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Alluviation and sedimentation of the Yellow River are important factors influencing the surface soil structure and organic carbon content in its lower reaches. Selecting Kaifeng and Zhoukou as typical cases of the Yellow River flooding area, the field survey, soil sample collection, laboratory experiment and Geographic Information System(GIS) spatial analysis methods were applied to study the spatial distribution characteristics and change mechanism of organic carbon components at different soil depths. The results revealed that the soil total organic carbon(TOC), active organic carbon(AOC) and nonactive organic carbon(NOC) contents ranged from 0.05–30.03 g/kg, 0.01–8.86 g/kg and 0.02–23.36 g/kg, respectively. The TOC, AOC and NOC contents in the surface soil layer were obviously higher than those in the lower soil layer, and the sequence of the content and change range within a single layer was TOCNOCAOC. Geostatistical analysis indicated that the TOC, AOC and NOC contents were commonly influenced by structural and random factors, and the influence magnitudes of these two factors were similar. The overall spatial trends of TOC, AOC and NOC remained relatively consistent from the 0–20 cm layer to the 20–100 cm layer, and the transition between high-and low-value areas was obvious, while the spatial variance was high. The AOC and NOC contents and spatial distribution better reflected TOC spatial variation and carbon accumulation areas. The distribution and depth of the sediment, agricultural land-use type, cropping system, fertilization method, tillage process and cultivation history were the main factors impacting the spatial variation in the soil organic carbon(SOC) components. Therefore, increasing the organic matter content, straw return, applying organic manure, adding exogenous particulate matter and conservation tillage are effective measures to improve the soil quality and attain sustainable agricultural development in the alluvial/sedimentary zone of the Yellow River.  相似文献   
基于耦合场分割算法的ANSYS二次开发及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
耦合场分割算法是当前研究的热点之一。本文首先对比研究了瞬态热传导方程和孔压增长消散方程,提出了一种适用于ANSYS二次开发的分割算法,并对2种不同的预测值计算模式对计算稳定性的影响进行了分析。然后,据之对ANSYS温度—结构耦合场模块进行了开发,形成了岩土工程有效应力计算模块。数值实验表明,这种方法具有较高的计算精度和良好的计算稳定性,并且能够充分利用现有程序资源,具有较高的工程应用价值。  相似文献   
Precipitation δ 18O at Yushu, eastern Tibetan Plateau, shows strong fluctuation and lack of clear seasonality. The seasonal pattern of precipitation stable isotope at Yushu is apparently different from either that of the southwest monsoon region to the south or that of the inland region to the north. This different seasonal pattern probably reflects the shift of different moisture sources. In this paper, we present the spatial comparison of the seasonal patterns of precipitation δ 18O, and calculate the moisture transport flux by using the NCAR/NCEP reanalysis data. This allows us to discuss the relation between moisture transport flux and precipitation δ 18O. This study shows that both the southwest monsoon from south and inland air mass transport from north affected the seasonal precipitation δ 18O at Yushu, eastern Tibetan Plateau. Southwest monsoon brings the main part of the moisture, but southwest transport flux is weaker than in the southern part of the Tibetan Plateau. However, contribution of the inland moisture from north or local evaporation moisture is enhanced. The combined effect is the strong fluctuation of summer precipitation δ 18O at Yushu and comparatively poor seasonality.  相似文献   
