.  相似文献   
Lacustrine laminated sediments (laminites) present in Late Miocene formations of the Híjar Basin, SE Spain, display well developed loop bedding, a structure consisting of bundles of laminae that are sharply constricted at intervals, giving a morphology of loops or links of a chain. The laminite sequences, which are interbedded with turbidite marlstones, were accumulated on the bottom of a permanently stratified lake developed in a rapidly subsiding basin limited by 010° and 105° normal faults. As deduced from both macro- and microdeformational analyses, the basin evolved under an extensional stress field throughout the Late Miocene. Four main types of loops, simple and complex loops with subcategories, have been recognized within the laminite sequence. Simple loops of type 1 show the best definite pattern, quite similar to ' pinch and swell structures ', a type of boudinage typical of stretching of alternating beds where the competence contrast is not strongly marked. The remaining loop types display contortion and occasional breakage of laminae (microfaulted edges) indicative of microdeformation near the boundary between the ductile-brittle deformational fields. The distribution of the various loop types across the laminite sequence reflects an interplay between progressive lithification of the laminites as sedimentation progressed and tectonic stresses which affected the sediment sequence. Accordingly, a mechanism of deformation under an extensional stress field, ultimately related to the creep movement of the main basin faults which resulted in successive seismic shocks of low magnitude, is proposed to explain the formation of loop bedding in the laminites.  相似文献   
The ability to accumulate trace element contents of three plant species of widespread occurrence in the semi-arid regions of middle and southern South America (Larrea cuneifolia Cav., Cercidium praecox (Ruiz & Pav.) Harms, and Bulnesia retama (Gillies ex Hook. & Arn.) Griseb.) has been considered in order to determine their application to the exploration of tin mineralizations. Two of the three studied species can be considered as suitable for biogeochemical exploration (L. cuneifolia and C. praecox). Concentrations of As, Cd, and Mo reflect the known tin mineralization. L. cuneifolia and B. retama showed the highest and lowest trace element accumulation rates. Only zinc is preferentially accumulated in C. praecox. In addition, L. cuneifolia and C. praecox could be of environmental interest in As-bearing areas due to the accumulation capability for such element.  相似文献   
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