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Summary A system of simple principles concerning the kinematics of the convection currents in the Earth's mantle was postulated as the starting point. The mantle is supposed to become more and more homogeneous downward. Here it is essential, for the reason of symmetry, that the current system has a degree of regularity as high as possible and is modified only in the upper part, mainly due to the distribution of continents and oceans. The adequate system is chosen by the help of the theory of point groups. Evaluating the distribution to be expected of the coefficients of the spherical harmonic development of the Earth's theoretical topography by means of electronic computers, accordance is found for the extrema to the 31 st order, i.e. as far as they have been determined until now. — The system yields the seismic discontinuities of the Earth's mantle as a secondary product. That does not mean that the system explains them, but it is absolutely consistent with them. That seems to be aquantitative proof of the system regarded as probable on the strength of group-theoretic considerations.Report No. 74, lectured in Potsdam, May 7, 1970.  相似文献   
The formation of authigenic Ca-rich rhodochrosite (ACR) in sapropelic sediments of the Gotland Basin, Baltic Sea, is governed by deepwater renewal processes whereby saline water from the North Atlantic flushes the brackish anoxic Baltic Deeps. The carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions of these Mn-carbonates suggest that ACR formation takes place just below the sediment surface and that dissolved compounds from the deepwater column, such as water and bicarbonate molecules, were incorporated in ACR during authigenesis. Porewaters near the sediment surface display δ18O values of −5.4‰ (VSMOW) and are generally depleted in 18O, compared to the oxygen isotopic composition of water in equilibrium with Mn-carbonate solid solutions (ACR δ18O values are −4.6‰). This suggests that early burial diagenetic processes significantly modify the initial isotopic composition of water during Mn-carbonate formation. The reduction of sulfate having δ18O values of +8.4‰ accounts for a permanent enrichment of porewater 18O and observed δ18O values at depth equal to −4.6‰. However, this process does not explain the observed disequilibrium in the oxygen isotopic composition between water and ACR close to the sediment surface where Mn-carbonate formation takes place. Based on isotopic mass balance calculations, we suggest that MnO2 with δ18O values of +8.9‰ released oxygen enriched in 18O into the anoxic porewaters close below the sediment surface. This process should occur after oxygenation events during deepwater renewal when MnO2 accumulates at the surface of anoxic sediments. Manganese carbonates formed in these waters display δ18O values of ∼1.0‰ heavier than values expected solely from the initial deepwater composition. This quantitatively explains the discrepancy between paleosalinities calculated from ACR δ18O based on Mn-carbonate/water isotopic equilibrium fractionation and direct observations for the same period. Our results emphasize the important role of microbial MnO2 reduction during rhodochrosite authigenesis and suggest that Mn(II) activity, rather than alkalinity, is the limiting component for sedimentary Mn-carbonate formation.  相似文献   
 Remote monitoring of active lava domes provides insights into the duration of continued lava extrusion and detection of potentially associated explosive activity. On inactive flows, variations in surface texture ranging from dense glass to highly vesicular pumice can be related to emplacement time, volatile content, and internal structure. Pumiceous surface textures also produce changes in thermal emission spectra that are clearly distinguishable using remote sensing. Spectrally, the textures describe a continuum consisting of two pure end members, obsidian and vesicles. The distinct spectral features of obsidian are commonly muted in pumice due to overprinting by the vesicles, which mimic spectrally neutral blackbody emitters. Assuming that this energy combines linearly in direct proportion to the percentage of vesicles, the surface vesicularity can be estimated by modeling the pumice spectrum as a linear combination of the glass and blackbody spectra. Based on this discovery, a linear retrieval model using a least-squares fitting approach was applied to airborne thermal infrared data of the Little Glass Mountain and Crater Glass rhyolite flows at Medicine Lake Volcano (California) as a case study. The model produced a vesicularity image of the flow with values from 0 to ∼70%, which can be grouped into three broad textural classes: dense obsidian, finely vesicular pumice, and coarsely vesicular pumice. Values extracted from the image compare well with those derived from SEM analysis of collected samples as well as with previously reported results. This technique provides the means to accurately map the areal distributions of these textures, resulting in significantly different values from those derived using aerial photographs. If applied to actively deforming domes, this technique will provide volcanologists with an opportunity to monitor dome-wide degassing and eruptive potential in near-real-time. In July 1999 such an effort will be possible for the first time when repetitive, global, multispectral thermal infrared data become available with the launch of the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflectance Radiometer (ASTER) instrument aboard the Earth Observing System satellite. Received: 25 June 1998 / Accepted: 14 December 1998  相似文献   
