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柴西地区始新统湖相白云岩储层地球化学特征及形成机理 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
近年来柴西地区始新统致密碳酸盐岩中的油气勘探获得重大突破,其中白云岩为最优质的储集岩。通过岩石学、结构学和地球化学等多方面的综合研究,详细描述和论证了柴西地区两种湖相白云岩的成因及特征:一种是数量较少的原生生物成因的藻云岩,电子探针能谱面扫描分析结果显示其Mg元素富集区与藻纹层分布高度吻合,充分显示了其微生物成因特征,因微生物活动能够克服动力学障碍,为白云石形成营造出有利的微环境;另一种为研究区广泛分布的准同生交代成因的泥晶白云岩,偏光显微镜观察和X射线衍射分析结果显示,其中均含有碎屑颗粒和泥质组分,由周缘辫状三角洲带来的碎屑物质与其混积而成,电子探针岩石组分分析结果显示,其FeO的平均质量分数为0.942%,MnO的平均质量分数为0.052%,明显低于热液白云岩,且富含SiO2和Al2O3,充分显示其准同生交代成因特征。岩石地球化学数据显示:泥晶白云岩微量元素蜘蛛网图较为离散,表明了混积的湖相白云岩的物质来源的多样性,其∑REE平均值小于平均上地壳∑REE值(146.37×10-6),但远大于球粒陨石∑REE值(2.56×10-6),且不具有Eu负异常。碳同位素负偏移主要受其自储的有机质氧化解体产生的CO2和周缘辫状三角洲供给的地表水影响,增加了其轻碳组分;氧同位素发生正偏移主要受咸化湖盆沉积环境影响,蒸发作用使得湖水δ18O增加,虽然周缘河流水系能带来部分轻氧组分,但收效甚微。这揭示了准同生交代成因的白云岩与热液造成氧同位素偏负截然相反。泥晶白云岩在形成过程中产生大量弥散性晶间孔,孔隙半径小而数量众多是形成“中孔特低渗”型储层的主要原因,这类孔隙抗压实能力强,为研究区最好的油气储集体。这一研究成果对柴达木盆地深层致密碳酸盐岩的油气勘探具有重大意义。 相似文献
针对准噶尔盆地玛湖凹陷西斜坡风南地区三叠系百口泉组扇三角洲砂岩物性空间变化大、优质储集层(孔隙度大于7.4%,渗透率大于0.05×10-3μm2)预测难的问题,在沉积岩石学、地震沉积学以及地震反演和解释理论指导下,综合利用测井、岩心和三维地震等资料开展了高精度层序地层划分、沉积微相描述和优质储集层地震反演研究。建立了风南井区四级层序地层格架,明确了扇三角洲多期水进水退的充填过程,指出SSQ3和SSQ5是优质储集层的发育层系;识别出扇三角洲平原分流河道、河道间和扇三角洲前缘水下分流水道、河口坝、席状砂等沉积微相,指出扇三角洲平原是优质储集层发育相带;通过应用高分辨层序地层纵向边界和沉积相横向边界约束,进行分层相控叠后地震波阻抗反演,提升储集层预测精度,在SSQ3和SSQ5预测5个优质储集层发育区,提出3口井的井位建议,钻探均获工业油流。 相似文献
Guifang Yang Xujiao Zhang Mingzhong Tian Yamin Ping Anze Chen Zhiliang Ge Zhiyun Ni Zhen Yang 《Environmental Earth Sciences》2011,64(3):671-683
The Zhangjiajie Sandstone Peak Forest Geopark (Zhangjiajie World Geopark) of northwest Hunan, China hosts a well-preserved
sequence of fluvial terraces and karst caves. In this contribution, a comparative study of fluvial terraces with karst caves
along the middle-lower Suoxi River in Zhangjiajie World Geopark is presented to improve the understanding of the development
of striking sandstone landscape in the upper Suoxi River. By integrating geomorphological, sedimentological, and geochronological
techniques, the possible correlation between fluvial terraces and karst caves, as well as their climatic and tectonic implications
is investigated. The available electron spin resonance and thermo-luminescence numerical ages coupled with morphostratigraphic
analysis indicate that aggradation of fluvial terrace levels occurred at ca. 347 ± 34 ka (T4), 104.45 ± 8.88 to 117.62 ± 9.99 ka (T3), 60.95 ± 5.18 ka (T2), and Holocene (T1), followed by the stream incision. Fluvial terrace levels (T4 to T1) correlate morphologically with the karst cave levels (L1 to L4), yet the proposed chronology for the fluvial terrace levels is a bit later than the chronological data obtained from karst
caves. In northwest Hunan, where a unique sandstone peak forest landscape was extensively developed, the fluvial terrace sequences
as well as the cave systems are the important archives for studying the evolution of the sandstone landscape. The beginning
of the sandstone landscape development must be earlier than the aggradation of the fluvial terrace T4, allowing this unique landscape to occur in the Middle Pleistocene. 相似文献
顺托果勒低隆及邻区加里东中期运动面的结构特征、区域分布规律及其构造性质具有重要的研究意义。本文运用钻井资料分析、地震资料解释等对研究区加里东中期运动面进行研究,结果表明:1)研究区加里东中期3个幕次的构造运动导致3个运动面的形成:Ⅰ幕运动面由塔中地区的O3l/前O3l角度不整合面、顺托果勒到塔北地区的O3q/O2yj平行不整合面组成,Ⅱ幕运动面为O3s (或O3qr)与下伏碳酸盐岩构成的同构造沉积超覆型角度不整合面,Ⅲ幕运动面为S/O角度不整合面,在隆起区存在显著的构造削截特征。2)3个运动面的结构特征和差异分布规律具有明确的构造指示意义:Ⅰ幕、Ⅲ幕运动面属于典型的构造成因不整合面,形成于周缘洋盆关闭、陆块碰撞造山时期;Ⅱ幕运动面的形成则受到早期构造格局、全球海平面上升及盆地南缘碰撞造山作用的综合控制。3)顺北、顺南地区地震剖面中存在沿鹰四段顶面以下顺层规律分布的“串珠”反射,推测属于准同生岩溶洞穴。 相似文献
