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层状侵入体的韵律层理是一种特殊的岩石构造,长期以来其成因倍受关注,成因假说很多。本文在综合这些观点关于岩浆物理,化学性质的研究,尤其是在岩浆房地对流特征研究成果的基础上,提出了新的成因解释,认为固化带前锋处矿物的结晶,熔浆组分的扩散及固化带前锋本身的推进等3个因素的相互耦合是形成韵律层理的主要机制,这个过程是发生在一定过冷却条件下的,在这种定性认识基础上,笔者提出了旨在对韵律层理形成过程进行模拟计  相似文献   
多普勒天气雷达风场产品在螺旋度计算中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
徐芬  夏文梅  胡志群  胡胜  宋娟 《气象科学》2007,27(5):495-501
本文介绍了一种利用新一代天气雷达风场产品VWP计算螺旋度的方法,通过对两次大面积降水个例的螺旋度诊断分析发现,利用VWP风场产品计算的螺旋度具有较高的时间分辨率,大面积降水的螺旋度变化趋势与降水变化趋势比较吻合,螺旋度变化一般提前于降水变化,有2—3 h的提前预报量;螺旋度数值的大小与降水量的大小一般没有明显线性关系;螺旋度可以作为观测雷达站上空风场随高度变化的一个敏感因子;利用VWP风场产品来作为计算螺旋度的风场资料是可行的,比起其它风场资料更适于短时(临近)预报的业务化工作。  相似文献   
河南省气象技术装备监控管理系统   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用Web和数据库技术建立的河南省气象技术装备监控管理系统,实现了对自动气象站、区域自动气象站、雷电监测设备、自动土壤水分站、新一代天气雷达等气象装备运行状态的实时监控,省、市级保障管理部门对辖区内仪器库存、设备维修以及检定情况的管理,以及设备故障的网上申报、故障解决方案的网上在线指导、故障维修的经验积累.系统建成后,...  相似文献   
水体中氢氧稳定同位素对环境变化十分敏感,水汽蒸发、凝结至雨滴降落过程中,δD和δ18 O的变化与水汽来源及周围气象要素(温度、降水量、相对湿度等)之间存在密切的联系。研究不同水体中δD和δ18 O的时空分布特征可以探讨大气环流特征及全球和局地水循环机制,也可以为古气候、古环境的定量恢复与重建提供新依据,具有重要的应用意义。本文对中国不同水体中δD和δ18 O的研究进展进行综述,总结国内关于氢氧稳定同位素方面的研究进展和研究方法,探讨了其学科交叉与应用价值,并基于氢氧稳定同位素研究现状展望了未来研究的重点方向,以期为相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   
The influence of gravity wave drag induced by cumulus convection (GWDC) on a simulated boreal summer climate was evaluated in a general circulation model. For this, the GWDC scheme developed by Chun and Baik was implemented into a version of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) global spectral model (GSM). Ensemble simulations with the two different convection schemes, the simplified Arakawa-Schubert (SAS) scheme and Community Climate Model (CCM) convection scheme, were conducted for the boreal summer of 1996. A cloud factor to modulate the stress intensity with respect to the cloud type was introduced in this study, in order to prevent unrealistic behaviors of the GWDC scheme in GSM. The effect of gravity wave drag on the zonal mean of wind and temperature fields was focused. On the whole, the effect of GWDC in this study is positive on the simulated seasonal climate. It is evident that biases in temperature in the polar region as well as in the zonal and meridional winds in the upper atmosphere are reduced. The percentage of reduction of the bias in zonal winds is about 10–20%. Such a response of the GWDC forcing widely appears not only in tropical regions but also in mid-latitude regions. These characteristics are prominent in the case of the SAS scheme, which is due to the various convective cloud types. The magnitude of GWDC forcing is generally small, but still positive, in the case of the CCM scheme, which is due to rather homogeneous cloud types. It is also found that the role of a particular GWDC forcing depends upon the inherent systematic biases of a particular model. It is concluded that incorporation of the GWDC parameterization in GCMs should be taken into account to improve the seasonal prediction.  相似文献   
