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Lacustrine environments are an excellent indicator of continental palaeoclimate. In particular, the sedimentary record of waves in lakes may be used to constrain atmospheric palaeocirculation. Wave ripples have been identified in a Permian lacustrine basin (the Salagou Formation, 260–250 Ma, Lodève Basin) located in the southern French Massif Central, part of the western European Hercynian mountain chain. Wave ripple patterns are interpreted with regards to hydrodynamics and water palaeodepth. It is shown that, in the case of the Salagou Formation, wave ripple orientations were controlled by the direction of the prevailing palaeowind. The Late Permian wind blew from between north and 20° east of north, possibly over several millions of years and certainly throughout the period of deposition of about 2000 m of strata in the Lodève Basin. Permian lacustrine sedimentation is widespread and well preserved on the Earth's surface and so wave ripple data may help constrain numerical modelling of the Earth's past climates, especially with regards to Permian times outside of desert regions.  相似文献   
Much previous research at surge-type glaciers has sought to identify features diagnostic of surge-type behaviour. However, in comparatively little work have subglacial landform–sediment characteristics been used to reconstruct changing basal processes and conditions during surge events. Subglacial bedforms described in this article are associated with the 1991 surge of Skeiðarárjökull, Iceland, and include a series of drumlins with superimposed flutes and basal crevasse-fill ridges. The drumlins were formed by the subglacial erosion of ice-contact fans. Sedimentary evidence indicates a shift from rigid-bed to soft-bed conditions during the surge. The presence of eroded but undeformed fan sediments suggests that they acted as a rigid bed when initially overridden. Subsequent deposition of a layer of deformation till resulted in a change to soft-bed conditions and the generation of flutes and subglacial crevasse-fill ridges. The lack of mixing between this till and the underlying stratified sediments indicates that subglacial sediment deformation was restricted to a thin layer and that its deposition resulted in a cessation of subglacial erosion. The drumlin is therefore a composite of both rigid-bed and soft-bed processes that illustrates changes in basal conditions and processes during the course of the event. The limited time frame in which the drumlin formed and the presence of kettleholes across its surface are distinctive features that may warrant further investigation in the search for features diagnostic of past surge events.  相似文献   
Buylaert, J.‐P., Huot, S., Murray, A.S. & Van den haute, P.: Infrared stimulated luminescence dating of an Eemian (MIS 5e) site in Denmark using K‐feldspar. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00156.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. Infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) dating of K‐feldspars may be an alternative to quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating when the quartz OSL signal is too close to saturation or when the quartz luminescence characteristics are unsuitable. In this paper, Eemian (MIS 5e) coastal marine sands exposed in a cliff section on the coast of southern Jutland (Denmark) are used to test the accuracy and precision of IRSL dating using K‐feldspars. This material has been used previously to test quartz OSL dating ( Murray & Funder 2003 ): a small systematic underestimation of <10% compared to the expected age of ~130 ka was reported. In our study, a single‐aliquot regenerative‐dose (SAR) IRSL protocol is used to determine values of equivalent dose (De) and the corresponding fading rates (g values). A significant age underestimation (of up to ~35%) is observed; this is attributed to anomalous fading. Using a single site‐average fading rate of 3.66 ± 0.09%/decade to correct the IRSL ages for all samples provides good agreement between the average fading‐corrected K‐feldspar age (119 ± 6 ka) and the independent age control (132–125 ka). This is despite the reservations of Huntley & Lamothe (2001) that their fading correction method is not expected to work on samples older than ~20–50 ka. This fading‐corrected feldspar result is not significantly different from the overall revised quartz age (114 ± 7 ka) also presented here. We conclude that fading‐corrected IRSL ages measured using K‐feldspar may be both precise and accurate over a greater age range than might be otherwise expected.  相似文献   
