The substrate composition is directly associated with the distribution of the Ribbed Mussel Geukensia demissa (=Modiolus demissus) along tidal-creek banks. Mussels were counted within a 2 dm × 5 dm microplot frame, and soil samples were collected at 5 m intervals for 320 m along Big Sheepshead Creek, near Tuckerton, New Jersey. Organic decomposition, percentage organic matter, and percentages of sand, silt, and clay were determined for each soil sample. Mussels were most frequently found in substrates characterized by low organic decomposition (Von Post >5), high organic matter content, (10–20%), and low sand content (0–20%). 相似文献
Globally, coral reefs are threatened by ocean warming and acidification. The degree to which acidification will impact reefs is dependent on the local hydrodynamics, benthic community composition, and biogeochemical processes, all of which vary on different temporal and spatial scales. Characterizing the natural spatiotemporal variability of seawater carbonate chemistry across different reefs is critical for elucidating future impacts on coral reefs. To date, most studies have focused on select habitats, whereas fewer studies have focused on reef scale variability. Here, we investigate the temporal and spatial seawater physicochemical variability across the entire Heron Island coral reef platform, Great Barrier Reef, Australia, for a limited duration of six days. Autonomous sensor measurements at three sites across the platform were complemented by reef-wide boat surveys and discrete sampling of seawater carbonate chemistry during the morning and evening. Variability in both temporal and spatial physicochemical properties were predominantly driven by solar irradiance (and its effect on biological activity) and the semidiurnal tidal cycles but were influenced by the local geomorphology resulting in isolation of the platform during low tide and rapid flooding during rising tides. As a result, seawater from previous tidal cycles was sometimes trapped in different parts of the reef leading to unexpected biogeochemical trends in space and time. This study illustrates the differences and limitations of data obtained from high-frequency measurements in a few locations compared to low-frequency measurements at high spatial resolution and coverage, showing the need for a combined approach to develop predictive capability of seawater physicochemical properties on coral reefs.
Rapid flux density variations on timescales of the order of a day or less (Intraday Variability, IDV) in the radio regime are a common phenomenon within the blazar class. Observations with the Effelsberg 100-m telescope of the MPIfR showed that the variations occur not only in total intensity, but also in the polarized intensity and in polarization angle. Here we present an overview of our IDV-observations and discuss briefly some models which may explain the effect. 相似文献
Forests modify snow processes and affect snow water storage as well as snow disappearance timing. However, forest influences on snow accumulation and ablation vary with climate and topography and are therefore subject to temporal and spatial variability. We utilize multiple years of snow observations from across the Pacific Northwest, United States, to assess forest–snow interactions in the relatively warm winter conditions characteristic of maritime and transitional maritime–continental climates. We (a) quantify the difference in snow magnitude and disappearance timing between forests and open areas and (b) assess how forest modifications of snow accumulation and ablation combine to determine whether snow disappears later in the forest or in the open. We find that snow disappearance timing at 12 (out of 14) sites ranges from synchronous in the forest and open to snow persisting up to 13 weeks longer in the open relative to a forested area. By analyzing accumulation and ablation rates up to the day when snow first disappears from the forest, we find that the difference between accumulation rates in the open and forest is larger than the difference between ablation rates. Thus, canopy snow interception and subsequent loss, rather than ablation, set up longer snow duration in the open. However, at two relatively windy sites (hourly average wind speeds up to 8 and 17 m/s), differential snow disappearance timing is reversed: Snow persists 2–5 weeks longer in the forest. At the windiest sites, accumulation rates in the forest and open are similar. Ablation rates are higher in the open, but the difference between ablation rates in the forest and open at these sites is approximately equivalent to the difference at less windy sites. Thus, longer snow retention in the forest at the windiest sites is controlled by depositional differences rather than by reduced ablation rates. These findings suggest that improved quantification of forest effects on snow accumulation processes is needed to accurately predict the effect of forest management or natural disturbance on snow water resources. 相似文献
Planetary or Rossby waves, though probably unimportant in the fluid interior of the Earth, are of interest to earth scientists in general, because of their pervasive role in the general circulation of oceans and atmospheres. The present review does not presuppose any special knowledge of geophysical fluid dynamics. Following a recapitulation of some general wave concepts, it defines absolute vorticity and its role as a restoring force in rotatory motion. The quasi-geostrophic character, the westward propagation and the dispersion of planetary waves is then discussed, as is the difference between shear waves and waves with vertically uniform motion. A last section deals briefly with the influence of planetary wave dynamics on climatic patterns in the atmosphere and in the oceans. 相似文献
As the uptake of cationic drugs, such as tetracycline (TC), was attributed to cation exchange, the stability of adsorbed TC on a Ca-montmorillonite SAz-2 was studied using cationic solutions of different valence charges under different pH conditions. At the initial loading of 356 mg g?1, the amounts of TC desorbed by 0.05 M AlCl3, CaCl2, and NaCl were 133 ± 4, 83 ± 6, and 50 ± 4 mg g?1, respectively, or 37, 23, and 14 %. However, when the amount or percentage of TC desorbed was normalized to the equivalence of each cation, the values were in the range of 44–50 mg g?1 or 11–14 % per 10 mmol of charge. The kinetics of TC desorption were moderately fast and almost reached equilibrium in 6 h. The results followed the pseudo-second-order kinetic model with reaction rate in the order of AlCl3 > CaCl2 > NaCl at a higher initial TC loading level. The total amount of TC desorbed after five desorption cycles followed the order of AlCl3 > CaCl2 > NaCl, too, suggesting that cations with higher positive charges, thus, less hydrated, are preferred to remove adsorbed cationic drugs. The FTIR analyses showed larger band shift when Al3+ was used as the desorbing reagent. The XRD patterns before and after TC desorption revealed no changes in basal spacing, even after five desorption cycles, suggesting that the removal of TC from SAz-2 was largely from the external surfaces. 相似文献