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We present results of our ongoing study of the morphology and kinematics of the ionised gas in 48 representative nearby elliptical and lenticular galaxies using the SAURON integral-field spectrograph on the 4.2m William Herschel Telescope. Making use of a recently developed technique, emission is detected in 75% of the galaxies. The ionised-gas distributions display varied morphologies, ranging from regular gas disks to filamentary structures. Additionally, the emission-line kinematic maps show, in general, regular motions with smooth variations in kinematic position angle. In most of the galaxies, the ionised-gas kinematics is decoupled from the stellar counterpart, but only some of them present signatures of recent accretion of gaseous material. The presence of dust is very common in our sample and is usually accompanied by gas emission. Our analysis of the [Oiii]/Hβ emission-line ratios, both across the whole sample as well as within the individual galaxies, suggests that there is no unique mechanism triggering the ionisation of the gas.  相似文献   
The development of functional portable optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) readers over the last decade has provided practitioners with the capability to acquire luminescence signals from geological materials relatively rapidly, which allows for expedient preliminary chronostratigraphic insight when working with complex depositional systems of late Quaternary age. Typically, when using the portable OSL reader, infrared (IR) or blue post-IR OSL signals are acquired from bulk unprocessed materials, in contrast to regular luminescence dating, which is usually based on measurements on pure quartz or feldspar mineral separates, or on select silt-sized polymineralic portions. To demonstrate the utility of portable OSL measurements, this paper outlines the basic features of portable OSL readers and their constraints. Subsequently, case studies in which the instrument has been used to elucidate cryptostratigraphic variations in sedimentary sequences for geomorphological applications are reviewed. The studies can generally be grouped into three main categories. The first includes studies where the variation of portable OSL reader luminescence signal intensities with depth are plotted to generate profiles that contextualize sediment stratigraphy. In the second group, portable OSL reader luminescence signal intensities are used to interpret sediment processes that shed light on depositional histories. In the last category, luminescence signals from the portable OSL reader are calibrated to approximate numerical burial ages of depositional units. The paper concludes with a discussion of possible future directions. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Net-cage fish farms attract a great number of wild fishes, altering their behaviour and possibly their physiology. Wild Mediterranean horse mackerel (Trachurus mediterraneus), sampled from populations aggregated around two Mediterranean fish farms and from two natural control populations, were analyzed for differences in body condition, stomach content and fatty acid composition. Pellets used to feed caged fish in both farms were also analyzed to identify their relationship with the fatty acid composition of tissue of wild fish. T. mediterraneus aggregated around the farms throughout the year although large seasonal changes in abundance and biomass occurred. Wild fish aggregated at farms mainly ate food pellets while control fish fed principally on juvenile fish and cephalopods. Wild fish that fed around the cages had a significantly higher body fat content than the control fish (7.30+/-1.8% and 2.36+/-0.7%, respectively). The fatty acid composition also differed between farm-associated and control fish, principally because of the significantly increased levels of linoleic (C18:2omega6) and oleic (C18:1omega9) acids and decreased docosahexaenoic acid (C22:6omega3) in farm-associated fish. The increased condition of wild fish associated with farms could increase the spawning ability of coastal fish populations, if wild fish are protected from fishing while they are present at farms. The fatty acids compositions could also serve as biomarkers to infer the influence of a fish farm on the local fish community, helping to better describe the environmental impact of fish farming.  相似文献   
Major ion and stable isotope geochemistry allow groundwater/surface-water interaction associated with saline to hypersaline lakes from the Willaura region of Australia to be understood. Ephemeral lakes lie above the water table and locally contain saline water (total dissolved solids, TDS, contents up to 119,000 mg/L). Saline lakes that lack halite crusts and which have Cl/Br ratios similar to local surface water and groundwater are throughflow lakes with high relative rates of groundwater outflows. Permanent hypersaline lakes contain brines with TDS contents of up to 280,000 mg/L and low Cl/Br ratios due to the formation of halite in evaporite crusts. These lakes are throughflow lakes with relatively low throughflow rates relative to evaporation or terminal discharge lakes. Variations in stable isotope and major ion geochemistry show that the hypersaline lakes undergo seasonal cycles of mineral dissolution and precipitation driven by the influx of surface water and evaporation. Despite the generation of highly saline brines in these lakes, leakage from the adjacent ephemeral lakes or saline throughflow lakes that lack evaporite crusts is mainly responsible for the high salinity of shallow groundwater in this region.  相似文献   
