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Zircon U–Pb ages of two acidic tuff and two turbidite sandstone samples from the Nakanogawa Group, Hidaka Belt, were measured to estimate its depositional age and the development of the Hokkaido Central Belt, northeast Japan. In the northern unit, homogeneous zircons from pelagic acidic tuff from a basal horizon dated to 58–57 Ma, zircons from sandstone from the upper part of the unit dated to 56–54 Ma, and zircons from acidic tuff from the uppermost part dated to 60–56 Ma and 69–63 Ma. Both of the tuff U–Pb ages are significantly older than the youngest radiolarian fossil age (66–48 Ma). Therefore, the maximum depositional age of the turbidite facies in the northern unit is 58 Ma and the younger age limit, estimated from the fossil age, is 48 Ma. In the southern unit, homogeneous zircons from turbidite sandstone dated to 58–57 Ma. Thus the depositional age of this turbidite facies was interpreted to be 66–56 Ma from the fossil age, probably close to 57 Ma. Most of the zircon U–Pb ages from the Nakanogawa Group are younger than 80 Ma, with a major peak at 60 Ma. This result implies that around Hokkaido volcanic activity occurred mainly after 80 Ma. Older zircon ages (120–80 Ma, 180–140 Ma, 340–220 Ma, 1.9 Ga, 2.2 Ga, and 2.7 Ga) give information about the provenance of other rocks in the Hidaka Belt. It is inferred that the Nakanogawa Group comprises protoliths of the upper sequence of the Hidaka Metamorphic Zone, which therefore has the same depositional age as the Nakanogawa Group (66–48 Ma). The depositional ages of the lower sequence of the Hidaka Metamorphic Zone and the Nakanogawa Group are probably the same.  相似文献   
Analysis of fault system in the high-P/T type Sambagawa metamorphic rocks of central Shikoku, southwest Japan, shows that conjugate normal faults pervasively developed in the highest-grade biotite zone (upper structural level) in three study areas (Asemi river, Oriu and Niihama areas). These conjugate normal faults consist of NE–SW to E–W striking and moderately north-dipping (set A), and NNW–SSE striking and moderately east dipping (set B) faults. The fault set A is dominant compared to the fault set B, and hence most of deformation is accommodated by the fault set A, leading to non-coaxial deformation. The sense of shear is inferred to be a top-to-the-WNW to NNW, based on the orientations of striation or quartz slickenfibre and dominant north-side down normal displacement. These transport direction by normal faulting is significantly different from that at D1 penetrative ductile flow (i.e. top-to-the-W to WNW). It has also been found that these conjugate normal faults are openly folded during the D3 phase about the axes trending NW–SE to E–W and plunging west at low-angles or horizontally, indicating that normal faulting occurred at the D2 phase. D2 normal faults, along which actinolite breccia derived from serpentinite by metasomatism sometimes occurs, perhaps formed under subgreenschist conditions (ca. 250 °C) in relation to the final exhumation of Sambagawa metamorphic rocks into the upper crustal level. The pervasive development of D2 normal faults in the upper structural level suggests that the final exhumation of Sambagawa metamorphic rocks could be caused by “distributed extension and normal faulting (removal of overburden)” in the upper crust.  相似文献   
Marine mammals in the past mass mortality events may have been susceptible to infection because their immune systems were suppressed through the bioaccumulation of environmental pollutants such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). We compiled mortality event data sets of 33 marine mammal species, and employed a Finely-Advanced Transboundary Environmental model (FATE) to model the exposure of the global fish community to PCB congeners, in order to define critical exposure levels (CELs) of PCBs above which mass mortality events are likely to occur. Our modelling approach enabled us to describe the mass mortality events in the context of exposure of higher-trophic consumers to PCBs and to identify marine pollution ‘hotspots’ such as the Mediterranean Sea and north-western European coasts. We demonstrated that the CELs can be applied to quantify a chemical pollution Planetary Boundary, under which a safe operating space for marine mammals and humanity can exist.  相似文献   
