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INAA, ICP‐AES and ICP‐MS were used to elementally characterise four environmental reference materials – NIST SRM 1646a (Estuarine Sediment), NIST SRM 1400 (Bone Ash), IAEA‐395 (Urban Dust) and IAEA‐450 (Algae). An analytical scheme consisting of the three methods was first applied to NIST SRM 1646a to validate the methodology because it has been extensively analysed and has certified values for many elements. With repeated analyses of NIST SRM 1646a, the accuracy and measurement repeatability of the data obtained were evaluated based on two statistical calculations (zeta‐score and Horwitz ratio) and were observed to be good enough for the analytical scheme to be applied to similar sorts of environmental/geochemical samples. Applying the same approach to NIST SRM 1400, IAEA‐395 and IAEA‐450, enabled mass fractions of 29, 38 and 28 elements to be determined, respectively. Among these results, the data for rare earth elements are of particular interest, not only for IAEA‐450 but also for the other three reference samples. The data for Pr, Gd, Dy, Ho, Er and Tm in NIST SRM 1646a are newly reported in this study. By using small test portions (< 100 mg) for NIST SRM 1646a and IAEA‐395, and recommended minimum amounts for NIST SRM 1400 and IAEA‐450, sample homogeneity was evaluated.  相似文献   

Extreme meteorological conditions favor the development of severe storms and tornadoes that may have largely impacts on the population despite its relatively short life. Tornadic severe storms have been documented around the World. In Mexico (MEX), the study of the occurrence of tornadoes and severe storms is relatively new. In this research, we have selected an event of severe tornadic storm in Ciudad Acuña, Mexico. The storm was driven by a frontal system moving southward from USA converging with a warmer moist air flux from the Gulf of Mexico. The tornado strikes on the Northeast of Mexico, in Coahuila State, on May 25, 2015. Imagery of infrared channel from GOES 13 satellite and the presence of a hook echo in radar data of May 25, 2015, indicate a supercell structure. The maximum values of radial velocity were about ?20 and 15 m s?1. In this study, the WRF model was used in order to simulate the mesoscale meteorological conditions of the tornado. Model simulations capture atmospheric features observed in Doppler radar. The simulated storm-relative helicity values were between 400 and 500 m2 s?2. The simulated convective available potential energy values were of 3000 J kg?1. These values were higher than values for convective storms, located over the region of Ciudad Acuña in Mexico and Del Rio in USA. The supercell was a result of high humidity and temperature gradients, conditioned by frontal activity and moisture flux intensifications from the Gulf of Mexico.

Underway current velocity profiles were combined with temperature and salinity profiles at fixed stations to describe tidal and subtidal flow patterns in the middle of the northernmost Chilean fjord, Estuario Reloncaví. This is the first study involving current velocity measurements in this fjord. Reloncaví fjord is 55 km long, 2 km wide, and on average is 170 m deep. Measurements concentrated around a marked bend of the coastline, where an 8-km along-fjord transect was sampled during a semidiurnal tidal cycle in March 2002 and a 2-km cross-fjord transect was occupied, also during a semidiurnal cycle, in May 2004. The fjord hydrography showed a relatively thin (<5 m deep), continuously stratified, buoyant layer with stratification values >4 kg m−3 per meter of depth. Below this thin layer, the water was relatively homogeneous. Semidiurnal tidal currents had low amplitudes (<10 cm s−1) that allowed the persistence of a surface front throughout the tidal cycle. The front oscillated with a period of ca. 2.5 h and showed excursions of 2 km. The front oscillations could have been produced by a lateral seiche that corresponds to the natural period of oscillation across the