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A computer program(FEA)is presented for processing historical laboratory data.It performs on a list ofsample entries stored in a laboratory information management system.Using an algorithm which is basedon fuzzy set theory,FEA classifies the entries into a limited number of clusters called sample types.Theclassification is fully user-defined.The program transforms the historical data into a representation whichis more suitable for studying the performance of the laboratory or which can be used as preparation for asimulation project.  相似文献   
Active gully systems developed on highly weathered or loose parent material are an important source of runoff and sediment production in degraded areas. However, a decrease of land pressure may lead to a return of a partial vegetation cover, whereby gully beds are preferred recolonization spots. Although the current knowledge on the role of vegetation on reducing sediment production on slopes is well developed, few studies exist on the significance of restoring sediment transport pathways on the total sediment budget of degraded mountainous catchments. This study in the Ecuadorian Andes evaluates the potential of vegetation to stabilize active gully systems by trapping and retaining eroded sediment in the gully bed, and analyses the significance of vegetation restoration in the gully bed in reducing sediment export from degraded catchments. Field measurements on 138 gully segments located in 13 ephemeral steep gullies with different ground vegetation cover indicate that gully bed vegetation is the most important factor in promoting short‐term (1–15 years) sediment deposition and gully stabilization. In well‐vegetated gully systems ( ≥ 30% of ground vegetation cover), 0.035 m3 m–1 of sediment is deposited yearly in the gully bed. Almost 50 per cent of the observed variance in sediment deposition volumes can be explained by the mean ground vegetation cover of the gully bed. The presence of vegetation in gully beds gives rise to the formation of vegetated buffer zones, which enhance short‐term sediment trapping even in active gully systems in mountainous environments. Vegetation buffer zones are shown to modify the connectivity of sediment fluxes, as they reduce the transport efficiency of gully systems. First calculations on data on sediment deposition patterns in our study area show that gully bed deposition in response to gully bed revegetation can represent more than 25 per cent of the volume of sediment generated within the catchment. Our findings indicate that relatively small changes in landscape connectivity have the potential to create strong (positive) feedback loops between erosion and vegetation dynamics. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Estimation of spatially averaged denudation rates from cosmogenic nuclide concentrations in sediments depends on the surface production rates, the scaling methods of cosmic ray intensities, and the correction algorithms for skyline, snow and vegetation shielding used to calculate terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide production. While the calculation of surface nuclide production and application of latitude, altitude and palaeointensity scaling algorithms are subjects of active research, the importance of additional correction for shielding by topographic obstructions, snow and vegetation is the subject of ongoing debate. The derivation of an additional correction factor for skyline shielding for large areas is still problematic. One important issue that has yet to be addressed is the effect of the accuracy and resolution of terrain representation by a digital elevation model (DEM) on topographic shielding correction factors. Topographic metrics scale with the resolution of the elevation data, and terrain smoothing has a potentially large effect on the correction of terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide production rates for skyline shielding. For rough, high‐relief landscapes, the effect of terrain smoothing can easily exceed analytical errors, and should be taken into account. Here we demonstrate the effect of terrain smoothing on topographic shielding correction factors for various topographic settings, and introduce an empirical model for the estimation of topographic shielding factors based on landscape metrics. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Discordant zebra dolomite bodies occur locally in the Middle Cambrian Cathedral and Eldon Formations of the Main Ranges of the Canadian Rocky Mountains Fold and Thrust Belt. They are characterized by alternating dark grey (a) and white (b) bands, forming an ‘abba’ diagenetic cyclicity. These bands developed parallel to both bedding and cleavage. Dark grey (a) bands consist of fine (< 300 μm) non-planar crystalline impure dolomite. The white (b) bands are composed of coarse (up to several millimetres) milky-white pure saddle dolomites (b1) which are often covered by pore-lining zoned dolomite (b2). The b phases often possess a saddle-shaped morphology. In contrast to the replacement origin of the a dolomite, the zoned b2 dolomite rims are interpreted as a cement formed in open cavities. The b1 dolomite is interpreted as the result of recrystallization with diagenetic leaching of non-carbonate components. All the zebra dolomites studied are (nearly) stoichiometric and are characterized by enriched Na and depleted Sr concentrations. Fe and Mn concentrations in these dolomites differ depending on the sample locality. Fluid inclusion data indicate that the dolomites formed from relatively hot (TH = 130–200 °C), saline (20–23 wt% CaCl2 eq.) fluids. A diagenetic high temperature origin is also supported by depleted δ18O values (−20 to −14‰ VPDB). A contribution of 87Sr-enriched fluids is reflected in the 87Sr/86Sr values (0·7091–0·7123). Zebra dolomite development is explained by focused fluid flow, which exploited areas of structural weaknesses (e.g. basin-platform, rim areas, faults, etc.). Expulsion of hot basinal brines in a tectonically active regime generated overpressures, which explains the development of secondary porosity during zebra dolomitization as well as the intra-zebra fracturing at decimetre to micrometre scale.  相似文献   