海流的拉格朗日运动对于研究物质输送有着重要意义,拉格朗日拟序结构(LCSs)作为研究海流结构的新型方法,相比于传统欧拉方法更为客观。本文提出了一种新的计算LCSs束的方法,基于25年的平均速度场,利用变分方法计算得到黑潮区域的气候态LCSs,并通过简化合并的方法得到了气候态LCSs束,该LCSs束能够突出地显示出海流特性和运输模式,其代表的平均拉格朗日环流有很强的约束作用,且具有鲁棒性。最终我们获得了气候态下12个月份的流场结构图,揭示了月周期性拉格朗日环流规律。本文还利用虚拟粒子输运、多年浮标轨迹以及气候态温盐异常3种方法进行了验证,与拉格朗日运输模式相吻合,证明了海流拉格朗日拟序结构的准确性和可靠性。  相似文献   
为了探究泥石流的堆积范围,利用LAHARZ软件,对北京市密云县泥石流沟喇嘛栅子南沟进行了数值模拟。结合泥石流沟小流域1:10 000数字高程模型图,模拟了泥石流的堆积范围。首先利用中国部分地区泥石流体积和堆积范围的数据资料,获得了泥石流体体积与其堆积范围的新的统计模型B=11.42V0.7156;然后通过模拟沟道与实际沟道的对比,确定了最佳沟道阈值为15 000;再结合现场调查统计和降雨历史资料,确定了10年、20年、50年和100年一遇暴雨条件的泥石流体积值,分别为56 500、72 900、94 200和113 100 m3;最后在此基础上对该条泥石流沟的堆积范围进行了预测。结果表明,100年一遇的暴雨条件下泥石流堆积面积为48 729 m2,到达最远距离约为490 m,已影响下游村庄。  相似文献   
为了查明川东南盆缘常压页岩气区五峰组页岩裂缝脉体记录的古温度及古压力特征,揭示常压页岩气区储层压力降低的主要影响因素和页岩气散失机理.以松坎地区五峰组黑色碳质页岩裂缝脉体内的流体包裹体为主要研究对象,通过显微镜光学观察、阴极发光测试、包裹体测温和激光拉曼分析,结合埋藏-生烃-热史模拟,对裂缝脉体中的气-液两相盐水包裹体和高密度甲烷包裹体进行了系统研究.研究表明:松坎地区五峰组裂缝中主要存在着两期脉体充填,M1裂缝脉体形成时间距今约103~86 Ma,脉体较宽、阴极发光颜色为橘红色,其内甲烷包裹体捕获压力为82.6~91.5 MPa,反映燕山中期盆缘地区页岩气藏处在超压状态;M2裂缝脉体生长于M1裂缝脉体两侧,形成时间距今约90~72 Ma,脉体较窄、阴极发光颜色为暗红色,其内甲烷包裹体捕获压力为43.6~47.3 MPa.综合分析认为,川东南盆缘松坎地区五峰组在燕山期经历了由超压至常压的转变.燕山期以来的抬升剥蚀与褶皱变形导致地层内大量页岩气沿着滑脱层发生侧向运移和散失,地层压力快速下降.燕山晚期时,盆内稳定构造区页岩气藏仍处于超压状态,而盆缘地区已降至常压.   相似文献   
本文回顾了中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所建所70年城市地理与城市发展研究的变迁历程,并将其划分为缓慢探索阶段(1949-1980年)、积极参与阶段(1981-1990年)、快速拓展阶段(1991-2000年)和逐步深化阶段(2000年以来)4大阶段,系统总结了城市地理科研工作者在中国设市预测与规划调整、中国城镇体系规划...  相似文献   
海山区浮游生态学研究   总被引:3,自引:7,他引:3  
本文综述了海山浮游生态学研究的现状。海山是大洋中常见的地形单元,在有的海山附近鱼类和底栖生物的生物量比周围大洋中要多,针对这些鱼类和底栖生物的饵料来源提出了三种假说,第一种假说认为海山区特殊的物理环境导致初级生产力较高(经典假说),第二种假说认为海山区的饵料不是本地生产的,地形和流场使得外来的浮游生物在海山区富集或通量加大(外来营养补充假说),第三种假说认为海山上部的颗粒有机物营养较高,是鱼类和底栖生物的营养来源之一(颗粒有机物补充假说)。对海山浮游生态学的研究基本围绕这几个假说进行。目前只在9座海山进行了浮游生态学研究,这些研究表明单个假说并不能解释海山附近鱼类生物量较大的现象,海山鱼类和底栖生物的营养来源可能有很多,这些假说阐述的机制并不互相矛盾,海山生物之间的营养关系也比原来想象的复杂得多。已有研究都是针对其中某个假说进行验证研究,建议我国即将进行的海山浮游生态学研究针对三种假说进行海上调查,以提供完备的数据支持。  相似文献   
大黄鱼病原弧菌拮抗放线菌的筛选与人工诱变   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从厦门集美海滩底泥分离得到38株放线菌,用琼脂块法测定它们对大黄鱼病原弧菌-溶藻弧菌和副溶血弧菌的拮抗效果,选择两株拮抗效果较好的放线菌进行诱变,测定诱变后各菌株的抗菌效果,并选择抗菌效果较好的菌株进行第二次诱变,如此反复诱变3次,共得到97株放线菌,结果表明;38株放线菌中的22株对两株病原菌有一定的拮抗作用;用紫外线照射可以获得少量对两株病原菌拮抗作用加强的菌株。  相似文献   
Oxygen stable isotope of atmospheric water vapor is widely used to study the modern process of climate. Atmospheric water vapor samples were collected at Dlingha, northeast of Tibetan Plateau during the period from July 2005 to February 2006. The variation of δ 18O and the relationships between δ 18O and both the temperature and specific humidity are analyzed in this paper. Results show that the seasonal variation of δ 18O of atmospheric water vapor at Delingha is remarkable with higher δ 18O in summer and lower δ 18O in winter. The temporal variation of vapor δ 18O shows obvious fluctuations, with magnitude of over 37‰ The daily variation of the δ 18O is highly correlated with air temperature. The relationship between δ 18O and atmospheric water vapor content is complex. Study shows that δ 18O of atmospheric water vapor is positively correlated with specific humidity in winter in seasonal scale and inversely correlated with specific humidity in summer rainy period. The δ 18O values of atmospheric water vapor are lower than those of precipitation at Delingha, and the average difference is 10.7‰ Variations of δ 18O of atmospheric water vapor is also found to be affected by precipitation events, The model results show that the precipitation effect could have caused the vapor δ 18O in the raining season to lower by 7% in average in July and August. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40671043, 40571039 and 40771048) and National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2005CB422002)  相似文献   
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