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Extensive placer gold deposits occur in Quaternary palaeochannels in the Ampalit and Cempaga Buang drainage basins near Kasongan, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Broad interfluvial Pleistocene terraces surrounding the drainages also contain significant amounts of placer gold. The “channel” and “terrace” gold deposits together cover an area in excess of 180 km2.Exploration for gold at Ampalit followed traditional alluvial methods, and assumed that mechanical and gravitational factors were the principal mechanisms affecting gold accumulation and concentration. Gold was considered to be physically reworked from terraces and redeposited in the present drainage channels or underlying, laterally displaced, palaeochannels. However, a comparison of gold grains from the Ampalit drainage channel and adjacent terraces indicates that gold grains in the drainage channels are possibly of colloidal origin and not mechanically transported to their present domain.The morphology of gold grains from the Ampalit drainage is compared with grains from adjacent terraces, using scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. The latter procedure allows for nondestructive analysis to give true three dimensional surface topography down to nanometre resolution. Evidence from force microscopy supports a colloidal origin for gold aggregates.The average purity of gold produced from the Ampalit dredging operation is 970 fine (970/1000) and the majority of examined gold grains extracted from beneath the drainage channel have a purity of 998 fine. This unusually high degree of purity suggests a selective dissolution/aggregation mechanism. We propose that gold is transported downward and laterally in groundwater percolating through the terrace sands and gravels to the current drainage as a humic acid-stabilised colloid. As the pregnant groundwater migrates toward the present drainage channels, it encounters a sleep chemical gradient and the colloid aggregates. The aggregation process occurs near clay zones within palaeochannel sands and gravels beneath the present river sediments. Here the colloidal aggregates form small grains (usually <1 mm) of extremely high purity.Today, the inherently unstable gold deposits at Ampalit are in a state of both aggregation and dissolution. Identification of low energy zones, location of point bar lags in palaeo and recent drainage channels, and the extrapolation of areas of low energy are not solely valid as exploration guides for gold accumulation in this environment. Exploration methods that also recognise ground water migration and composition, and the geochemical controls of dissolution and aggregation, will improve the ability to identify ore accumulations, thus contributing to improved economics of mining these deposits.  相似文献   
The seismic refraction reversed profiling technique has been used to investigate the topography of the last interglacial soil (paleosol S1) within the central Chinese Loess Plateau near Xifeng. The results suggest an essentially flat-lying soil at a depth which varies by only a few meters over an area of more than 10 km2. In addition, the results indicate a high-velocity layer at 50-60 m depth which is thought to coincide with a layer of carbonate concretions at the base of paleosol S5. The results agree well with the local loess-paleosol stratigraphy for this area and indicate that the seismic refraction method is a rapid technique for investigating paleotopography.  相似文献   
Macrobenthic species abundances and physical/chemical factors known of affect them were measured in a mesohaline region of the Chesapeake Bay from 1971 to 1982. Variation in species abundance due to station differences, seasonal patterns and year-to-year fluctuations in physical/chemical factors were quantified. The major source of variation in abundance of most species was that associated with seasonal recruitment cycles. Spatial variation in abundances of dominant species was small within habitats defined by sediment characteristics. However, abundance variation among sediment types was relatively large. All species showed significant year-to-year fluctuation in abundance, but no species had systematic long-term increases or decreases in abundance during the study period. Macrobenthos populations were persistent over the 11 years within abundance boundaries defined chiefly by fluctuations in salinity and dissolved oxygen concentration. Most species responded to salinity changes, especially those of an extreme nature, with predictable increases or decreases in abundance. Abundances of all species declined rapidly under conditions of low dissolved oxygen concentration (<2 ppm). Macrobenthos with planktonic developmental stages rapidly repopulated the region following periods of population decline. Repopulation by brooding species was slower.  相似文献   
Scaled sandbox models simulated primary controls on the kinematics of the early structural evolution of salt‐detached, gravity‐driven thrust belts on passive margins. Models had a neutral‐density, brittle overburden overlying a viscous décollement layer. Deformation created linked extension–translation–shortening systems. The location of initial brittle failure of the overburden was sensitive to perturbations at the base of the salt. Salt pinch‐out determined the seaward limit of the thrust belt. The thrust belts were dominated by pop‐up structures or detachment folds cut by break thrusts. Pop‐ups were separated by flat‐bottomed synclines that were partially overthrust. Above a uniformly dipping basement, thrusts initiated at the salt pinch‐out then consistently broke landward. In contrast, thrust belts above a seaward‐flattening hinged basement nucleated above the hinge and then spread both seaward and landward. The seaward‐dipping taper of these thrust belts was much lower than typical, frictional, Coulomb‐wedge models. Towards the salt pinch‐out, frictional resistance increased, thrusts verged strongly seawards and the dip of the taper reversed as the leading thrust overrode this pinch‐out. We attribute the geometry of these thrust belts to several causes. (1) Low friction of the basal décollement favours near‐symmetric pop‐ups. (2) Mobile salt migrates away from local loads created by overthrusting, which reduces the seaward taper of the thrust belt. (3) In this gravity‐driven system, shortening quickly spreads to form wide thrust belts, in which most of the strain overlapped in time.  相似文献   
