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Meso- or submeso-scale features of the Antarctic sea ice are investigated using the MOS-1/1b MESSR Images (spatial resolution of approximately 50 m) received at Syowa Station. Particular attention is paid to the ice bands and ice streamers in coastal polynyas. In the Antarctic Ocean, ice bands can be often seen not only at the ice edge but also in the ice interior zone throughout the year and they extend for hundreds of kilometers in the latitudinal direction. It is found that the width and spacing of ice bands tend to decrease from winter to summer. The width of ice band is about 2–6 km in August and September, and 0.1–0.7 km in December. The spacing of ice bands is about 3–10 km in August and September, and 0.1–2 km in December. In coastal polynyas, ice streamers, which are composed of new ice, are sometimes observed. In general, the row of the streamers is spaced at 0.5–2 km with a width of 0.1–1.0 km.  相似文献   
Simultaneous analysis of carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios by SIMS was applied for the first-time to a natural diamond from the Kelsey Lake kimberlite, State Line Distinct, Colorado (UWD-1). This in situ procedure is faster, reduces sample size for analysis, and measures both isotope ratios from a single ~ 10 μm diameter pit, a critical advantage for zoned diamonds. The carbon isotope ratio (expressed as δ13CVPDB) of the bulk UWD-1 crystal, determined by the conventional combustion method in the present study, is -5.9‰ ± 0.2‰ (VPDB, 2s). Nitrogen mass fraction ([N]) and isotope ratio (expressed as δ15NAir) were determined by stepwise combustion and gas-source mass-spectrometry, resulting in 553 ± 64 μg g-1 and -6.7‰ ± 1.1‰ (Air, 2s), respectively. Secondary ions of 12C2-, 12C13C-, 12C14N-, and 12C15N- were simultaneously measured by SIMS using three Faraday cups and one electron multiplier. The spot-to-spot reproducibility of δ13C and δ15N values for the UWD-1 (178 spots on sixteen chips, 10 μm spots), were 0.3‰ and 1.6‰, respectively (2s). While 12C14N-/12C2- ratios, which are an indicator for [N], varied up to 12% among these sixteen chips, such variation did not correlate with either δ13C or δ15N values. We propose that UWD-1 is a suitable reference sample for microscale in situ analysis of δ13C and δ15N values in diamond samples.  相似文献   
The second order theory of coupling is discussed regarding the radial pulsation of stellar models which are constructed ignoring convection. The formula including the nonadiabatic effect is presented. Numerical values given for model classical cepheids are considerably greater than the adiabatic values.  相似文献   
Exposure of the ca. 6 Ma Taitao ophiolite, Chile, located 50 km south of the Chile Triple Junction, allows detailed chemical and isotopic study of rocks that were recently extracted from the depleted mantle source of mid-ocean ridge basalts (DMM). Ultramafic and mafic rocks are examined for isotopic (Os, Sr, Nd, and O), and major and trace element compositions, including the highly siderophile elements (HSE). Taitao peridotites have compositions indicative of variable extents of partial melting and melt extraction. Low δ18O values for most whole rock samples suggest some open-system, high-temperature water–rock interaction, most likely during serpentinization, but relict olivine grains have δ18O values consistent with primary mantle values. Most of the peridotites analyzed for Nd–Sr isotopes have compositions consistent with estimates for the modern DMM, although several samples are characterized by 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd indicative of crustal contamination, most likely via interactions with seawater. The peridotites have initial 187Os/188Os ratios that range widely from 0.1168 to 0.1288 (γOs = −8.0 to +1.1), averaging 0.1239 (γOs = −2.4), which is comparable to the average for modern abyssal peridotites. A negative correlation between the Mg# of relict olivine grains and Os isotopic compositions of whole rock peridotites suggests that the Os isotopic compositions reflect primary mantle Re/Os fractionation produced by variable extents of partial melting at approximately 1.6 Ga. Recent re-melting at or near the spatially associated Chile Ridge further modified these rocks, and Re, and minor Pt and Pd were subsequently added back into some rocks by late-stage melt–rock or fluid–rock interactions.In contrast to the peridotites, approximately half of the mafic rocks examined have whole rock δ18O values within the range of mantle compositions, and their Nd and Sr isotopic compositions are all generally within the range of modern DMM. These rocks have initial 187Os/188Os ratios, calculated for 6 Ma, that range from 0.126 (γOs = −1) to as high as 0.561 (γOs = +342). The Os isotopic systematics of each of these rocks may reflect derivation from mixed lithologies that include the peridotites, but may also include pyroxenites with considerably more radiogenic Os than the peridotites. This observation supports the view that suprachondritic Os present in MORB derives from mixed mantle source lithologies, accounting for some of the worldwide dichotomy in 187Os/188Os between MORB and abyssal peridotites.The collective results of this study suggest that this >500 km3 block of the mantle underwent at least two stages of melting. The first stage occurred at 1.6 Ga, after which the block remained isolated and unmixed within the DMM. A final stage of melting recently occurred at or near the Chile Ridge, resulting in the production of at least some of the mafic rocks. Convective stirring of this mantle domain during a >1 Ga period was remarkably inefficient, at least with regard to Os isotopes.  相似文献   
