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The motion of lithospheric blocks was analyzed in the junction zone between the Eurasian Plate and its surrounding structures. Its present-day stage was considered using GPS and seismologic data. Models of the movement of a rigid plate are considered for Eurasia. A model of Eurasia (northern part of Asia) was used to determine the rotation parameters of its southern periphery (Amur Plate) based on GPS data for the Far East (Sikhote Alin profile), and Transbaikal regions are shown as an example. A model of the Amur Plate was used to illustrate the behavior of the extension zone on its western boundary represented by the Lake Baikal depression during the Kultuk earthquake (M = 6.3, August, 27, 2008). Paleomagnetic data made it possible to determine the rotation pole of the Siberian Craton relative to its surrounding folded structures during the Mesozoic and to estimate its kinematic parameters. The permanent position of the rotation pole in the relative coordinate system since the terminal Paleozoic until the Recent indicates a constant rotation velocity of the Siberian domain within the Eurasian Plate structure.  相似文献   
The measurements of contemporary deformations in Asia in the region of active seismic processes stretching from Northern Tien Shan through Altai and Sayan Mountains to Lake Baikal have been carried out for a few decades by strainmeters and tiltmeters. Recently, these works were expanded by the network measurements by the methods of space geodesy. Studying the contemporary displacements and deformations of the Earth’s crust is necessary for solving various problems on a wide range of spatial and time scales from exploring the contemporary deformations of the tectonic plates and present-day seismicity to estimating the man-made loads on the geological medium. The measurements of the deformations are conducted by different methods with short and long baselines, on the surface and at different depths. Based on the obtained data, it is possible to analyze the strain rates at different frequencies and to compare them with the level of seismic activity in the region. In recent decades, the seismic zone located in the south of the Siberian platforms experienced a few strong (M = 6.3–7.5) earthquakes, during which the deformation and displacement fields were captured. South of this region, the displacement fields during the earthquakes with the magnitude above 8 were recorded by the space geodetic methods in China. By excluding the coseismic effects, one can estimate the tectonic component of the displacements and deformations.  相似文献   
Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - A new technique has been developed to obtain the total ozone content (TOC) under cloudy conditions from the spectra of outgoing thermal IR radiation...  相似文献   
It is well known that, within the linear nonviscous equations of tidal dynamics, the amplitudes of oscillations of the barotropic and baroclinic tidal velocity components unlimitedly increase when approaching the critical latitude. It is also known that the linear equations of tidal dynamics with a constant and specified vertical eddy viscosity indicate the occurrence of significant tidal velocity shears in the near-bottom layer, which are responsible for increasing the baroclinic tidal energy dissipation, the turbulent kinetic energy, and the thickness of the bottom boundary layer. The first circumstance—the growth of the amplitudes of oscillations of the barotropic and baroclinic tidal velocity components—is due to the elimination in the original equations of small terms, which are small everywhere except for the critical latitude zone. The second circumstance—the occurrence of significant tidal velocity shears—is due to the fact that internal tidal waves, which induce the dissipation of the baroclinic tidal energy and the diapycnal diffusion, are either not taken into account or described inadequately. It is suggested that diapycnal diffusion can lead to the degeneration (complete or partial) of tidal velocity shears, with all the ensuing consequences. The aforesaid is confirmed by simulation results obtained using the QUODDY-4 high-resolution three-dimensional finite-element hydrostatic model along the 66.25° E section, which passes in the Kara Sea across the critical latitude.  相似文献   
The structure of the field of outgoing into space radiation for the 8–12 m spectral interval is studied using the data of satellite observations of the oceans. The regularity found is employed to substantiate the angular method for the sea surface temperature (SST) reconstruction. The band of the angles of view is determined in which the error of the SST reconstructon does not exceed 0.3°C with the assigned error of the satellite measurements of radiation temperatures of 0.05°C.UDK 551.507.362.2Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   