The Yanshan fold‐thrust belt is an exposed portion of a major Mesozoic orogenic system that lies north of Beijing in northeast China. Structures and strata within the Yanshan record a complex history of thrust faulting characterized by multiple deformational events. Initially, Triassic thrusting led to the erosion of a thick sequence of Proterozoic and Palaeozoic sedimentary strata from northern reaches of the thrust belt; Triassic–Lower Jurassic strata that record this episode are deposited in a thin belt south of this zone of erosion. This was followed by postulated Late Jurassic emplacement of a major allochthon (the Chengde thrust plate), which is thought to have overridden structures and strata associated with the Triassic event and is cut by two younger thrusts (the Gubeikou and Chengde County thrusts). The Chengde allochthon is now expressed as a major east–west trending, thrust‐bounded synform (the Chengde synform), which has been interpreted as a folded klippe 20 km wide underlain by a single, north‐vergent thrust fault. Two sedimentary basins, defined on the basis of provenance, geochronology and palaeodispersal trends, developed within the Yanshan belt during Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous time and are closely associated with the Chengde thrust and allied structures. Shouwangfen basin developed in the footwall of the Gubeikou thrust and records syntectonic unroofing of the hanging wall of that fault. Chengde basin developed in part atop Proterozoic strata interpreted as the upper plate of the Chengde allochthon and records unroofing of the adjacent Chengde County thrust. Both the Chengde County thrust and the Gubeikou thrust are younger than emplacement of the postulated Chengde allochthon, and structurally underlie it, yet neither Shouwangfen basin nor Chengde basin contain a detrital record of the erosion of this overlying structure. In addition, facies, palaeodispersal patterns and geochronology of Upper Jurassic strata that are cut by the Chengde thrust suggest only limited (ca. 5 km) displacement along this fault. We suggest that the units forming the Chengde synform are autochthonous, and that the synform is bounded by two limited‐displacement faults of opposing north and south vergence, rather than a single large north‐directed thrust. This conclusion implies that the Yanshan belt experienced far less Late Jurassic shortening than was previously thought, and has major implications for the Mesozoic evolution of the region. Specifically, we argue that the bulk of shortening and uplift in the Yanshan belt was accomplished during Triassic–Early Jurassic time, and that Late Jurassic structures modified and locally ponded sediments from a well‐developed southward drainage system developed atop this older orogen. Although Upper Jurassic strata are widespread throughout the Yanshan belt, it is clear that these strata developed within several discrete intermontane basins that are not correlable across the belt as a single entity. Thus, the Yanshan has no obvious associated foreland basin, and determining where the Mesozoic erosional products of this orogen ultimately lie is one of the more intriguing unresolved questions surrounding the palaeogeography of North China.  相似文献   
Progress in Carrier Phase Time Transfer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The progress of the joint Pilot Project for time transfer, formed by the International GPS Service (IGS) and the Bureal International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM), was recently reviewed. Three notable milestones were set. (1) The IGS will implement, at least in a test mode, an internally realized time scale based on an integration of combined frequency standards within the IGS network. This will eventually become the reference time scale for all IGS clock products (instead of the current GPS broadcast time). (2) A new procedure for combined receiver and satellite clock products will be implemented officially in November 2000. Receiver clocks are an entirely new product of the IGS. (3) The BIPM will coordinate an effort to calibrate all Ashtech Z12-T (and possibly other) receivers suitable for time transfer applications, either differentially or absolutely. Progress reports will be presented publicly in the spring 2001. ? 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Results of a simple model of the effects of temperature on net ecosystem production call into question the argument that the large stocks of soil carbon and greater projected warming in the boreal and tu ndra regions of the world willlead to rapid efflux of carbon from these biomes to the atmosphere. We show that low rates of carbon turnover in these regions and a relatively greater response of net primary production to changes in temperature may lead to carbon storage over some limited range of warming. In contrast, the high rates of soil respiration found in tropical ecosystems are highly sensitive to small changes in temperature, so that despite the less pronounced warming expected in equatorial regions, tropical soils are likely to release relatively large amounts of carbon to the atmosphere. Results for high-latitude biomes are highly sensitive to parameter values used, while the net efflux of carbon from the tropics appears robust.  相似文献   
Abstract The Shimanto accretionary complex on the Muroto Peninsula of Shikoku comprises two major units of Tertiary strata: the Murotohanto Sub-belt (Eocene-Oligocene) and the Nabae Sub-belt (Oligocene-Miocene). Both sub-belts have been affected by thermal overprints following the peak of accretion-related deformation. Palaeotemperatures for the entire Tertiary section range from ~ 140 to 315°C, based upon mean vitrinite reflectance values of 0.9–5.0%Rm. Values of illite crystallinity index are consistent with conditions of advanced diagenesis and anchimetamorphism. Illite/mica b0 lattice dimensions indicate that burial pressures were probably no greater than 2.5kbar. In general, levels of thermal maturity are higher for the Murotohanto Sub-belt than for the Nabae Sub-belt. The Eocene-Oligocene strata also display a spatial decrease in thermal maturity from south to north and this pattern probably was caused by regional-scale differential uplift following peak heating. Conversely, the palaeothermal structure within the Nabae Sub-belt is fairly uniform, except for the local effects of mafic intrusions at the tip of Cape Muroto. There is a paleotemperature difference of ~ 90°C across the boundary between the Murotohanto and Nabae Sub-belts (Shiina-Narashi fault), and this contrast is consistent with approximately 1200 m of post-metamorphic vertical offset. Subduction prior to Middle Miocene probably involved the Kula or fused Kula-Pacific plate and the background geothermal gradient during the Eocene-Oligocene phase of accretion was ~ 30–35°C/km. Rapid heating of the Shimanto Belt evidently occurred immediately after a Middle Miocene reorganization of the subduction boundary. Hot oceanic lithosphere from the Shikoku Basin first entered the subduction zone at ~ 15 Ma; this event also coincided with the opening of the Sea of Japan and the rapid clockwise rotation of southwest Japan. The background geothermal gradient at that time was ~ 70°C/km. Whether or not all portions of the inherited (Eocene-Oligocene) palaeothermal structure were overprinted during the Middle Miocene remains controversial.  相似文献   
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