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利用MODIS资料遥感水体上空气溶胶粒子尺度的数值试验   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
冯建东  黄艇  陈长和  张武 《高原气象》2006,25(1):110-115
利用卫星探测辐射的光谱依赖性来反演大气气溶胶粒子尺度分布,首先要建立反演算法并检验其可行性。本文参照文献[1]对暗的海洋上空MODIS资料的处理方法,针对大陆水库上空卫星探测MODIS辐射信号,利用6S(Second Simulation of the Satellite Signal in the Solar Spectrum)辐射模式建立一个查算表(Look-up table:LUT)来反演大气气溶胶粒子尺度分布;然后通过数值试验对所建立的查算表进行检验,讨论其方法的可行性。数值试验结果表明,查算表对大陆性气溶胶尺度分布有反演能力,但拟合误差sεl值随着气溶胶光学厚度的增加而增加。  相似文献   
Magnetite nanoparticles were applied to remove Ni(II) from aqueous solutions as a function of pH, contact time, supporting electrolyte concentration, and analytical initial Ni(II) concentration. The highly crystalline nature of the magnetite structure with diameter of around 10 nm was characterized with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X‐ray diffractometry (XRD). The surface area was determined to be 115.3 m2/g. Surface chemical properties of magnetite at 25°C in aqueous suspensions were investigated. The point of zero charge (pHzpc) was found to be 7.33 and the intrinsic acidity constants (${\rm p}K_{{\rm a}1}^{{\rm s}} $ and ${\rm p}K_{{\rm a}2}^{{\rm s}} $ ) were found to be 9.3 and 5.9, respectively. The surface functional groups were investigated with Fourier transform‐infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) as well. Batch experiments were carried out to determine the adsorption kinetics and mechanism of Ni(II) by these magnetite nanoparticles. The adsorption process was found to be pH dependent. In NaCl solutions, Ni(II) adsorption increased with increasing ionic strength while in NaClO4 solutions, Ni(II) adsorption exhibited little dependence on the ionic strength of the solution. The adsorption process better followed the pseudo‐second order equation and Freundlich isotherm.  相似文献   
东洞庭湖沉积物覆水后磷形态变化及其释放量   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
王婷  王坤  姜霞 《湖泊科学》2018,30(4):937-947
研究干燥覆水后低流速条件下东洞庭湖沉积物中磷的形态变化及释放量,可以为轻度富营养化湖泊中磷的生物地球化学循环提供基础数据,为季节性湖泊內源营养盐的迁移转化规律研究、內源营养盐的释放风险评价提供理论依据.本文采集处于干湿交替状态的东洞庭湖表层沉积物,利用室内模拟装置,研究风干沉积物低流速条件下覆水后沉积物及上覆水中磷的形态变化.结果表明,低流速覆水后东洞庭湖沉积物中的磷向上覆水及大气中迁移释放,上覆水中磷的释放量随覆水时长增大,释放速率随覆水时长减小,上覆水流速和磷释放量相关性显著.上覆水循环过程中释放到上覆水中的溶解态有机磷比溶解态活性磷更容易吸附于颗粒物而转化为颗粒态磷.覆水后沉积物中各形态有机磷、无机磷及磷的生物有效性均发生转变,覆水初期沉积物中无机磷向有机磷转化,磷的生物可利用性增大;上覆水循环过程中有机磷向无机磷转化,磷的生物可利用性减小;覆水后沉积物的无机磷的主要组分由铝磷转变为铁磷,有机磷的主要组分有从中活性有机磷向活性有机磷转变的趋势.  相似文献   
Estuarine ecosystem has greatly changed in the recent decades due to anthropogenic perturbations in the Changjiang Estuary. Change patterns and impact factors were analyzed based on the continuous data...  相似文献   
李聪  梁婷  陈永康  丁亮 《地质与资源》2019,28(6):526-534
锡矿是青海省找矿潜力较大的有色金属矿之一.青海锡矿成矿时代分布较为集中,主要为印支期和海西期.锡矿床与锡矿点主要分布于东昆仑成矿带,成因类型主要为夕卡岩型.结合前人研究与地质资料介绍了青海地区锡矿的成矿地质背景、资源概况、矿床成因类型、控矿因素、成矿时代以及锡矿成矿带的划分,总结了青海锡矿的成矿特征及成矿规律,并对青海锡矿下一步找矿的研究提出了建议.  相似文献   
翡翠绿色的定量评定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前对翡翠颜色的定名多以所见实物或多年沿袭下来的俗称以形象描绘。对翡翠颜色的评价则是以“柔和悦目”和“引人喜爱”为标准。本文在前人研究的基础上,以色度学理论为基础,以PhotoShop软件为工具,对翡翠绿色定量划分与评定进行初步探讨。1 色度学及PhotoSthop的颜色理论色度学[1]是研究颜色和评价颜色的一门学科。一般选用红、绿、蓝三色作为原色,三原色按不同比例配合成各种颜色。颜色给人的感觉,可因人的主观因素或光源的不同色调叠加而发生变化。但就颜色本身而论,其特征决定于色调(H)、饱和度(S…  相似文献   
