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Sand lenses at various spatial scales are recognized to add heterogeneity to glacial sediments. They have high hydraulic conductivities relative to the surrounding till matrix and may affect the advective transport of water and contaminants in clayey till settings. Sand lenses were investigated on till outcrops producing binary images of geological cross‐sections capturing the size, shape and distribution of individual features. Sand lenses occur as elongated, anisotropic geobodies that vary in size and extent. Besides, sand lenses show strong non‐stationary patterns on section images that hamper subsequent simulation. Transition probability (TP) and multiple‐point statistics (MPS) were employed to simulate sand lens heterogeneity. We used one cross‐section to parameterize the spatial correlation and a second, parallel section as a reference: it allowed testing the quality of the simulations as a function of the amount of conditioning data under realistic conditions. The performance of the simulations was evaluated on the faithful reproduction of the specific geological structure caused by sand lenses. Multiple‐point statistics offer a better reproduction of sand lens geometry. However, two‐dimensional training images acquired by outcrop mapping are of limited use to generate three‐dimensional realizations with MPS. One can use a technique that consists in splitting the 3D domain into a set of slices in various directions that are sequentially simulated and reassembled into a 3D block. The identification of flow paths through a network of elongated sand lenses and the impact on the equivalent permeability in tills are essential to perform solute transport modeling in the low‐permeability sediments.  相似文献   
Old geochemical datasets from the Paraná Shield of southern Brazil have been integrated into a new geochemical database and the results are presented as a series of multipurpose geochemical maps. Although the 24 datasets retrieved were analysed by three different laboratories, the maps produced correlate surprisingly well with bedrock geological features.The retrieval of old geochemical exploration data sets for the purpose of generating maps showing element depletions and enrichments is a powerful tool with a wide range of applications: trace elements such as Zn, Cu and Mo can significantly affect crop productivity; areas with high abundances of harmful elements such as As and F can be delineated in order to identify public health hazards; heavy metals such as Cd, Pb and Hg can be measured in order to better constrain knowledge of chemical background levels for environmental monitoring. The integration and manipulation of different data sets can however be complicated by the heterogeneity in sampling and analytical procedures.  相似文献   
Coronal holes (CHs) are regions of open magnetic field lines in the solar corona and the source of the fast solar wind. Understanding the evolution of coronal holes is critical for solar magnetism as well as for accurate space weather forecasts. We study the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) synoptic maps at three wavelengths (195 Å/193 Å, 171 Å and 304 Å) measured by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory/Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (SOHO/EIT) and the Solar Dynamics Observatory/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (SDO/AIA) instruments. The two datasets are first homogenized by scaling the SDO/AIA data to the SOHO/EIT level by means of histogram equalization. We then develop a novel automated method to identify CHs from these homogenized maps by determining the intensity threshold of CH regions separately for each synoptic map. This is done by identifying the best location and size of an image segment, which optimally contains portions of coronal holes and the surrounding quiet Sun allowing us to detect the momentary intensity threshold. Our method is thus able to adjust itself to the changing scale size of coronal holes and to temporally varying intensities. To make full use of the information in the three wavelengths we construct a composite CH distribution, which is more robust than distributions based on one wavelength. Using the composite CH dataset we discuss the temporal evolution of CHs during the Solar Cycles 23 and 24.  相似文献   
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - In this paper, using the Total Electron Content (TEC) data obtained from GUAM (13.58° N, 144.86° E) and PNGM (2.04° S, 147.36° E) Global Positioning...  相似文献   
