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Continuous high-resolution mass accumulation rates (MAR) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) measurements from marine sediment records in the Bay of Biscay (NE Atlantic) have allowed the determination of the timing and the amplitude of the ‘Fleuve Manche’ (Channel River) discharges during glacial stages MIS 10, MIS 8, MIS 6 and MIS 4–2. These results have yielded detailed insight into the Middle and Late Pleistocene glaciations in Europe and the drainage network of the western and central European rivers over the last 350 kyr. This study provides clear evidence that the ‘Fleuve Manche’ connected the southern North Sea basin with the Bay of Biscay during each glacial period and reveals that ‘Fleuve Manche’ activity during the glaciations MIS 10 and MIS 8 was significantly less than during MIS 6 and MIS 2. We correlate the significant ‘Fleuve Manche’ activity, detected during MIS 6 and MIS 2, with the extensive Saalian (Drenthe Substage) and the Weichselian glaciations, respectively, confirming that the major Elsterian glaciation precedes the glacial MIS 10. In detail, massive ‘Fleuve Manche’ discharges occurred at ca 155 ka (mid-MIS 6) and during Termination I, while no significant discharges are found during Termination II. It is assumed that a substantial retreat of the European ice sheet at ca 155 kyr, followed by the formation of ice-free conditions between the British Isles and Scandinavia until Termination II, allowed meltwater to flow northwards through the North Sea basin during the second part of the MIS 6. We assume that this glacial pattern corresponds to the Warthe Substage glacial maximum, therefore indicating that the data presented here equates to the Drenthe and the Warthe glacial advances at ca 175–160 ka and ca 150–140 ka, respectively. Finally, the correlation of our records with ODP site 980 reveals that massive ‘Fleuve Manche’ discharges, related to partial or complete melting of the European ice masses, were synchronous with strong decreases in both the rate of deep-water formation and the strength of the Atlantic thermohaline circulation. ‘Fleuve Manche’ discharges over the last 350 kyr probably participated, with other meltwater sources, in the collapse of the thermohaline circulation by freshening the northern Atlantic surface water.  相似文献   
This article describes an infiltration–drainage test carried out in the unsaturated zone (UZ) at the Chernobyl Pilot Site during October 2008; this is an international radioecology study site and is the subject of several papers in this special issue. The test has to be seen in the larger context of radionuclide transport from a waste trench. The conducted experiment consisted of infiltrating a layer of 9.5 cm of water in a circular area of 5.51 m2 over 5 h. Its main objective was to create a larger range of water content values (and hence suction pressure values), not only at the top of the soil profile but also at greater depths, in this case up to 1.50 m. Observations of water content and suction pressure were carried out continuously at seven different depths during infiltration, drainage and during the return to natural conditions over a period of several months. This allowed deriving UZ parameter values with greater confidence than those derived from monitoring small natural water content changes over periods of years.  相似文献   
The silicate and carbonate fraction of 98 non-metamorphic shale samples from the Australian platform and of different geological age were analysed for calcium, magnesium, ferrous iron and carbonate. Cainozoic and Mesozoic shales prove to be essentially calcitic, Cambrian and Proterozoic shales are essentially dolomitic and sideritic. A similar trend of high MgO values can be demonstrated for the silicate fraction of the old shales. Extensive literature study confirms these trends for shales and carbonate rocks from all over the world. Slates, hornfelses and schists are Mg rich and Ca poor, whether young or old.Ronov's model of the evolution of the earth's crust ocean and atmosphere, explaining these trends, is critically reviewed but rejected because of impossible storage problems of calcium in the Proterozoic. The increased magnesium content of the old sediments is explained by calcium carbonate sweating out of the sedimentary column, magnesium introduction from altering volcanic rocks within the sedimentary pile and magnesium introduction from connate brines in sandstones. The increasing calcium content of all kinds of sediments with decreasing age is claimed to be related to preferential weathering of extrusive volcanic rocks and sweating out of calcium carbonate from the sedimentary column.  相似文献   
