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The retreat of the Barents Sea Ice Sheet on the western Svalbard margin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The deglaciation of the continental shelf to the west of Spitsbergen and the main fjord, Isfjorden. is discussed based on sub-bottom seismic records and scdirncnt cores. The sea lloor on the shelf to the west of Isfjorden is underlain by less than 2 m of glaciomarine sediments over a firm diamicton interpreted as till. In central Isfjordcn up to 10 m of deglaciation sediments were recorded, whereas in cores from the innermost tributary, Billefjorden, less than a meter of ice proximal sediments was recognized between the till and the 'normal' Holocene marine sediments. We conclude that the Barents Sea Ice Sheet terminated along the shelf break during the Late Weichselian glacial maximum. Radiocarbon dates from thc glaciomarine sediments above the till indicate a stepwise deglaciation. Apparently the ice front rctrcatcd from the outermost shelf around 14. 8 ka A dramatic increase in the flux of line-grained glaciomarine sediments around 13 ka is assumed to reflect increased melting and/or current activity due to a climatic warming. This second stage of deglaciation was intcrruptcd by a glacial readvance culminating on the mid-shelf area shortly after 12.4 ka. The glacial readvance, which is correlated with a simultaneous readvance of the Fennoscundian ice sheet along the western coast of Norway, is attributed to the so-called 'Older Dryas' cooling event in the North Atlantic region. Following this glacial readvance the outer part of Isljorden became rapidly deglaciated around 12.3 ka. During the Younger Dryas the inner fjord branches were occupied by large outlet glaciers and possibly the ice liont terminated far out in the main fjord. The remnants of the Harcnts Sea Ice Shcet melted quickly away as a response to the Holocene warming around 10 ka.  相似文献   
Krüger, L. C., Paus, A., Svendsen, J. I. & Bjune, A. E. 2011: Lateglacial vegetation and palaeoenvironment in W Norway, with new pollen data from the Sunnmøre region. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2011.00213.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. Two sediment sequences from Sunnmøre, northern W Norway, were pollen‐analytically studied to reconstruct the Lateglacial vegetation history and climate. The coastal Dimnamyra was deglaciated around 15.3 ka BP, whereas Løkjingsmyra, further inland, became ice‐free around 14 ka BP. The pioneer vegetation dominated by snow‐bed communities was gradually replaced by grassland and sparse heath vegetation. A pronounced peak in Poaceae around 12.9 ka BP may reflect warmer and/or drier conditions. The Younger Dryas (YD) cooling phase shows increasing snow‐bed vegetation and the local establishment of Artemisia norvegica. A subsequent vegetation closure from grassland to heath signals the Holocene warming. Birch forests were established 500–600 years after the YD–Holocene transition. This development follows the pattern of the Sunnmøre region, which is clearly different from the Empetrum dominance in the Lateglacial interstadial further south in W Norway. The Lateglacial oscillations GI‐1d (Older Dryas) and GI‐1b (Gerzensee) are hardly traceable in the north, in contrast to southern W Norway. The southern vegetation was probably closer to an ecotone and more susceptible to climate changes.  相似文献   
Published accounts of outburst floods from glacier-dammed lakes show that a significant number of such floods are associated not with drainage through a tunnel incised into the basal ice—the process generally assumed—but rather with ice-marginal drainage, mechanical failure of part of the ice dam, or both. Non-tunnel floods are strongly correlated with formation of an ice dam by a glacier advancing from a tributary drainage into either a main river valley or a pre-existing body of water (lake or fiord). For a given lake volume, non-tunnel floods tend to have significantly higher peak discharges than tunnel-drainage floods. Statistical analysis of data for floods associated with subglacial tunnels yields the following empirical relation between lake volume V and peak discharge Qp : Qp = 46V0.66 (r2 = 0.70), when Qp is expressed in metres per second and V in millions of cubic metres. This updates the so-called Clague–Mathews relation. For non-tunnel floods, the analogous relation is Qp = 1100V0.44 (r2 = 0.58). The latter relation is close to one found by Costa (1988) for failure of constructed earthen dams. This closeness is probably not coincidental but