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The NW–SE-striking Northeast German Basin (NEGB) forms part of the Southern Permian Basin and contains up to 8 km of Permian to Cenozoic deposits. During its polyphase evolution, mobilization of the Zechstein salt layer resulted in a complex structural configuration with thin-skinned deformation in the basin and thick-skinned deformation at the basin margins. We investigated the role of salt as a decoupling horizon between its substratum and its cover during the Mesozoic deformation by integration of 3D structural modelling, backstripping and seismic interpretation. Our results suggest that periods of Mesozoic salt movement correlate temporally with changes of the regional stress field structures. Post-depositional salt mobilisation was weakest in the area of highest initial salt thickness and thickest overburden. This also indicates that regional tectonics is responsible for the initiation of salt movements rather than stratigraphic density inversion.Salt movement mainly took place in post-Muschelkalk times. The onset of salt diapirism with the formation of N–S-oriented rim synclines in Late Triassic was synchronous with the development of the NNE–SSW-striking Rheinsberg Trough due to regional E–W extension. In the Middle and Late Jurassic, uplift affected the northern part of the basin and may have induced south-directed gravity gliding in the salt layer. In the southern part, deposition continued in the Early Cretaceous. However, rotation of salt rim synclines axes to NW–SE as well as accelerated rim syncline subsidence near the NW–SE-striking Gardelegen Fault at the southern basin margin indicates a change from E–W extension to a tectonic regime favoring the activation of NW–SE-oriented structural elements. During the Late Cretaceous–Earliest Cenozoic, diapirism was associated with regional N–S compression and progressed further north and west. The Mesozoic interval was folded with the formation of WNW-trending salt-cored anticlines parallel to inversion structures and to differentially uplifted blocks. Late Cretaceous–Early Cenozoic compression caused partial inversion of older rim synclines and reverse reactivation of some Late Triassic to Jurassic normal faults in the salt cover. Subsequent uplift and erosion affected the pre-Cenozoic layers in the entire basin. In the Cenozoic, a last phase of salt tectonic deformation was associated with regional subsidence of the basin. Diapirism of the maturest pre-Cenozoic salt structures continued with some Cenozoic rim synclines overstepping older structures. The difference between the structural wavelength of the tighter folded Mesozoic interval and the wider Cenozoic structures indicates different tectonic regimes in Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic.We suggest that horizontal strain propagation in the brittle salt cover was accommodated by viscous flow in the decoupling salt layer and thus salt motion passively balanced Late Triassic extension as well as parts of Late Cretaceous–Early Tertiary compression.  相似文献   
A millennium-long tree-ring width chronology of living and dead larch (Larix decidua Mill.) specimens from the Maritime French Alps was introduced 35?years ago. This record has been included in various large-scale temperature reconstructions, though recent analyses revealed only weak associations with regional summer temperatures. Calibration and verification trials against instrumental measurements were, however, limited by the original record’s early ending in 1974. Here we introduce an update of this widely considered chronology until 2007 and back into medieval times. A total of 297 new larch samples from high-elevation settings in the southern French Alps were included, and the combined 398 measurement series allowed effects of tree-ring detrending and chronology development to be explored. Comparisons with meteorological temperature, precipitation and drought indices revealed weak and temporally inconsistent climate sensitivity. To further place these local findings in a biogeographic context, we used >3,000 larch trees from 61 locations across the Alpine arc. This unique network approach confirmed fading temperature sensitivity with decreasing latitude, and thus questioned the overall reliability of ring width-based temperature reconstructions in the Mediterranean region. Our results further emphasize the pending need to develop chronologies from maximum latewood densities and stable isotope ratios across the lower latitudes, and to carefully evaluate ecological site conditions and methodological data restrictions prior to compiling local data into global networks.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Begriffe Bergzerreißung und Talzuschub kennzeichnen die morphologischen Auswirkungen großzügiger Hangbewegungen und zwar des Abriß- beziehungsweise des Fußbereiches.Die strukturellen Besonderheiten der Sackungen werden an besonders günstigen Beispielen deutlich: Dort bildet sich die Bewegung in einem mehrere hundert Meter mächtigen Hakenwerfen der ursprünglich steil talwärts fallenden Schichten ab, das nach oben noch in einen kaum verformten Bereich übergeht.Aus diesen Angaben läßt sich ein allgemein für Böschungen gültiger Deformationsplan ableiten, der bei Annahme einer linearen Verteilung der Scherbeanspruchung in der Vertikalen die Formulierung der festigkeitstheoretischen Eigenschaften des Materials Fels gestattet: Danach müssen wir dem Gebirge unter Oberflächenbedingungen erstens eine mit der Einspannung zunehmende Scherfestigkeit, die außerdem noch von der betrachteten Größenordnung abhängig ist, und zweitens ein Fließverhalten zuschreiben, das durch eine Potenzfunktion dargestellt wird.Auf Grund des Vergleiches mit Eis sind wir zu der Annahme berechtigt, daß dieses Fließgesetz auch für tiefere Krustenteile gültig ist.