The four Galilean satellites are thought to harbor one or even two global internal liquid layers beneath their surface layer. The iron core of Io and Ganymede is most likely (partially) liquid and also the core of Europa may be liquid. Furthermore, there are strong indications for the existence of a subsurface ocean in Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. Here, we investigate whether libration observations can be used to prove the existence of these liquid layers and to constrain the thickness of the overlying solid layers. For Io, the presence of a small liquid core increases the libration of the mantle by a few percent with respect to an entirely solid Io and mantle libration observations could be used to determine the mantle thickness with a precision of several tens of kilometers given that the libration amplitude can be measured with a precision of 1 m. For Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto, the presence of a water ocean close to the surface increases by at least an order of magnitude the ice shell libration amplitude with respect to an entirely solid satellite. The shell libration depends essentially on the shell thickness and to a minor extent on the density difference between the ocean and the ice shell. The possible presence of a liquid core inside Europa and Ganymede has no noticeable influence on their shell libration. For a precision of several meters on the libration measurements, in agreement with the expected accuracy with the NASA/ESA EJSM orbiter mission to Europa and Ganymede, an error on the shell thickness of a few tens kilometers is expected. Therefore, libration measurements can be used to detect liquid layers such as Io’s core or water subsurface oceans in Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto and to constrain the thickness of the overlying solid surface layers.  相似文献   
Microbial contamination monitoring and control during human space missions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The ubiquity and resilience of microorganisms makes them unavoidable in most environments including space habitats. The impaired immune system of astronauts in flight raises the level of concern about disease risk during human space missions and additionally these biological contaminants may affect life support systems and hardware. In this review, the microbial contamination observed in manned space stations and in particular the International Space Station ISS will be discussed, demonstrating that it is a microbiologically safe working and living habitat. Microbial contamination levels were in general below the implemented quality standards, although, occasional contamination hazard reports indicate that the current prevention and monitoring strategies are the strict minimum.  相似文献   
The Alpha Ridge is one of three subparallel trending ridges that cut the Arctic Ocean. It is roughly Late Cretaceous to Eocene in age, and seismic refraction records suggest it comprises a thick sequence of oceanic crust. During the 1983 CESAR expedition 20 similar samples of acoustic basement were dredged from the walls of a major graben of the Alpha Ridge, at one site. These are the only basement samples ever recovered from the ridge and provide the first direct evidence for its nature, composition and possible origin.The basement samples are highly altered pyroclastic rocks composed almost entirely of basaltic volcanic clasts with little matrix. Although the rocks are highly altered, most primary textures and structures are preserved. Most clasts are highly amygdaloidal to scoriaceous, fine grained to glassy, and angular to subround with rare vesicle controlled boundaries. Little reworking is suggested because a single clast type predominates, many of the clasts are subangular, and any amount of reworking would result in destruction of the delicate scoriaceous clasts.Rare clinopyroxene phenocrysts comprise the only unaltered portion of the rocks. They are salitic in composition (Wo49–53, En32–41, Fs11–15), with significant amounts of Ca, Al and Ti. Salitic clinopyroxenes are typical of alkalic basalts.Interpretation of the whole rock geochemistry based on relatively immobile elements, (Nb, Zr, Tio2, and Y), and chondrite-normalized incompatible trace element and REE patterns indicates that the volcanic rock fragments are of alkalic basalt. Geochemical discriminators suggest a within-plate tectonic setting.Textural evidence suggests that the CESAR basement rocks were sampled from a rapidly emplaced submarine fallout deposit that was erupted at a depth at least less than 800 m and likely less than 200 m. High extrusive rates would have been required to build the ridge up to shallow depth prior to the cessation of volcanism. The alkalic affinity of the rocks strongly suggests that the Alpha ridge was not formed by volcanism at an island arc or a mature spreading centre. It is also unlikely that it formed as a “leaky” fracture zone. Alkalic basalts, however, are commonly associated with various types of oceanic aseismic ridges. It is suggested that the Alpha Ridge is an aseismic ridge that formed due to voluminous hotspot volcanism as spreading began in the Canada Basin. Such hotppot activity may have been responsible for initiating the rifting, breakup, and dispersal that eventually formed the Canada Basin.  相似文献   
Massive stars     