rather reflects similarities in modes of dam failure and lake drainage. We develop a simple physical model of the breach-widening process for non-tunnel floods, assuming that (1) the rate of breach widening is controlled by melting of the ice, (2) outflow from the lake is regulated by the hydraulic condition of critical flow where water enters the breach, and (3) the effect of lake temperature may be dealt with as done by Clarke (1982). Calculations based on the model simulate quite well outbursts from Lake George, Alaska. Dimensional analysis leads to two approximations of the form QpVqf(hi, θ0), where q = 0.5 to 0.6, hi is initial lake depth, θ0 is lake temperature, and the form of f (hi, θ0) depends on the relative importance of viscous dissipation and the lake's thermal energy in determining the rate of breach opening. These expressions, along with the regression relations, should prove useful for assessing the probable magnitude of breach-type outburst floods.  相似文献   
The stratigraphy of marine Plio-Pleistocene sediments from northeast Rhodes (Dodecanese islands, Greece) is revised in the light of facies mapping and the recognition of three major transgression–regression cycles. Before late Pliocene submergence, metamorphosed Mesozoic limestones formed a high-relief karstic landscape. During subsequent transgressions, subsiding basins with spectacular cliffed and bioeroded margins were infilled by a mosaic of carbonate-dominated sediments, sourced by high rates of carbonate productivity on narrow shelves rimming the basins and their drowning islands. Periods of relative sea-level fall superimposed a complex series of ‘fossil’ coastal geomorphological features such as cliffs, abrasion platforms, surf caves, notches, boulder beaches and palaeokarsts. These created the rugged present day topography of the island's northeast coast. Three main lithostratigraphic units, the Kritika, Rhodes and Lindos Acropolis Formations, are defined. The Rhodes and Lindos Acropolis Formations are subdivided into mappable facies groups rather than members, as the lithofacies are strongly diachronous. The Kritika and Rhodes Formations were each subaerially exposed and partly eroded before re-transgression. Although there is a general pattern of lithological succession, details vary across the study area and some facies groups are restricted in development, indicating differences in tectonic behaviour and palaeo-geomorphology between neighbouring basins. A preliminary process-response model is presented for the sedimentation history of the Rhodes and Lindos Acropolis Formations, using sedimentological, palaeontological, palaeoecological and ichnological data.  相似文献   
High-angle stratification (greater than 20°) is produced in several areas of shallow marine sedimentation along the barrier islands of the central Georgia coast. The maximum angle of inclination is 30° which is the angle of repose for the saturated, fine-grained, angular sand of this area. High-angle stratification forms in the following locations: (1) The depositional margin of tidal channel inlets. Under some wave and current conditions, sand accumulates near low tide level and steepens the depositional interface to the angle of repose. (2) The steep face of asymmetrical megaripples developed by tidal currents. Ripples with amplitudes as much as 3 ft. and wave lengths of 20–40 ft. commonly develop in channel inlets and other areas of sand sediments. (3) The steep face of sand waves formed in channel inlets. These large asymmetrical ripples have amplitudes as great as 12 ft. and wave lengths of ca. 300 ft. Lengths along the crests are over 600 ft. (4) The landward side of low bars developed on the beach. Bars and troughs (ridges and runnels) are common on the beaches of this area. The bars, which are as much as 5 ft. high, shift landward by deposition on the steep landward face. (5) The oceanward side of large sand waves at the mouth of offshore tidal channels. Large sand waves are located 6 miles offshore from Doboy Sound inlet in 20–25 ft. of water. The steep face of these asymmetrical sand waves is orientated toward the ocean. Amplitude of these large ripples is as much as 17 ft. and length along the crests is over 1/2 mile.  相似文献   
