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The Pb–Zn deposits in the Lo Gam structure, northeastern Vietnam, account for>80% of all the Pb and Zn resources of Vietnam. All the deposits make up four isolated ore districts (Thai Nguyen, Cho Don, Cho Dien, Na Son), which can be combined in one metallogenic zone extending for >100 km from southeast to northwest. The Pb–Zn deposits in all the ore districts show some similarity to stratiform (Mississippi-type) deposits: confinement to Devonian carbonate sediments; localization at the intersection of faults of different orientations; vein and stockwork (pocket-vein-disseminated) morphology of the mineralized zones; evidence for hydrothermal-metasomatic formation (carbonate-rock marbleization, quartz–carbonate veins, etc.); and low and moderate mineralization temperatures (<250 °C). On the other hand, some differences from stratiform deposits are observed: widespread occurrence of Permo-Triassic igneous rocks in the above ore districts; absent tabular orebodies, which are typical of stratiform deposits; large set of trace elements (In, Bi, Sb, Au, Ag, Cu, Cd) not typical of stratiform deposits; and an endogenic primary source, as evidenced by the isotope composition of sulfur (δS34= 2.68‰), which is close to meteoritic, and the set of trace elements, which are mainly of deep genesis. All this indicates that the above Pb–Zn deposits within the carbonate units are low-and moderate-temperature hydrothermal-metasomatic products associated with active magmatism which took place in this region in the Permo-Triassic.The differences in the mineral composition of the deposits, as well as in the trace-element set and contents at different deposits, clearly indicate an intricate ore formation process and the relation of the deposits with magmatism of different compositions. The simple mineral composition and the limited set of trace elements (Cd, Ag, Sb, As) at the Lang Hich deposit are closer to the characteristics of stratiform deposits. Also, manifestations of magmatism are almost absent here. On the contrary, unusually high (ppm) In (75.8), Sn (307.5), Cu (1080), Ag (157.7), Bi (99), and As (13,650) contents were observed at the deposits of the Cho Don and Cho Dien districts, with widespread granitoid magmatism in the Phia Bioc complex. Rare-earth mineralization (orthite) and high Mo, Re, and Rb contents at the deposits of the Na Son district are probably due to the widespread occurrence of stratified alkaline volcanics and their subvolcanic analogs, which belong to the Pla Ma complex (ξγPZ2 pm).  相似文献   
中低应变率下的岩石损伤本构模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
