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Previous studies of chemical weathering rates for soil developed on glacial moraines generally assumed little or no physical erosion of the soil surface. In this study, we investigate the influence of physical erosion on soil profile weathering rate calculations. The calculation of chemical weathering rates is based on the assumption that soil profiles represent the integrated amount of weathering since the time of moraine deposition. The weathering rate of a surface subjected to denudation is the sum of the weathering loss from the existing soil profile added to the weathering loss in the material removed by denudation, divided by the deposition age. In this study, the amount of weathered material removed since moraine deposition is calculated using the denudation rate estimated from cosmogenic nuclide data and the deposition age of the moraine. Weathering rates accounting for denudation since moraine deposition are compared to weathering rates based on the assumption of no physical erosion and on the assumption of steady-state denudation for the Type Pinedale moraine ( 21 ka) and the Bull Lake-age moraine ( 140 ka) in the Fremont Lake Area (Wind River Mountains, Wyoming, USA). The total weathering rates accounting for denudation are 8.15 ± 1.05 g(oxide) m 2 y 1 for the Type Pinedale moraine and 4.78 ± 0.89 g(oxide) m 2 y 1 for the Bull Lake-age moraine, which are  2 to 4 times higher, respectively, than weathering rates based on the assumption of no physical erosion. The weathering rates based on denudation since moraine deposition are comparable or smaller than weathering rates assuming steady-state denudation. We find the assumption of steady-state denudation is not valid in depositional landscapes with young deposition ages or slow denudation rates. The decrease in weathering rates over time between the Type Pinedale and Bull Lake-age soils that is observed in the case of no physical erosion is decreased when the influence of denudation on the total weathering rates is taken into account. Fresh unweathered material with high reactive mineral surface area is continuously provided to the surface layer by denudation diminishing the effect of decreasing weathering rate over time.  相似文献   
In response to the observations of the ultravioler deficiencies shown by all of the outer planets and Titan, models have been proposed to explain the low albedos by absorption by particles in the upper atmospheres of these objects. These particles are generally believed to be photochemically formed from gases in the upper atmospheres, primarily methane and hydrogen. Such processes may also be operative on Titan. The results of some laboratory experiments of the proton irradiation of mixtures of gases including CH4 H2, NH3, etc., have shown that liquid and solid materials are produced that are strong ultraviolet absorbers. However, the material produced from the CH4 + H2 mixture was colorless, indicating that species containing elements other than carbon and hydrogen are necessary for the production of color. Two such elements are nitrogen (as NH3 or N2) and sulfur (as H2S) and colored materials have been produced from such mixtures. None of these materials has spectral properties identical to those shown by the planets. Therefore it is necessary that mixtures (and/or cloud layers) of the photochemical materials be present.  相似文献   
We present spectra of Saturn's icy satellites Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, Rhea, and Hyperion, 1.0-2.5 μm, with data extending to shorter (Mimas and Enceladus) and longer (Rhea and Dione) wavelengths for certain objects. The spectral resolution (R=λλ) of the data shown here is in the range 800-1000, depending on the specific instrument and configuration used; this is higher than the resolution (R=225 at 3 μm) afforded by the Visual-Infrared Mapping Spectrometer on the Cassini spacecraft. All of the spectra are dominated by water ice absorption bands and no other features are clearly identified. Spectra of all of these satellites show the characteristic signature of hexagonal H2O ice at 1.65 μm. We model the leading hemisphere of Rhea in the wavelength range 0.3-3.6 μm with the Hapke and the Shkuratov radiative transfer codes and discuss the relative merits of the two approaches to fitting the spectrum. In calculations with both codes, the only components used are H2O ice, which is the dominant constituent, and a small amount of tholin (Ice Tholin II). Tholin in small quantities (few percent, depending on the mixing mechanism) appears to be an essential component to give the basic red color of the satellite in the region 0.3-1.0 μm. The quantity and mode of mixing of tholin that can produce the intense coloration of Rhea and other icy satellites has bearing on its likely presence in many other icy bodies of the outer Solar System, both of high and low geometric albedos. Using the modeling codes, we also establish detection limits for the ices of CO2 (a few weight percent, depending on particle size and mixing), CH4 (same), and NH4OH (0.5 weight percent) in our globally averaged spectra of Rhea's leading hemisphere. New laboratory spectral data for NH4OH are presented for the purpose of detection on icy bodies. These limits for CO2, CH4, and NH4OH on Rhea are also applicable to the other icy satellites for which spectra are presented here. The reflectance spectrum of Hyperion shows evidence for a broad, unidentified absorption band centered at 1.75 μm.  相似文献   
An understanding of the formation of shear fractures is important in many rock engineering design problems. Laboratory experiments have been performed to determine the Mode II fracture toughness of Mizunami granite rock samples using a cylindrical `punch-through' testing device. In this paper we attempt to understand and interpret the experimental results by numerical simulation of the fundamental shear fracture initiation and coalescence processes, using a random array of displacement discontinuity crack elements. It is found that qualitative agreement between the experimental and numerical results can be established, provided that shear-like micro-scale failure processes can be accommodated by the failure initiation rules that are used in the numerical simulations. In particular, it is found that the use of an exclusively tension-driven failure initiation rule does not allow the formation of macro-shear structures. It is apparent, also, that further investigation is required to determine how consistent rules can be established to link micro-failure criteria to equivalent macro-strength and toughness properties for a macro-shear slip surface.  相似文献   