The spinel lherzolite massif at Balmuccia, northwest Italy,forms an elongate north-south trending lens (4.5 x 0.5 x 1.1km) within the pre-Alpine granulite basement complex of theIvrea zone. The western contact is a mylonite fault zone formedduring late emplacement cataclastic flow near the Insubric line;to the east the lherzolite massif is separated from the granulitesby a magmatic sheath of layered pyroxenites, pyroxene pegmatitesand meta-gabbros. Pyroxene reaction zones on gabbro dikes indunite pods which lie east of the main lherzolite massif showthat emplacement occurred at pressures >9 kb, based on peridotiteequilibria studies. Phase chemistry calculations on pyroxenitesand granulites show ambient P–T conditions to have been850 °C (Cpx–Opx equilibria) and 10–13 kb (Opx–Gt;Plg–Gt–Sill–Qtz) during emplacement of thelherzolite massif. Temperature calculations on 12 peridotitesfrom throughout the massif suggest an earlier high-T stage (1200°C; Ol–Px–Sp) followed by partial re-equilibrationat lower T (850–950 °C; Cpx–Opx). The areaswithin the lherzolite massif with the highest calculated Ol–Px–Sptemperatures have the lowest Cpx–Opx temperatures, suggestingthat the apparent Cpx–Opx temperatures are due to re-equilibrationduring emplacement. The spinel lherzolite probably originatedat 12 and 20 kb, based on the mineral assemblage Ol + Opx +Cpx + Sp + Hnbd. The inferred P–T ranges put both themassif and the granulites on a geotherm that is high for continentalcrust and implies a high surface heat flow at the time of emplacement(2.2 µcal/cm2 sec). The Balmuccia area later became thelocus of early Mesozoic rifting between the North and SouthAlpine plates. These relationships at Balmuccia are similarto the Great Basin of the western United States, where mantlexenoliths in young basalts that show P–T conditions of1100–1300 °C at 17–20 kb, occur in an area ofhigh heat flow (2.0 µCal/cm2 sec average) and extension.This suggests an association between up-welling of mantle peridotitesbelow continents and ensialic tensional tectonics.  相似文献   
The Antola Formation of Upper Cretaceous age crops out extensively in the Northern Apennines and consists of graded units of calcareous sandstones, sandstones, marlstones, and shales. It can be subdivided into the Cerreto, Antola Marlstone, Bruggi, and S. Donato Members on the basis of bed thicknesses and percentage of shales. Although the whole formation is interpreted as a deep-sea basin plain deposit, the members constitute lateral facies subdivisions which range from proximal, thick-bedded turbidities that show a prevalence of thinning upward cycles in bed thicknesses to distal turbidites that show predominantly thickening upward cycles and have a high percentage of shale. Repetitive patterns in the lithological sequence of the turbidite association are generally distinctive and are satisfactorily described as first order Markov chains. Only the Antola Marlstone Member has an additional second order Markov property. Imaginary eigenvalues of the transition probability matrices of all but the Bruggi Member demonstrate a strong cyclic character in the lithologic ordering within the formation. The behaviour of the Antola Marlstone and of the Bruggi may reflect the influence of a secondary ophiolitic intra-basinal source of clastics that contributed sandy turbidites and olistostromes. Systematic long-term variations in the sequence of bed thickness development in some sections of the Antola Formation are often subtle and equivocal, and pose special problems in interpretation. Fourier analysis was applied to the task of partitioning fundamental wavelengths from “background noise” introduced by essentially random depositional processes. In all members there is (1) strong short-term wavelength of two to three beds indicative of alternating thin and thick beds and judged to be typical of turbidite sequences; (2) an intermediate wavelength ranging from about five beds (proximal facies), eight beds (distal) to nine beds (very distal), which have both thinning and thickening upward trends, interpreted respectively as valley fill due to shifting talwegs of low density turbidity currents, and to progradational, flat turbidite lobes; (3) a poorly defined long-term wave-length of from thirty to greater than sixty beds that may be related to an unspecified trend in the evolution of the sedimentary basin. Phase angles associated with the coniputed power spectra give indications as to the asymmetry (thickening or thinning upward) or symmetry of the representative units.  相似文献   
