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The discovery measurements of Mercury's exospheric magnesium, obtained by the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) probe during its second Mercury flyby, are modeled to constrain the source and loss processes for this neutral species. Fits to a Chamberlain exosphere reveal that at least two source temperatures are required to reconcile the distribution of magnesium measured far from and near the planet: a hot ejection process at the equivalent temperature of several tens of thousands of degrees K, and a competing, cooler source at temperatures as low as 400 K. For the energetic component, our models indicate that the column abundance that can be attributed to sputtering under constant southward interplanetary magnetic field conditions is at least a factor of five less than the rate dictated by the measurements. Although highly uncertain, this result suggests that another energetic process, such as the rapid dissociation of exospheric MgO, may be the main source of the distant neutral component. If meteoroid and micrometeoroid impacts eject mainly molecules, the total amount of magnesium at altitudes exceeding ∼100 km is found to be consistent with predictions by impact vaporization models for molecule lifetimes of no more than two minutes. Though a sharp increase in emission observed near the dawn terminator region can be reproduced if a single meteoroid enhanced the impact vapor at equatorial dawn, it is much more likely that observations in this region, which probe heights increasingly near the surface, indicate a reservoir of volatile Mg being acted upon by lower-energy source processes.  相似文献   
Daily magnetogram observations of the large-scale photospheric magnetic field have been made at the John M. Wilcox Solar Observatory at Stanford since May of 1976. These measurements provide a homogeneous record of the changing solar field through most of solar cycle 21.Using the photospheric data, the configuration of the coronal and heliospheric fields can be calculated using a Potential Field - Source Surface model. This provides a three - dimensional picture of the heliospheric field evolution during the solar cycle.In this note we announce the publication of UAG Report No. 94, an Atlas containing the complete set of synoptic charts of the measured photospheric magnetic field, the computed field at the source surface, and the coefficients of the multipole expansion of the coronal field. The general underlying structures of the solar and heliospheric fields, which determine the environment for solar-terrestrial relations and provide the context within which solar activity related events occur, can be approximated from these data.  相似文献   
While it is generally known that surface heterogeneity weakens the application of Monin–Obukhov similarity (MOS), few studies have investigated how seasonal changes in the degree of surface heterogeneity at a particular site may influence the validity of the similarity application. Exploiting seasonal changes in forest function associated with senescence, we conduct a unique evaluation of the effects of surface heterogeneity on the validity of similarity theory at two sites through time. Using high frequency (10 Hz) velocity and scalar time series collected within the roughness sublayer over mixed hardwood deciduous and coniferous forests during both periods of peak leaf area and senescence of deciduous foliage, we examined conformity with proposed universal flux-variance predictions and agreement amongst normalized standard deviations of different scalars (temperature, water vapour and carbon dioxide concentrations). Normalized scalar standard deviations were elevated above MOS flux-variance predictions, with more pronounced deviations observed during and following senescence, particularly in the case of CO2. Power-law scaling of normalized standard deviations as a function of stability was upheld and robust to seasonal changes in surface heterogeneity. However, dissimilarity of normalized standard deviations for the scalars increased during senescence, as heterogeneity in the source/sink field increased. Scalewise decomposition of scalar time series using wavelet analysis indicated that correlations between scalars were conservative through much of the inertial cascade but decayed for eddies < 10 m. Senescence lowered correlations between scalars over a wide range of eddy sizes. These results demonstrate how seasonal changes in surface physiology can cause a temporal production of heterogeneity in the source/sink field, thus weakening similarity applications in the roughness sublayer.  相似文献   
Greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions in China have aroused much interest, and not least in recent evidence of their reduction. Our intent is to place that reduction in a larger context, that of the process of industrialization. A lengthy time perspective is combined with a cross-sectional approachChina plus five other countries-and addressed through two general models. The findings are salutary. First, they suggest that a diversified economic structure is consistent with diminished intensity in energy use. Secondly, and the obverse of the first, they imply that a diversified energy structure promotes reductions in CO2 emissions. Finally, one is led inevitably to the conclusion that, together, the findings point to a path for countries to transform their economies while at the same time undertaking to drastically moderate their energy use, switching from a pattern of heavy carbon emissions to one in which lighter carbon emissions prevail. The implications of such findings for environmental management are enormous.  相似文献   
Todd DK 《Ground water》2002,40(6):673-676
