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This paper studies the depth variability of uniaxial compressive laboratory test results on intact Toki granite (i.e., sound rock without macroscopic fractures) from the Shobasama and Mizunami Construction Sites, Japan. Some of the depth variability observed in the laboratory results can be indirectly attributed to the high fracture frequency of the “upper highly fractured rock domain” from which some of the samples were taken. For samples taken from the “lower sparsely fractured rock domain,” however, the uniaxial compressive strength of the granite seems to be very strongly correlated to the level of in situ rock stress (i.e., maximum shear stress) determined by measurement results obtained from hydrofracturing tests. The correlation between the laboratory results and the level of in situ stress is explained by the damage due to the complex stress path that the cores undergo during drilling, besides the stress concentrations at the drill-bit/rock contact, which can also affect the microcracking of the samples. An attempt to adjust laboratory test results to estimate the in situ intact rock strength of Toki granite based on its correlation with in situ stresses was carried out.  相似文献   
Free-air gravity anomaly in plate subduction zones, characterized by island-arc high, trench low and outer-rise gentle high, reflects the cumulative effects of long-term crustal uplift and subsidence. In northeast Japan the island-arc high of observed free-air gravity anomaly takes its maximum about the eastern coastline. On the other hand, the current vertical crustal motion estimated from geological and geomorphological observations shows a gentle uplift in the land area and steep subsidence in the sea area with the neutral point near the eastern coastline. Such a discrepancy in spatial patterns between the free-air gravity anomaly and current vertical crustal motion can be ascribed to a change in the mode of crustal uplift and subsidence associated with the initiation of tectonic erosion at the North American-Pacific plate interface. We developed a realistic 3-D simulation model of steady plate subduction with tectonic erosion in northeast Japan on the basis of elastic/viscoelastic dislocation theory. Through numerical simulations with this model we found that simple steady plate subduction brings about the crustal uplift characterized by island-arc high with its maximum about the eastern coastline, while steady plate subduction with tectonic erosion, which is represented by the landward retreat of the plate interface, brings about gentle uplift in the land area and steep subsidence in the sea area with the neutral point near the eastern coastline. Therefore, if we suppose that tectonic erosion started 3–4 million years ago after the long duration of simple steady plate subduction, we can consistently explain both patterns of free-air gravity anomaly and current crustal uplift in northeast Japan.  相似文献   
Abstract Bathymetric data from south of Hokkaido obtained during a cruise of R/V Hakuho-Maru are summarized, and their correlation with earthquake occurrence is discussed. There are structural lineations on the seaward slope of the Kuril Trench, oblique to the Kuril Trench axis and parallel to the magnetic lineations in the Pacific plate. The structural lineations comprise horst-grabens generated by normal faulting. This suggests that Cretaceous tectonic structures originating at the spreading centre affect present seismotectonics around the trench axis. The structural-magnetic relation is compared to the case of the Japan Trench. North-east of the surveyed area, there are two major fracture zones (Nosappu Fracture Zone and Iturup Fracture Zone) that divide the oceanic plate into three segments. If the fracture zones (FZ) and the zone of paleo-mechanical weakness, represented by magnetic lineations, can control the direction of normal faults at a trench, the extent of the resulting topographic roughness on the seaward slope of the trench would be different across an FZ because of the differences in ages. By studying recent large earthquakes occurring in the south Kuril region, it is shown that several main-aftershock distributions for large earthquakes in this region are bounded by the Nosappu FZ and the Iturup FZ. Two models (Barrier model and Rebound model) are presented to interpret earthquake occurrence near the south Kuril Islands. The Barrier model explains seismic boundaries seen in several examples for earthquake occurrence in the south Kuril regions. The fracture zone forming the boundary of two segments with different magnetic lineations is also the boundary of two different normal fault systems on their ocean bottom, and the difference in sea-bottom roughness between two normal fault systems should affect the seismic coupling at a plate interface. Due to the difference of seismic coupling, earthquake occurrence is controlled by an FZ and then the FZ acts as a seismic boundary (Barrier model). Existing normal faults created by plate bending of subducting oceanic plate should rebound after its subduction (Rebound model). This rebound of normal faults may cause intraplate earthquakes with a high-angle reverse-fault mechanism such as the 1994 Shikotan Earthquake. The energy released by an intraplate earthquake generated by normal-fault rebounding is not directly related to that of interplate earthquakes such as low-angle thrust earthquakes. It is a reason why large earthquakes occurred in the same region during a relatively short period.  相似文献   
A series of ozone transects measured each year from 1987 to 1990 over thewestern Pacific and eastern Indian oceans between mid-November andmid-Decembershows a prominent ozone maximum reaching 50–80 ppbv between 5 and 10 kmin the 20° S–40° S latitude band. This maximum contrasts with ozonemixing ratios lower than20 ppbv measured at the same altitudes in equatorial regions. Analyses witha globalchemical transport model suggest that these elevated ozone values are part ofa large-scale tropospheric ozone plume extending from Africa to the western Pacific acrosstheIndian ocean. These plumes occur several months after the peak in biomassburninginfluence and during a period of high lightning activity in the SouthernHemispheretropical belt. The composition and geographical extent of these plumes aresimilar to theozone layers previously encountered during the biomass burning season in thisregion.Our model results suggest that production of nitrogen oxides from lightningstrokes sustains the NOx (= NO+NO2) levels and the ozonephotochemical productionrequired in the upper troposphere to form these persistent elevated ozonelayers emanating from biomass burning regions.  相似文献   
