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There are giant mineral deposits, including the Jinding Zn-Pb and Baiyangping Ag-Co-Cu, and otherimportant mineral deposits (e.g., Baiyangchang Ag-Cu, Jinman Cu deposits, etc.) in the Lanping Mesozoic-Cenozoic Basin, Yunnan Province, China. The tabular ore-bodies and some veins hosted in terrestrial clastic rocks of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic age and no outcropping of igneous rocks in the giant deposits lead to the proposal of syngenetic origin, but the giant mineral deposits are not stratabound (e.g. MVT, sandstone- and Sedex-type). They formed in a continental red basin with intense crust movement. The mineralization is controlled by structures and lithology and occurs in different strata, and no sedimentary nature and no exhalative sediments are identified in the deposits. The deposits show some relations with organic matter (now asphalt and petroleum) and evaporates (gypsum). The middle-low-temperature (mainly 110℃ to 280℃) mineralization took place at a depth of about 0.9 km to 3.1 km during the early  相似文献   
煤层气选区评价关系到勘探的成功与否,是煤层气勘探研究最基础的工作。近年国内外煤层气成藏理论、开发技术的快速发展,使得低煤阶气藏、连续薄层气藏、高煤阶低渗气藏等都获得成功开发,大大拓宽了煤层气的开发领域。此前国内在中煤阶成藏优势论基础上建立的选区标准已不适合当前的要求。根据当前存在的问题,结合煤层气成藏类型、地质特点和技术现状,对中国煤层气勘探选区评价标准进行了研究,试图建立一套煤层气选区评价标准,以期对国内煤层气选区评价工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   
Only a few Paleocene radiolarian assemblages have been reported, while the Early Paleocene zonal schemes remain poorly delineated. The Early Paleocene on-land radiolarians were described in the Hidaka melange belt of Japan and the North Island of New Zeal…  相似文献   
Introduction Earthquake magnitude is the most common measure of an earthquake′s size,and is one of the basic parameters of an earthquake.There are three most familiar scales of earthquake magnitude:ML(local earthquake magnitude),MS(surface wave magnitude)and mB/mb(body wave magni-tude).Richter(1935)introduced ML when studying earthquakes in Southern California.In1945,Gutenberg(1945a)put forward surface wave magnitude scale to determine earthquake magnitude(MS)using surface waves(20s)of s…  相似文献   
现代地裂缝在世界许多国家普遍存在 ,已成为当今世界范围内的主要地质灾害之一。本文在详尽分析了山西榆次地裂缝的各个致灾因子的基础上 ,利用GIS技术建立了地质学意义上的专题层 ;然后采用人工神经网络技术构建出了地裂缝灾害活动性的评价模型 ,并建立了地裂缝活动性的评价系统 ,对榆次地裂缝进行了灾害活动性评价 ,为榆次市城建和国土规划等部门的正确决策提供了重要的科学依据  相似文献   
线状要素与面状要素的关系在地图制图综合中是必须处理的。它们的关系在制图综合和景观模型向制图模型的转换中都是必须考虑的。本文主要讨论线状要素与面状要素的关系以及这些关系在数据处理中的保持。  相似文献   
应用地壳波浪与镶嵌构造学说对富氏谱分析法提取地壳垂直形变信息的科学性做了地质学意义上的阐释 ,并提出了根据多期形变资料提取特定波段上构造策应力的数学模型  相似文献   
I.LandDegradationDistributionandItsCharacteristicsThefarmingpastoraltransitionalregioninsemiaridlandofnorthernChinaisthemosttypicalregionoflanddegradation,andalsotheregionwithextensivelydevelopingsandydesertification.TheextentisfromHorqinSandyLandinth…  相似文献   
The de-eutrophication abilities and characteristics of Ulva pertusa, a marine green alga, were investigated in Qingdao Yihai Hatchery Center from spring to summer in 2005 by analyzing the dynamic changes in NH+4, NOˉ3, NO2ˉ as well as the total dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN). The results show that the effluent wastewater produced by fish aquaculture had typical eutrophication levels with an average of 34.3 μmol L-1 DIN. This level far exceeded the level IV quality of the national seawater standard and c...  相似文献   
Modal Wave Number Tomography for South China Sea Front   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
1 .IntroductionTheSouthChinaSealiestothesoutheastpartoftheChinesecontinent.TheKuroshioflowsbytheeastsideoftheLuzonStraitfromsouthtonorthinwinter ,spring ,andautumn .TheKuroshioaf fectsnearcurrentfieldsandtemperaturefields,changingtheoceanenvironmentparametersandsoundpropagation .Thus ,theoceanacoustictomographytechniqueisofpotentialtolong term ,largescalemonitoringoftheocean .Themodalwavenumbertomographymethod (Rajanetal.,1 987;Frisketal.,1 989)isusedtoobtainthesoundspeedprofileinwatercol…  相似文献   
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