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AbstractThis paper addresses the hydrological and meteorological extremes that may be deduced from the taxation records of the estates of Brtnice, T?ebí? and Velké Mezi?í?í, all in the Moravian-Bohemian Highlands of the Czech Republic, for the years 1706–1849. At that time, damage to agricultural crops constituted grounds for tax remission for individual farmers and landowners. Where it survives, the relevant administrative documentation generally includes a statement from the applicant, a report by the official commission tasked with checking the contents of it, and any decisions made by taxation authorities at regional and “land” level (the Jihlava regional office and the Moravian Land Administration (“Gubernium”) respectively). Data extracted may include the type of event, dating, places of occurrence and damage done. The chronology of hydrological and meteorological extremes (torrential rain, flash flood, flood, hailstorm, lightning, frost) covers the period 1706–1849, but only four events are evident before 1748 and there is a gap in records between 1757 and 1789. Extremes are analysed from a spatio-temporal point of view. A total of 97 extreme events (171 extremes of particular type) were identified for the region studied. Torrential rain, hailstorm and flash flood were the major devastating phenomena, and occurred mainly from May to August. Torrential rain and hailstorm are clearly attributable to thunderstorms with very intense convection. Five outstanding events and their impacts upon individual farmers are described in detail. The results are discussed with respect to uncertainties in the basic data and in the context of the Czech Lands, because only some of the extremes disclosed are known and confirmed by other documentary data.
Editor Z.W. KundzewiczCitation Dolák, L., Brázdil, R., and Valá?ek, H., 2013. Hydrological and meteorological extremes derived from taxation records: the estates of Brtnice, T?ebí? and Velké Mezi?í?í, 1706–1849. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (8), 1620–1634. 相似文献
Abstract In this paper, an overview of storm waves associated with intense weather systems affecting the east and west coasts of Canada is presented. The paper presents the wave climatology of the east and west coasts in terms of the 100‐year significant and maximum wave heights and further analyses the directional distribution of wave heights at selected locations in the Canadian east and west coasts offshore. The paper also analyses wave hazards associated with storm waves in the Beaufort Sea as well as the Canadian Great Lakes region. A section on ocean wave modelling provides a brief history of the development of ocean surface wave models and its present status. The paper further considers the impact of climate change scenarios on wave hazards and finally examines mitigation measures in terms of wave products available from operational wave models and related wave climatology. 相似文献
The discreteness of the time series of the solar-related geophysical phenomena is justified. The balance of the formation and decomposition (neglecting diffusion) of fractal elements during the evolution of the equilibrium systems as applied to the heliophysical and geomagnetic phenomena is the original position in this case. The discreteness properties of the spatial-temporal characteristics of solar activity are simply justified based on a fractal analysis. The performed calculations in the solar wind medium in the near-Earth space make it possible to classify the fluxes depending on their fractal dimension. The possible mechanism by which high-speed solar wind streams are generated is also briefly discussed in the scope of the fractal paradigm. 相似文献
S. Savin A. Skalsky L. Zelenyi L. Avanov N. Borodkova S. Klimov V. Lutsenko E. Panov S. Romanov V. Smirnov YU. Yermolaev P. Song E. Amata G. Consolini T. A. Fritz J. Buechner B. Nikutowski J. Blecki C. Farrugia N. Maynard J. Pickett J. A. Sauvaud J. L. Rauch J. G. Trotignon Y. Khotyaintsev K. Stasiewicz 《Surveys in Geophysics》2005,26(1-3):95-133
We present both statistical and case studies of magnetosheath interaction with the high-latitude magnetopause on the basis of Interball-1 and other ISTP spacecraft data. We discuss those data along with recently published results on the topology of cusp-magnetosheath transition and the roles of nonlinear disturbances in mass and energy transfer across the high-latitude magnetopause. For sunward dipole tilts, a cusp throat is magnetically open for direct interaction with the incident flow that results in the creation of a turbulent boundary layer (TBL) over an indented magnetopause and downstream of the cusp. For antisunward tilts, the cusp throat is closed by a smooth magnetopause; demagnetized ‘plasma balls’ (with scale ∼ few RE, an occurrence rate of ∼25% and trapped energetic particles) present a major magnetosheath plasma channel just inside the cusp. The flow interacts with the ‘plasma balls’ via reflected waves, which trigger a chaotization of up to 40% of the upstream kinetic energy. These waves propagate upstream of the TBL and initiate amplification of the existing magnetosheath waves and their cascade-like decays during downstream passage throughout the TBL. The most striking feature of the nonlinear interaction is the appearance of magnetosonic jets, accelerated up to an Alfvenic Mach number of 3. The characteristic impulsive local momentum loss is followed by decelerated Alfvenic flows and modulated by the TBL waves; momentum balance is conserved only on time scales of the Alfvenic flows (1/fA