Phycoerythrin (PE) is one of the most important proteins involved in light capturing during photosynthesis in red algae. Its potential biological activities had gained wide concerns. In the present study, tumor cytotoxic and hydroxyl radical assay were preformed to detect the bioactivity of recombinant PE. Recombinant plasmids pGEX-PE and pBGL were transformed into E.coli BL21 to make two recombinant strains BEX (pGEX-PE) and BGL (pBGL). PE expressing in BEX (pGEX-PE) was validated by SDS-PAGE and Western blotting analysis. SDS-PAGE analysis indicated that the PE-GST fusion protein was mostly inclusion bod- ies. Specific expression of PE was confirmed by Western blotting analysis. The recombinant E. coli BEX (pGEX-PE) cells were col- lected and sonicated. The supernatants were reserved for the tumor cytotoxic experiments. The result of tumor cytotoxic assay indi- cated that the supernatants containing PE had the activity of inhibiting the growth of Hela cells and with the increase of protein con- centration, the inhibiting rate increased from 37.31% to 63.26%, which showed significant difference from the control. Hydroxyl radical scavenging effect was tested with supernatants of BEX (pGEX-PE) and BGL (pBGL) cell lysates treated with sonication and heating. For the sonication samples, the scavenging rates of the supernatants of BEX (pGEX-PE) and BGL (pBGL) cell lysates were significantly higher than the negative control BL21(pGEX-4T) (P<0.02), and the scavenging rates increased slowly following the increase of the protein content. For the heating samples, except for the 0.2 mg mL-1 BGL (pBGL) products, the scavenging effects of the supernatants of BEX (pGEX-PE) and BGL (pBGL) cell lysates were stronger than that of negative control BL21(pGEX-4T). However, the effect intensity was not positively correlated with the increase of the protein concentration. Though a partially de- creased hydroxyl radical scavenging activity was led by heating, the biological activity was still retained and conspicuous. This re- search showed that phycoerythrin protein expressing in E. coli has the potential medical and sanitarian value.  相似文献   
在自动制图综合中,面要素聚合较为常用的方法是利用聚类方法将面要素聚类为若干个类簇,进而将每个类簇合并为更大的多边形图斑。针对地图制图领域的前沿研究课题——地图自动综合,该文提出了一种基于滚球法的面状要素聚合的新方法,通过实验阐述了该方法在居民地等面要素综合中的应用,并与传统的聚合算法进行了效率上的对比分析。该方法较传统的聚合方法效率上有很大提高,在大数据量聚合中有一定的应用前景,当选择合适的滚球半径进行综合时,有较理想的结果。  相似文献   
区域大气环境应急响应数值预报系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了针对国内有毒气体泄漏等突发性大气中污染物扩散问题建立的区域精细大气环境应急响应数值预报业务系统。该系统基于污染扩散模式HYSPLIT_4,利用中尺度模式WRF为其提供气象场,对污染扩散的路径和浓度以及地面沉降进行计算,系统后端开发了基于GIS的产品制作平台对模式产品进行叠加地理信息的处理。为实现快速应急响应的功能,模式业务系统始终处于热准备状态,并可在接到指令后迅速完成产品制作。文中给出一个大气环境应急响应演习应用实例,显示该模式系统对影响范围较大的有毒气体泄漏事件应急响应工作具备一定的指导意义和应用前景。  相似文献   
2006年春季内蒙古久旱转雨过程分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用T213数值预报产品资料和基本气象资料,对发生在2006年5月11日内蒙古春季的久旱转雨天气过程进行了气候背景、天气成因和转折性特征的分析.分析表明,青藏高原低槽的建立与中纬度低槽的叠加是此次久旱转雨过程大尺度环流调整的转折性信号,西南急流的建立、水汽的长距离输送和偏东方向水汽的垂直叠加是转折性降水最重要的条件.东亚地区中纬度40 °N低槽对转折性降水的作用主要体现为动力作用,而青藏高原低槽主要体现在对西南气流的加强和水汽的远距离输送.高层正涡度由南向北的输送,使中纬度低槽进一步加深,垂直运动上升区自西向东的输送主要发生在低层东风切变中.辐散场在垂直方向上形成了较好的抽吸效应,使低层动力辐合作用进一步加强.有利的动力、热力条件叠加成为此次转折性降水的又一重要原因.  相似文献   
南海夏季风期间水汽输送的气候特征   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:20  
通过分析NCEP/NCAR 1973~1998年(共26年)4~8月的再分析比湿场和风场资料,研究了南海夏季风期间的水汽输送特征.夏季,东亚上空水汽水平输送特征在各月有很大差异,这是夏季风环流系统演变的结果.孟加拉湾南部地区是中国长江中下游和南海地区重要的水汽源地,来自上游孟加拉湾南部地区的水汽输送对南海季风的爆发具有重要意义.经向水汽输送主要有利于20~30°N之间华南地区的水汽辐合.从总的收支看,南海地区是一个水汽汇区.南海季风爆发早晚年的水汽输送通道存在明显差别.在爆发偏早年,从赤道印度洋到南海地区的输送通道建立早且维持时间长,4~5月南海易成为水汽辐合区;在偏晚年,南海地区水汽则是辐散的,不利于形成季风性降水.南海季风爆发早晚年与长江中下游旱涝年的水汽输送有一定联系.  相似文献   
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