An industrial accident resulted in a spillage of aldrin onto an estuarine beach at Hardys Bay, New South Wales. Samples of water and sediment were taken 3 weeks later to measure the level of contamination resulting from the spill. The abundances of some intertidal biota were also determined at the site of the spillage and in other uncontaminated areas.
Three weeks after the spill, samples of water were not contaminated by aldrin but samples of sediment from the surface in the vicinity of the drain contained aldrin. In comparison to uncontaminated locations the abundances of crustacea were greatly reduced in the vicinity of the drain but abundances of polychaetes were not significantly different. The field data on the relative susceptibility of the two groups of animals agrees well with laboratory derived LC50 data for crustacea and polychaetes.
The study suggests that degree of contamination of water and sediment may not always be an accurate reflection of acute impact on biota, and that different components of the biota can show different reactions to the presence of a toxic chemical. 相似文献
This paper focuses on changing trust relationships among fishermen following new governance arrangements. The previous ‘thick’ trust relationships that characterized the Dutch fisheries industry under a neo-corporatist arrangement had resulted in an isolation of local fishermen groups vis-à-vis outsiders. However, under new governance arrangements, in particular the so-called Study Groups, these trust relationships are changing. The establishment of Study Groups, where fishermen from different localities have to cooperate on sustainability innovations in order to receive subsidies, lead to more diversity within the industry, more collaborations across localities and new forms of ‘thin’ trust. As such, these Study Groups can be understood as successful experiments in further opening up of the fisheries community. 相似文献
The unit cell parameters, extracted from Rietveld analysis of neutron powder diffraction data collected between 4.2 K and
320 K, have been used to calculate the temperature evolution of the thermal expansion tensor for gypsum for 50 ≤ T ≤ 320 K. At 300 K the magnitudes of the principal axes are α11 = 1.2(6) × 10−6 K−1, α22 = 36.82(1) × 10−6 K−1 and α33 = 25.1(5) × 10−6 K−1. The maximum axis, α22, is parallel to b, and using Institution of Radio Engineers (IRE) convention for the tensor orthonormal basis, the axes α11 and α33 have directions equal to (−0.979, 0, 0.201) and (0.201, 0, 0.979) respectively. The orientation and temperature dependent
behaviour of the thermal expansion tensor is related to the crystal structure in the I2/a setting.
Received 12 February 1998 / Revised, accepted 19 October 1998 相似文献
Experience in introduction of an automatic system of earthquake source parameter calculation based on an existing seismic network is described. Open source software products for automatic seismic data processing are reviewed. Methods for real-time waveform stream processing are discussed in detail. Parameters of some subroutines of the system are described. Information flows and data life cycle in the developed automatic system are outlined. Earthquake location errors in the system are analyzed. The detection capability of seismic networks is evaluated. 相似文献
Petrologic and geochronological work was carried out on a roadside outcrop of amphibolite facies orthogneisses near São Lourenço da Serra, about 50 km southwest of São Paulo City. These orthogneisses belong to the Embu Complex, within the Neoproterozoic Brasiliano Orogenic Cycle mobile belts of SE Brazil. The outcrop consists of predominantly foliated biotite tonalites and granodiorites, which were cut by granitic veins and pegmatites prior to final deformation. SHRIMP U/Pb measurements on zircons from one granodioritic–tonalitic gneiss indicate magmatic crystallization of the protolith at 811±13 Ma (MSWD=1.0). Zircons with dates of ca. 2000 and ca. 1000 Ma in this rock are interpreted as inherited from older crust. One zircon analyzed from the gneiss and three zircons from a discordant pegmatitic vein indicate an event at 650–700 Ma, perhaps related to the intrusion of the pegmatites. A regression of Rb–Sr whole rock data for four biotite gneisses yielded an imperfect isochron, giving