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Recently, Normalized Full Gradient (NFG) method has widespread applications to natural potential fields, especially in gravity and magnetic. In this study, usage of NFG in Self-Potential (SP) data evaluation is tested. Results are compared to other SP interpretation methods. The NFG method is applied to synthetic and field SP data. As a consequence of application of the method to the anomalies of spherical, cylindrical and vertical sheet models, whose theoretical structures are explicit, the structures were found very close to their actual locations. In order to see the capability of the method in detecting the number of sources, NFG method was applied to different spherical models at different depths and locations. The least-squares inverse solution was applied to the same models and NFG method was found more powerful in detecting model structure. Sensitivity of NFG method for application to noisy data is also tested. An anomaly is generated by adding a random noise to two close sphere SP anomalies. The method seems to work for the two close spheres at high S/N ratio. Then, NFG method was applied to two field examples. The first one is the cross section taken from the SP anomaly map of the Ergani-Süleymanköy (Turkey) copper mine. The depth of the mineral deposit at that site was found about 38 m from the ground level. This result is well matched to previous studies. NFG was also applied to SP data from Seferihisar Izmir (Western Turkey) geothermal field and the location of the point source was determined. The field data of this site have already been modeled by the thermoelectric source (coupling) solution method. When these two methods are compared, they seem to support each other. It is concluded that the NFG method works perfectly when the structure model is simple. It is observed that natural potential sources close to earth’s surface are identified by the method more accurately at greater harmonics, while deep sources are identified at lesser harmonics. It produces reasonable results for noisy multi-source models than the other parameter identification methods (inverse solution, power spectrum, etc.).  相似文献   
Our objective is to look for deep paths of Cenozoic volcanism and migration routes of active mantle volatiles through the lithosphere of the western Bohemian Massif. We show that the rejuvenated junction of three mantle domains, delimited by different orientation of seismic anisotropy and belonging to originally separated microplates — the Saxothuringian (ST), Moldanubian (MD) and Teplá-Barrandian (TB) — can provide the easiest upward routes of fluids through the deep lithosphere. Geographic distribution of mantle-fluid escapes at the surface suggests fluid migration through the ductile lower crust and through partly open faults in the rigid upper crust, which is locally detached and shifted from its lower part and from the mantle lithosphere. Present-day escapes of mantle-derived helium and CO2 concentrate mainly in two tectonically different crust edifices — in the Cheb Basin (CHB) and in an allochtonous block called the Mariánské Lázně Complex (MLC). Crystalline basement of the CHB developed above the Variscan ‘triple junction’ of the mantle lithosphere domains. The basement was extended during the Cenozoic and dissected by systems of faults into small partly sunken blocks. Thanks to buoyancy the mantle fluids migrate upwards along the lithosphere junction into the faulted basement of the CHB. The highest CO2 flow and the highest 3He/4He ratios are observed at intersections of major normal faults and along the southern boundary of the Smrčiny (Fichtelgebirge) granite Pluton. The fluid escapes are separated from the earthquake swarm epicentres. Routes of the fluids to the MLC are longer and more complicated. Surface escapes tap the mantle fluids mainly from the Mariánské Lázně Fault (MLF) and from the tectonic boundaries along which the MLC block of the TB lower crust was thrust over the ST complexes. Hypocentres of earthquake swarms of the two major focal areas at Novy Kostel and Lazy, located mainly at depths of 6–13 km, reside either in granite or in underlying gneiss, while the escapes of mantle fluids follow major faults or boundaries of crystalline units outside the Smrčiny and Karlovy Vary granite Plutons. We suggest that primarily those parts of faults in the upper crust, which is strengthened by granite magmatism and rigid enough to selectively accumulate stresses, are seismoactive. On the other hand, other parts of the faults tapping ascending mantle volatiles are ‘lubricated’ by the fluids and secondary mineralogical changes, and thus they cannot accumulate sufficient stresses to be released by earthquakes. A comparison of the most probable paths of the mantle fluids with the space-time distribution of the Novy Kostel hypocentres does not seem to support the model of the earthquake swarms triggered by pressurized fluids of mantle origin.  相似文献   
太湖洗衣粉"禁磷"措施削减磷负荷量研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