The terms Bergzerreißung (mountain splitting) and Talzuschub (closing-up of the valleys) describe the morphological features of large down-hill movements. Their structural peculiarities are determined by a zone of internal rotation beneath a zone of only small internal deformation.From these data we can deduce a general plan of deformation of slopes. When assuming a linear distribution of shear stress they also allow the determination of the mechanical properties of rock masses.Comparing rock and ice in general we may conclude that these mechanical properties, mainly the flow law expressed by a power function, are valid also in deep parts of the earth's crust.

Résumé Les termes « Bergzerreißung » et « Talzuschub » désignent les effets morphologiques de forts mouvements de versants. Les particularités structurelles des affaisements de rochers se manifestent dans une zone de « rotation interne » sous une zone de faible déformation interne.De ces faits on peut déduire un plan général de déformation. L'hypothèse d'une répartition linéaire de la contrainte de cisaillement dans le sens vertical rend possible une détermination des propriétés méchaniques des rochers.D'une comparaison avec la glace nous pouvons tirer la conclusion que ces propriétés méchaniques, surtout la loi de fluage exprimée dans l'équation = ab ( = vitesse de déformation, = contrainte de cisaillement; a, b = paramètres), sont également valables dans les parties profondes de la croûte terrestre.

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Tin mineralisation is closely related to rhyolite stocks and dykes which occur in the endo- and exocontact of the Eibenstock granite, Erzgebirge, Germany. The same structures which cut the granite control the rhyolite emplacement and the location of ore-bearing greisen bodies. Albitisation and greisenisation related to tin mineralisation as well as sericitisation and argillic alteration may be traced by changes in chemical and mineralogical composition of both rhyolite and granite wall rock. Comprehensive zircon studies by scanning electron microscopy (secondary and backscattered electron as well as cathodoluminescence imaging; EDX measurements) reveal that zircon from rhyolite and from the enclosing granite shows significant changes in chemical composition and crystallinity, including distortion of the U-Pb isotope system when affected by greisenisation. Single evaporation analysis of zircon from rhyolite with little or no greisenisation gave a 207Pb/206Pb age of 290±5 Ma, whereas zircon from little altered granite gave a 207Pb/206Pb age of 320±8 Ma. The single evaporation age of zircon from rhyolite is confirmed by 238U/206Pb SHRIMP ages of 297±8 Ma. The significant time gap of at least 20 Ma between granite intrusion and rhyolite formation suggests that the late magmatic evolution of the Eibenstock granite cannot be regarded as a source for tin-ore forming fluids as previously assumed.  相似文献   
Spectra of longitudinal and vertical velocity have been studied at a marine site, östergarnsholm, in the Baltic Sea during a period of six days with near-neutral or slightly unstable conditions, when the wave state gradually changed from pure wind sea to strong swell having approximately the same direction as the wind. During the pure wind sea phase, spectra are shown to adhere closely to general forms for the neutral atmospheric surface layer obtained from a new theory. As soon as the wave age goes slightly beyond that representative of pure wind sea conditions, the spectra deviate in shape from the ideal forms. The spectral modification appears to start at a frequency typical of the swell component. As the wave age increases, it progresses in frequency as a downscale cascade, which is particularly prominent in the spectrum of the vertical component but which is also observed in the longitudinal component. In addition, there is a strong effect in the low-frequency part of the spectra. It is interpreted as an indirect effect of large-scale inactive turbulence, which becomes progressively more important as wave-age increases. It is found that the ratio of the spectrum of the vertical component and the spectrum of the corresponding longitudinal component attains the theoretically predicted value of 4/3 for cases of developing sea (gale force wind) for frequencies above approximately 4 Hz but never much exceeds unity for cases with swell. It is argued that this is an indication of local anisotropy and that the inertial-dissipation method for determination of the momentum flux is inappropriate in the case of mixed seas or swell.  相似文献   