The bottom currents in the Challenger Deep, the deepest in the world, were measured with super-deep current meters moored at 11°22′ N and 142°35′ E, where the depth is 10915 m. Three current meters were set at 9687 m, 10489 m and 10890 m at the station in the center of the Challenger Deep for 442 days from 1 August 1995 to 16 October 1996. Although rotor revolutions in 60 minutes of recording interval were zero for 37.5% of the time, the maximum current at the deepest layer of 10890 m was 8.1 cm s−1, being composed of tidal currents, inertia motion and long period variations. Two current meters were set at 6608 m and 7009 m at a station 24.9 km north of the center for 443 days from 31 July 1995 to 16 October 1996, and two current meters at 6214 m and 6615 m at a station 40.9 km south of the center for 441 days from 2 August 1995 to 16 October 1996. The mean flow at 7009 m depth at the northern station was 0.7 cm s−1 to 240°T, and that at 6615 m depth at the southern station was 0.5 cm s−1 to 267°T. A westward mean flow prevailed at the stations, and no cyclonic circulation with mean flows of the opposite directions was observed in the Mariana Trench at a longitude of 142°35′ E. Power spectra of daily mean currents showed three spectral peaks at periods of 100 days, 28–32 days and 14–15 days. The peak at 100 day period was common to the power spectra.  相似文献   
Greenstone bodies emplaced upon or into clastic sediments crop out ubiquitously in the Hidaka belt (early Paleogene accretionary and collisional complexes exposed in the central part of northern Hokkaido, NE Japan), but the timing and setting of their emplacement has remained poorly constrained. Here, we report new zircon U–Pb ages for the sedimentary complexes surrounding these greenstones. The Hidaka Supergroup in the northern Hidaka belt is divided into four zones from west to east: zones S, U, and R, which contain in situ greenstones; and zone Y, which does not. Detrital zircons in zones S, U, and R have early Eocene U–Pb ages (55–47 Ma) and these strata are intruded by early Eocene granites (46–45 Ma), indicating that they were deposited between 55 and 46 Ma. Therefore, in situ greenstones in the northern Hidaka belt can only be explained by the subduction of the Izanagi–Pacific Ridge during 55–47 Ma. In contrast, the deposition of zone Y (the Yubetsu Group, younging to the west) began by 73–71 Ma, indicating that the accretionary prism in front of the paleo-Kuril arc formed at the same time as that in the Idonnappu zone and grew continuously until 48 Ma. The plutonic rocks that intruded the Hidaka belt are roughly divided into three stages: (1) early Eocene granites intruded the northern Hidaka belt at 46–45 Ma, during subduction of the Izanagi–Pacific Ridge; (2) the upper sequence of the Hidaka metamorphic zone was metamorphosed by magmatism at 40–37 Ma associated with the collision of the paleo-Kuril arc and NE Asia; and (3) younger granites intruded the entire Hidaka belt at 20–17 Ma in association with asthenospheric upwelling caused by back-arc expansion.  相似文献   
Ocean Science Journal - Igneous rocks from three distinct morphological areas, Iheya North Knoll, Iheya Minor Ridge, and Izena Hole, in the actively rifting middle Okinawa Trough, Japan, were...  相似文献   
In order to examine seasonal variation in a coastal current and the dynamics of the current, we carried out a mooring current measurement near the coast on the eastern shelf of Hidaka Bay from December 2002 to July 2003. There seemed to be two current regimes during the observed period; one a southeastward current from December to March, and the other a northwestward current after April. Arrested topographic wave dynamics was used to understand along-shore steady momentum balance at the mooring site. It was found that the friction term was negligible during the former regime, that is, the wind stress term roughly counterbalanced the pressure gradient term. On the other hand, the contribution of each term to the momentum balance was sensitive to the resistance coefficient value during the latter regime. A numerical study showed that wind forcing alone could not reproduce the observed current velocity and momentum balance during the former regime. One possible interpretation of the observed results is superposition of the arrested topographic waves forced by the along-shore wind stress and downstream extension of the Coastal Oyashio. Numerical experiments using combined forcing of the wind stress and an inflow associated with the Coastal Oyashio supported the expected dynamics.  相似文献   