∼12 min). Wave trains at fA∼1.3 mHz are capable of synchronizing interactions throughout the outer and inner boundary layers. The sonic/Alfvenic flows, bounded by current sheets, control the TBL spectral shape and result in non-Gaussian statistical characteristics of the disturbances, indicating the fluctuation intermittency. We suggest that the multi-scale TBL processes play at least a comparable role to that of macro-reconnection (remote from or in the cusp) in solar wind energy transformation and population of the magnetosphere by the magnetosheath plasma. Secondary micro-reconnection constitutes a necessary chain at the small-scale (∼ion gyroradius) edge of the TBL cascades. The thick TBL transforms the flow energy, including deceleration and heating of the flow in the open throat, ‘plasma ball’ and the region downstream of the cusp. 相似文献
Chrystelle Auterives Luc Aquilina Olivier Bour Mélanie Davranche Valérie Paquereau 《水文研究》2011,25(18):2890-2906
The present study makes use of a detailed water balance to investigate the hydrological status of a peatland with a basal clay‐rich layer overlying an aquifer exploited for drinking water. The aim is to determine the influence of climate and groundwater extraction on the water balance and water levels in the peatland. During the two‐year period of monitoring, the hydrological functioning of the wetland showed a hydric deficit, associated with a permanent unsaturated layer and a deep water table. At the same time, a stream was observed serving as a recharge inflow instead of draining the peatland, as usually described in natural systems. Such conditions are not favourable for peat accumulation. Field investigations show that the clay layer has a high hydraulic conductivity (from 1·10?7 to 3·10?9 m.s?1) and does not form a hydraulic barrier. Moreover, the vertical hydraulic gradients are downward between the peat and the sand aquifer, leading to high flows of groundwater through the clay layer (20–48% of the precipitation). The observed hydric deficit of the peatland results from a combination of dry climatic conditions during the study period and groundwater extraction. The climatic effect is mainly expressed through drying out of the peatland, while the anthropogenic effect leads to an enhancement of the climatic effect on a global scale, and a modification of fluxes at a local scale. The drying out of the peatland can lead to its mineralisation, which thus gives rise to environmental impacts. The protection of such wetlands in the context of climate change should take account of anthropogenic pressures by considering the wetland‐aquifer interaction. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Chunming Shi Valérie Masson-Delmotte Camille Risi Thomas Eglin Michel Stievenard Monique Pierre Xiaochun Wang Jing Gao François-Marie Bréon Qi-Bin Zhang Valérie Daux 《Earth and Planetary Science Letters》2011,301(1-2):307-316
We explore the potential of tree-ring cellulose δ18O and δ13C records for reconstructing climate variability in the southeast Tibetan Plateau. Our sampling strategy was designed to investigate intra and inter-tree variability, and the effects of the age of tree on δ18O variation. We show that intra-tree δ13C and δ18O variability is negligible, and inter-tree coherence is sufficient to build robust tree-ring δ18O or δ13C chronologies based on only four trees. There is no evidence of an age effect regarding δ18O, in contrast with tree-ring width. In our warm and moist sampling site, young tree δ13C is not clearly correlated with monthly mean meteorological data. Tree-ring δ18O appears significantly anti-correlated with summer precipitation amount, regional cloud cover, and relative humidity. Simulations conducted with the ORCHIDEE land surface model confirm the observed contribution of relative humidity to tree cellulose δ18O, and explain the weak correlation of δ13C with climate by the non-linear integration linked with photosynthesis. Altogether, the tree-ring cellulose δ18O is shown to be a promising proxy to reconstruct regional summer moisture variability prior to the instrumental period. 相似文献
