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Dr. Heinrich Martin Köster 《Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology》1959,6(4):199-200
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Jan Olov Nyström 《International Journal of Earth Sciences》1982,71(1):141-157
Granitoids and associated volcanics, postorogenic in relation to the Svecokarelian orogeny, constitute a belt in central Sweden. Evidence presented in this paper suggest that the belt originated in an Andinotype orogenic environment. The inferred development of the belt was characterized by fracture-controlled high-level emplacement of batholiths in an ensialic setting. Voluminous venting of ignimbrites and formation of grabens through cauldron subsidence accompanied the recurrent intrusive activity. Block movements and episodes of burial metamorphism appear to have been prominent features throughout the history of the post-Svecokarelian belt.
Zusammenfassung Granitoide Plutonite und verwandte Vulkanite, post-orogen im Verhältnis zur Svekokarelischen Orogenese, bilden einen Gürtel in Mittelschweden. Es wird gezeigt, daß der Gürtel in einer andinotypen Orogenese gebildet wurde. Die vorgeschlagene Entwicklung des Gürtels ist geprägt durch spaltentektonisch kontrollierte Platznahme von Batholithen in einem seichten Niveau der Kruste in ensialischem Mileau. Umfangreiche Eruptionen von Ignimbriten sowie die Bildung von Grabenbrüchen durch Kalderen-Einstürzungen begleiten die erneute intrusive Tätigkeit. Blockbewegungen und episodische Versenkungsmetamorphosen sind charakteristisch während der gesamten Entwicklungsgeschichte des post-svekokarelischen Gürtels.
Résumé Des granitoïdes et des volcanites associées, postorogéniques par rapport à l'orogénese svécokarélienne, forment une ceinture en Suède centrale. La présente étude suggère que la mise en place de ces roches s'est effectuée dans un environment orogénique Andinotype. L'évolution de la ceinture c'est caractérisée par la mise en place; contrée par des fractures, de batholites peu profonds, en milieu ensialique. Des volumineuses éruptions d'ignimbrites et la formation de grabens par «cauldron subsidence» ont accompagné la mise en place des batholites. Des mouvements verticaux de blocs, ainsi que des épisodes de métamorphisme d'enfouissement («burial metamorphism») semblent être des faits dominants du développement historique de la ceinture post-svécokarélienne.
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Robert S. Sommer Norbert Benecke Lembi Lõugas Oliver Nelle Ulrich Schmölcke 《第四纪科学杂志》2011,26(8):805-812
The wild horse Equus ferus was one of the most frequent species of the Late Pleistocene large ungulate fauna in Eurasia and played an important role in the subsistence of human groups, especially at the end the Late Glacial. It is frequently assumed that E. ferus became extinct in Europe at the beginning of the Holocene because of the development of woodlands and loss of open habitats. Because of its preference for open habitats and in spite of its adaptability, the appearance or disappearance of the wild horse could therefore be a suitable palaeoecological indicator for the opening of the Holocene primeval woodlands. We revised the dating and reliability of the subfossil record and dated several bones by atomic mass spectrometry 14C dating. From the beginning of the Holocene (9600 cal a BC) to the end of the Atlantic Period (3750 cal a BC) there are 207 archaeological sites with wild horse records available in Europe. E. ferus survived the Pleistocene Holocene transition in Europe, but the spatiotemporal dynamics of populations fluctuated remarkably in the early and middle Holocene. Small and sparse populations increasingly became extinct during the early Holocene, until between 7100 and 5500 cal a BC the wild horse was almost absent in central parts of the European Lowlands. Particular conditions in natural open patches in the canopy forests, chalklands and floodplains may have maintained the local survival of the horse in some regions of the Lowlands, however. In the Late Atlantic, between 5500 and 3750 cal a BC the range of the wild horse was again extended. It re‐immigrated into central and western Europe, probably as a consequence of increasing landscape opening by Neolithic peoples. The data presented here may be a valuable part of the debate on the degree of openness of the early and middle Holocene landscape. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Erkan Gökaşan Cem Gazioğlu Bedri Alpar Zeki Yücel Şükrü Ersoy Oğuz Gündoğdu Cenk Yaltırak Buser Tok 《Geo-Marine Letters》2001,21(4):183-199
Active faults aligning in NW–SE direction and forming flower structures of strike-slip faults were observed in shallow seismic data from the shelf offshore of Avc?lar in the northern Marmara Sea. By following the parallel drainage pattern and scarps, these faults were traced as NW–SE-directed lineaments in the morphology of the northern onshore sector of the Marmara Sea (eastern Thrace Peninsula). Right-lateral displacements in two watersheds of drainage and on the coast of the Marmara Sea and Black Sea are associated with these lineaments. This right-lateral displacement along the course of these faults suggests a new, active strike-slip fault zone located at the NW extension of the northern boundary fault of the Ç?narc?k Basin in the Marmara Sea. This new fault zone is interpreted as the NW extension of the northern branch of the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ), extending from the Ç?narc?k Basin of the Marmara Sea to the Black Sea coast of the Thrace Peninsula, and passing through B üy ük çekmece and K ü ç ük çekmece lagoons. These data suggest that the rupture of the 17 August 1999 earthquake in the NAFZ may have extended through Avc?lar. Indeed, Avc?lar and ?zmit, both located on the Marmara Sea coast along the rupture route, were strongly struck by the earthquake whereas the settlements between Avc?lar and ?zmit were much less affected. Therefore, this interpretation can explain the extraordinary damage in Avc?lar, based on the newly discovered rupture of the NAFZ in the Marmara Sea. However, this suggestion needs to be confirmed by further seismological studies. 相似文献
Björn Kjerfve 《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》1982,15(5):553-559
Tethered current crosses are simple, reliable tools in making measurements of estuarine currents in the absence of surface waves. The standard error of the estimate of current speed is less than 5 cm s?1 for the particular crosses and weights used in a calibration experiment. The useful velocity range of these current crosses was 8–147 cm s?1, corresponding to a measured angle, α, from 2° to 30°. Regression of the independently measured current speed on yielded coefficients of determination greater than 0·94, indicating that the drag coefficient is not a function of current speed. However, the calculated drag coefficients varied widely from 0·66 to 2·55, depending on the particular combination of cross and weight, varying drastically from the commonly assumed drag coefficient value of 1·12. Thus, in using current crosses, it is imperative to calibrate each cross against a current meter reading to determine an appropriate value for the drag coefficient for a particular current cross and weight. 相似文献
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Lars-Göran Danielsson Bertil Magnusson Stig Westerlund Kerong Zhang 《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》1983,17(1):73-85
The concentrations of the trace metals Cd, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn in the Göta River estuary have been investigated. The following metal fractions have been determined: acid-leachable, dissolved, labile and particulate.The estuary represents a salt wedge type estuary and is situated in a densely populated region of Sweden. The metal concentrations found for the dissolved fraction is in the range of what can be considered as background levels for freshwater. It is difficult to evaluate any estuarine processes other than conservative mixing for Cd, Cu, Ni and Zn. The dissolved levels in the freshwater end member are Cd, 9–25 ngl?1; Cu, 1·1–1·4 μgl?1; Fe, 20–75 μg l?1: Ni, 0·7–0·9 μg l?1: Pb 0·09–0·2 μg l?1; and Zn, 6–7 μg l?1:The results from the acid-leachable fraction show that at high suspended load the particles sediment in the river mouth. The trace metal levels in this fraction are subject to large variations. 相似文献