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Using a literature survey of analyses of high-Ca pyroxene and co-existing silicate melt pairs and analyses of low-Ca pyroxene-silicate melt pairs, we have performed a thermodynamic analysis of pyroxene-melt equilibria. Three sets of mixing model pairs have been considered, based on two mixing models for liquid silicate solutions and two for pyroxene solid solutions. A modified version of a model developed by Bottinga and Weill (1972) for the mixing properties of silicate melts, in which the melt is considered to be composed of independent network-forming and network-modifying quasi-lattices, more successfully accounts for variations in melt composition than does a model which considers the melt to be composed of simple oxides which mix ideally. An empirical model for the mixing properties of pyroxenes, in which the M1 and M2 sites are considered to be equivalent and are combined as a hypothetical ‘M’ site, is as successful in accounting for variations in pyroxene composition at high temperatures as an ideal multisite mixing model.Using a variety of pyroxene-melt relations, and combinations of the mixing models outlined above, we have developed several pyroxene-melt and low-Ca pyroxene-high-Ca pyroxene geothermometers which have internally-consistent precisions of approximately ±20°C (1σ). One of the two-pyroxene geothermometers has been used to calculate ‘quench’ temperatures for a number of eucrites. Computed temperatures are subsolidus, and are consistent with independent geothermometers and with petrographic observations. The equations may also be used to calculate the composition of pyroxene crystallizing from a silicate melt of known composition, with or without independent knowledge of temperature. Internally consistent precisions vary, but are approximately ± 3 mol% Fs, ± 5 mol% En, and ±4 mol% Wo (all 1σ). These equations may have application in modeling the evolution of mineral compositions during differentiation of basaltic magmas, particularly terrestrial layered intrusions and the lunar magma ocean.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es werden einige der Voraussetzungen untersucht, unter denen sich aus den Isotopenverhältnissen von Blei, Schwefel und anderen am Aufbau einer Lagerstätte beteiligten Elementen Aussagen über die Bildungsbedingungen und genetischen Zusammenhänge herleiten lassen.Am Blei interessiert in diesem Zusammenhang in erster Linie die Anomalie gegenüber demHolmes-Houtermanschen Bleimodell, während das Absolutalter nur zur Kontrolle bzw. zum Einhängen in das geologische Zeitschema benötigt wird. Auf die Entstehungsursachen der Anomalien wird im Abschnitt B eingegangen.Bei den leichteren Elementen — wie z. B. H, C, O und S — treten im Verlaufe geochemischer Prozesse Isotopen-Trenn-Effekte auf, und man kann daher aus den Isotopenverhältnissen bspw. auf eine voraufgegangene Teilnahme am exogenen Kreislauf schließen. Derartige Messungen sollen möglichst vollständig in die Untersuchungen einbezogen werden und wurden im vorliegenden Programm bereits für den Schwefel des Bleiglanzes (PbS) durchgeführt (Abschnitt C).Im Abschnitt D wird kurz auf die Meßtechnik eingegangen, und Abschnitt E gibt einen Überblick auf die Meßergebnisse an Lagerstätten des Westharzes (Oberharz, St. Andreasberg, Rammelsberg). Die Auswertung der Blei-Messungen (Abschnitt F) und Schwefel-Messungen (Abschnitt G) bringt für das gewählte Modell-Arbeitsgebiet interessante Ergänzungen der bekannten genetischen Zusammenhänge, so daß die Übertragung der Untersuchungstechnik auf andere Lagerstättengebiete nützlich erscheint.Die Messungen wurden größtenteils im Massenspektrometer-Laboratorium der Bundesanstalt für Bodenforschung, Hannover, durchgeführt. Das Probenmaterial stammt aus eigenen Aufsammlungen sowie aus den Sammlungen der Herren Berging. E.Bock, St. Andreasberg, Dr. E.Kraume, Goslar, und Prof. Dr. H.Rose, Hamburg. Außerdem wurden die ersten Teilergebnisse eines gemeinsam mit Herrn Dr.-Ing. H.Hüttenhain, Clausthal, begonnenen Untersuchungsprogramms verwertet.Ich möchte an dieser Stelle allen im Text genannten Herren für die Überlassung von Untersuchungsmaterial und für fruchtbare Anregungen danken, vor allen Dingen aber auch meinem bisherigen Kollegen, Herrn Dipl.-Phys. H.Lenz, sowie den Damen M.Fassbender, U.Rätsch und U.Römer für die Durchführung der zahlreichen Analysen und Auswertungen.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Durch Isotopenfraktionierung bei der bakteriellen Reduktion marinen Sulfats enthalten die Sedimente im Mittel einen Überschuß an32S (34S s – 5), während32S im marinen Sulfat angereichert ist. Der 34S-Wert im heutigen Meerwasser beträgt etwa + 20 . Evaporit-34S-Messungen zeigen, daß dieser Wert im Cambrium, Silur und Devon höher war, bis zum Perm dann auf etwa + 11 abnahm und anschließend wieder zum heutigen Wert anstieg.Der hohe 43S-Wert in der geologischen Frühzeit wird mit extremer Anreicherung biogener Sulfide in den Schwarzschiefern erklärt, der Abfall zum Perm mit Rückführung großer Mengen von Sediment-Schwefel im Laufe der caledonischen und varistischen Orogenesen und der Wiederanstieg im Erdmittelalter mit erneuter Anhäufung toniger Sedimente.Aufgrund modellmäßiger Abschätzungen und der Gesamtheit aller verfügbaren Meßwerte (etwa 800) wird versucht, die Entwicklungslinie des Meerwasser-34S-Wertes zeichnerisch darzustellen.Hinweis auf praktische Bedeutung: Informationen über Stoffbilanz geologischer Vorgänge, Interpretation von 34S-Meßwerten an normalen Gesteinen und Erzen, Zuordnung von Proben unbekannten Alters.