We have revised the Astro Space Center catalog of Class I methanol masers detected in star-forming regions (MMI/SFR), mainly at 44 GHz, and created a new electronic version of the catalog. Currently, the catalog contains 206 objects, selected from publications through 2011 inclusive. The data from the survey of Chen et al. (2011), performed specifically for objects EGO, which form a new specific catalog, are not included. The MMI/SFR objects were identified with emission and absorption objects in the near IR, detected during the MSX and Spitzer space missions. Seventy-one percent of Class I methanol masers that emit at 44 GHz and fall within the Galactic longitude range surveyed by Spitzer (GLIMPSE) are identified with Spitzer Dark Clouds (SDCs), and 42% with Extended Green Objects (EGOs). It is possible that Class I methanol masers arise in isolated, self-gravitating clumps, such as SDCs, at certain stages of their evolution. A sample of SDCs is proposed as a new target list for Class I methanol maser searches. A detailed statistical analysis was carried out, taking into account the characteristics of the regions of MMI/SFR formation presented in the catalog. 相似文献
Ghislain Dubois Benjamin Sovacool Carlo Aall Maria Nilsson Carine Barbier Alina Herrmann Sébastien Bruyère Camilla Andersson Bore Skold Franck Nadaud Florian Dorner Karen Richardsen Moberg Jean Paul Ceron Helen Fischer Dorothee Amelung Marta Baltruszewicz Jeremy Fischer Françoise Benevise Valérie R. Louis Rainer Sauerborn 《Chemie der Erde / Geochemistry》2012
Through their consumption behavior, households are responsible for 72% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Thus, they are key actors in reaching the 1.5 °C goal under the Paris Agreement. However, the possible contribution and position of households in climate policies is neither well understood, nor do households receive sufficiently high priority in current climate policy strategies. This paper investigates how behavioral change can achieve a substantial reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in European high-income countries. It uses theoretical thinking and some core results from the HOPE research project, which investigated household preferences for reducing emissions in four European cities in France, Germany, Norway and Sweden. The paper makes five major points: First, car and plane mobility, meat and dairy consumption, as well as heating are the most dominant components of household footprints. Second, household living situations (demographics, size of home) greatly influence the household potential to reduce their footprint, even more than country or city location. Third, household decisions can be sequential and temporally dynamic, shifting through different phases such as childhood, adulthood, and illness. Fourth, short term voluntary efforts will not be sufficient by themselves to reach the drastic reductions needed to achieve the 1.5 °C goal; instead, households need a regulatory framework supporting their behavioral changes. Fifth, there is a mismatch between the roles and responsibilities conveyed by current climate policies and household perceptions of responsibility. We then conclude with further recommendations for research and policy. 相似文献
Georges Aouad Valérie Geoffroy Jean-Marie Meyer Jean-Louis Crovisier Denis Damidot Peter Stille 《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2005,337(15):1340-1347
The influence of microorganisms on mineral alteration is not easy to determine in environmental conditions, because of the difficulty to raise for comparison purposes an identical but abiotic system. Another problem in this context is the choice of reliable tracers to evaluate the alteration rate of materials during in vitro experiments. To face such difficulties, we elaborated a defined medium allowing both the growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and a precise measurement of the elements solubilized from the minerals. Thanks to this medium, we were able to quantitatively determine the amounts of major elements solubilized from the materials in the presence of bacterial growth, compared to a sterile system. Moreover, the analysis by ICP-MS of trace elements was possible after a chromatographic treatment, which selectively eliminated 99% of the sodium content of the medium. To cite this article: G. Aouad et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005). 相似文献
Hans Romang Massimiliano Zappa Nadine Hilker Matthias Gerber François Dufour Valérie Frede Dominique Bérod Matthias Oplatka Christoph Hegg Jakob Rhyner 《Natural Hazards》2011,56(2):509-527
IFKIS-Hydro is an information and warning system for hydrological hazards in small- and medium-scale catchments. The system
collects data such as weather forecasts, precipitation measurements, water level gauges, discharge simulations and local observations
of event-specific phenomena. In addition, IFKIS-Hydro incorporates a web-based information platform, which serves as a central
hub for the submission and overview of data. Special emphasis is given to local information. This is accomplished particularly
by human observers. In medium-scale catchments, discharge forecast models have an increasing importance in providing valuable
information. IFKIS-Hydro was developed in several test regions in Switzerland and the first results of its application are
available now. The system is constantly extended to additional regions and may become the standard for warning systems in
smaller catchments in Switzerland. 相似文献