Intrusions of the warm, oligotrophic surface slope water (SSW) and the cold, nutrient-rich bottom slope water (BSW) from the continental slope influence the annual variations in water temperature and nutrient concentrations in the Kii Channel in August. In order to evaluate the relationships between both these intrusions and the distance of the Kuroshio axis from Cape Shionomisaki (Kuroshio distance), a Distance-Intrusion-Diagram (DID) for temperature, which can reproduce the vertical temperature profile of the channel, was constructed by analyzing the temperature and Kuroshio distance records in August for 1967–2001. DIDs for nutrients (nitrate and phosphate) are also constructed by using the relationship between the nutrient concentration and water temperature. The only explanatory variable in the DIDs is the Kuroshio distance. The DID for temperature predicts that the SSW occupies almost the entire water column when the Kuroshio approaches Cape Shionomisaki (Kuroshio distance = 18.5 km). When the Kuroshio distance lies in the range 18.5–74 km, the BSW thickness increases proportionally to the Kuroshio distance increment while the SSW thickness decreases. The BSW occupies the largest portion of the channel when the Kuroshio distance is 74 km. Further, beyond 74 km, the BSW thickness reduces gradually. Yearly variations in the temperature and concentrations of nitrate and phosphate were hindcast with the DIDs. The results revealed that the Kuroshio distance contributes 70%, 35%, and 30% of the variances in temperature, nitrate concentration, and phosphate concentration, respectively.  相似文献   
In sharp contrast with the global trend in population growth, certain developed countries are expected to experience rapid national population declines. Considering future land use scenarios that include depopulation is necessary to evaluate changes in ecosystem services that affect human well‐being and to facilitate comprehensive strategies for balancing rural and urban development. In this study, we applied a population‐projection‐assimilated predictive land use modeling (PPAP‐LM) approach, in which a spatially explicit population projection was incorporated as a predictor in a land use model. To analyze the effects of future population distributions on land use, we developed models for five land use types and generated projections for two scenarios (centralization and decentralization) under a shrinking population in Japan during 2015–2050. Our results suggested that population centralization promotes the compaction of built‐up areas and the expansion of forest and wastelands, while population decentralization contributes to the maintenance of a mixture of forest and cultivated land.  相似文献   
The behavior of a granite subject to a triaxial compression test ranging from the prefailure stage to the postfailure stage was studied using a fluorescent technique from the geological point of view. Microscopic observations of the specimens at different stages showed changes in the failure process. The start of formation of new microcracks paralleled the compression direction through their propagation until the onset of faulting and ended with the failure of shear zones after the strength failure point. Pores chiefly identified in the feldspar increased in length and width in the early stages, but not in number. It seems that the effect of pore spaces did not have any effect of failure. The microcracks generated on angular edges of quartz or feldspar grains and around biotite grains with increasing compression force. The phenomenon appearing on the crystal boundaries among biotite and quartz or feldspar agrees with the result calculated based on the theory on stress fields with ellipsoidal inhomogeneity suggested by Eshelby.  相似文献   
On the basis of observations using Cs‐corrected STEM, we identified three types of surface modification probably formed by space weathering on the surfaces of Itokawa particles. They are (1) redeposition rims (2–3 nm), (2) composite rims (30–60 nm), and (3) composite vesicular rims (60–80 nm). These rims are characterized by a combination of three zones. Zone I occupies the outermost part of the surface modification, which contains elements that are not included in the unchanged substrate minerals, suggesting that this zone is composed of sputter deposits and/or impact vapor deposits originating from the surrounding minerals. Redeposition rims are composed only of Zone I and directly attaches to the unchanged minerals (Zone III). Zone I of composite and composite vesicular rims often contains nanophase (Fe,Mg)S. The composite rims and the composite vesicular rims have a two‐layered structure: a combination of Zone I and Zone II, below which Zone III exists. Zone II is the partially amorphized zone. Zone II of ferromagnesian silicates contains abundant nanophase Fe. Radiation‐induced segregation and in situ reduction are the most plausible mechanisms to form nanophase Fe in Zone II. Their lattice fringes indicate that they contain metallic iron, which probably causes the reddening of the reflectance spectra of Itokawa. Zone II of the composite vesicular rims contains vesicles. The vesicles in Zone II were probably formed by segregation of solar wind He implanted in this zone. The textures strongly suggest that solar wind irradiation damage and implantation are the major causes of surface modification and space weathering on Itokawa.  相似文献   
Abstract Elemental and isotopic compositions of noble gases extracted from the bore hole water in Osaka plain, central Japan were examined. The water samples were collected from four shallow bore holes (180-450 m) and seven deep bore holes (600-1370 m) which have been used for an urban resort hot spring zone. The water temperatures of the deep bore holes were 22-50°C and that of the shallow bore holes, 13-23°C. The elemental abundance patterns show the progressive enrichment of the heavier noble gases compared with the atmospheric noble gas composition except for He, which is heavily enriched in deep bore hole water samples. 3He/4He ratios from the bore holes reaching the Ryoke granitic basement were higher than the atmospheric value (1.4 × 10−6), indicating a release of mantle He through the basement. The highest value of 8.2 × 10−6 is in the range of arc volcanism. On the other hand, the bore holes in sedimentary rocks overlying the basement release He enriched in radiogenic 4He, resulted in a low 3He/4He ratio of 0.5 × 10−6. 4He/20Ne and 40Ar/36Ar ratios indicate that the air contamination is generally larger in shallow bore holes than in deep ones from each site. The helium enriched in mantle He is compatible with the previous work which suggested up-rising magma in 'Kinki Spot', the area of Osaka and western Wakayama, in spite of no volcanic activity in the area. A model to explain an initiation of magma generation beneath this area is presented.  相似文献   
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