太湖地区“禁磷”措施实施状况跟踪调查的结果显示,至1999年底,太湖全流域地区内98%的商店销售无磷洗衣粉,99%以上的居民使用无磷洗衣粉,“禁磷”措施得到了较好的落实,“禁磷”措施约可削减负荷1353.81t/a,占太湖磷负荷总量的14.07%,对太湖富营养化程度的改善将会起到积极的作用。  相似文献   
This study offers a detailed analysis of the extreme precipitation and long-term precipitation changes in a sedge-grass marsh in the “Wet Meadows” area in the Czech Republic (Central Europe) in the context of flood occurrence. Namely, trends in annual maxima of daily precipitation and trends in the occurrence and amount of rainfall are investigated. The analysis is based on daily measurements of precipitation from 1977 to 2015. We found out that extreme precipitation has become significantly more frequent in recent years, and there are also other significant changes in the rainfall distribution. Possible negative effects on the wetland can be linked to a change of carbon exchange between the ecosystem and the atmosphere and a change of biodiversity. Awareness of these changes is necessary for possible positive human intervention when a desirable wetland functioning is threatened.  相似文献   
The role of single-domain (SD) magnetic particles in creation of inverse magnetic fabrics is investigated on simple mathematical models using a realistic estimate for SD intrinsic susceptibility. In contrast to the fraction created by multi-domain (MD) particles, in which the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) is controlled by both the grain AMS and intensity of the preferred orientation of the particles, the AMS of the SD fraction is controlled solely by the intensity of the preferred orientation. The degree of AMS of ensemble of SD grains with a preferred orientation is therefore much higher than that of the same ensemble of MD particles implying the existence of frequent inverse magnetic fabrics. However, the occurrence of inverse magnetic fabrics due to SD particles is more the exception than the rule. Consequently, the amounts of SD particles is probably in general low. Nevertheless, the presence of SD particles in amounts insufficient to create inverse magnetic fabrics may diminish the whole rock AMS substantially. This can be one of the reasons for relatively low AMS in volcanic rocks whose magnetic particles may be really small obeying the conditions for the existence of SD particles.  相似文献   
Differently from the North Atlantic Ocean, only few examples of sponge grounds are known from the Mediterranean Sea, mainly thriving in the deep sea. In this study, a novel temperate mesophotic ecosystem dominated by massive keratose sponges is reported from the Ligurian deep continental shelf. An extensive Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) survey allowed to study the structure and large-scale distribution of this biocoenosis. The sponge grounds here described are highly fragmented, being formed by a large number of dense, discrete aggregations of Sarcotragus foetidus (up to 7.7 specimens/m2) and other sponges, including Spongia lamella and Axinella polypoides. They mainly occur on flat, patchy and highly silted hardgrounds between 40 and 70 m depth. These sponge-dominated ecosystems have an exceptionally wide spatial distribution, estimated to cover up to nearly 200 hectares, with the largest sponge grounds occurring along the westernmost part of the Ligurian coast, probably in relation to more suitable oceanographic conditions. The dominant sponge species reach considerable heights (up to 65 cm), greatly increasing the habitat three-dimensionality and acting as poles of attraction for a diverse sessile and vagile fauna. In addition, the high abundance of the keratose sponge grounds at mesophotic depths might represent a larval source for shallow-water populations that in the last decades have been stricken by several mass mortality events.  相似文献   
The form of visual representation affects both the way in which the visual representation is processed and the effectiveness of this processing. Different forms of visual representation may require the employment of different cognitive strategies in order to solve a particular task; at the same time, the different representations vary as to the extent to which they correspond with an individual’s preferred cognitive style. The present study employed a Navon-type task to learn about the occurrence of global/local bias. The research was based on close interdisciplinary cooperation between the domains of both psychology and cartography. Several different types of tasks were made involving avalanche hazard maps with intrinsic/extrinsic visual representations, each of them employing different types of graphic variables representing the level of avalanche hazard and avalanche hazard uncertainty. The research sample consisted of two groups of participants, each of which was provided with a different form of visual representation of identical geographical data, such that the representations could be regarded as ‘informationally equivalent’. The first phase of the research consisted of two correlation studies, the first involving subjects with a high degree of map literacy (students of cartography) (intrinsic method: N?=?35; extrinsic method: N?