A long-term variation in dominant species of chaetognaths in the Tsushima Warm Current was analyzed using samples collected four times a year from 1972 to 2002 by the Maizuru Marine Observatory along the PM transect in the Japan Sea. Of 19 occurring species, 13 subtropical species formed a major portion of the standing stock. Species richness in the study area was similar to that in the East China Sea and the South China Sea. Four species, Sagitta minima, S. nagae, S. enflata, S. elegans dominated in the upper 150 m water column. The most dominant species per season were S. minima in both winter and autumn, S. elegans in spring and S. nagae in summer. Water temperature and salinity ranges of the most frequent occurrence for three dominant species revealed a common tendency in the order of S. nagae > S. minima > S. enflata towards colder temperature and higher salinity. Inter-annual abundance of chaetognath species fluctuated proportionally in response to the warm or cool phases in water temperature. Water temperature was a fundamental factor in regulating distributional occurrence, being more decisive than salinity. Changes of both dominant species and species numbers in relation to the reduced abundance during winter to spring and the subsequent increase during summer to autumn might be caused by specific differences in optimum temperature. Chaetognath species are important as an indicator of water masses and significant for our understanding of changes and evaluations of the Japan Sea ecosystem.  相似文献   
Water temperature, salinity, nutrient concentrations and the composition of the plankton community were recorded at three stations in inner Tokyo Bay over a period of 328 days (from June 8, 1995 to April 30, 1996) with a nominal sampling frequency of once per day. Inspection of the results revealed that the data could be divided into two blocs as an aid to analysis: the period from June to October was characterized by the development of stratification of temperature and salinity (stratification period), and November to March was characterized by uniform temperature and salinity in the water column due to vertical mixing (mixing period). Oxygen-depleted water forms in the bottom layer during the stratification period, but vertical mixing of the water column, due to changing wind and rainfall conditions caused by passing weather fronts, results in the breakdown of the oxygen-depleted water mass. Nutrient loads are high in the surface water due to the freshwater supply, but occasional pulses of primary production cause a depletion of phosphate in the surface water, suggesting that the phosphorus becomes a limiting nutrient for phytoplankton growth in this period. Several short-term peaks of plankton abundance (blooms) occurred as responses to temporal changes in water quality from June to November, with consequent species succession. Significant fluctuations in the densities of the diatom Skeletonema costatum and several species of ciliates corresponded to the daily changes in the physical and chemical characteristics of the coastal environment. During the mixing period, when water temperature and solar radiation decreased, there were no short-term variations in water quality and although nutrient concentrations gradually increased from November to February, primary production remained low. This study shows that the short-term dynamics of the phytoplankton community are closely coupled to fluctuations in environmental forcing, and that the degree of coupling is stronger during periods when solar radiation is greater. The results provide a novel typological understanding of seasonal plankton dynamics in a shallow, eutrophicated marine embayment, and suggest how such systems may be treated in simulation modeling.  相似文献   
Seasonal changes in abundance, growth and mortality of heterotrophic bacteria were investigated monthly from collections and dilution experiments in Kagoshima Bay, the southernmost of Japan. Bacteria occurred abundantly with considerable variation in the surface layers where chlorophyll a concentrations were high, whereas seasonal variations were obscure below 100 m. Especially, bacteria showed a decline of cell density toward summer when heterotrophic nano-flagellates increased their abundance. Seasonal and vertical variations in bacterial cell number during the study period were positively correlated with those of water temperature and pico-sized chlorophyll a concentration. Maximum growth and mortality rates showed positive correlations with water temperature but no positive relationships to size-fractionated chlorophyll a. Net increase rate (i.e. in situ rate if abundance changes) was negatively correlated with cell density of heterotrophic nano-flagellates. It is concluded that bacterial abundance is controlled by the resultant (i.e. net growth rate) of the balance between maximum growth and predatory mortality by heterotrophic nano-flagelllates which are both dependent on ambient temperature.  相似文献   
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