Seasonal appearance ofProchlorococcus was studied by flow cytometry in Suruga Bay, Japan in 1992–1993.Prochlorococcus cells were in high concentrations (>1×104 cells ml–1) from July to October 1992 and September 1993, when the water temperature was over 20°C. The 16S rRNA of the isolated cells showed 98.5% sequence homology with that ofP. marinus (Sargasso strain), indicating that they are the same species. The former has a high divinyl-chlorophyll (DV-Chl.)a/b ratio similar to the Mediterranean strain and different from the Sargasso strain. Maximum concentration ofProchlorococcus at the surface water was 2.5×104 cells ml–1 in August 1992 and their DV-Chl.a accounted for 4.0% of the total chlorophylla. A decrease in cell density to less than 5×103 cells ml–1 was observed from December to May with an exceptional rise in January 1993. WhileProchlorococcus showed a maximum concentration of 3.6×104 cells ml–1 at 10 m depth in September 1992, phycoerythrin (PE)-richSynechococcus spp. were dominant with their maximum concentration of 2.2×105 cells ml–1 in the same water body. On the other hand, phycocyanin (PC)-richSynechococcus spp. and the larger phytoplankters showed maximum concentrations in the surface waters in May and June. BothProchlorococcus and PE-richSynechococcus showed their lowest concentrations in April. A significant positive correlation was obtained between cell concentrations of the PE-richSynechococcus andProchlorococcus. 相似文献
ALHA 76005 is a basaltic achondrite containing few. if any, orthopyroxenes. Its bulk major and trace element composition is like that of a non-cumulate eucrite, and unlike that of a howardite. It contains a variety of igneous clasts which differ in their textures, pyroxene/plagioclase ratios and pyroxene and plagioclase compositions. One clast, No. 4, was found to have the REE pattern of a cumulate eucrite and an oxygen isotopic composition different from that of the bulk meteorite. Both the chemical and oxygen isotopic composition of clast No. 4 suggest that it was derived from a source different from its host. These observations lead to the conclusion that ALHA 76005 is a polymict eucrite. 相似文献
Boundary-Layer Meteorology - Known as the heat-mitigation effect, irrigated rice-paddy fields distribute a large fraction of their received energy to the latent heat during the growing season. The... 相似文献
Coupled hillslope and channel processes in headwater streams (HWS) lead to rapid changes in channel dimensions. Changes in channel size and shape caused by a debris flow event along the length of a headwater stream in the Ashio Mountains, Japan, were captured with the aid of repeat high-definition surveys using terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) techniques. The HWS was classified into three distinct reaches below the debris flow initiation zone. A large knickpoint separated an upper bedrock reach from a colluvial reach along the midsection of the drainage. The colluvial reach transitioned to a lower bedrock reach that terminated at the master stream. Cross-sectional and morphometric analyses revealed no statistically significant changes in channel size or shape along the upper bedrock reach. Debris flow erosion generated significant differences in channel size and shape along a colluvial reach. Sediment bulking associated with erosion along the colluvial reach led to increases in channel size along the lower bedrock reach, but no statistical differences in channel shape. Morphometric analyses from the TLS point cloud revealed that debris flow erosion produced a distinct nonlinear change in channel dimensions in the downstream direction within the HWS. Variations in channel substrate along the length of HWS contributed directly to this nonlinear response. The episodic nature and nonlinearity of erosion associated with the current debris flow event highlights the importance of debris flows in general in understanding the transport of sediment, coarse to fine particulate organic material, and large woody debris, which are critical to the long-term management of riverine environments. TLS sampling methods show promise as one component of a multianalytical approach needed to continuously monitor and manage the dynamics of HWS. 相似文献
Continental crust is very important for evolution of life because most bioessential elements are supplied from continent to ocean. In addition, the distribution of continent affects climate because continents have much higher albedo than ocean, equivalent to cloud. Conventional views suggest that continental crust is gradually growing through the geologic time and that most continental crust was formed in the Phanerozoic and late Proterozoic. However, the thermal evolution of the Earth implies that much amounts of continental crust should be formed in the early Earth. This is “Continental crust paradox”.Continental crust comprises granitoid, accretionary complex, and sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. The latter three components originate from erosion of continental crust because the accretionary and metamorphic complexes mainly consist of clastic