中国城市固体废弃物甲烷排放研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The greenhouse effect of methane (CH4) is only inferior to that of carbon dioxide (CO2). As an important anthropogenic emission source, the calculation of the emission amount of CH4 from waste treatment in landfills plays an important role in compiling greenhouse gases inventory and in estimating the climate change effects caused by increasing of greenhouse gases. Based on the previous work, and according to the sampling and analysis on municipal solid waste (MSW) in typical cities, the degradable organic carbon (DOC) percentile was identified in typical cities in recent years. According to the IPCC greenhouse gases inventory guideline and default method of CH4 emission from MSW landfills, and in light of MSW managing situation in different regions, the amount of CH4 emission was calculated. The results show that the amount of CH4 emission decreases geographically from east to west and it increases temporally from 1994 to 2004 in China.  相似文献   
华夏地块东南部地壳地震各向异性特征初步研究   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
本研究采用SAM剪切波分裂分析方法,使用福建区域数字地震台网记录到的(1999年01月~2003年12月)的波形资料,挑选符合剪切波窗口条件的记录,得到华夏地块东南部地区23°N~29°N,116°E~120°E)10个台站的剪切波分裂参数. 研究结果表明,该区域快剪切波平均偏振方向为NW109.4°±42.6°,慢剪切波平均时间延迟为2.5±1.5(ms/km),快剪切波平均偏振方向对应该区的水平主压应力方向. 闽东台站NW方向的快剪切波偏振优势方向揭示了NW向的水平主压应力和NW走向断裂的构造意义. 两个闽西台站NE方向的快剪切波偏振优势方向与区域水平主压应力方向不一致,与NE走向的断裂一致,体现了局部构造和局部应力场的复杂性. 本研究证实,位于活动断裂上的台站的快剪切波偏振方向的优势方向与断裂走向一致,位于海边或岛上的台站的快剪切波偏振方向较为离散,主要是受到不规则表面地形和断裂交汇的影响. 慢剪切波延迟时间的空间分布特征,显示沿海地区慢剪切波延迟时间变化较大,而内陆地区则较为平缓.  相似文献   
Mathematical simulations on dam break or failure using BOSS DAMBRK hydrodynamic flood routing dam break model were carried out to determine the extent of flooding downstream, flood travel times, flood water velocities and impacts on downstream affected residences, properties and environmental sensitive areas due to floodwaters released by failure of the dam structure. Computer simulations for one of the worse case scenarios on dam failure using BOSS DAMBRK software accounted for dam failure, storage effects, floodplains, over bank flow and flood wave attenuation. The simulated results reviewed a maximum flow velocity of 2.40 m/s with a discharge of approximately 242 mз /s occurred at 1.00 km downstream. The maximum discharge increased from 244 m3/s (flow velocity = 1.74 m/s occurred at 8th. km) to 263 m3/s (flow velocity = 1.37 m/s occurred at 12th. km); about a 39% drop in flow velocity over a distance of 4.00 km downstream. If the entire dam gives way instantly, some spots stretching from 0.00 km (at dam site) to approximately 3.40 km downstream of the dam may be categorized as “danger zone”, while downstream hazard and economic loss beyond 3.40 km downstream can be classified as “low” or “minimal” zones.  相似文献   
为探究强壮箭虫(Sagitta crassa)在黄河口及其邻近水域的时空分布特征及其与生物和非生物环境等因子的关系,本文依据2013—2014年在黄河口及其邻近水域6个航次的调查数据,采用丛生指标(I)、聚块性指标(A)和负二项分布参数的倒数(CA)等聚集指标,分析了强壮箭虫的空间分布特征;应用广义可加模型(GAM)研究了强壮箭虫密度的时空分布和环境因子的关系。结果表明,黄河口及其邻近水域强壮箭虫平均密度为21.85 ind/m3,春、秋季高,冬、夏季低;其密度的空间分布以黄河入海口附近水域为密集中心,向远岸水域逐渐降低;强壮箭虫在黄河口及其邻近水域的聚集特征随密度的变化存在两次聚集和两次扩散;水深、表层水温和浮游桡足类密度是影响其密度时空分布的主要因子,总偏差解释率为55.11%,强壮箭虫密度随水深的增加而减小,随表层水温的升高先增加后减小,随桡足类密度的增加而增加。强壮箭虫密度受黄河口及其邻近水域环境因子变动的影响,具有明显的季节变化和空间分布规律。  相似文献   
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