The prehistoric Mt Wilberg rock avalanche, Westland, New Zealand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Mt Wilberg rock avalanche in Westland, New Zealand occurred before 1300 AD and may have occurred as a consequence of an Alpine fault earthquake in ca. 1220 AD or earlier. Its ∼40 × 106 m3 deposit may have briefly obstructed the Wanganui River, but only about 25% of its surface morphology still survives, on terraces isolated from river erosion. The landslide appears to have moved initially as a block, in a direction controlled by a strong rock mass at the base of the source area, before disintegrating and spreading across terraces, fans, and floodplains. Rock avalanche deposits in Westland have relatively short expected lifetimes in the rugged terrain and high rainfall of the area; hence, the hazard from such events is under-represented by their current remnants.  相似文献   
This paper considers the perceptions and responses of selected stakeholders to a very low probability but high consequence climatic ‘surprise’—a scenario of rapid collapse of the West Antarctic ice sheet, producing a global rise in sea-level of 5  m over 100 years. It uses a case study of the Thames Estuary, UK, including London. Through a process of dialogue involving one-to-one interviews and a 1-day policy exercise, we addressed influences on decision-making when information is uncertain and our ability to plan, prepare for and implement effective ways of coping with this extreme scenario. The interviews and policy exercise explored plausible responses to the scenario and identified weaknesses in flood management approaches to dealing with such an occurrence. The analysis shows that an extreme scenario could be highly challenging, even for an area with well-developed institutions. Participants favoured two options (a) reconfiguring London around the rising water, and (b) building a new downstream barrier which would allow London to continue as today. The lack of consensus suggests the potential for policy paralysis in response to what is a highly uncertain phenomena—this could lead to a forced, unplanned response as the rapid change overwhelmed the existing defence capability. Hence, low probability, high consequence climatic events may challenge our existing institutions. Adaptive management is presented as an approach which could address this challenge.  相似文献   
An objective of the North American Soil Geochemical Landscapes Project is to provide relevant data concerning bioaccessible concentrations of elements in soil to government and other institutions undertaking environmental studies. A protocol was developed that employs a 1-g soil sample agitated overnight with 40 mL of reverse-osmosis de-ionized water for 20 h, and determination of 63 elements following three steps of centrifugation by inductively coupled plasma–atomic emission spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry the following day. Statistical summaries are presented for those 48 elements (Ag, Al, As, B, Ba, Be, Br, Ca, Cd, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Dy, Er, Eu, Fe, Ga, Gd, Ge, Hf, Ho, I, K, La, Li, Lu, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Nb, Nd, Ni, P, Pb, Pr, Rb, Re, S, Sb, Si, Sm, Sn, Sr, Tb, Ti, Tl, Tm, U, V, W, Y, Yb, Zn, Zr, and pH) for which <20% of their data were reported as below the detection limit. The resulting data set contains analyses for 161 A-horizon soils collected along two transects, one along the 38th parallel across the USA and the other from northern Manitoba to the USA–Mexico border. The spatial distribution of three selected elements (Ca, Cu, and Pb) along the two transects is discussed in this paper both as absolute amounts liberated by the leach and expressed as a percentage of the total, or near-total, amounts determined for the elements. The Ca data reflect broad trends in soil parent materials, their weathering, and subsequent soil development. Calcium concentrations are generally found to be lower in the older soils of the eastern USA. The Cu data are higher in the eastern half of the USA, correlating with soil organic C, with which it is sequestered. The Pb data exhibit little regional variability due to natural sources, but are influenced by anthropogenic sources. Based on the Pb results, the percentage water-extractable data demonstrate promise as a tool for identifying anthropogenic components. The soil–water partition (distribution) coefficients, Kds (L/kg), were determined and their relevance to estimating bioaccessible amounts of elements to soil fauna and flora is discussed. Finally, a possible link between W concentrations in human urine and water-extractable W levels in Nevada soils is discussed.  相似文献   
We fit the colour–magnitude diagrams of stars between the zero-age main-sequence and terminal-age main sequence in young clusters and associations. The ages we derive are a factor of 1.5–2 longer than the commonly used ages for these regions, which are derived from the positions of pre-main-sequence stars in colour–magnitude diagrams. From an examination of the uncertainties in the main-sequence and pre-main-sequence models, we conclude that the longer age scale is probably the correct one, which implies that we must revise upwards the commonly used ages for young clusters and associations. Such a revision would explain the discrepancy between the observational lifetimes of protoplanetary discs and theoretical calculations of the time to form planets. It would also explain the absence of clusters with ages between 5 and 30 Myr.
We use the  τ2  statistic to fit the main-sequence data, but find that we must make significant modifications if we are to fit sequences which have vertical segments in the colour–magnitude diagram. We present this modification along with improvements to the methods of calculating the goodness-of-fit statistic and parameter uncertainties.
Software implementing the methods described in this paper is available from http://www.astro.ex.ac.uk/people/timn/tau-squared/ .  相似文献   
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