materials. Granitoid has two components: a juvenile component through slab-melting and a recycling component by remelting of continental materials. Namely, only the juvenile component contributes to net continental growth. The remains originate from recycling of continental crust. Continental recycling has three components: intracrustal recycling, crustal reworking, and crust–mantle recycling, respectively. The estimate of continental growth is highly varied. Thermal history implied the rapid growth in the early Earth, whereas the present distribution of continental crust suggests the slow growth. The former regards continental recycling as important whereas the latter regarded as insignificant, suggesting that the variation of estimate for the continental growth is due to involvement of continental recycling.We estimated erosion rate of continental crust and calculated secular changes of continental formation and destruction to fit four conditions: present distribution of continental crust (no continental recycling), geochronology of zircons (intracontinental recycling), Hf isotope ratios of zircons (crustal reworking) and secular change of mantle temperature. The calculation suggests some important insights. (1) The distribution of continental crust around at 2.7 Ga is equivalent to the modern amounts. (2) Especially, the distribution of continental crust from 2.7 to 1.6 Ga was much larger than at present, and the sizes of the total continental crust around 2.4, 1.7, and 0.8 Ga became maximum. The distribution of continental crust has been decreasing since then. More amounts of continental crust were formed at higher mantle temperatures at 2.7, 1.9, and 0.9 Ga, and more amounts were destructed after then. As a result, the mantle overturns led to both the abrupt continental formation and destruction, and extinguished older continental crust. The timing of large distribution of continental crust apparently corresponds to the timing of icehouse periods in Precambrian. 相似文献
The major and trace element concentrations of volcanic glass shards from visible tephra layers in the SG93 and SG06 cores from Lake Suigetsu, central Japan, were determined by femtosecond laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry. The glass-shard analyses, together with the petrographic properties of the tephra samples, allow the Suigetsu tephra layers to be broadly classified into tephras derived from calderas on Kyushu Island, and from Daisen and Sambe volcanoes in the Chugoku district of southwest Japan. The layers correlated with tephras from Kuju caldera and Daisen volcano, and with the younger Sambe tephras, have adakitic elemental features. A Suigetsu tephra sample correlated with the Sambe−Kisuki tephra based on petrographic properties has an elemental pattern similar to that of the Toya tephra from Hokkaido Island, northeast Japan. This match implies that tephras from northeast Japan, as well as Kyushu–Chugoku tephras, are possible correlatives of the Suigetsu tephra layers. Both petrographic properties and major–trace element data of volcanic glass shards are essential for robust tephra correlations, and hierarchical cluster analysis proved additionally useful in statistically evaluating relationships among the tephras. 相似文献
We estimated metamorphic conditions for the 6 Ma Taitao ophiolite, associated with the Chile triple junction. The metamorphic grade of the ophiolite, estimated from secondary matrix minerals, changes stratigraphically downwards from the zeolite facies, through the prehnite–actinolite facies, greenschist facies and the greenschist–amphibolite transition, to the amphibolite facies. The metamorphic facies series corresponds to the low-pressure type. The metamorphic zone boundaries are subparallel to the internal lithological boundaries of the ophiolite, indicating that the metamorphism was due to axial hydrothermal alteration at a mid-ocean ridge.
Mineral assemblages and the compositions of veins systematically change from quartz-dominated, through epidote-dominated, to prehnite-dominated with increasing depth. Temperatures estimated from the vein assemblages range from 230 °C in the volcanic unit to 380 °C at the bottom of the gabbro unit, systematically 200 °C lower than estimates from the adjoining matrix minerals. The late development of veins and the systematically lower temperatures suggest that the vein-forming alteration was due to off-axis hydrothermal alteration.
Comparison between the Taitao ophiolite with its mid-ocean ridge (MOR) affinity, and other ophiolites and MOR crusts, suggests that the Taitao ophiolite has many hydrothermal alteration features similar to those of MOR crusts. This is consistent with the tectonic history that the Taitao ophiolite was formed at the South Chile ridge system near the South American continent (Anma, R., Armstrong, R., Danhara, T., Orihashi, Y. and Iwano, H., 2006. Zircon sensitive high mass-resolution ion microprobe U–Pb and fission-track ages for gabbros and sheeted dykes of the Taitao ophiolite, Southern Chile, and their tectonic implications. The Island Arc, 15(1): 130–142). 相似文献