Our ability to deal with complex systems has improved through information system research which includes improved modeling (both data and system), the use of semantics and advances in distributed computing. The past decade has seen an explosion in the amount and variety of geosciences data and the emergence of true open data repositories through which scientists can freely access this data. Those data are found in thousands of repositories located around the world. Virtual observatories have been created to address the challenge of helping scientists search those repositories to find and access the required data. This challenge is been addressed by using technologies such as the Internet (with ample connectivity and bandwidth), the Web, cheap computing power, cheap storage and standards for critical components. Many scientific disciplines are developing virtual observatories. Yet some of the most compelling science questions cross multiple domains. While semantics can provide cross domain reasoning, often the first step in answering a question is determining what resources are available which may be relevant to a topic. The topic can be expressed as simple phrases or word sequences. Using a common relevance scoring method at all locations can enable a federated search across loosely coupled providers. The results of which can be organized into facets to aid the user in selecting the most promising resources with which to pursue the scientific investigation. We describe an approach to developing and deploying relevance scoring methods and faceted results in this brave new (virtual) world. We have found that a scoring method which considers both the presence of terms and the proximity of these terms relative to the order of the terms in the query improves the assessment of relevance. We call this Term Presence-Proximity (TPP) scoring and describe a method for calculating a normalized score. TPP scoring compares favorably with other scoring approaches.  相似文献   
A growing majority of artificial intelligence (AI) scientists and engineers believe human-level intelligence will be attained before the dawn of the 22nd century, while a large number believe this will happen much sooner. At this point, the elevation to “superintelligence,” or systems that have superhuman levels of general intelligence, would likely proceed very rapidly. With this in mind, this commentary has three goals: (1) to provide an overview of how a leading scholar, Nick Bostrom, conceives of superintelligence, with its potential and risks, (2) to bring attention to a burgeoning form of common pool resource extraction, space mining, that may benefit from superintelligence management, and (3) to suggest that environmental social scientists should play a key role in programming seed AI, infusing it not only with our existing collective knowledge, but also with just values.  相似文献   
Three computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods with different levels of flow-physics modelling are comprehensively evaluated against high-spatial-resolution wind-tunnel velocity data from step-down street canyons (i.e., a short building downwind of a tall building). The first method is a semi-empirical fast-response approach using the Quick Urban Industrial Complex (QUIC-URB) model. The second method solves the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) equations, and the third one utilizes a fully-coupled fluid-structure interaction large-eddy simulation (LES) model with a grid-turbulence inflow generator. Unlike typical point-by-point evaluation comparisons, here the entire two-dimensional wind-tunnel dataset is used to evaluate the dynamics of dominant flow topological features in the street canyon. Each CFD method is scrutinized for several geometric configurations by varying the downwind-to-upwind building-height ratio (\(H_\mathrm{d}/H_\mathrm{u}\)) and street canyon-width to building-width aspect ratio (S / W) for inflow winds perpendicular to the upwind building front face. Disparities between the numerical results and experimental data are quantified in terms of their ability to capture flow topological features for different geometric configurations. Overall, all three methods qualitatively predict the primary flow topological features, including a saddle point and a primary vortex. However, the secondary flow topological features, namely an in-canyon separation point and secondary vortices, are only well represented by the LES method despite its failure for taller downwind building cases. Misrepresentation of flow-regime transitions, exaggeration of the coherence of recirculation zones and wake fields, and overestimation of downwards vertical velocity into the canyon are the main defects in QUIC-URB, RANS and LES results, respectively. All three methods underestimate the updrafts and, surprisingly, QUIC-URB outperforms RANS for the streamwise velocity component, while RANS is superior to QUIC-URB for the vertical velocity component in the street canyon.  相似文献   
Daniel Todd  Lei Zhang 《GeoJournal》1993,30(4):441-454
Five readily discernible seminal events have moulded port-hinterland relations in Manchuria, and accordingly, have dictated the scale and scope of port operations. They are, in chronological order, the Treaty of Tientsin and the attendant opening of Newchang (Yingkou) to foreign trade in 1862, the lease to Russia in 1898 of the tip of the Liaodong peninsula and the founding thereon of the port of Dalny (Dalian), the seizure of Dalian by Japan in 19O5, the closure of Manchuria's ports to foreign trade with the accession of communist rule in China in 1949, and the reversal of that policy in no uncertain terms during the 1980s consequent upon China's conversion to open port thinking. Scarcely acknowledged because less perceptible, changes in the technology governing the characteristics and employment of ships have been equally critical in regulating port operations in this part of northern China. In particular, the twin driving forces leading to ship enlargement and specialisation have induced fundamental reorganisation of both waterfront and inland transfer facilities. These adaptations, abrupt and gradual, politically-inspired or technologically-motivated, are grist to the mill of this study.  相似文献   
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