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通过对AutoCAD填充图案ANSI37的巧用,来完成任意图幅、任意转角的高精度坐标方格网的绘制,同时完成网格线的标注,内图廓、外图廓及图签的绘制,为机助制图提供了一种高精度、快速绘制坐标方格网的好方法。  相似文献   
钩状褶皱又称无根钩状褶皱,是区域变质岩中广泛发育的特有构造形态之一,与面状构造置换密切相关。对它的研究,有助于恢复大型褶皱形态和变质岩原岩产状。本文初步探讨了四川汶川─理县志留系茂县群中广泛发育的无根钩状褶皱的形态、产状、成因和与大型褶皱构造的关系。  相似文献   
北秦岭二郎坪群中存在与地层整合产出的层状重晶石岩和铜多金属矿床。重晶石岩贫Al2O3、TiO2组分含量;富集热液组分As、Sb、Ba、Ag和Hg;微量元素U/Th>1;低ΣREE(平均值27.78×10-6)、富集轻稀土(LREE)、亏损重稀土(HREE)、具明显Eu正异常、Ce负异常及与大西洋TAG热液区热液沉积物相似的球粒陨石标准化的稀土元素配分模式特征。这些特征揭示研究区重晶石岩是热水沉积成因型。热水沉积重晶石岩与铜多金属矿床的紧密联系说明,研究区铜金属矿床是海底热液喷流沉积成岩成矿作用的产物。  相似文献   
Improving the understanding of cropland change and its driving factors is a current focus for policy decision-makers in China. The datasets of cropland and cropland changes from the 1970s to the 2000s were used to explore whether climate change has produced spatio-temporal changes to cropland in northern China since the 1970s. Two representative indicators of heat and water resources, which are important determinants of crop growth and productivity, were considered to track climate change, including active accumulated temperatures ≥10 °C (AAT10) and the standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI). Our results showed that rapid cropland change has occurred in northern China since the 1970s, and the area of cropland reclamation (10.23 million ha) was much greater than that of abandoned cropland (2.94 million ha). In the 2000s, the area of cropland with AAT10 higher than 3,000 °C·d increased, while the area of cropland with an SPEI greater than 0.25 decreased compared to the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s. It appears that climate warming has provided thermal conditions that have aided rapid cropland reclamation in northern China since the 1970s, and drier climatic conditions did not become a limiting factor for cropland reclamation, especially from the 1990s to the 2000s. Approximately 70 % of cropland reclamation areas were located in warmer but drier regions from the 1990s to the 2000s, and approximately 40 % of cropland abandonment occurred in warmer and wetter conditions that were suitable for agriculture during the periods from the 1970s to the 1980s and the 1990s to the 2000s. Our results suggest that climate change can be considered a driving factor of cropland change in the past several decades in northern China, in addition to socioeconomic factors.  相似文献   
从“水-能源-粮食”3个维度对粤港澳大湾区的生态系统服务进行评价,利用珞珈一号夜光数据修正生态阻力面,运用最小累积阻力模型构建并优化湾区的生态安全格局。结果表明:1)粤港澳大湾区生态源地总面积为9 626.1 km2,主要分布在研究区东部和西部的山地、丘陵地区,对应位于江门市、惠州市中部和肇庆市;2)生态廊道共计38条,总长度为2 023.09 km,其中最短为11.76 km,最长为304.99 km,集中于植被覆盖较好的山地丘陵地区,中部无廊道分布;3)生态源地辐射区面积为28 929.5 km2,达到湾区总面积的51.88%,若要实现60%的覆盖率,则需要至少新增生态源地辐射面积4 524.856 km2;4)为了更好地优化粤港澳大湾区生态安全格局,提出在惠州市北部和南部新增两处生态源地辐射区,并构建以“一带、一轴、四组团”为核心的生态安全格局优化模式。  相似文献   