A stochastic trajectory model was used to estimate scalar fluxfootprints in neutral stabilityfor canopies of varying leaf area distributions andleaf area indices. An analytical second-order closure model wasused to predict mean wind speed, second moments and the dissipationrate of turbulent kinetic energy within a forest canopy.The influence of source vertical profile on the flux footprint wasexamined. The fetch is longer for surface sourcesthan for sources at higher levels in the canopy. In order tomeasure all the flux components, and thus the total flux, with adesired accuracy, sources were located at the forest floor in thefootprint function estimation. The footprint functions werecalculated for five observation levels above the canopy top. Itwas found that at low observation heights both canopy density andcanopy structure affect the fetch. The higher abovethe canopy top the flux is measured, the more pronounced is the effectof the canopy structure. The forest fetch for flux measurements isstrongly dependent on the required accuracy: The 90% flux fetchis greater by a factor of two or more compared to the 75% fetch. Theupwind distance contributing 75% of flux is as large as 45 timesthe difference between canopy height and the observation heightabove the canopy top, being even larger for low observationlevels.  相似文献   
极地积雪和海冰厚度是气候变化的重要指标,也是船舶在冰区航行需要掌握的主要参数。2014和2015年在南极普里兹湾中山站附近布放了一种新式的温度链浮标,该浮标每天进行4次常规温度观测和1次加热升温观测,用于实时获取积雪和海冰剖面温度及厚度数据的研究。通过分析剖面温度曲线和升温曲线反映出的大气、积雪、海冰和海水4种介质的热传导特性差异,可利用人工识别的方法(人工经验法)获得大气/积雪、积雪/海冰和海冰/海水界面的位置。根据统计不同介质在升温响应和垂直温度梯度等方面的特性,找到合理阈值,可通过编写程序自动判断各界面的位置(自动程序法)。本文利用这两种方法来判断不同物质界面位置从而计算得到积雪和海冰厚度。与现场人工观测的海冰厚度相比,人工经验法的平均偏差和均方根偏差分别为2.1 cm和6.4 cm(2014年)以及4.3 cm和6.5 cm(2015年),自动程序法的平均偏差和均方根偏差分别为-6.8 cm和6.4 cm(2014年)以及4.5 cm和 6.6 cm(2015年);对于积雪,人工经验法与现场人工观测的平均偏差和均方根偏差分别为0.5 cm和 8.5 cm,而自动程序法的平均偏差和均方根偏差分别为4.7 cm和10.8 cm。自动程序法误差较人工经验法偏大,但考虑到整体冰厚和现场观测的误差,两种方法的结果均是可信的,精度是可以接受的。利用新式的温度链浮标实时获取南极普里兹湾积雪和海冰厚度是可行的。  相似文献   
Several long sediment cores (max. 12 m) from various parts (up to 150 km apart) of Lake Onega, Russian Karelia, have been studied for lithology, varve chronology and palaeomagnetism. The two longest varve records from the central basin contain 1300 varves. These indicate the length of the deglaciation period from these localities to the north of Lake Onega, where the drainage of glacial meltwaters was directed towards the White Sea and the deposition of varves in the Onega basin terminated. An estimate of the duration of deglaciation of the whole Onega basin is 1500 years. Natural remanent magnetization (NRM) is strong and stable in these sediments and accurately records changes in the Earth's magnetic field. A distinct change in the magnetic field, when the declination shifted from east to west by at least 60° in 350 varve years, is clearly identifiable in all cores. This palaeomagnetic feature was used for core to core correlation together with other variations in magnetic parameters and widely distributed lithological marker horizons. On the basis of the correlations between the cores and calibration of AMS radiocarbon dates from varves obtained from the northern archipelago of Lake Onega, the age of the westerly declination peak is dated to 13 090 cal. BP and accordingly the deglaciation of the Onega basin took place between 14 250 and 12 750±100 cal. BP. The westerly declination peak was also recognized earlier by Bakhmutov and Zagniy in the Helylä varved clay sequence near Sortavala on the northern shore of Lake Ladoga. Helylä is situated outside the Salpausselkä end moraines and the accumulation of varved clays continued there 1500 years after the declination peak, up until the drainage of the Baltic Ice Lake, which more or less coincides with the ice margin retreat from Salpausselkä II end moraine and the termination of the Younger Dryas event. The date thus arrived at for this event is 11 590±100 cal. BP, close to the recent results from Greenland ice cores and from varved lake sediments and tree rings from Central Europe. It is further suggested that the formation of the major Younger Dryas end moraines, the Finnish Salpausselkä I and Salpausselkä II and their correlatives in Russian Karelia, took place between 12 250 and 11 590 calendar years ago, clearly earlier than earlier estimated through correlation with the Swedish varve chronology.  相似文献   
正Rapid changes of Arctic sea ice cover have been in the focus of the international climate research community in recent years.Quite a few of nations have completed a large number of related surveys and research projects in the Arctic Ocean.Up to now,China has performed six research cruises to the Arctic Ocean resulting in a significant volume of research output.Improved knowledge on the atmospheree-sea ice-ocean interactions in the Arctic is a  相似文献   
Regions are contested processes in which various layers of borders become articulated, deconstructed and reconstructed by both activists and advocates. While many scholars currently tend to highlight the relational character of spaces, this study – acknowledging that seeing regions as relational or territorial is a highly contextual matter – emphasizes the territorial approach by stressing the multiple layers of borders and how they help to constitute and nurture regional identity. Focusing on deinstitutionalization of a region, it is argued here that regional restructuring can trigger activism, as proved by the activist movement at issue in the case study. This case study of a merger between two municipalities in Finland illustrates that when threatened with integration, (old) regions seem to be of especial importance as bordered territories of identification.  相似文献   
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