Diploastrea heliopora forms dense, robust, dome-shaped coral colonies throughout the reef ecosystems of the tropical Pacific and Indian Oceans. This slow-growing (2 to 6 mm/yr) coral has the potential to yield continuous paleoclimate records spanning up to 1000 yr for the warmest waters on Earth, the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool, and has a long fossil history as a single recognizable species. Despite the potential of Diploastrea to be an important new paleoclimate archive, little is known about the systematics of geochemical tracers incorporated into its skeleton. To fill this knowledge gap, we compared skeletal δ18O signatures in live Diploastrea and Porites colonies from Southwest Lagoon, near Amédée Lighthouse, New Caledonia (at the southern latitudinal limit for Diploastrea) and Alor, Indonesia (in the core area of the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool). We designed a new microsampling technique to minimize smoothing and distortion of the isotopic records due to the complex calyx architecture and slow growth of Diploastrea. High-resolution isotope profiles from the septal portion of the Diploastrea corallite are attenuated, whereas those restricted to the central columella are similar in quality to those extracted from the well-established Porites coral archive. The δ18O-temperature relationship for the columellar portion of Diploastrea (−0.18‰/°C) is in good agreement with that derived for a nearby Porites (−0.19‰/°C; Quinn et al., 1996), on the basis of comparison with an in situ sea surface temperature record from Amédée Lighthouse. There is a measurable difference of 0.3 ± 0.1‰ between the kinetic/biological disequilibrium offsets from seawater δ18O composition for Diploastrea and Porites. Despite this offset in mean δ18O, Diploastrea accurately records the regional differences in mean temperature and salinity between New Caledonia and the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool. Additional tests show that Diploastrea records El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) interannual variability in sea surface temperature and salinity across the southwestern Pacific, indicating that it should yield dependable paleo-ENSO records. Based on these results, we propose that D. heliopora has the potential to provide an important new coral archive of tropical paleoclimate.  相似文献   
Forest ecohydrological feedbacks complicate the threshold behaviour of stormflow response to precipitation or wetting conditions on a long-term scale (e.g. several years). In this study, the threshold behaviours in an evergreen-deciduous mixed forested headwater catchment in southern China were examined during 2009–2015, when damaged vegetation was recovering after the great 2008 Chinese ice and snowstorm. The non-uniqueness of the thresholds and the slow and rapid responses of stormflow at the outlet of the catchment in different hydro-climate datasets with different maximum values of gross precipitation (P) and sums of precipitation and antecedent soil moisture index (P + ASI) were assessed. The thresholds of P and P + ASI required to trigger stormflows (i.e. ‘generation thresholds’) and the transition from slow to rapid responses of stormflow (i.e. ‘rise thresholds’) were compared both seasonally and annually. The results indicated significant differences in the analysed datasets, highlighting the need to compare thresholds with care to avoid misinterpretation. Seasonal variations in threshold behaviours in the catchment suggested that vegetation canopy interception contributed to higher rise thresholds, and wetter conditions resulted in higher runoff sensitivity to precipitation during the growing and rainy seasons. Furthermore, the generation thresholds were higher in the dormant season, possibly due to drier soil moisture conditions in the near-channel areas. During the vegetation recovery period, the annual generation thresholds increased, however the rise thresholds did not exhibit a similar trend. The rapid stormflow response above the threshold decreased, possibly due to transpiration and interception of the recovered vegetation. However, the slow stormflow response to small rainfall events below the thresholds was higher in wetter years but lower in drier years, suggesting that the total water input dominated the stormflow response during small rainfall events. In conclusion, the seasonal and annual variations in threshold behaviours highlight that vegetation recovery and hydro-climatic conditions had a notable impact on the stormflow response.  相似文献   
Insoluble particle concentration in ice cores is commonly analyzed as a proxy for varia-tions in atmospheric mineral dust (aerosol concentration). However, recent studies have revealed that the mineral dust is not only a constituent of the particles but that biogenic organic particles are also contained. We microscopically analyzed insoluble particles in a shallow ice core drilled on a mountain glacier, the ürümqi Glacier No. 1, in eastern Tienshan, China. We distinguished different morphologi-cal particles...  相似文献   
The three-dimensional subsurface structure model around Kansai International Airport (KIX) has been developed based on the geologically and geotechnically investigated results of a large amount of borehole data for estimation of subsidence. The model consists of the alternation of marine clay and coarse deposits. The many seismic surveys and borehole drillings were carried out around the KIX before the constructing the airport. The stratigraphy of the model was renewed by the KIX18-1, which was about 1,300 m long drilling core and was drilled near the 2nd runway of the KIX from 2006 to 2007. In this study, the subsurface geological model was revised by integration of renewed borehole data and seismic profiles to incorporate complex warping structure and heterogenic lateral variation.  相似文献   
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