深部岩石的破碎与钻探中,岩石主要处在中低应变率的载荷作用下,而目前的研究还沿用中高应变率推导的动态损伤本构关系。从工程背景和试验角度分析了中低应变率下的岩石动力学特性,提出Maxwell体、Bingham体和损伤体的并联模型,借助拉普拉斯变换,引入基于岩石孔隙、裂隙劣化的损伤变量,导出了中低应变率下的岩石动态损伤本构模型。利用该模型对泥质砂岩和花岗岩在应变率为87 s-1、382 s-1、673 s-1时的应力-应变试验数据进行拟合,并将拟合结果与实测数值、原文献拟合曲线对比,结果表明该理论模型适用性较好。分析拟合参数可知,该动态损伤本构模型能够主动适应中低应变率两类情况,本构曲线和损伤变量的变化符合实际情况。  相似文献   
大气气溶胶密度观测研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大气气溶胶的气候效应、环境效应、健康效应均与其物理化学性质密切相关,其中,密度是大气气溶胶重要的物理性质之一。密度影响着粒子的输送过程和在人体肺部的沉积过程。密度可以分别将电迁移率粒径和空气动力学粒径,数浓度和质量浓度联系起来。密度的变化可为气溶胶的形成和老化过程提供信息,细粒子分粒径的密度还可为大气过程和化学组分的演化提供参考依据。因此,研究大气气溶胶密度对了解气溶胶化学组分,评估气溶胶形成过程以及探究气溶胶在人体内的沉积效率具有重要的意义。由于国内在该领域研究总体较少,对大气气溶胶密度的定义、研究方法、国内外研究进展以及影响因素和变化特征等进行较为系统的总结,对未来开展大气气溶胶密度的观测和研究十分必要。  相似文献   
泡沫混凝土作为隧道减震材料在抵抗地震压剪荷载方面具有重要作用,为了研究减震层-衬砌接触面在地震压剪荷载作用下的破坏特征与剪应力演化规律,利用RMT-150C电液伺服试验机开展了二者接触面在不同法向应力下的直剪试验,获得了剪应力-剪切位移、峰值强度、残余强度、剪切刚度的变化规律及接触面的破坏特征和物态变化。根据有限元模拟结果,探究接触面上剪应力的分布及演化规律。研究表明:泡沫混凝土-衬砌接触面的破坏特征受法向应力与泡沫混凝土密度共同影响,其剪应力-剪切位移曲线形态可归结为3种类型,且随泡沫混凝土密度和法向应力的变化可以相互转化;泡沫混凝土密度及法向应力对接触面峰值强度、残余强度及剪切刚度的影响是相互的,且法向应力的影响权重较大。根据剪应力-剪切位移曲线的变化规律,提出了复合指数模型来反映泡沫混凝土-衬砌接触面在压剪作用下损伤演化及摩擦滑移过程,研究结果可以为更加有效的抗减震设计提供一定参考。  相似文献   
This paper describes a rapid response and risk mitigation system Istanbul Natural Gas Distribution Network Seismic Risk Reduction Project (IGRAS) for the Istanbul Natural Gas Network (IGDA?). Upon the trigger signal received from the earthquake early warning system in Istanbul, the real-time algorithm at IGRAS system district regulators checks the threshold levels of ground-motion parameters and interrupts the gas flow if any exceedance is detected. Then the system: (1) produces almost real-time earthquake hazard maps by using on-line strong-motion data from the strong-motion network in Istanbul: (2) estimates the distribution of damage to the natural gas network; and (3) transfers these damage distribution maps to stakeholders to enable dispatching rapid response teams to high damage areas.  相似文献   
南瓜地土壤地球化学异常以As、Sb、Au、Ag为主,圈定Ⅰ类异常(Au、Sb、As)一个,Ⅱ类金异常2个.异常中心明显,浓度高,连续性好,沿闪长岩岩体及接触带分布.而线性构造与矿点叠合处即是找矿远景区.  相似文献   
王灿 《福建地质》1995,14(1):43-48
近年来的最新调研成果表明,叶家山破火山群由7个破火山和1个层状火山(喷发中心)所组成,各火山机构相互叠置,与卫星TM遥感影象解译成果相吻合。火山作用经历了6个阶段的火山喷发,周围发育有环状、放射状断裂和岩脉、岩墙,是省内较为典型的破火山群机构,是寻找火山岩非金属矿的有利部位。火山活动的构造环境为拉张环境,物质来源于地壳。  相似文献   
耕地保护主体具有基于逐利驱动下的理性思考,从而直接影响耕地保护的效果。在耕地保护行为过程中,地方政府掌握耕地的实际支配权,主导耕地的规划布局,而农民对待耕地保护的积极性则受经济利益的影响较大。现行制度框架下,耕地保护政策具有"委托-代理"关系、政策公平偏好、信息不对称、投入产出不对等、多方面利益干扰等特征。转型时期耕地保护与经济建设之间的矛盾容易凸显,应理性地正视耕地一定程度上的减少,但耕地保护的力度不容放松,需加强制度建设和耕地管理方式的创新,深化国家土地管理宏观调控。  相似文献   


宋国虎  李强  王灿  向波 《云南地质》2020,(1):110-117
云南石屏县地处云南高原南缘,县域总体地势北高南低,倾向红河河谷,地质构造复杂,地质环境条件比较脆弱。经实地调查,其地质灾害的类型主要有滑坡、崩塌和泥石流,这些地质灾害点大多沿断裂带集中分布。石屏县山高坡陡的地形地貌是地质灾害发生的重要控制因素,雨季的强降雨及人类生产活动常常是地质灾害产生的诱发因素。  相似文献   
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