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Post-collisional potassic granitoids from the southern and northwestern parts of the Late Neoproterozoic East African Orogen: a review 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
Potassic metaluminous granitoids with enrichments of HFS elements constitute part of widespread post-collisional magmatism related to the Late Neoproterozoic Pan-African orogeny in northeastern Africa (Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia) and Madagascar. The plutons were emplaced between 580 and 470 Ma and comprise both subsolvus and hypersolvus biotite–granite, biotite–hornblende–granite, quartz–monzonite and quartz–syenite. Pyroxene-bearing granitoids are subordinate. Basic dikes and enclaves of monzodioritic composition are locally associated with the granitoid plutons. Granitoids emplaced in pre-Neoproterozoic crust have Sri-ratios between 0.7060 and 0.7236 and Nd(t) values between −15.8 and −5.6 while those emplaced in, or close to the contact with, juvenile Neoproterozoic crust have lower Sri-ratios (0.7036–0.7075) and positive Nd(t) values (4.6). However, it is unlikely that the potassic granitoids represent products of crustal melting alone. The association with basic magmas derived from subduction-modified enriched mantle sources strongly suggests that the granitoids represent hybrid magmas produced by interaction and mixing of mantle and crust derived melts in the lower crust. The most intense period of this potassic granitoid magmatism occurred between 585 and 540 Ma, largely coeval with HT granulite facies metamorphism in Madagascar and with amphibolite facies retrogression in northeastern Africa (Somalia, Sudan). Granitoid magmatism and high-grade metamorphism are probably both related to post-collisional lithospheric thinning, magmatic underplating and crustal relaxation. However, the emplacement of potassic granites continued until about 470 Ma and implies several magmatic pulses associated with different phases of crustal uplift and cooling. The potassic metaluminous granites are temporally and spatially associated with post-collisional high-K calc-alkaline granites with which they share many petrographical, geochemical and isotopical similarities, except the incompatible element enrichments. The resemblance indicates a strongly related petrogenesis of both granite associations. 相似文献
A hydrogeochemical survey of Kilimanjaro (Tanzania): implications for water sources and ages 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Jeffrey M. Mckenzie Bryan G. Mark Lonnie G. Thompson Ulrich Schotterer Ping-Nan Lin 《Hydrogeology Journal》2010,18(4):985-995
Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, the highest mountain in Africa, has undergone extensive hydrologic changes over the past century in an area where water resources are critical. A hydrochemical and isotopic synoptic sampling program in January 2006 is used to characterize hydrogeology, hydrology, and water quality of the area. Samples were collected from the summit and southern side of Kilimanjaro and the Moshi region (Tanzania). Sample sources included four glaciers, seven groundwater wells, 12 rivers, 10 springs, precipitation, and a lake. Analyses included major ion chemistry, stable isotopes of water (18O and D); in addition, seven samples were analyzed for tritium. The samples generally have good water quality with the exception of three samples with elevated fluoride concentrations (>3 mg/L) and elevated nitrate concentrations (>2.5 mg/L NO3 as N). There is a strong elevation control on stable isotopes, with an apparent elevation effect of – 0.1 ‰ δ18O per 100 m rise in elevation (R 2 = 0.79). The results, including the tritium values, show that the hydrogeologic system is comprised of both local and regional flow systems, and that regional rivers are receiving significant inflow from shallow groundwater, and at very high elevations the hydrologic system is derived from groundwater, precipitation, and glacial melt water. 相似文献