fjord. This front could have also caused large (2 h) phase lags in the semidiurnal tidal currents, from one end of the transect to the other, within the buoyant layer. Tidal phases were relatively uniform underneath this buoyant layer. Subtidal flows showed a 3-layer pattern consisting of a surface layer (8 m thick, of 5 cm s−1 surface outflow), an intermediate layer (70 m thick, of 3 cm s−1 net inflow), and a bottom layer (below 80 m depth, of 3 cm s−1 net outflow). The surface outflow and, to a certain extent, the inflow layer were related to the buoyant water interacting with the ambient oceanic water. The inflowing layer and the bottom outflow were attributed to nonlinear effects associated with a tidal wave that reflects at the fjord's head. The weak subtidal currents followed the morphology of the bend and caused downwelling on the inside and upwelling on the outside part of the bend.  相似文献   
We investigate petrologic and physical aspects of melt extraction on the parent asteroid of the ureilite meteorites (UPB). We first develop a petrologic model for simultaneous melting and smelting (reduction of FeO by C) at various depths. For a model starting composition, determined from petrologic constraints to have been CV-like except for elevated Ca/Al (2.5 × CI), we determine (1) degree of melting, (2) the evolution of mg, (3) production of CO + CO2 gas and (4) the evolution of mineralogy in the residue as a function of temperature and pressure. We then use these relationships to examine implications of fractional vs. batch melt extraction.In the shallowest source regions (∼30 bars), melting and smelting begin simultaneously at ∼1050 °C, so that mg and the abundance of low-Ca pyroxene (initially pigeonite, ultimately pigeonite + orthopyroxene) begin to increase immediately. However, in the deepest source regions (∼100 bars), smelting does not begin until ∼1200 °C, so that mg begins to increase and low-Ca pyroxene (pigeonite) appears only after ∼21% melting. The final residues in these two cases, obtained just after the demise of augite, match the end-members of the ureilite mg range (∼94-76) in pyroxene abundance and type. In all source regions, production of CO + CO2 by smelting varies over the course of melting. The onset of smelting results in a burst of gas production and very high incremental gas/melt ratios (up to ∼2.5 by mass); after a few % (s)melting, however, these values drastically decline (to <0.05 in the final increments).Physical modelling based on these relationships indicates that melts would begin to migrate upwards after only ∼1-2% melting, and thereafter would migrate continuously (fractionally) and rapidly (reaching the surface in < a year) in a network of veins/dikes. All melts produced during the smelting stage in each source region have gas contents sufficient to cause them to erupt explosively and be lost. However, since in all but the shallowest source regions part of the melting sequence occurs without smelting, fractional melting implies that a significant fraction of UPB melts may have erupted more placidly to form a thin crust (∼3.3 km thick for a 100 km radius body).Our calculations suggest that melt extraction was so rapid that equilibrium trace element partitioning may not have been attained. We present a model for disequilibrium fractional melting (in which REE partitioning is limited by diffusion) on the UPB, and demonstrate that it produces a good match to the ureilite data. The disequilibrium model may also apply to trace siderophile elements, and might help explain the “overabundance” of these elements in ureilites relative to predictions from the smelting model.Our results suggest that melt extraction on the UPB was a rapid, fractional process, which can explain the preservation of a primitive oxygen isotopic signature on the UPB.  相似文献   