We describe the present state of massive star research seen from the viewpoint of stellar evolution, with special emphasis on close binaries. Statistics of massive close binaries are reasonably complete for the Solar neighbourhood. We defend the thesis that within our knowledge, many scientific results where the effects of binaries are not included, have an academic value, but may be far from reality. In chapter I, we summarize general observations of massive stars where we focus on the HR diagram, stellar wind mass loss rates, the stellar surface chemistry, rotation, circumstellar environments, supernovae. Close binaries can not be studied separately from single stars and vice versa. First, the evolution of single stars is discussed (chapter I). We refer to new calculations with updated stellar wind mass loss rate formalisms and conclusions are proposed resulting from a comparison with representative observations. Massive binaries are considered in chapter II. Basic processes are briefly described, i.e. the Roche lobe overflow and mass transfer, the common envelope process, the spiral-in process in binaries with extreme mass ratio, the effects of mass accretion and the merging process, the implications of the (asymmetric) supernova explosion of one of the components on the orbital parameters of the binary. Evolutionary computations of interacting close binaries are discussed and general conclusions are drawn. The enormous amount of observational data of massive binaries is summarized. We separately consider the non-evolved and evolved systems. The latter class includes the semi-detached and contact binaries, the WR binaries, the X-ray binaries, the runaways, the single and binary pulsars. A general comparison between theoretical evolution and observations is combined with a discussion of specially interesting binaries: the evolved binaries HD 163181, HD 12323, HD 14633, HD 193516, HD 25638, HD 209481, Per and Sgr; the WR+OB binary V444 Cyg; the high mass X-ray binaries Vela X-1, Wray 977, Cyg X-1; the low mass X-ray binaries Her X-1 and those with a black hole candidate; the runaway Pup, the WR+compact companion candidates Cyg X-3, HD 50896 and HD 197406. We finally propose an overall evolutionary model of massive close binaries as a function of primary mass, mass ratio and orbital period. Chapter III deals with massive star population synthesis with a realistic population of binaries. We discuss the massive close binary frequency, mass ratio and period distribution, the observations that allow to constrain possible asymmetries during the supernova explosion of a massive star. We focuss on the comparison between observed star numbers (as a function of metallicity) and theoretically predicted numbers of stellar populations in regions of continuous star formation and in starburst regions. Special attention is given to the O-type star/WR star/red supergiant star population, the pulsar and binary pulsar population, the supernova rates. Received 17 July 1998  相似文献   
15 abrupt warming transitions perturbed glacial climate in Greenland during Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS 3, 60–27 ka BP). One hypothesis states that the 8–16 °C warming between Greenland Stadials (GS) and Interstadials (GI) was caused by enhanced heat transport to the North Atlantic region after a resumption of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) from a weak or shutdown stadial mode. This hypothesis also predicts warming over Europe, a prediction poorly constrained by data due to the paucity of well-dated quantitative temperature records. We therefore use a new evidence from biotic proxies and a climate model simulation to study the characteristics of a GS–GI transition in continental Europe and the link to enhanced AMOC strength. We compare reconstructed climatic and vegetation changes between a stadial and subsequent interstadial – correlated to GS15 and GI14 (~55 ka BP) – with a simulated AMOC resumption using a three-dimensional earth system model setup with early-MIS 3 boundary conditions. Over western Europe (12°W–15°E), we simulate twice the annual precipitation, a 17 °C warmer coldest month, a 8 °C warmer warmest month, 1300 °C-day more growing degree days with baseline 5 °C (GDD5) and potential vegetation allowing tree cover after the transition. However, the combined effect of frequent killing frosts, <20 mm summer precipitation and too few GDD5 after the transition suggest a northern tree limit lying at ~50°N during GI14. With these 3 climatic limiting factors we provide a possible explanation for the absence of forests north of 48°N during MIS 3 interstadials with mild summers. Finally, apart from a large model bias in warmest month surface air temperatures, our simulation is in reasonable agreement with reconstructed climatic and vegetation changes in Europe, thus further supporting the hypothesis.  相似文献   
Indisputable geochronology of Icelandic volcanism may contribute to improving the use of volcanic proxies for paleoenvironmental studies. Accurate and reliable ages may also provide some useful constraints in studying the possible relationship between volcanism and deglaciation in Iceland. Given the difficulty of dating accurately young and low potassic volcanic samples from Iceland, the relationship between deglaciation and increasing levels of volcanism has been shown only for the last deglaciation. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the potential of the unspiked K–Ar dating method for dating Quaternary Icelandic volcanic rocks, because we consider that reliable K–Ar ages of interglacial and sub-glacial volcanic products may generate useful data sets for paleoclimatic reconstructions, so enabling the link between glaciation and volcanic activity to be better established. Given the ages and precisions obtained, this study demonstrates that the unspiked K–Ar method is a promising tool for reconstructing the recent volcanic activity in Iceland during glacial and interglacial intervals.  相似文献   
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