Field, petrologic and geochemical data were used to characterizefluid infiltration and partial melting during metamorphism ofpelitic rocks in the contact aureole of the Onawa pluton, centralMaine, USA. Mineral assemblages delineate five metamorphic zoneswithin the contact aureole: chlorite zone, andalusite–cordierite(a–c) zone, alkali feldspar zone, sillimanite zone andleucocratic-vein (l–v) zone. The sequence of observedmineral assemblages and mineral–fluid reactions calculatedby mass balance is similar to those observed in other contactaureoles. Pressure of contact metamorphism is 3 kbar, on thebasis of optimum geothermobarometry calculations. Metamorphictemperatures vary from 500C in the andalusite–cordieritezone to 65OC in the leucocratic-vein zone. Data from fieldobservations, mineral textures, observed reaction stoichiometry,geothermometry and major-element geochemistry suggest that theleucocratic veins of the l-v zone represent crystallized, partialmelts. Two overall calculated mineral reactions are responsiblefor vein formation: which can be modeled as combinations of two NKFMTASH meltingreactions: Progress of (M1) and (M2) was measured in eight samples, andreaction (M1) is the dominant melt-forming reaction in all samples.Partial melting (and vein formation) was therefore driven byinfiltration of the l-v zone by H2O-rich fluids. Calculatedtime-integrated fluid fluxes for l-v zone samples range from09 104 to 31 104 mol/cm2, and flow was in the directionof increasing temperature. KEY WORDS: pelites; contact metamorphism; fluid infiltration; partial melting; Onawa Pluton; Maine; USA *Corresponding author. Telephone:(516) 632–8192. Fax (516)632–8240 e-mail: gsymmes{at}ccmail.sunysb.edu  相似文献   
The biotite isograd in pelitic schists of the Waterville Formationinvolved reaction of muscovite + ankerite + rutile + pyrite+graphite + siderite or calcite to form biotite + plagioclase+ ilmenite. There was no single reaction in all pelites; eachrock experienced a unique reaction depending on the mineralogyand proportions of minerals in the chlorite-zone equivalentfrom which it evolved. Quartz, chlorite, and pyrrhotite werereactants in some rocks and products in others. All inferredbiotite-forming reactions involved decarbonation and desulfidation;some were dehydration reactions and others were hydration reactions.P-T conditions at the biotite isograd were near 3500 bars and400 °C. C-O-H-S fluids in equilibrium with the pelitic rockswere close to binary CO2-H2O mixtures with XCO2 = 0.02–0.04.During the biotite-forming reaction, pelitic rocks (a) decreasedby 2–5 percent in volume, (b) performed – (4–11)kcal/liter P-V work on their surroundings, (c) absorbed 38–85kcal/liter heat from their surroundings, and (d) were infiltratedby at least 0.9–2.2 rock volumes H2O fluid. The biotite isograd sharply marks the limit of a decarbonationfront that passed through the terrane during regional metamorphism.Decarbonation converted meta-shales with 6–10 per centcarbonate to carbonate-free pelitic schists. One essential causeof the decarbonation event was pervasive infiltration of theterrane by at least 1–2 rock volumes H2O fluid early inthe metamorphic event under P-T conditions of the biotite isograd.Average shale contains 4–13 per cent siderite, ankerite,and/or calcite, but average pelitic schist is devoid of carbonateminerals. If the Waterville Formation serves as a general modelfor the metamorphism of pelitic rocks, it is likely that worldwidemany pelitic schists developed by decarbonation of shale caused,in part, by pervasive infiltration of metamorphic terranes byseveral rock volumes of aqueous fluid during an early stageof the metamorphic event.  相似文献   
Here we report on a set of six apatite reference materials (chlorapatites MGMH#133648, TUBAF#38 and fluorapatites MGMH#128441A, TUBAF#37, 40, 50) which we have characterised for their chlorine isotope ratios; these RMs span a range of Cl mass fractions within the apatite Ca10(PO4)6(F,Cl,OH)2 solid solution series. Numerous apatite specimens, obtained from mineralogical collections, were initially screened for 37Cl/35Cl homogeneity using SIMS followed by δ37Cl characterisation by gas source mass spectrometry using both dual‐inlet and continuous‐flow modes. We also report major and key trace element compositions as determined by EPMA. The repeatability of our SIMS results was better than ± 0.10‰ (1s) for the five samples with > 0.5 % m/m Cl and ± 0.19‰ (1s) for the low Cl abundance material (0.27% m/m). We also observed a small, but significant crystal orientation effect of 0.38‰ between the mean 37Cl/35Cl ratios measured on three oriented apatite fragments. Furthermore, the results of GS‐IRMS analyses show small but systematic offset of δ37ClSMOC values between the three laboratories. Nonetheless, all studied samples have comparable chlorine isotope compositions, with mean 103δ37ClSMOC values between +0.09 and +0.42 and in all cases with 1s ≤ ± 0.25.  相似文献   
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