Mafic intrusive rocks (1.79–1.78 Ga) of the Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) and the c. 1.87 Ga Hedesunda Igneous Complex in the Fennoscandian Shield of south‐central Sweden were studied using whole‐rock and isotope geochemistry. Rock types vary from gabbros/norites (and leucogabbros) to quartz diorites, with Mg# between 76 and 49, and wt% SiO2 between 43.6 and 59.7, indicating some variation in evolutionary levels and variable cumulus components. Geochemical signatures are calc‐alkaline to shoshonitic, large ion lithophile elements and light rare earth elements enriched and high‐field strength elements depleted of continental‐arc type. εNd(t) ranges between +1.0 and +2.7, and 87Sr/86Sr(t) between 0.7020 and 0.7038. There is no systematic correlation between chemical parameters and isotope ratios. These isotopic data overlap with other mafic plutonic TIB rocks; samples from the Dala Province (DP) tend to overlap with the c. 1.7 Ga basic Dala lavas of TIB at slightly elevated relative Sr/Nd ratios. With two exceptions, the εNd(t) of +1 to +2 conform to an isotopically ‘mildly depleted’ source, typical for mafic TIB rocks and many Svecofennian rocks in the region. Reported values above εNd(t) +2.0 are scarce in the TIB. Mantle sources represent depleted mantle wedge material that was enriched by fluids/melts not long before (TDM c. 2.0 Ga), that is during subduction in the preceding Svecofennian (2.0–1.87 Ga) and/or during the TIB‐0&1 event (1.85–1.78 Ga). The palaeotectonic settings inferred are active continental margins; N–S‐directed convergence at 1.87 Ga and E–W‐directed at 1.79–1.78 Ga. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Despite the particular scientific interest in the elements with high affinity to S and O2, but found in zero-valence state in nature, the origin of these native minerals has been little explored and remains obscure. Here we describe unique Sn-Pb droplets found in a closed analcime-calcite amygdale collected from a basaltic unit cropping out at Carsaig Bay (Isle of Mull, Inner Hebrides). The droplets consist of intimate intergrowths of nearly pure Sn0 and Pb0 domains in proportion 88:12 and are enveloped in a thin, brownish film of organic composition. The occurrence of the Sn-Pb droplets in a closed amygdale, their relationship with the host analcime + calcite and their Pb isotope composition (which does not match any known anthropogenic Pb source) rule out the possibility of anthropogenic contamination and support the natural origin of the Sn-Pb alloy.The variable isotope (Pb, Sr, Nd) compositions in different members of the host basaltic sequence suggest that a parent basaltic magma was modified by crustal assimilation and post-emplacement alteration processes. Considering all possible explanations, it appears that the most likely source of Pb for the Sn-Pb alloy is a discrete basaltic unit with an isotopic composition comparable to the Antrim basalts (Northern Ireland). The amygdale phases, on the other hand, show isotopic evidence for incorporation of elements from both local basaltic and sedimentary units. The apparent isotopic disequilibrium between Sn-Pb droplets and amygdale phases indicates a complex, multi-stage fluid evolution. The occurrence of Sn-Pb droplets in organic capsules suggests that the droplets and the enveloping organic substances are co-precipitates. This implies that the transportation and deposition of Sn and Pb might have occurred through organometallic compounds. We assume interaction of seawater fluids carrying metals leached from basaltic rocks with hydrocarbons from sedimentary units as a prerequisite for the formation of the organometallic complexes. The zeolites lining the basaltic vesicles might have destabilized the migrating organo-Sn and Pb compounds causing their breakdown and precipitation of Sn-Pb alloy.  相似文献   