2002年2月—2004年11月对胶州湾异养细菌和大肠菌群进行长期调查发现,胶州湾异养细菌丰度在105—106cells/ml之间,其中河口区域和近岸区域数量较高,其它区域相对较低。从季节上来看,夏季、秋季细菌丰度较高(分别为7.4×105、7.2×105cells/ml),冬季和春季丰度较低(分别为4.1×105cells/ml、5.9×105cells/ml),且在一年内呈现出一定的规律性波动。从季节尺度上看异养细菌丰度与温度呈现很好的正相关性(R=0.54)。对大肠菌群的研究表明,河口区域的大肠菌群数量显著高于其它区域,并且河口区域大肠菌群常年处于严重超标状态(最高为1.1×106cells/L,超过国家前三类水质标准的100倍)。根据大肠菌群的数量状况可以将胶州湾分为三个区域,即严重污染区、中度污染区和轻度污染区。该区域划分与通过营养盐对胶州湾区域的划分(富营养区、中度营养区、贫营养区)结果一致。 相似文献
南天 《测绘与空间地理信息》2019,42(3):182-184
利用无人机获取多视角的倾斜影像,结合自动三维建模技术,模拟地质灾害受灾情况,可以对受灾程度进行定性、定量分析管理,能够快速准确地评估受灾情况,为救灾工作提供决策支持。 相似文献
试论半城市化现象及其特征--以广东省东莞市为例 总被引:44,自引:5,他引:44
改革开放以来,在外国资本涌入、大都市辐射与扩散、乡村工业化等多种动力的复合作用下,在长江三角洲、珠江三角洲等区位、禀赋条件较好的农村地区,普遍发育和形成了一种城乡土地利用混杂交错、社会经济结构急剧变化的、“似城非城”的过渡性地域类型。在广泛地辨识国内外相关概念的基础上,本文认为可以将其纳入“半城市化地区”的概念范畴内,并提出从结构、变化、景观和体制等4个层面来构建半城市化地区的判别指标体系。本文还以广东省东莞市为例,从经济、产业、人口、就业、土地利用、管理体制等多个方面对半城市化地区的特征及其面临的问题进行了具体剖析。 相似文献
Xinchang Xie Yunchuan Yang Yi Tian Liping Liao Junpei Wei Jinyu Zhou Lihua Chen 《地球科学进展》2019,34(11):1152-1164
Aiming at the uneven spatial and temporal distribution of precipitation and frequent occurrence of drought and waterlogging disasters in Guangxi, the multi-scale characteristics and comprehensive evaluation of precipitation heterogeneity can provide scientific support for regional response to drought and waterlogging disasters and intelligent management of water resources. Based on the daily precipitation data of 87 grid points from 1961 to 2017 in Guangxi, the Precipitation Concentration Degree (PCD) and Precipitation Concentration Period (PCP) index were used to build day, pentad, ten days, month, season precipitation heterogeneity of multiple time scale level evaluation system. By using R/S analysis and geographical spatial analysis methods, the space-time evolution characteristics and climate division in Guangxi were discussed. The study showed that the spatial and temporal variation characteristics of PCD and PCP at the diurnal, synoptic and monthly scales were relatively consistent, and the heterogeneity of precipitation in Guangxi could be better expressed than that at the monthly and seasonal scales. The diachronic change of PCD in precipitation in Guangxi shows an increasing trend in northeast China and a decreasing trend in southwest China, and the trend of its future period is the same as the diachronic evolution. The spatial distribution of PCD in Guangxi has significant spatial autocorrelation and stratification heterogeneity, which are mainly reflected in the mean value, coefficient of variation and frequency of PCD. The comprehensive heterogeneity of precipitation in Guangxi is highly dispersed in the northeast, highly concentrated in the south, and slightly concentrated or dispersed in the northwest and central regions. The time-scale within a month is the best scale to express the non-uniformity of precipitation in Guangxi. If the advantages of more stable climatic and ten-day scales and more fine daily scales are taken into account, the use of climatic scale for daily sliding calculation and analysis will be the best way. 相似文献