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It is very important for converting the seismic data from the time domain to the depth domain. Here we discuss the approaches of inverse modeling of travel times for determination of the P-wave velocity (Vp). The migration section of the single channel seismic data is used to define the model horizons and help to control their geometry. Wide angle hydrophone data of OBS are used to determine P-wave travel times. The picked travel times from various shots are inverted for P-wave interval velocities using RayInvr, which calculated theoretical travel times via ray tracing. Damped least squares optimization is performed to fine tune the fits between observed and calculated travel times. In the end, the Vp curve is achieved and the results are compared with that derived from the conventional hyperbolic curve velocity analysis method, the shape of the two curves are similar, and the velocity increases in the layer where gas hydrates are present.  相似文献   
The estimation of erosion and sediment delivery rates in tropical mountain watersheds is difficult and most of the methods widely used for estimating soil erosion over large areas have serious limitations. The 137Cs approach has potential for quantifying soil erosion because it can provide retrospective estimates of long‐term (since 1963) net sediment redistribution relatively quickly. Despite its great potential, 137Cs has not yet been used in an extensive, reconnaissance level survey of erosion in complex tropical mountain environments. The objective of this study was to examine the applicability of the 137Cs method to estimate erosion on steep tropical agricultural lands (23 to 80% slopes) in the Nizao watershed, a humid, tropical mountain area of the Dominican Republic. In this study we (i) examine the variation of 137Cs in ten reference sites—eight coffee groves and two forested sites—and (ii) estimate erosion from 14 cultivated fields. The soil pool of 137Cs ranged from to 150 to 192 mBq cm−2 on reference sites with minimal erosion. Variability among reference sites was less than expected for such complex mountain terrain. The variability within coffee and forested reference (average CV=28%) sites was similar to the variability found on grassland and forested reference sites in the temperate zone. The estimated annual soil loss from 14 sampled fields ranged from 6 to 61 t ha−1 year−1 with an overall mean of 26 t ha−1 year−1. Overall, the soil erosion estimates found using the 137Cs method were much lower than those often assumed for such steep tropical hillsides. These erosion estimates account for soil loss since 1963 only and it seems likely that soil losses may have been much higher in earlier decades immediately after initial forest clearing earlier in the 20th century. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Allochthonous salt structures and associated primary and secondary minibasins are exposed in Neoproterozoic strata of the eastern Willouran Ranges, South Australia. Detailed geologic mapping using high‐quality airborne hyperspectral remote‐sensing data and satellite imagery, combined with a qualitative structural restoration, are used to elucidate the evolution of this complex, long‐lived (>250 Myr) salt system. Field observations and interpretations at a resolution unobtainable from seismic or well data provide a means to test published models of allochthonous salt emplacement and associated salt‐sediment interaction derived from subsurface data in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Salt diapirs and sheets are represented by megabreccias of nonevaporite lithologies that were originally interbedded with evaporites that have been dissolved and/or altered. Passive diapirism began shortly after deposition of the Callanna Group layered evaporite sequence. A primary basin containing an expulsion‐rollover structure and megaflap is flanked by two vertical diapirs. Salt flowed laterally from the diapirs to form a complex, multi‐level canopy, now partly welded, containing an encapsulated minibasin and capped by suprasalt basins. Salt and minibasin geometries were modified during the Late Cambrian–Ordovician Delamerian Orogeny (ca. 500 Ma). Small‐scale structures such as subsalt shear zones, fractured or mixed ‘rubble zones’ and thrust imbricates are absent beneath allochthonous salt and welds in the eastern Willouran Ranges. Instead, either undeformed strata or halokinetic drape folds that include preserved diapir roof strata are found directly below the transition from steep diapirs to salt sheets. Allochthonous salt first broke through the diapir roofs and then flowed laterally, resulting in variable preservation of the subsalt drape folds. Lateral salt emplacement was presumably on roof‐edge thrusts or, because of the shallow depositional environment, via open‐toed advance or extrusive advance, but without associated subsalt deformation.  相似文献   