Abstract The Port aux Basques gneisses comprise three lithostratigraphic units separated by major fault zones: the Grand Bay Complex; the Port aux Basques Complex; and the Harbor le Cou Group. A similar regionally developed polyphase history of penetrative deformation characterizes each of these units. Thickening during D1 produced rare recumbent folds (F1) and an axial planar schistosity (S1), overprinted by D2 recumbent folds (F2), and transposed during development of a locally penetrative, differentiated crenulation cleavage (S2). In western sectors of the area, D2 was associated with NW-directed reverse shearing. The NE-trending structural grain reflects D3 transpression, partitioned into dextral transcurrent movement along major shear zones and development of upright-to-steeply inclined, periclinal folds (F3) and a variably penetrative schistosity (S3). Amphibolite facies metamorphism increases in grade from west to east across the area. Microstructures, including porphyroblast-matrix foliation relations and internal textural unconformities in garnet, indicate episodic porphyroblast nucleation and growth, which reflect a prograde traverse sequentially across univariant reactions during syntectonic metamorphism. Garnet, kyanite and staurolite porphyroblasts are wrapped by the S2 foliation, but each may contain trails of inclusions that define S1; commonly these trails preserve early stages of S2 crenulation cleavage development. Progressive and sequential reaction out of kyanite, staurolite and muscovite in favour of sillimanite, garnet, biotite and K-feldspar, and the development of an increasing volume of anatectic migmatite in south-eastern sectors of the area record syn- to late-D2 peak metamorphic conditions. Microstructural relationships and petrogenetic grid considerations indicate clockwise trajectories in P-T space for units of the Port aux Basques gneisses. Peak metamorphic conditions are estimated to have been 620–650° C at ≤8kbar in the west and 700–750° C at ≤8 kbar in the east. Titanite from an upper amphibolite facies calc-silicate gneiss yields U-Pb ages of c. 420 Ma, interpreted to date cooling shortly after the thermal peak in these gneisses. Variable D3 strain was associated with some recrystallization of hornblende and micas. 40Ar/39Ar hornblende plateau isotope correlation ages range from c. 419 to c. 393 Ma, from east to west across the area, and are interpreted to record cooling through c. 500° C coeval with or soon after D3 deformation. The range in ages may record the effects of heterogeneous D3 deformation and differential uplift from south-east to north-west associated with displacement on major shear zones. 40Ar/39Ar muscovite plateau ages cluster at c. 390 Ma, and date cooling through c. 375° C during regional exhumation. Cooling rates are moderate to fast and may indicate a component of tectonic exhumation. The Port aux Basques gneisses are a product of Silurian collisional tectonics. The higher grade of metamorphism in comparison with adjacent areas of the Canadian Appalachians is interpreted to reflect greater thickening due to juxtaposition of the St Lawrence promontory (Laurentian margin) with the Cabot promontory (Avalonian margin) during closure of the Iapetus Ocean.  相似文献   
Abstract— We measured the concentrations of the cosmogenic radionuclides 10Be (half-life = 1.51 × 106 a), 26Al (7.05 × 105 a) and 36Cl (3.01 × 105 a) in Lewis Cliff (LEW) 86360, an L-chondrite from the Lewis Cliff stranding area, East Antarctica. In addition, the concentrations and isotopic compositions of He, Ne and Ar were measured. The combined results yield a terrestrial age of 2.35 ± 0.15 Ma. Only one other stony meteorite with a similar terrestrial age (~2 Ma) is known from the Allan Hills stranding area (ALH 88019), whereas all previously dated stony meteorites from Antarctica are younger than 1 Ma. We argue that LEW 86360 spent most of its terrestrial residence time deep inside the ice, near the base of the glacier, where ice flow rates are much lower than at the surface. The terrestrial ages of LEW 86360 and ALH 88019 are consistent with existing hypotheses concerning the stability and persistence of the East Antarctic ice sheet.  相似文献   
It is shown that the so-called Kirchhoff-summation operator is of a very wide-band nature and even contains an evanescent part. As a consequence, discretization may cause serious aliasing errors, particularly for small extrapolation steps. It is proposed to use in all practical cases band-limited versions of the summation operator, the spatial cut-off frequency being determined by the spatial Fourier spectrum of the coherent noise.  相似文献   
Micropaleontological analysis of a silt intraclast in till exposed near Steenwijk in the northern Netherlands revealed an acritarch flora of Late Silurian–Early Devonian age, of southeastern Baltic Basin origin. The age of this assemblage contrasts with what is known about the palynomorph content of Dutch tills. Petrologic analysis of the silt intraclast provides further insight in the direction and mode of Saalian glacier transport.  相似文献   
Abstract. Plagioclase porphyroblasts from silvergrey schists belonging to the Nevado Filabride Complex in the Sierra Alhamilla (Betic Zone, SE Spain) are interpreted as having been formed preand synkinematically with respect to the second phase of deformation. Different types of inclusion patterns represent 'snap-shots'(high growth-rate/strain-rate ratio features) of the formation of a diffentiated crenulation cleavage during this second phase of deformation, by the processes of kinking, crenulation and associated differentiation.
Regional considerations indicate an Alpine age for this tectono-metamorphic event, which can be explained by the'hot emplacement'of the higher Nevado Filabride units. The observed structural evolution is not consistent with a pre-Alpine polyphase deformation history.  相似文献   
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