Peter Grathwohl Hermann Rügner Thomas Wöhling Karsten Osenbrück Marc Schwientek Sebastian Gayler Ute Wollschläger Benny Selle Marion Pause Jens-Olaf Delfs Matthias Grzeschik Ulrich Weller Martin Ivanov Olaf A. Cirpka Ulrich Maier Bertram Kuch Wolfgang Nowak Volker Wulfmeyer Kirsten Warrach-Sagi Thilo Streck Sabine Attinger Lars Bilke Peter Dietrich Jan H. Fleckenstein Thomas Kalbacher Olaf Kolditz Karsten Rink Luis Samaniego Hans-Jörg Vogel Ulrike Werban Georg Teutsch 《Environmental Earth Sciences》2013,69(2):317-333
Sustainable water quality management requires a profound understanding of water fluxes (precipitation, run-off, recharge, etc.) and solute turnover such as retention, reaction, transformation, etc. at the catchment or landscape scale. The Water and Earth System Science competence cluster (WESS, http://www.wess.info/) aims at a holistic analysis of the water cycle coupled to reactive solute transport, including soil–plant–atmosphere and groundwater–surface water interactions. To facilitate exploring the impact of land-use and climate changes on water cycling and water quality, special emphasis is placed on feedbacks between the atmosphere, the land surface, and the subsurface. A major challenge lies in bridging the scales in monitoring and modeling of surface/subsurface versus atmospheric processes. The field work follows the approach of contrasting catchments, i.e. neighboring watersheds with different land use or similar watersheds with different climate. This paper introduces the featured catchments and explains methodologies of WESS by selected examples. 相似文献
Privatdozent Dr. Ulrich Rosenfeld 《International Journal of Earth Sciences》1968,57(2):402-424
Zusammenfassung Die sandige Fazies des Schilfsandsteins ist in Ost-Lippe rhythmisch aufgebaut. Diese Abfolge ist so konstant, daß sie als stratigraphische Gliederung verwendbar ist. Einzelne Schichtglieder lassen sich bis maximal 2500 m Erstreckung verfolgen und als Leithorizonte benutzen. Das gilt auch beim Übergang in andere Faziesbereiche. Die Sandsteine selbst sind ebenfalls (z. T. undeutlich) rhythmisch entwickelt; die Zuordnung von Rhythmen ist in einigen Fällen möglich. Modalbestands-Analysen, Korngrößen- und Karbonat-Bestimmungen ergeben keine feinere Untergliederungsmöglichkeit der Schichtfolge. Sie vermögen die makroskopische Schichtgliederung teilweise zu stützen bzw. zu ergänzen. - Ausblick auf Sedimentationsverhältnisse im Untersuchungsgebiet und arbeitsmethodische Fragen.
The sandstone-facies of the Schilfsandstein (km2) in the eastern part of Lippe (eastern Westphalia) shows a rhythmic sedimentation, which may be used as a stratigraphic subdivision. Some layers continue on distances up to 2500 m and partly give the possibility to connect the silty and the sandstone-facies. The lithologic subdivision is only in some degree controlled by means of modal analysis, mechanical and carbonate analysis. - Short review of sedimentary and methodic problems.
Résumé Le faciès gréseux du Schilfsandstein (km2) dans la partie de l'est de Lippe (Westphalie orientale) est sédimenté rhythmiquement. Cette manière de sédimentation peut être usée à une subdivision stratigraphique. Quelques bancs peuvent être suiviès jusqu' à une distance de 2500 mètres; cela rend possible en partie une corrélation des faciès de silt et de grès. On peut contrôler la subdivision lithostratigraphique seulement en partie à l'aide d'analyses minérales et granulométriques et par détermination du carbonate. - Aperçu des problèmes sédimentologiques et méthodiques.