Summary Due to an isotope fractionation involved in the bacterial reduction of marine sulfate the sediments as a whole contain an excess of32S (34S – 5), while marine sulfate is enriched in34S. Recent seawater has 34S + 20. Evaporite measurements indicate a still higher value in Cambrian, Silurian and Devonian time. Then the 34S decreased to about + 11 in the Upper Permian and later on increased once more to the modern value.The accumulation of abnormally large quantities of biogenic sulfides in the slates of that era accounts for the high 34S value in the early Palaeozoic. A considerable fraction of light sulfur has been brought back to the oceans by weathering solutions of the Caledonian and Variscan orogenies, and in Mesozoic times another accumulation of slates has taken place.From a synopsis of the data available (some 800) and from model estimations an attempt has been made to construct the marine sulfur gd34S evolution curve. Some practical consequences are lined out: informations on material balance of geological processes, interpretation of 34S-data of normal rocks and ores, sample dating in the case of doubtful age.

Résumé Un fractionnement isotopique pendant la réduction bactérienne du sulfate marin a pour conséquence un excédent de32S dans la masse totale des sédiments (34S – 5) et un enrichissement de34S dans le sulfate marin. Dans les océans actuels le 34S est + 20 ; nous pouvons conclure des 34S des échantillons de sulfates d'évaporites, qu'aux temps cambrien, silurien et dévonien cette valeur fut plus élevée. Puis elle a diminué jusqu'à + 11 au Permien supérieur pour remonter ensuite à la valeur actuelle.La valeur élevée de 34S au Paléozoïque inférieur doit être expliquée par une accumulation extraordinaire de sulfures biogènes dans les ardoises noires de cette époque. La décomposition d'une fraction considérable de ces roches pendant les orogenèses calédonienne et varisque entraînait à l'océan du soufre léger. Au Mésozoïque une autre accumulation d'ardoises commençait. Par l'examen de toutes valeurs disponibles (environ 800) et par certaines estimations on a tenté de tracer la courbe de l'évolution de la valeur du 34S marin.Quelques conséquences pratiques sont indiquées: informations sur le bilan matériel des procès sus-géologiques, interprétation des 34S de roches et minerais normaux, datation d'échantillons d'âge problématique.

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Studies were conducted on 16 sections of buried organic matter (pre-Ancylus Lake and pre-Litorina Sea) and associated Stone Age cultural layers in the Pärnu area, southwestern Estonia. Buried organic beds are each part of a sedimentary sequence, which is repeated, forming two overlying sets of an orderly succession of five layers. The organic sedimentation of the lower set (set 1) occurred about 10,800–10,200 years BP, and that of the upper set (set 2) about 9450–7800 years BP. Associated with set 1 is the Early-Mesolithic settlement of Pulli, and with set 2 are the Stone Age cultural layers at Sindi-Lodja. The Early- and Middle-Mesolithic sites in Estonia are concentrated on shores of rivers and lakes to utilise of a variability of resources. The hunters and fishermen followed the ancient Pärnu River downstream to the receding shoreline of the Yoldia Sea. After about 10,700 years BP, they were forced to retreat inland in front of the transgressive Ancylus Lake shore which first inundated the Paikuse area about 10,400 years BP, and Pulli and higher sites about 10,200 years BP. The total amplitude of the transgression preceded 11 m and reached up to 14 m a.s.l. in the area. The Litorina Sea transgression reached 7 m a.s.l. after 8000–7800 years BP. The Mesolithic, Neolithic and modern sites on top of each other in the Pärnu area may suggest that, although years apart, they were inhabited by the same group of people who stayed in the area and moved back and forth together with the shifting shoreline of the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   
A sequence of Triassic rocks is exposed near the town of Concepción, Chile. These clastic strata are interpreted as the deposits of rivers, lakes, playas, and alluvial fans. The deposits comprise conglomerates, arkosic sandstones, and sand-, silt- and mudstones. Four facies associations comprising eight sedimentary facies can be distinguished. Plant fossils from the sedimentary sequence of the Santa Juana Formation indicate a Carnian age. The flora includes ferns (Gleichenites, Cladophlebis, Dictyophyllum, Thaumatopteris, Asterotheca, Saportaea) and seed ferns (Kurtziana, Antevsia, Dicroidium), ginkgophytes (Sphenobaiera), cycads (Pseudoctenis), conifers (Heidiphyllum, Telemachus, Rissikia), and gymnosperms of uncertain affinities (Linguifolium, Gontriglossa). Two new species are presented: Pseudoctenis santajuanensis and Gontriglossa reinerae.  相似文献   