20世纪,越来越多的证据使人们意识到,吸入含石棉的灰尘会使从事与石棉有关的几种职业(如石棉采矿、造船和石棉产品组装)的工人患上几种严重的呼吸道疾病(石棉沉着病,肺癌和mesotheliuma)。为此已经制定了若干规定,以控制工人们在特殊的制造、采矿和其他工作地点与石棉尘埃的接触。比较间接的是控制和管理"天然产生的石棉"(NOA),这一问题近年来也引起了管理机构、健康机构和居民团体的注意。NOA包括在自然状态下原地找到的被描述为石棉的矿物,例如在基岩或土壤中的这种矿物。NOA之所以引起关注,是因为如果含石棉的岩石受到自然侵蚀或人类活动(例如修路、城市开挖、农业、采矿、压碎和碾磨)的影响,就有可能暴露并变成空中尘埃的微小纤维。天然石棉矿床的规模差异很大,从薄的四散的细脉一直到大的矿体。它们的地理分布与地质条件直接有关。石棉产出的地质背景是含镁丰富的主岩,这些岩石受到低压低温的变质作用蚀变而成。已知的容矿主岩包括变质的和已被交代的超基性岩(尤其是蛇纹岩)、一些基性火成岩、变质白云岩和变质的铁建造。石棉形状的角闪石在几种热液蚀变型的碱性火成侵入体中也能作为副矿物存在。石棉形成于可预见和可鉴别的地质环境。这种认识是一种信息,而这种信息使公众健康机构可以执行有情报根据的屏蔽和管理规划。第一步是在区域的或国家规模的尺度上确定和描述已知的(报道过的)石棉矿床。第二步是对容纳已知石棉矿的单位进行填图,以划定可能的其他石棉矿化的范围。这种地质研究使有关机构对遇到石棉的可能性做出规划,而尽量节省在不太可能遇到石棉矿的地区的管理费用。对石棉地质条件的认识可以事先应用于岩石和土壤的挖掘项目,而不管挖掘的规模有多大。这种对石棉管理的科学探索能有助于缓解对挖掘所发现的自然石棉矿床的连续不断地做出反应。因此,通过对很可能含有石棉矿床的地区做填图,规划者可开发出一些控制尘埃的程序,这些程序适用于工人和附近居民最容易暴露于空气携带的石棉的地区。  相似文献   

In northeast Vietnam, the karst of Halong Bay is characterized by very active neotectonics. The directional distribution of fracturing of the calcareous rocks is characterized by the influence of two major fault zones: the Red River fault zone (N140) and the Tan-Lu fault zone (N050). Karst development was favoured by intense fracturing, according to these two major directions, and reactived during recent tectonics by a compressional regime with σ1 N070, followed by an extensional regimes with σ1 near to EW that led to significant vertical movement. These tectonics, coupled with intense erosion, led to genesis and evolution of the spectacular morphology of this peak karst. © Elsevier, Paris  相似文献   
Dar es Salaam Quaternary coastal aquifer is a major source of water supply in Dar es Salaam City used for domestic, agricultural, and industrial uses. However, groundwater overdraft and contamination are the major problems affecting the aquifer system. This study aims to define the principal hydrogeochemical processes controlling groundwater quality in the coastal strip of Dar es Salaam and to investigate whether the threats of seawater intrusion and pollution are influencing groundwater quality. Major cations and anions analysed in 134 groundwater samples reveal that groundwater is mainly affected by four factors: dissolution of calcite and dolomite, weathering of silicate minerals, seawater intrusion due to aquifer overexploitation, and nitrate pollution mainly caused by the use of pit latrines and septic tanks. High enrichment of Na+ and Cl? near the coast gives an indication of seawater intrusion into the aquifer as also supported from the Na–Cl signature on the Piper diagram. The boreholes close to the coast have much higher Na/Cl molar ratios than the boreholes located further inland. The dissolution of calcite and dolomite in recharge areas results in Ca–HCO3 and Ca–Mg–HCO3 groundwater types. Further along flow paths, Ca2+ and Na+ ion exchange causes groundwater evolution to Na–HCO3 type. From the PHREEQC simulation model, it appears that groundwater is undersaturated to slightly oversaturated with respect to the calcite and dolomite minerals. The results of this study provide important information required for the protection of the aquifer system.  相似文献   
A RbSr whole-rock isochron gives an age of 1168±21 m.y. for the agpaitic units of Ilímaussaq, showing that this complex belongs to the main phase of Gardar igneous activity in south Greenland and is not, as previously supposed, a significantly younger intrusion. Moreover, the agpaites must have intruded very soon after the earlier augite syenite phase of Ilímaussaq. The initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.7096±0.0022 for the agpaites is in marked contrast to the low (~0.703) ratio obtained for the augite syenites and suggests that selective enrichment of 87Sr occurred by preferential leaching of radiogenic strontium from unstable positions in Rb lattice sites in older crustal material by the highly reactive agpaitic magma.  相似文献   
复合地基桩体对垫层的刺入量研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
亓乐  施建勇  侯仟 《岩土力学》2011,32(3):815-819
作为研究复合地基荷载传递规律和沉降的一个重要组成部分,桩体刺入变形量的分析与研究将进一步完善复合地基沉降理论,但目前对于桩体刺入量的研究并不多。对现有桩体向垫层刺入量计算方法进行了分析,指出不足之处,提出了更为合理的刺入量计算方法。通过与现有计算方法的比较,表明了方法的合理性。与模型试验结果进行了比较,证明了其方法的适用性。  相似文献   
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