A recent airborne geophysical survey has provided high resolution estimates of the electrical resistivity of the near-surface and deeper (bedrock) formations found across Anglesey and a portion of the coastal area of North Wales. This single small survey provides new geophysical information on both the complex configuration of the Neoproterozoic and Cambrian bedrock units and the shallow near-surface geology and glacial features.  相似文献   
Observations of radio emission at 3.3 mm wavelength associated with magnetic fields in active regions are reported. Results of more than 200 regions during the years 1967–1968 show a strong correlation between peak enhanced millimeter emission, total flux of the longitudinal component of photospheric magnetic fields and the number of flares produced during transit of active regions. For magnetic flux greater than 1021 maxwells flares will occur and for flux of 1023 maxwells the sum of the H flare importance numbers is about 40. The peak millimeter enhancement increases with magnetic flux for regions which subsequently flared. Estimates of the magnetic energy available and the correlation with flare production indicate that the photospheric fields and probably chromospheric currents are responsible for the observed pre-flare heating and provide the energy of flares.This work was supported in part by NASA Contract No. NAS2-7868 and in part by Company funds of The Aerospace Corporation.  相似文献   
The distribution and intensity of hypoxia (low dissolved oxygen) in estuaries is increasing worldwide due to cultural eutrophication. This study quantifies the strength of associations between the duration of diel-cycling severe hypoxia (≤2 mg O2 l−1) in bottom water (∼15 cm above bottom) of a shallow (<2 m) coastal lagoon estuary (Delaware, USA) and abiotic environmental variables (water temperature, insolation, tide, streamflow, and wind) and predicts the duration of severe hypoxia given different combinations of these variables. The intensity and spatial extent and dynamics of diel-cycling severe hypoxia events were defined. Vertical variability in dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration during the daytime was also determined. During the summers of 2001–2005, bottom DO data were collected for periods of weeks to months at multiple sites using automated sondes. Multiple linear regression (MLR) and regression tree analysis (RTA) were used to determine the relative importance of the environmental variables in predicting the number of hours of severe hypoxia per day. Key findings of the study were that severe hypoxia events of minutes to hours in duration occurred frequently in all four tributaries sampled, primarily between 0200 and 1000 hours. Severe hypoxia duration and diel-cycling amplitudes of DO concentration increased in the up-tributary direction. Hierarchically, the duration of severe hypoxia was influenced mostly by the mean daily water temperature, then by preceding days’ total insolation, percentage of morning hours (02:00 to 10:00 a.m.) ebb tide, and daily streamflow. Collectively, the variables examined by the MLR and the RTA approaches accounted for 62% and 65% of the variability in the duration of severe hypoxia, respectively. RTA demonstrated that daily mean water temperature above 26.3°C and previous day’s total insolation below 13.6 kW m−2 were associated with the longest lasting severe hypoxic events (9.56 h). The environmental variables and combinations of conditions that modulate or augment diel-cycling hypoxia presented in this paper enhance understanding of this widespread and growing phenomenon and provide additional insight regarding the extent to which it can impact food webs in very shallow estuarine waters that often serve as nursery habitat.  相似文献   
A technique for determining the height of the convective atmospheric boundary layer (CBL) with a 915 MHz boundary-layer profiler is discussed. The results are compared with CBL heights determined from radiosonde measurements. The profiler provides continuous CBL height measurements with very good time resolution (30 minutes or less), allowing for detailed understanding of the growth and fluctuations of the CBL. In addition, the profiler provides information about the degree of definition of the CBL top and the thickness of the entrainment zone. The measurements discussed were taken during the Rural Oxidants in the Southern Environment II (ROSE II) experiment.  相似文献   