The Elbe Fault System (EFS) is a WNW-striking zone extending from the southeastern North Sea to southwestern Poland along the present southern margin of the North German Basin and the northern margin of the Sudetes Mountains. Although details are still under debate, geological and geophysical data reveal that upper crustal deformation along the Elbe Fault System has taken place repeatedly since Late Carboniferous times with changing kinematic activity in response to variation in the stress regime. In Late Carboniferous to early Permian times, the Elbe Fault System was part of a post-Variscan wrench fault system and acted as the southern boundary fault during the formation of the Permian Basins along the Trans-European Suture Zone (sensu [Geol. Mag. 134 (5) (1997) 585]). The Teisseyre–Tornquist Zone (TTZ) most probably provided the northern counterpart in a pull-apart scenario at that time. Further strain localisation took place during late Mesozoic transtension, when local shear within the Elbe Fault System caused subsidence and basin formation along and parallel to the fault system. The most intense deformation took place along the system during late Cretaceous–early Cenozoic time, when the Elbe Fault System responded to regional compression with up to 4 km of uplift and formation of internal flexural highs. Compressional deformation continued during early Cenozoic time and actually may be ongoing. The upper crust of the Elbe Fault System, which itself reacted in a more or less ductile fashion, is underlain by a lower crust characterised by low P-wave velocities, low densities and a weak rheology. Structural, seismic and gravimetric data as well as rheology models support the assumption that a weak, stress-sensitive zone in the lower crust is the reason for the high mobility of the area and repeated strain localisation along the Elbe Fault System.  相似文献   
The Archaean block of southern Greenland constitutes the core of the North Atlantic craton (NAC) and is host to a large number of Precambrian mafic intrusions and dyke swarms, many of which are regionally extensive but poorly dated. For southern West Greenland, we present a U–Pb zircon age of 2990 ± 13 Ma for the Amikoq mafic–ultramafic layered intrusion (Fiskefjord area) and four baddeleyite U–Pb ages of Precambrian dolerite dykes. Specifically, a dyke located SE of Ameralik Fjord is dated at 2499 ± 2 Ma, similar to a previously reported 40Ar/39Ar age of a dyke in the Kangâmiut area. For these and related intrusions of ca. 2.5 Ga age in southern West Greenland, we propose the name Kilaarsarfik dykes. Three WNW-trending dykes of the MD3 swarm yield ages of 2050 ± 2 Ma, 2041 ± 3 Ma and 2029 ± 3 Ma. A similar U–Pb baddeleyite age of 2045 ± 2 Ma is also presented for a SE-trending dolerite (Iglusuataliksuak dyke) in the Nain Province, the rifted western block of the NAC in Labrador. We speculate that the MD3 dykes and age-equivalent NNE-trending Kangâmiut dykes of southern West Greenland, together with the Iglusuataliksuak dyke (after closure of the Labrador Sea) represent components of a single, areally extensive, radiating swarm that signaled the arrival of a mantle plume centred on what is presently the western margin of the North Atlantic craton. Comparison of the magmatic ‘barcodes’ from the Nain and Greenland portions of the North Atlantic craton with the established record from the north-eastern Superior craton shows matches at 2500 Ma, 2214 Ma, 2050–2030 Ma and 1960–1950 Ma. We use these new age constraints, together with orientations of the dyke swarms, to offer a preliminary reconstruction of the North Atlantic craton near the north-eastern margin of the Superior craton during the latest Archaean and early Palaeoproterozoic, possibly with the Core Zone craton of eastern Canada intervening.  相似文献   
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