On aerial photographs, sandy tidal flats display (1) large sandy bedforms (> 10 m long, > 3 m wide), indicating effects of strong hydrodynamics on sediment relief, and (2) beds of seagrass and mussels, indicating stable sediment conditions. These physical and biogenic structures have been mapped from aerial photographs taken in a back-barrier tidal basin of the North Sea coast at low tide between 1936 and 2005. Fields of large intertidal sandy bedforms show a consistent spatial distribution in the central part of the basin, and have increased in area from 7.2 to 12.8 km2, corresponding now to 10% of the tidal flats. Areal expansion may be linked to a rise in average high tide level and an increase of the expansion rate from the 1960s to the mid 1990s might be traced back to an increased frequency of storm tides during this period. It is shown that expanding fields of large sandy bedforms have replaced mussel beds in the low tidal zone and displaced seagrass beds in the mid tidal zone. Fields of intertidal large sandy bedforms are expected to expand further with an accelerating rise in sea level, and it is recommended to monitor these physical indicators of sediment instability and disturbance of biogenic benthic structures by analysing aerial photographs.  相似文献   
To investigate the dynamics of submersible mussel rafts, the finite element program Aqua-FE?, developed by the University of New Hampshire (UNH), was applied to rafts moored at the surface and submerged. The submerged configuration is used to reduce wave forcing and to avoid contact with floating ice during winters in northern waters. Each raft consists of three pontoons connected by a grid framework. Rafts are intended to support densely spaced mussel ropes hung from the framework. When submerged, the pontoons are flooded, and the raft is held vertically by floats attached by lines. The computer models were developed in Aqua-FE? to simulate the effects of waves and current. They were validated by comparison with wave tank results by use of a 1/10 scale raft physical model. Comparisons showed good agreement for the important heave (vertical) and pitch (rotational) motions, though there was a tendency towards conservative results for wave and current drag. Full-scale simulations of surface and submerged single raft and two rafts connected in tandem were performed. Submerged raft wave response was found to be reduced relative to that at the surface for both the single and two-raft configurations. In particular, the vertical motion of mussel rope connection points was significantly reduced by submergence, resulting in reduced potential for mussel drop-off. For example, the maximum vertical velocities of mussel rope attachment points in the submerged two raft case were 7%?20% of the corresponding velocities when at the surface.  相似文献   
Combining analytical data from hot spring samples with thermodynamic calculations permits a quantitative assessment of the availability and ranking of various potential sources of inorganic chemical energy that may support microbial life in hydrothermal ecosystems. Yellowstone hot springs of diverse geochemical composition, ranging in pH from <2 to >9 were chosen for this study, and dozens of samples were collected during three field seasons. Field measurements of dissolved oxygen, nitrate, nitrite, total ammonia, total sulfide, alkalinity, and ferrous iron were combined with laboratory analyses of sulfate and other major ions from water samples, and carbon dioxide, hydrogen, methane, and carbon monoxide in gas samples to evaluate activity products for ∼300 coupled oxidation-reduction reactions. Comparison of activity products and independently calculated equilibrium constants leads to values of the chemical affinity for each of the reactions, which quantifies how far each reaction is from equilibrium. Affinities, in turn, show systematic behavior that is independent of temperature but can be correlated with pH of the hot springs as a proxy for the full spectrum of geochemical variability. Many affinities are slightly to somewhat dependent on pH, while others are dramatically influenced by changes in chemical composition. All reactions involving dissolved oxygen as the electron acceptor are potential energy sources in all hot spring samples collected, but the ranking of dominant electron donors changes from ferrous iron, and sulfur at high pH to carbon monoxide, hydrogen, and magnetite as pH decreases. There is a general trend of decreasing energy yields depending on electron acceptors that follows the sequence: O2(aq) > NO3 ≈ NO2 ≈ S > pyrite ≈ SO4−2 ≈ CO(g) ≈ CO2(g) at high pH, and O2(aq) ≈ magnetite > hematite ≈ goethite > NO3 ≈ NO2 ≈ S ≈ pyrite ≈ SO4−2 at low pH. Many reactions that are favorable sources of chemical energy at one set of geochemical conditions fail to provide energy at other conditions, and vice versa. This results in energy profiles supplied by geochemical processes that provide fundamentally different foundations for chemotrophic microbial communities as composition changes.  相似文献   
We present a case study on the detection and quantification of seismic signals induced by operating wind turbines (WTs). We spatially locate the sources of such signals in data which were recorded at 11 seismic stations in 2011 and 2012 during the TIMO project (Deep Structure of the Central Upper Rhine Graben). During this time period, four wind farms with altogether 12 WTs were in operation near the town of Landau, Southwest Germany. We locate WTs as sources of continuous seismic signals by application of seismic interferometry and migration of the energy found in cross-correlograms. A clear increase of emitted seismic energy with rotor speed confirms that the observed signal is induced by WTs. We can clearly distinguish wind farms consisting of different types of WTs (different hub height and rotor diameter) corresponding to different stable frequency bands (1.3–1.6 Hz, 1.75–1.95 Hz and 2.0–2.2 Hz) which do not depend on wind speed. The peak frequency apparently is controlled by the elastic eigenmodes of the structure rather than the passing of blades at the tower. From this we conclude that vibrations are coupled into the ground at the foundation and propagate as Rayleigh waves (and not as infrasound). The migration velocity of 320 m/s corresponds to their group velocity. The applied migration method can contribute to the assessment of local sources of seismic noise. This topic gets growing attention in the seismological community. In particular, the recent boost of newly installed wind farms is a threat to seismological observatories such as the Black Forest Observatory (BFO) and the Gräfenberg array (GRF) or gravitational wave observatories (e.g. LIGO, VIRGO) in terms of a sensitivity degradation of such observatories.  相似文献   
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