=?37). The second study was performed after the results of the first study were analyzed. The second group of participants consisted of subjects with a low expected degree of map literacy (students of psychology; intrinsic method: N?=?35; extrinsic method: N?=?27).The first study revealed a statistically significant moderate correlation between the students’ response times in extrinsic visualization tasks and their response times in a global subtest (r?=?0.384, p?<?0.05); likewise, a statistically significant moderate correlation was found between the students’ response times in intrinsic visualization tasks and their response times in the local subtest (r?=?0.387, p?<?0.05). At the same time, no correlation was found between the students’ performance in the local subtest and their performance in extrinsic visualization tasks, or between their scores in the global subtest and their performance in intrinsic visualization tasks. The second correlation study did not confirm the results of the first correlation study (intrinsic visualization/‘small figures test’: r?=?0.221; extrinsic visualization/‘large figures test’: r?=?0.135). The first phase of the research, where the data was subjected to statistical analysis, was followed by a comparative eye-tracking study, whose aim was to provide more detailed insight into the cognitive strategies employed when solving map-related tasks. More specifically, the eye-tracking study was expected to be able to detect possible differences between the cognitive patterns employed when solving extrinsic- as opposed to intrinsic visualization tasks. The results of an exploratory eye-tracking data analysis support the hypothesis of different strategies of visual information processing being used in reaction to different types of visualization.  相似文献   
The seasonal prediction skill of the Asian summer monsoon is assessed using retrospective predictions (1982–2009) from the ECMWF System 4 (SYS4) and NCEP CFS version 2 (CFSv2) seasonal prediction systems. In both SYS4 and CFSv2, a cold bias of sea-surface temperature (SST) is found over the equatorial Pacific, North Atlantic, Indian Oceans and over a broad region in the Southern Hemisphere relative to observations. In contrast, a warm bias is found over the northern part of North Pacific and North Atlantic. Excessive precipitation is found along the ITCZ, equatorial Atlantic, equatorial Indian Ocean and the maritime continent. The southwest monsoon flow and the Somali Jet are stronger in SYS4, while the south-easterly trade winds over the tropical Indian Ocean, the Somali Jet and the subtropical northwestern Pacific high are weaker in CFSv2 relative to the reanalysis. In both systems, the prediction of SST, precipitation and low-level zonal wind has greatest skill in the tropical belt, especially over the central and eastern Pacific where the influence of El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is dominant. Both modeling systems capture the global monsoon and the large-scale monsoon wind variability well, while at the same time performing poorly in simulating monsoon precipitation. The Asian monsoon prediction skill increases with the ENSO amplitude, although the models simulate an overly strong impact of ENSO on the monsoon. Overall, the monsoon predictive skill is lower than the ENSO skill in both modeling systems but both systems show greater predictive skill compared to persistence.  相似文献   
The celestial mechanics approach: application to data of the GRACE mission   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
The celestial mechanics approach (CMA) has its roots in the Bernese GPS software and was extensively used for determining the orbits of high-orbiting satellites. The CMA was extended to determine the orbits of Low Earth Orbiting satellites (LEOs) equipped with GPS receivers and of constellations of LEOs equipped in addition with inter-satellite links. In recent years the CMA was further developed and used for gravity field determination. The CMA was developed by the Astronomical Institute of the University of Bern (AIUB). The CMA is presented from the theoretical perspective in (Beutler et al. 2010). The key elements of the CMA are illustrated here using data from 50 days of GPS, K-Band, and accelerometer observations gathered by the Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission in 2007. We study in particular the impact of (1) analyzing different observables [Global Positioning System (GPS) observations only, inter-satellite measurements only], (2) analyzing a combination of observations of different types on the level of the normal equation systems (NEQs), (3) using accelerometer data, (4) different orbit parametrizations (short-arc, reduced-dynamic) by imposing different constraints on the stochastic orbit parameters, and (5) using either the inter-satellite ranges or their time derivatives. The so-called GRACE baseline, i.e., the achievable accuracy of the GRACE gravity field for a particular solution strategy, is established for the CMA.  相似文献   
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