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We describe the time discretization of a three-dimensional baroclinic finite element model for the hydrostatic Boussinesq equations based upon a discontinuous Galerkin finite element method. On one hand, the time marching algorithm is based on an efficient mode splitting. To ensure compatibility between the barotropic and baroclinic modes in the splitting algorithm, we introduce Lagrange multipliers in the discrete formulation. On the other hand, the use of implicit–explicit Runge–Kutta methods enables us to treat stiff linear operators implicitly, while the rest of the nonlinear dynamics is treated explicitly. By way of illustration, the time evolution of the flow over a tall isolated seamount on the sphere is simulated. The seamount height is 90% of the mean sea depth. Vortex shedding and Taylor caps are observed. The simulation compares well with results published by other authors.  相似文献   
This paper presents a 3D model in sigma coordinates. Although the principles it is based on have been established for some time, some original aspects for this type of 3D mode splitting model are presented here. The model was designed to simulate flows in various coastal areas from the regional scale down to the inshore scale of small bays or estuaries where circulation is generally driven by a mix of processes. The processes to be modeled enable simplifications of the Navier–Stokes equations on the classic Boussinesq and hydrostatic hypotheses. These equations are transformed within a sigma framework to make free surface processing easier. The main point of our demonstration focuses on the original aspect of the coupling between barotropic and baroclinic modes especially designed for ADI. It explains how full consistency of the transport calculated within the 2D and 3D equation sets was obtained. Lastly, we describe the physical processes simulated on a realistic configuration at a regional scale in the Bay of Biscay.  相似文献   
At high Peclet number, the residence time exhibits a boundary layer adjacent to incoming open boundaries. In a Eulerian model, not resolving this boundary layer can generate spurious oscillations that can propagate into the area of interest. However, resolving this boundary layer would require an unacceptably high spatial resolution. Therefore, alternative methods are needed in which no grid refinement is required to capture the key aspects of the physics of the residence time boundary layer. An extended finite element method representation and a boundary layer parameterisation are presented and tested herein. It is also explained how to preserve local consistency in reversed time simulations so as to avoid the generation of spurious residence time extrema. Finally, the boundary layer parameterisation is applied to the computation of the residence time in the Scheldt Estuary (Belgium/The Netherlands). This timescale is simulated by means of a depth-integrated, finite element, unstructured mesh model, with a high space–time resolution. It is seen that the residence time temporal variations are mainly affected by the semi-diurnal tides. However, the spring–neap variability also impacts the residence time, particularly in the sandbank and shallow areas. Seasonal variability is also observed, which is induced by the fluctuations over the year of the upstream flows. In general, the residence time is an increasing function of the distance to the mouth of the estuary. However, smaller-scale fluctuations are also present: they are caused by local bathymetric features and their impact on the hydrodynamics.  相似文献   
Increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations are causing greater dissolution of CO2 into seawater, and are ultimately responsible for today’s ongoing ocean acidification. We manipulated seawater acidity by addition of HCl and by increasing CO2 concentration and observed that two coastal harpacticoid copepods, Amphiascoides atopus and Schizopera knabeni were both more sensitive to increased acidity when generated by CO2. The present study indicates that copepods living in environments more prone to hypercapnia, such as mudflats where S. knabeni lives, may be less sensitive to future acidification. Ocean acidification is also expected to alter the toxicity of waterborne metals by influencing their speciation in seawater. CO2 enrichment did not affect the free-ion concentration of Cd but did increase the free-ion concentration of Cu. Antagonistic toxicities were observed between CO2 with Cd, Cu and Cu free-ion in A. atopus. This interaction could be due to a competition for H+ and metals for binding sites.  相似文献   
Strong-motion networks have been operating in the Caribbean region since the 1970s, however, until the mid-1990s only a few analogue stations were operational and the quantity of data recorded was very low. Since the mid-1990s, digital accelerometric networks have been established on islands within the region. At present there are thought to be about 160 stations operating in this region with a handful on Cuba, 65 on the French Antilles (mainly Guadeloupe and Martinique), eight on Jamaica, 78 on Puerto Rico (plus others on adjacent islands) and four on Trinidad.After briefly summarising the available data from the Caribbean islands, this article is mainly concerned with analysing the data that has been recorded by the networks operating on the French Antilles in terms of their distribution with respect to magnitude, source-to-site distance, focal depth and event type; site effects at certain stations; and also with respect to their predictability by ground motion estimation equations developed using data from different regions of the world. More than 300 good quality triaxial acceleration time-histories have been recorded on Guadeloupe and Martinique at a large number of stations from earthquakes with magnitudes larger than 4.8, however, most of the records are from considerable source-to-site distances. From the data available it is found that many of the commonly-used ground motion estimation equations for shallow crustal earthquakes poorly estimate the observed ground motions on the two islands; ground motions on Guadeloupe and Martinique have smaller amplitudes and are more variable than expected. This difference could be due to regional dependence of ground motions because of, for example, differing tectonics or crustal structures or because the ground motions so far recorded are, in general, from smaller earthquakes and greater distances than the range of applicability of the investigated equations.  相似文献   
