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The Datong fault belt is a NE trending fault in the northern Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau and controls the boundary of the Xining Basin and Datong Basin. It consists of the Maziying- Miaogou (F1) fault and the Laoye Mountain-Nanmenxia fault (F2). There is obvious displacement in vertical direction along the belt. The field investigation results show that this belt has long-term activity. There are several meters long crushed zones and veins along the fault side in the basement rock. On the fault section, the Cambria system thrusts over the red- brick-colored Quaternary Period gravel, and there is a fault gouge of several centimeters thick developed on the fault plane. The fault gouge date (ESR) on the fault plane is 610 ± 61ka. The covering deluvial loess is not dislocated, and the OSL result is 14.6 ± 1.5ka. So it can be concluded that the fault belt was active in the middle Pleistocene, but inactive in the late Pleistocene according to the age data and geomorphologic features. Interior formations of the Datong basin features fold with the major axis orienting northwest. According to the relation of fault and fold deformation, Datong fault is a trausversal tear, which is due to uneven compression of the folds in different parts and NNE trending regional compressive stress. It is common among the NE trending faults in the northeast of Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau. These NE trending faults aren't large, and most are located in the active plate. They are all nearly vertical to the axis of the folds and compressive basins.  相似文献   
本文系统介绍了当前国际结构振动控制的公共平台———Benchm ark模型,首次给出使用通用有限元软件ANSYS对第3阶段20层非线性钢框架抗震结构的有限元建模,结果表明,模态、无控地震反应分析结果和ASCE给出的MATLAB结果相同。利用粘滞阻尼器对此模型的耗能减振数值仿真分析的结果表明:粘滞阻尼器是一种性能很好的阻尼器,使用本文给出ANSYS的Benchm ark有限元模型来进行耗能减振控制分析是方便的、可行的。  相似文献   
对张掖中心地震台近期的前兆资料进行全面论证,并结合祁连山地震带地震活动性特征,对2008年3月30日肃南5.0级地震前兆异常特征进行研究.结果认为:此次地震的发生基本符合祁连山地震带地震活动的周期性特征,部分前兆资料有明显的短临异常显示.  相似文献   
本文研究了我国历史与现今中强以上地震的发震时刻与倾斜固体潮的关系。结果表明,地震发震时刻位于震中区当天倾斜固体潮的峰值时段上。孤立型地震的发震时刻往往与震中区倾斜固体潮极大值对应;原地重复发生的地震,其发震时刻所处的倾斜固体潮背景相同;逼近地震与主震发震时刻的倾斜固体潮背景相同的占70%;大震后有60%的强余震与主震发震时刻的倾斜固体潮背景相同。据此,成功地预报了门源6.4级地震后的较大余震。  相似文献   
冯甜  吴建平  房立华 《中国地震》2021,37(2):261-272
随着地震观测台站密度的不断增加以及地震检测技术的快速发展,微震研究受到了地震学界的广泛关注.与发震周期较长的大地震相比,微震复发周期短、发生频次高,可以获得更高分辨率的地壳内部介质物性和应力状态等变化信息.微震在许多领域具有广泛的应用,如研究断层几何形态、前震与地震成核的关系、余震时空演化特征及余震触发机理、远程动态触...  相似文献   
电力系统地震灾害分析   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
针对电力系统在历次地震中坡坏的状态,通过对主要高压电气设备,高压变站电气主接线系统,变电站系统以及电力网络系统的抗震可靠性分析计算,对电力系统地震灾害的特点进行了分析。在此基础之上,提出了提高电力系统抗震可靠性的措施和建议。  相似文献   
本文介绍了厦门电离层垂直探测站的建设及初步结果.该站选用了加拿大生产的数字测高仪,利用折合偶极天线作为发射和接收天线,采用气象信息专业网和internet网络的两种传输方式,实现了数据实时传输和远程控制.利用试验观测期间获得的2007年8月份首批电离层垂直探测数据,分析发现了厦门地区电离层foF2的一些基本特征:白天foF2最大值一般出现在地方时14~16点,最大值约5~15 MHz,有较强逐日变化;夜间foF2约4MHz左右,逐日变化较小.与最新国际电离层参考模式IRI2007进行了初步对比,发现IRI2007可较好的预报出foF2的月中值,但对逐日变化较强的厦门地区电离层foF2预报能力较弱.  相似文献   
本文考虑液固耦联及底板几何非线性与土壤弹性,建立了液-固-土耦合的储液罐翘离分析力学模型。算例表明,恢复力矩与翘离角之间的关系可以表达为分段线性,翘离将使地震响应增大。  相似文献   
近年来的一些研究表明,由于地城前孕震区地下介质的电磁结构的变化,将导致地磁短周期转换函数发生异常变化。本文通过对1991年唐山5.2、5.6级地城前后静海台地磁短周期转换函数参数的计算及其结果的分析和研究,提取出了可靠的地震短临前兆信息,确立了将其应用于唐山地区5级以上的震预报的短临异常特征及其指标。  相似文献   
Ecological systems in the headwaters of the Yellow River, characterized by hash natural environmental conditions, are very vulnerable to climatic change. In the most recent decades, this area greatly attracted the public's attention for its more and more deteriorating environmental conditions. Based on tree-ring samples from the Xiqing Mountain and A'nyêmagên Mountains at the headwaters of the Yellow River in the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau, we reconstructed the minimum temperatures in the winter half year over the last 425 years and the maximum temperatures in the summer half year over the past 700 years in this region. The variation of minimum temperature in the winter half year during the time span of 1578―1940 was a relatively stable trend, which was followed by an abrupt warming trend since 1941. However, there is no significant warming trend for the maximum temperature in the summer half year over the 20th century. The asymmetric variation patterns between the minimum and maximum temperatures were observed in this study over the past 425 years. During the past 425 years, there are similar variation patterns between the minimum and maximum temperatures; however, the minimum temperatures vary about 25 years earlier compared to the maximum temperatures. If such a trend of variation patterns between the minimum and maximum temperatures over the past 425 years continues in the future 30 years, the maximum temperature in this region will increase significantly.  相似文献   
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