The thallium (Tl) concentrations and isotope compositions of various river and estuarine waters, suspended riverine particulates and loess have been determined. These data are used to evaluate whether weathering reactions are associated with significant Tl isotope fractionation and to estimate the average Tl isotope composition of the upper continental crust as well as the mean Tl concentration and isotope composition of river water. Such parameters provide key constraints on the dissolved Tl fluxes to the oceans from rivers and mineral aerosols.The Tl isotope data for loess and suspended riverine detritus are relatively uniform with a mean of ε205Tl = −2.0 ± 0.3 (ε205Tl represents the deviation of the 205Tl/203Tl isotope ratio of a sample from NIST SRM 997 Tl in parts per 104). For waters from four major and eight smaller rivers, the majority were found to have Tl concentrations between 1 and 7 ng/kg. Most have Tl isotope compositions very similar (within ±1.5 ε205Tl) to that deduced for the upper continental crust, which indicates that no significant Tl isotope fractionation occurs during weathering. Based on these results, it is estimated that rivers have a mean natural Tl concentration and isotope composition of 6 ± 4 ng/kg and ε205Tl = −2.5 ± 1.0, respectively.In the Amazon estuary, both additions and losses of Tl were observed, and these correlate with variations in Fe and Mn contents. The changes in Tl concentrations have much lower amplitudes, however, and are not associated with significant Tl isotope effects. In the Kalix estuary, the Tl concentrations and isotope compositions can be explained by two-component mixing between river water and a high-salinity end member that is enriched in Tl relative to seawater. These results indicate that Tl can display variable behavior in estuarine systems but large additions and losses of Tl were not observed in the present study.  相似文献   
An in situ microcosm (ISM) consists of a stainless steel cylinder isolating about 2 L of the aquifer and is equipped with valves allowing for loading and sampling from the ground surface. During the last five years, this technique has been used frequently to study the degradation of organic chemicals in polluted and pristine aquifers representing different redox environments. The ISM technique has great potential for providing field-relevant degradation potentials and rate constants, but care must be taken in using the equipment and interpreting the results. This paper provides details concerning the installation and operation of an ISM and presents experiences concerning data interpretation and monitoring of redox conditions.  相似文献   
The STARE system (Scandinavian Twin Auroral Radar Experiment) provides estimates of electron drift velocities, and hence also of the electric field in the high-latitude E-region ionosphere between 65 and 70 degrees latitude. The occurrence of drift velocities larger than about 400 m/s (equivalent to an electric field of 20 mV/m) have been correlated with the magnitude of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) components Bz and By at all local times. Observation days have been considered during which both southward (Bz<0) and northward (Bz>0) IMF occurred. The occurrence of electric fields larger than 20 mV/m increases with increases in Bz magnitudes when Bz<0. It is found that the effects of southward IMF continue for some time following the northward turnings of the IMF. In order to eliminate such residual effects for Bz<0, we have, in the second part of the study, considered those days which were characterized by a pure northward IMF. The occurrence is considerably lower during times when Bz>0, than during those when Bz is negative. These results are related to the expansion and contraction of the auroral oval. The different percentage occurrences of large electric field for By>0 and By<0 components of the IMF during times when Bz>0, clearly display a dawn-dusk asymmetry of plasma flow in the ionosphere. The effects of the time-varying solar-wind speed, density, IMF fluctuations, and magnetospheric substorms on the occurrence of auroral-backscatter observations are also discussed.  相似文献   
A 2-bay, 6-storey model test reinforced concrete frame (scale l:5) subjected to sequential earthquakes of increasing magnitude is considered in this paper. The frame was designed with a weak storey, in which the columns are weakened by using thinner and weaker reinforcement bars. The aim of the work is to study the global response to a damaging strong motion earthquake event of such buildings. Special emphasis is put on examining to what extent damage in the weak storey can be identified from global response measurements during an earthquake where the structure survives, and what level of excitation is necessary in order to identify the weak storey. Furthermore, emphasis is put on examining how and where damage develops in the structure and especially how the weak storey accumulates damage. Besides the damage in each storey the structure is identified by a static load at the top storey while measuring the horizontal displacement of the stories and also visual inspection is performed. From the investigations it is found that the reason for failure in the weak storey is that the absolute value of the stiffness deteriorates to a critical value where large plastic deformations occur and the storey is not capable of transferring the shear forces from the storeys above so failure is unavoidable.  相似文献   
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