The receiver function method was originally developed to analyse earthquake data recorded by multicomponent (3C) sensors and consists in deconvolving the horizontal component by the vertical component. The deconvolution process removes travel path effects from the source to the base of the target as well as the earthquake source signature. In addition, it provides the possibility of separating the emergent P and PS waves based on adaptive subtraction between recorded components if plane waves of constant ray parameters are considered. The resulting receiver function signal is the local PS wave's impulse response generated at impedance contrasts below the 3C receiver.We propose to adapt this technique to the wide‐angle multi‐component reflection acquisition geometry. We focus on the simplest case of land data reflection acquisition. Our adapted version of the receiver function approach consists in a multi‐step procedure that first removes the P wavefield recorded on the horizontal component and next removes the source signature. The separation step is performed in the τ?p domain while the source designature can be achieved in either the τ?p or the t?x domain. Our technique does not require any a priori knowledge of the subsurface. The resulting receiver function is a pure PS‐wave reflectivity response, which can be used for amplitude versus slowness or offset analysis. Stack of the receiver function leads to a high‐quality S wave image.  相似文献   
The influence of humic acids (HA) on the retention of Th(IV) onto the surface of Fe oxides has been investigated. Thorium (IV) is here considered as an analogue of tetravalent radionuclides (Zr, Hf, U, Np, Pu). Hematite (α–Fe2O3) and gœthite (α–FeOOH) have been chosen as model phases because of their widespread presence in the earth's crust. Retention experiments were performed by batch procedure at constant ionic strength and varying pH in the range 2–10; the HA concentration varied in the range 1–100 mg l−1. Compared with the former data obtained on the retention of Th(IV) with the same hematite sample free of HA, the study of a ternary system (i.e. hematite–HA–Th), clearly shows the influence of HA on the retention mechanisms of Th(IV) even in neutral to slightly alkaline medium. In particular, it is illustrated that the retention of Th(IV) onto Fe oxides closely depends upon the ratio between humic and surface (Fe oxide) sites. This ratio has to be greater than a critical value in order to impede the sorption of Th(IV).  相似文献   
The hydrology of the Bay of Biscay was investigated using the regional ocean model MARS3D (Model for Application at Regional Scale). The simulated hydrology is compared to a set of various data encompassing monthly climatology, remote sensing SST, CTD casts, and coastal salinity measurements. Special focus was put on the validation over the continental shelf. This paper reports that despite some misfits, the climatological hydrology and its seasonal variability are correctly simulated. Various statistics computed over the period from 1999–2004 highlight different aspects of the hydrology. The biases and root mean square errors (RMSE) remain very weak at all depths when comparing salinity (<0.1 and <0.6 psu respectively). The predicted temperature shows a global overestimation of temperature (bias of around 0.8 °C) and the maximum errors are located near the thermocline (rmse of 1 °C at 20–40 m). The model is shown to properly reproduce the annual dynamics of sea surface temperature, as well as the dynamics of large river plumes observed by high frequency time series from coastal salinity gauges. The misfits highlighted by these various comparisons between model and observations are attributed to heat fluxes and mixing parameterisation.  相似文献   
Abstract— Asteroid and comet impacts on Earth are commonly viewed as agents of ecosystem destruction, be it on local or global scales. However, for some microbial communities, impacts may represent an opportunity for habitat formation as some substrates are rendered more suitable for colonization when processed by impacts. We describe how heavily shocked gneissic crystalline basement rocks exposed at the Haughton impact structure, Devon Island, Nunavut, Arctic Canada, are hosts to endolithic photosynthetic microorganisms in significantly greater abundance than lesser‐shocked or unshocked gneisses. Two factors contribute to this enhancement: (a) increased porosity due to impact fracturing and differential mineral vaporization, and (b) increased translucence due to the selective vaporization of opaque mineral phases. Using biological ultraviolet radiation dosimetry, and by measuring the concentrations of photoprotective compounds, we demonstrate that a covering of 0.8 mm of shocked gneiss can provide substantial protection from ultraviolet radiation, reducing the inactivation of Bacillus subtilis spores by 2 orders of magnitude. The colonisation of the shocked habitat represents a potential mechanism for pioneer microorganisms to invade an impact structure in the earliest stages of post‐impact primary succession. The communities are analogous to the endolithic communities associated with sedimentary rocks in Antarctica, but because they occur in shocked crystalline rocks, they illustrate a mechanism for the creation of microbial habitats on planetary surfaces that do not have exposed sedimentary units. This might have been the case on early Earth. The data have implications for the microhabitats in which biological signatures might be sought on Mars.  相似文献   
We present multi-instrument observations of active region (AR) 8048, made between 3 June and 5 June 1997, as part of the SOHO Joint Observing Program 33. This AR has a sigmoid-like global shape and undergoes transient brightenings in both soft X-rays and transition region (TR) lines. We compute a magneto-hydrostatic model of the AR magnetic field, using as boundary condition the photospheric observations of SOHO/MDI. The computed large-scale magnetic field lines show that the large-scale sigmoid is formed by two sets of coronal loops. Shorter loops, associated with the core of the SXT emission, coincide with the loops observed in the hotter CDS lines. These loops reveal a gradient of temperature, from 2 MK at the top to 1 MK at the ends. The field lines most closely matching these hot loops extend along the quasi-separatrix layers (QSLs) of the computed coronal field. The TR brightenings observed with SOHO/CDS can also be associated with the magnetic field topology, both QSL intersections with the photosphere, and places where separatrices issuing from bald patches (sites where field lines coming from the corona are tangent to the photosphere) intersect the photosphere. There are, furthermore, suggestions that the element abundances measured in the TR may depend on the type of topological structure present. Typically, the TR brightenings associated with QSLs have coronal abundances, while those associated with BP separatrices have abundances closer to photospheric values. We suggest that this difference is due to the location and manner in which magnetic reconnection occurs in two different topological structures. Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1013302317042  相似文献   
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