This paper is based on data from engineering-geological research on the landslide slopes of the Moscow River valley from the site of a proposed bridge crossing reconstruction. A method for delineating the slippage surface is suggested, which allows a more reliable evaluation of landslide stability and pressure for planning and decision-making purposes during the reconstruction of the bridge crossing, and an appropriate mitigation strategy.  相似文献   
This paper considers results of geodynamic studies using the GPS method in the territory of the Far East. GPS measurements using TRIMBLE-4700 geophones were launched along the Sikhote Alin profile in 2003. The technology of the GPS measurements and the problems of selecting the measurement sites and network configuration with reference to the region’s structure are discussed. The results of GPS measurements in 2003–2006 were used to study the fault system of the Far East continental margin. Different models of the Eurasia rotation (from the known NNR-NUVEL-1A to the recent ones) were analyzed. The solid-body rotation of Eurasia was predicted in the framework of the AR-IR-2006 model with a pole located at 51.045°N latitude, 255.842° longitude and rotating at a rate of 0.2423°/Ma. The parameters of the Amur plate rotation were preliminarily estimated (57.6° ± 0.5°N, 117.1 ± 0.5°E, and 0.083° ± 0.004°/m.y) using results on the Sikhote Alin and Transbaikalian network.  相似文献   
Presented is a detailed characterization of the present state and pollution of soil cover in the influence area of the Dzhidinskii tungsten-molybdenum plant which takes into consideration the spatial geological inhomogeneity and the functional purpose of urban territories. As part of the investigation, we determined the content levels of heavy metals and metalloids in background soils, and the elements which are the main pollutants of urban soils in the zones of different functional purposes, ascertained the degree of technogenic geochemical transformation of soil cover in the city of Zakamensk, and identified the leading soiland landscape-geochemical factors for accumulation of heavy metals and metalloids in the urban topsoil (0?10 cm) horizons. An assessment was also made of the ecological hazard of soil pollution by a set of heavy metals and metalloids in the main functional zones of the city. A soil-geochemical survey was carried out, and the ICP-MS method was used to determine the total content levels of 14 heavy metals and metalloids of hazard classes I?III as well as Be, Sn, Cs and Bi. The elements were determined, which are the main pollutants of the soils in Zakamensk: W, Bi, Cd, Pb and Mo. The study revealed a need to take into account the metallogenic specific character and geological inhomogeneity of the area by using the local coefficients of concentration (EF l ) and dispersal (DF l ) which must be calculated not with respect to the average regional background but from the individual (for each parent material) background value in order to more accurately determine the degree of technogenic geochemical transformation of soils, and the ecological hazard of pollution. It is suggested that the ecological hazard should be assessed on the basis of the Integrated Pollution Index (IPI) which is calculated with respect to the world’s average concentrations of heavy metals and metalloids in soils and takes into account hazard classes of elements.  相似文献   
The modern gravimetry methods are capable of measuring gravity with an accuracy of up to 10–10 of the normal value, which is commensurate with the accuracy of the up-to-date methods of displacement measurements by satellite geodesy. Significant changes, e.g., in the coseismic displacements of the Earth’s surface are recorded in the zones of large earthquakes. These changes should manifest themselves in the variations of gravity. Absolute measurements have been conducted by various modifications of absolute ballistic gravimeters GABL since the mid-1970s at the Klyuchi point (Novosibirsk) in the south of the West Siberian plate. Monitoring observations have been taking place in the seismically active regions since the 1990s. In this paper we consider the results of the long-term measurements of the variations in gravity and recent crustal displacements for different types of earthquakes (the zones of shear, extension, and compression). In the seismically active areas in the east of Russia, the longest annual series of absolute measurements starting from 1992 was recorded in the southeastern segment of Baikal region. In this area, the Kultuk earthquake with magnitude 6.5 occurred on August 27, 2008, at a distance of 25 km from the observation point of the Talaya seismic station. The measurements in Gornyi (Mountainous) Altai have been conducted since 2000. A strikeslip earthquake with magnitude 7.5 took place in the southern segment of the region on September 27, 2003. The effects of the catastrophic M = 9.0 Tohoku, Japan, earthquake of March 11, 2011 were identified in Primor’e in the far zone of the event. The empirical data are consistent with the results of modeling based on the seismological data. The coseismic variations in gravity are caused by the combined effect of the changes in the elevation of the observation point and crustal deformation.  相似文献   
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