an apparent age of 821±68 Ma and an elevated initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.719±0.005. The elevated initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio and the inherited zircons indicate involvement of older crust in the genesis of the gneisses. Rb–Sr feldspar and whole rock pairs yield ca. 560 Ma tielines, giving the time of final cooling below 300–350 °C, and the cessation of medium-grade metamorphism and ductile deformation. These results document a series of tectono-thermal events spanning 250 million years during the Brasiliano Orogenic Cycle. They relate to ca. 800 Ma magmatic arc activity and later allochthonous terrane assembly during closure of the Adamastor Ocean, resulting in the accretion of Western Gondwana. 相似文献
Abstract— We describe a previously unreported meteorite found in Axtell, Texas, in 1943. Based on the mineralogical composition and texture of its matrix and the sizes and abundance of chondrules, we classify it as a CV3 carbonaceous chondrite. The dominant opaque phase in the chondrules is magnetite, and that in refractory inclusions is Ni-rich NiFe metal (awaruite). Axtell, therefore, belongs to the oxidized subgroup of CV3 chondrites, although unlike Allende it escaped strong sulfidation. The meteorite bears a strong textural resemblance to Allende, and its chondrule population and matrix appear to be quite similar to those of Allende, but its refractory inclusions, thermoluminescence properties, and cosmogenic 60Co abundances are not. Our data are consistent with a terrestrial age for Axtell of ~100 years and a metamorphic grade slightly lower than that of Allende. 相似文献
Landslides - Earthquake-induced landslides involve excessive movement of slopes, usually along slip surfaces. This seismic movement of slopes may depend crucially on (a) the soil response along the... 相似文献
On the basis of a representative collection of ultramafic rocks and chromite ores and a series of technological samples from the largest (Central and Western) deposits in the Rai-Iz massif of the Polar Urals and the Almaz-Zhemchuzhina and Poiskovy deposits in the Kempirsai massif of the southern Urals, the distribution and speciation of platinum-group elements (PGE) in various type sections of mafic-ultramafic massifs of the Main ophiolite belt of the Urals have been studied. Spectral-chemical and spectrophotometric analyses were carried out to estimate PGE in 700 samples of ultramafic rocks and chromite ores; 400 analyses of minerals from rocks, ores, and concentrates and 100 analyses of PGE minerals (PGM) in chromite ores and concentrates were performed using an electron microprobe. Near-chondritic and nonchondritic PGE patterns in chromitebearing sections have been identified. PGE mineralization has been established to occur in chromite ore from all parts of the mafic-ultramafic massifs in the Main ophiolite belt of the Urals. The PGE deposits and occurrences discovered therein are attributed to four types (Kraka, Kempirsai, Nurali-Upper Neiva, and Shandasha), which are different in mode of geological occurrence, geochemical specialization, and placer-forming capability. Fluid-bearing minerals of the pargasite-edenite series have been identified for the first time in the matrix of chromite ore of the Kempirsai massif (the Almaz-Zhemchuzhina deposit) and Voikar-Syn’ya massif (the Kershor deposit). The PGE grade in various types of chromite ore ranges from 0.1–0.2 to 1–2 g/t or higher. According to technological sampling, the average PGE grade in the largest deposits of the southeastern ore field of the Kempirsai massif is 0.5–0.7 g/t. Due to the occurrence of most PGE as PGM 10–100 mm in size and the proved feasibility of their recovery into nickel alloys, chromites of the Kempirsai massif can be considered a complex ore with elevated and locally high Os, Ir, and Ru contents. The Nurali-Upper Neiva type of ore is characterized by small-sized primary deposits, which nevertheless are the main source of large Os-Ir placers in the Miass and Nev’yansk districts of the southern and central Urals, respectively. 相似文献
Doklady Earth Sciences - A first set of K–Ar isotopic ages obtained, which allowed to estimate the age of the largest volcanoes of the Anaunsky Dol (3.2, 2.2 and 1.9 Ma) and eruptive centers... 相似文献