A silicious impact melt rock from polymict impact breccia of the northern part of the alkali granite core of the Araguainha impact structure, central Brazil, has been investigated. The melt rock is thought to represent a large mass of impact‐generated melt in suevite. In particular, a diverse population of zircon grains, with different impact‐induced microstructures, has been analyzed for U‐Pb isotopic systematics. Backscattered electron and cathodoluminescence images reveal heterogeneous intragrain domains with vesicular, granular, vesicular plus granular, and vesicular plus (presumably) baddeleyite textures, among others. The small likely baddeleyite inclusions are not only preferentially located along grain margins but also occur locally within grain interiors. LA‐ICP‐MS U‐Pb data from different domains yield lower intercept ages of 220, 240, and 260 Ma, a result difficult to reconcile with the previous “best age” estimate for the impact event at 254.7 ± 2.7 Ma. SIMS U‐Pb data, too, show a relatively large range of ages from 245 to 262 Ma. A subset of granular grains that yielded concordant SIMS ages were analyzed for crystallographic orientation by EBSD. Orientation mapping shows that this population consists of approximately micrometer‐sized neoblasts that preserve systematic orientation evidence for the former presence of the high‐pressure polymorph reidite. In one partially granular grain (#36), the neoblasts occur in linear arrays that likely represent former reidite lamellae. Such grains are referred to as FRIGN zircon. The best estimate for the age of the Araguainha impact event from our data set from a previously not analyzed type of impact melt rock is based on concordant SIMS data from FRIGN zircon grains. This age is 251.5 ± 2.9 Ma (2σ, MSWD = 0.45, p = 0.50, n = 4 analyses on three grains), indistinguishable from previous estimates based on zircon and monazite from other impact melt lithologies at Araguainha. Our work provides a new example of how FRIGN zircon can be combined with in situ U‐Pb geochronology to extract an accurate age for an impact event.  相似文献   
Most Tibetan lakes are surrounded by conspicuous regressive shorelines attesting to high-water levels in the past. Concentrations of the in situ produced cosmogenic radionuclide 10Be in bedrock from the three highest terraces surrounding Sumxi Co, situated in Western Kunlun, indicate that the highest lake-level appeared before 10,000–11,500 yr, and most likely between 11,000 and 12,800 yr. Younger ages for the two lower terraces imply regression of Sumxi Co during the early-mid Holocene. The concurrency of the highest lake-level with orbitally induced maximum northern hemisphere summer insolation suggests that the increase in water supply to Sumxi Co was most likely associated with increased recharge from melting glaciers. We conclude that the enhanced Indian monsoon during the early Holocene did not penetrate the Tibetan plateau and affect the northwestern part of Tibet significantly.  相似文献   
Concentrations of in‐situ‐produced cosmogenic nuclides 10Be and 26Al in quartz were measured by accelerator mass spectrometry for bedrock basalts and sandstones located in northwest Tibet. The effective exposure ages range between 23 and 134 ka (10Be) and erosion rates between 4·0 and 24 mm ka?1. The erosion rates are significantly higher than those in similarly arid Antarctica and Australia, ranging between 0·1 and 1 mm ka?1, suggesting that precipitation is not the major control of erosion of landforms. Comparison of erosion rates in arid regions with contrasting tectonic activities suggests that tectonic activity plays a more important role in controlling long‐term erosion rates. The obtained erosion rates are, however, significantly lower than the denudation rate of 3000–6000 mm ka?1 beginning at c. 5‐3 Ma in the nearby Godwin Austen (K2) determined by apatite fission‐track thermochronology. It appears that the difference in erosion rates within different time intervals is indicative of increased tectonic activity at c. 5–3 Ma in northwest Tibet. We explain the low erosion rates determined in this study as reflecting reduced tectonic activity in the last million years. A model of localized thinning of the mantle beneath northwest Tibet may account for the sudden increased tectonic activity at c. 5–3 Ma and the later decrease. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Anthropogenic lead (Pb) inputs to the atmosphere increased greatly over the past century and now dominate Pb supply to the oceans. However, the Pb content of sediments across the equatorial Pacific region is relatively unknown, and data exist only for deep sea sites where Pb deposition lags surface water inputs by up to a century. Here we present ICP-MS analyses of Pb of a core from a lagoon at Palmyra Atoll, northern Line Islands, that spans approximately the past 160 years. The non-bioturbated sediments of the euxinic lagoon, coupled with rapid rates of deposition, provide a unique fine-scale record of atmospheric Pb supply at a remote Pacific location. These first observations of historic Pb sedimentation in an atoll lagoon reveal a 63-fold increase in Pb flux to sediments during the past century and correlate directly with the North American consumption of leaded gasoline that began in 1926.  相似文献   
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