A large spatial variability in sediment yield was observed from small streams in the Ecuadorian Andes. The objective of this study was to analyze the environmental factors controlling these variations in sediment yield in the Paute basin, Ecuador. Sediment yield data were calculated based on sediment volumes accumulated behind checkdams for 37 small catchments. Mean annual specific sediment yield (SSY) shows a large spatial variability and ranges between 26 and 15,100 Mg km− 2 year− 1. Mean vegetation cover (C, fraction) in the catchment, i.e. the plant cover at or near the surface, exerts a first order control on sediment yield. The fractional vegetation cover alone explains 57% of the observed variance in ln(SSY). The negative exponential relation (SSY = a × eb C) which was found between vegetation cover and sediment yield at the catchment scale (103–109 m2), is very similar to the equations derived from splash, interrill and rill erosion experiments at the plot scale (1–103 m2). This affirms the general character of an exponential decrease of sediment yield with increasing vegetation cover at a wide range of spatial scales, provided the distribution of cover can be considered to be essentially random. Lithology also significantly affects the sediment yield, and explains an additional 23% of the observed variance in ln(SSY). Based on these two catchment parameters, a multiple regression model was built. This empirical regression model already explains more than 75% of the total variance in the mean annual sediment yield. These results highlight the large potential of revegetation programs for controlling sediment yield. They show that a slight increase in the overall fractional vegetation cover of degraded land is likely to have a large effect on sediment production and delivery. Moreover, they point to the importance of detailed surface vegetation data for predicting and modeling sediment production rates.  相似文献   
Lake sediments in Eklutna Lake, Alaska, reveal the presence of turbidites within varved sequences. These turbidites, which result from flood events and earthquakes, show a similar macroscopic appearance. In order to use turbidites to reconstruct flood variability and/or seismic history in the lake basin, it is crucial to determine the trigger of the turbidity currents. This study examined the turbidite caused by the ad 1964 Great Alaska earthquake as well as turbidites linked to historical flood events in order to differentiate between these earthquake-triggered and flood-triggered turbidites. In a suite of samples from throughout the lake, distinctive proxies are identified that can be associated with event-specific flow characteristics. The study presents straightforward discrimination methods related to the sedimentology and geochemical components of the turbidites. These methods are also applicable to other lakes, particularly proglacial lakes where the sediment composition of onshore and offshore sources is similar. Finally, the discrimination of the turbidite trigger can be used to reconstruct the palaeoflood and seismic history.  相似文献   
The combined analysis of high-resolution 2D seismics and an industrial 3D seismic data volume from the western Porcupine Basin, offshore SW Ireland, revealed an unusual picture of a buried sediment collapse and slope failure. A proportionally thin (≤ 85 m) but vast (> 750 km2) slab of consolidated sediments started to slide downslope, in the meantime breaking into hundreds of vertically undisturbed blocks, up to 500 m in diameter. The most probably overpressured underlying horizon seems to have liquefied and acted as a slide plane until the excess pore pressure had dissipated. Then – still very early in the slide development – the process stopped, freezing the failure at its initial stage.  相似文献   
World War I (WWI) battlefields contain a large diversity of buried features that are situated just below the plough layer. A noninvasive interdisciplinary approach is preferred to characterize the buried heritage embedded within its soil landscape. In this study, the potential of integrating both electrical conductivity and magnetic susceptibility measurements from a multireceiver electromagnetic induction (EMI) instrument at a heavily shelled WWI battlefield was evaluated. Primarily, both measurements allowed the attribution of approximate depth interval to the buried trench remains. These remains proved dominantly present within the 0.4–0.8 m depth interval. Subsequently, both apparent electrical conductivity and magnetic susceptibility measurements were separately integrated to improve the contrast between buried features and their surrounding background. Trenches that were ditches filled with topsoil material could be distinguished from trenches that were continuously or partially filled with metal reinforcements or debris. To conclude, integrating multiple signals from a multireceiver EMI system allowed for a more straightforward discrimination of the buried WWI relicts.  相似文献   
On 21 April 2007, a Mw 6·2 earthquake struck Aysén fjord (Chilean Patagonia) and caused onshore and offshore mass movements which triggered tsunamis and density flows in the fjord. To better understand the facies successions in, and the intercalation of, the density‐flow deposits, a study was made of the 2007 deposits in 22 short sediment cores taken in the inner Aysén fjord. By combining grain‐size analysis with X‐ray computed tomography scanning, it was possible to demonstrate that the encountered facies correspond to classical divisions of debrites and turbidites. The single‐event deposits consist of a succession of several sub‐deposits deposited under different flow directions and can be interpreted as stacked turbidites. Orientations of: (i) folds; (ii) imbricated mud clasts; (iii) backsets and foresets of climbing ripples; and (iv) asymmetrical convolute lamination were used to determine relative flow directions at the location of the cores. By assigning the basal flow of the stacked debrites and turbidites to the closest principal mass flow, the absolute flow directions of the sub‐deposits were determined which, in combination with multibeam basin‐floor morphology, allowed reconstruction of the 2007 density‐flow successions in Aysén fjord. Furthermore, alternating flow directions provide evidence for a seiche induced by the density flows. It was concluded that X‐ray computed tomography scans provide crucial information for reconstructing palaeoflows and can be a useful tool in marine and lacustrine sedimentology and palaeoseismology. The multidirectionality of sub‐deposits in turbidites is, next to differences in mineralogy, a new criterion to identify stacked turbidites. These multidirectional, stacked turbidites are an indication of simultaneous triggering of density flows and can therefore, in most cases, be attributed to earthquakes, ruling out other triggers, such as floods, storms or other sediment failures.  相似文献   
We propose a simple and effective heuristic that allows fast generation of a large set of shortest path alternatives in weighted directed graphs. The heuristic is based on existing deviation path algorithms for exact k shortest paths. It precalculates a backward shortest path tree and thus avoids doing many shortest path computations, but as a result it does not necessarily find the exact set of k shortest paths.

Computational results on real-world road networks are reported. Our tests show that the quality of the paths produced by the heuristic is most satisfactory: typically, the kth path found by the heuristic is less than 1% longer than the exact kth shortest path, for values of k up to 10,000. Moreover, the heuristic runs very fast.

We also show how the heuristic can be enhanced to an exact k shortest paths algorithm, which performs well in comparison with the existing exact k shortest path algorithms.  相似文献   
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