Komatiite lava flows in the Crixás greenstone belt, Goiás, Brazil, have textures and volcanic structures typical of Archean komatiites, but are geochemically most unusual. The flows are porphyritic and massive, or layered with spinifex upper parts and olivine cumulate lower parts. MgO contents range from 18 to 40%. In such lavas, only olivine (and minor chromite) can have crystallized, but neither major nor trace elements fall on olivine control lines. In MgO variation diagrams, CaO and Sr fall on lines with slopes steeper than olivine control lines; SiO2, FeO, Na2O, K2O and Y show little systematic variation; Zr shows a large variation that does not correlate with MgO; and Al2O3 decreases markedly with decreasing MgO. The aberrant behaviour is highlighted by the REE (rare earth elements) in spinifex and olivine cumulate layers from three flows: in the spinifex layers, chondrite-normalized REE patterns are hump-shaped with maxima at Nd or Sm ((La/Sm)N=0.6, (Gd/Yb)N=1.6–2.3), whereas cumulate zones in the same flows have steadily sloping patterns, with LREE enriched relative to HREE ((La/Sm)N=1.3, (Gd/Yb)N=1.4). Neither normal magmatic processes acting during emplacement of the komatiites, nor thermal erosion and wall-rock assimilation can explain these effects, and we speculate that elements commonly thought of as “immobile” (e.g. Al, Zr, REE) migrated during hydrothermal alteration or metamorphism. A Pb-Pb whole rock isochron gave an age of 2,728±140 Ma and selected Sm-Nd analyses an apparent isochron age of 2,825±98 Ma (ɛNd≈0). The Pb-Pb age is believed to be the approximate time of emplacement. Interpretation of the Sm-Nd data is complicated by the evidence of mobility of REE.  相似文献   
Three models, MM5, COAMPS, and WRF, have been applied for the warm season in 2003 and the cool season in 2003?C2004 to evaluate their performances. All models run over the same domain area covering the north Gulf Mexico and southeastern United States (US) region with the same spatial resolution of 27?km. It was found that the temporal variations of the mean error distribution and strength at 24 and 36?h were rather weak for surface temperature, sea level pressure, and surface wind speed for all models. A warm bias in surface temperature forecasts dominated over land during the warm season, whereas a cool bias existed during the cool season. The MM5 and WRF produced negative biases of sea level pressure during the warm season and positive biases during the cool season while the COAMPS yielded a similar distribution of sea level pressure biases during both seasons. During both seasons, similar surface wind speed biases produced by each model included a high wind speed forecast over most areas by MM5 while the COAMPS and WRF yielded weak surface winds over the western Plains and stronger surface winds over the eastern Plains. Root-mean-squared errors revealed that the forecast of surface temperature, sea level pressure, and surface wind speed were degraded with the increase of forecast time. For rainfall evaluation, it was found that the MM5 underpredicted seasonal precipitation while the COAMPS and WRF overpredicted. The bias scores revealed that the MM5 yielded an underprediction of the coverage of precipitation areas, especially for heavier rainfall events. The MM5 presented the lower threat score at lighter rainfall events compared to the COAMPS and WRF. For moderate and heavier thresholds, all models lacked forecast accuracy. The WRF accuracy in predicting precipitation was heavily dependent upon the performance of the selected cumulus parameterization scheme. Use of the Grell?CDevenyi and Bette?CMiller?CJanjic schemes helps suppress precipitation overprediction.  相似文献   
The Mount Raymond transverse zone (MRTZ) forms the east-west-trending boundary between the Wyoming salient of the Sevier fold-thrust belt and the Uinta/Cottonwood arch in north-central Utah. Major faults in the zone dip 40° to 45° north. Our structural analysis indicates that the MRTZ contains both contractional and extensional structures. The contractional structures (thrusts and related folds) initially formed as part of a southeast-verging, northeast-trending thrust system. This system gradually curved and merged to the north with the east-verging Absaroka thrust system in the apex of the Wyoming salient. The contrast in trend between structures in the MRTZ and those in the apex of the Wyoming salient reflects the initial curvature of the salient. This curve formed because the stratigraphic sequence involved in thrusting thinned gradually southward, toward the axis of a proto-Uinta arch. The present east-west trend of the MRTZ developed during Laramide uplift of the Unita/Cottonwood arch, an event which tilted the faults into their present position. Cenozoic crustal extension subsequently reactivated segments of the MRTZ. In sum, the evolution of the MRTZ illustrates how post-thrusting processes can affect the map-view geometry of thrust belts to create transverse zones.  相似文献   
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