北山戈壁荒漠地区1:5万植物地球化学测量效果   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
北山戈壁荒漠景观区土壤垂直剖面不存在通常的A、B、C分层结构,且掺杂有大量风成沙。在公婆泉地区开展1:5万常规地球化学测量方法研究的同时,进行了植物地球化学测量试验研究。研究表明,两种方法的主要指示元素异常有很好对应性,红沙是我国西部干旱荒漠广大地区开展植物地球化学测量的一种良好采样对象。  相似文献   
为了探讨车莫古隆起对内物源沉积体系及油气成藏的控制作用,从车莫古隆起形成与演化入手,利用岩心、地震、测井等资料,多种方法结合恢复其剥蚀量、古地貌,提出车莫古隆起从中侏罗世到早白垩世发育,侏罗世末是其鼎盛时期,并提供内物源,控制围绕车莫古隆起周缘沉积体系和砂体展布,从岩心、地震特征、重矿物稳定系数、古水流指向、砂岩厚度等方面给出存在依据,合理解释了古隆起控制范围内已发现油藏的砂体成因。车莫古隆起发育和潜伏埋藏期控制古油气藏的形成与分布,掀斜后内物源砂体展布、断裂体系和现今构造共同控制着油气调整、运移及次生油气藏的分布,围绕车莫古隆起发育的内物源砂体尖灭方向与现今构造高部位指向垂直和斜交区域是岩性地层油气藏有利区。围绕内物源勘探刚开始,在此认识指导下部署的沙门1、莫17、夏盐11、夏盐12等井已获得突破,腹部岩性地层油气藏勘探将进入一个油气发现新阶段。  相似文献   
Twenty-nine water samples were collected from different river channels of the Pearl River Delta Economic Zone, China. An inductively coupled plasma-mass spectromonitor (ICP-MS) was used to measure concentrations of the trace elements in these samples. The results suggest that the average concentrations of rare earth elements in river water show an increasing trend from the West River, the North River, the rivers of the Pearl River Delta, and the Shenzhen River to the East River. Relatively high concentrations of heavy metals appear in the East River, the rivers of the Pearl River Delta and the Shenzhen River, while the West River and the North River have relatively low heavy metal concentrations. Trace element concentrations in samples collected near urban or industrial areas are much higher than those of samples collected from distant areas, away from urban and industrial areas. After natural conditions, human activities have significant influence on the trace element concentrations in river water. This trace element concentration’s spatial distribution in the river water from the Pearl River Delta Economic Zone is actually an integrated effect of natural conditions and human activity.  相似文献   
季节冻土区黑土耕层土壤冻融过程及水分变化   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
利用黑龙江省水利科学研究院水利试验研究中心综合实验观测场2011年11月-2012年4月整个冻结融化期的实测野外黑土耕层土壤温度和水分数据, 对中-深季节冻土区黑土耕层土壤冻融过程中冻结和融化特征分阴、阳坡进行了分析, 研究了冻融过程中不同深度土壤水分的变化情况, 并探讨了降水对不同深度耕层土壤含水量变化的影响. 结果表明:黑土耕层土壤冻结融化过程分为5个阶段, 历时164 d, 约5.5个月. 阶段I, 秋末冬初黑土耕层土壤开始步入冻结期; 阶段II, 黑土耕层土壤整日处于冻结状态, 阴坡比同样深度的阳坡土壤温度低; 阶段III为黑土耕层土壤稳定冻结期; 阶段IV, 黑土耕层土壤步入昼融夜冻的日循环交替状态, 冻融循环的土层逐渐向深部发展, 阳坡比阴坡融化得更深、更早, 阴坡比阳坡经历冻融循环次数更多; 阶段V为稳定融化期, 在融化过程不存在冻融交替的现象, 直到整个冻层内的土壤全部消融. 各深度位置阴坡土壤温度的最高值出现时间比阳坡晚约0.5 h. 经过整个冻结融化期后, 阴、阳坡各层土壤含水量均大于冻结前, 阴坡土壤含水量比阳坡整体偏低. 在整个冻结融化期, 阳坡地下1 cm、5 cm、10 cm 及15 cm处含水量最大值出现在地下5 cm; 阴坡的含水量整体趋于平稳且在融化期受降水影响明显.  相似文献   
通过对塔北奥陶系碳酸盐岩沉积相类型、相带区域组合及分布特征的研究,根据岩石特征、沉积结构和相序特征的分析,建立了塔北奥陶系碳酸盐岩的沉积演化模式。研究认为塔北下奥陶统蓬莱坝组、中下奥陶统鹰山组、中奥陶统一间房组和上奥陶统吐木休克组沉积相横向分布较稳定。蓬莱坝组、鹰山组鹰四段、鹰三段为局限台地相;鹰二段为半局限台地相;鹰一段和一间房组属于开阔台地相,但向上水体不断变浅,一间房组沉积时期开始出现点礁;上奥陶统吐木休克组沉积时期区域整体沉降,为沉没台地-斜坡-盆地沉积。上奥陶统良里塔格组沉积时期盆地整体抬升,区域沉积厚度和沉积相出现较大变化,早中期发育碳酸盐开阔台地相,后期为典型的台地边缘相。  相似文献   
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