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Astrid KOWITZ Ralf T. SCHMITT W. UWE REIMOLD Ulrich HORNEMANN 《Meteoritics & planetary science》2013,48(1):99-114
Abstract– As part of the MEMIN research program this project is focused on shock deformation experimentally generated in dry, porous Seeberger sandstone in the low shock pressure range from 5 to 12.5 GPa. Special attention is paid to the influence of porosity on progressive shock metamorphism. Shock recovery experiments were carried out with a high‐explosive set‐up that generates a planar shock wave, and using the shock impedance method. Cylinders of sandstone of average grain size of 0.17 mm and porosity of about 19 vol%, and containing some 96 wt% SiO2, were shock deformed. Shock effects induced with increasing shock pressure include: (1) Already at 5 GPa the entire pore space is closed; quartz grains show undulatory extinction. On average, 134 fractures per mm are observed. Dark vesicular melt (glass) of the composition of the montmorillonitic phyllosilicate component of this sandstone occurs at an average amount of 1.6 vol%. (2) At 7.5 GPa, quartz grains show weak but prominent mosaicism and the number of fractures increases to 171 per millimeter. Two additional kinds of melt, both based on phyllosilicate precursor, could be observed: a light colored, vesicular melt and a melt containing large iron particles. The total amount of melt (all types) increased in this experiment to 2.4 vol%. Raman spectroscopy confirmed the presence of shock‐deformed quartz grains near the surface. (3) At 10 and 12.5 GPa, quartz grains also show weak but prominent mosaicism, the number of fractures per mm has reached a plateau value of approximately 200, and the total amount of the different melt types has increased to 4.8 vol%. Diaplectic quartz glass could be observed locally near the impacted surface. In addition, local shock effects, most likely caused by multiple shock wave reflections at sandstone‐container interfaces, occur throughout the sample cylinders and include locally enhanced formation of PDF, as well as shear zones associated with cataclastic microbreccia, diaplectic quartz glass, and SiO2 melt. Overall findings from these first experiments have demonstrated that characteristic shock effects diagnostic for the confirmation of impact structures and suitable for shock pressure calibration are rare. So far, they are restricted to the limited formation of PDF and diaplectic quartz glass at shock pressures of 10 GPa and above. 相似文献
对南极长城站附近棕贼鸥(C.s.lonnberg)、灰贼鸥(C.maccormicki)和两者的混合配对(hybrid)的食性与考察站环境质量的相关性进行研究,结果表明,贼鸥的食物结构受站区人类废弃物的直接影响。贼鸥食性构成同时与人类活动和动物生态习性相关而起到双重信息载体作用,可作为南极环境生态评价的重要指标之一,对推动实现南极环境生态评价的量化有重要意义。 相似文献
In polycrystalline aggregates of olivine with mean grain sizes above 35 μm plus a low basaltic melt fraction, both wetted
and melt-free grain boundaries are observed after equilibration times at high pressures and temperatures of between 15 and
25 days. In order to assess a possible dependence of the wetting behaviour on the relative orientation of neighbouring grains,
a SEM based technique, electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), is used to determine grain orientations. From the grain orientations
relative orientations of neighbouring grains are calculated, which are expressed as misorientation axis/angle pairs. The distribution
of misorientation angles and axes of melt-free grain boundaries differ significantly from a purely random distribution, whereas
those of wetted grain boundaries are statistically indistinguishable from the random distribution. The relative orientation
of two neighbouring grains therefore influences the character of their common grain boundary. However, no clustering towards
special (coincident site lattice) misorientation axes is observed, with the inference that the energy differences between
special and general misorientations are too small to lead to the development of preferred misorientations during grain growth.
Received: 8 December 1997 / Revised, accepted: 6 April 1998 相似文献
The solubilities and hydrolysis rates of PAN (peroxyacetyl nitrate) and its homologues PPN (peroxypropionyl nitrate), PnBN (peroxy-n-butyl nitrate), PiBN (peroxy-isobutyl nitrate) and MPAN (peroxymethacryloyl nitrate) in liquid water have been studied at 20 °C. Temperature dependencies were measured for PAN and PPN. The solubilities of peroxyacyl nitrates decrease smoothly with increasing carbon-chain length fromH (293 K)=4.1 M atm–1 (PAN) toH (293 K)=1.0 M atm–1 (PiBN). Hydrolysis-rate constants, which cover the range fromk
(293 K)=(2.4–7.4)×10–4 s–1, do not show a systematic chain-length dependency. Solubilities of PAN and PPN in solutions which mimic the composition and ionic strength of sea water are 15% and 20% lower than in pure water. The hydrolysis rate constants are not affected. 相似文献
This issue of the Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry contains a series of contributions describing recent developments in our understanding of the heterogeneous and homogeneous chemistry of reactive halogen compounds in the lower Troposphere. Twelve papers describe recent results in this very active area of research, were reported at the Annual Assembly of the European Geophysical Society 1998 in Nice, France, 20-24 April 1998. Considerable progress is documented on the elucidation of the various processes involved in the sources, transformation pathways and chemical consequences of the Reactive Halogen Species (RHS) in the troposphere. 相似文献