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In the present study the initial succession of the aquatic macroinvertebrate communities of a newly created shallow lake in a wetland area was monitored during 15 months. Three different types of macroinvertebrate samples (multihabitat, associated to the Phragmites australis stands and associated to the sediment) were collected monthly from May 2004 to July 2005. Additional samples were collected in the reed stand in 2007, when the reed belt had become much taller and thicker. Colonization of the lake was fast, and the colonization sequence was mainly related to the dispersal abilities of the taxa. Habitat-specific changes in the assemblage's structure and composition were registered. The communities associated to the sediment showed a decrease in overall biomass, density and species richness along time. The density of the gastropod Physella acuta and the chironomid species Dicrotendipes pallidicornis, Polypedilum nubifer and Tanytarsus horni decreased significantly, after Chara stands declined; while the chironomid Chironomus riparius became dominant. The epiphytic macroinvertebrate communities associated with the reed stands followed a seasonal pattern, with a warm-period community dominated by the chironomid species Ablabesmyia monilis and Psectrocladius sordidellus-group, and a cold-period community dominated by the chironomid species Cricotopus ornatus and D. pallidicornis.  相似文献   
The original stratigraphic relationships and structure of VMS deposits are commonly obscured by deformation. This can also affect their economic significance, as shown by several Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB, SW Iberia) examples. The contrasting rheologic properties of the different lithologies present in an orebody (massive sulphide, feeder stockwork, alteration envelope, volcanic and sedimentary rocks) play a major role in determining its overall behaviour. Variscan thin-skinned tectonics led to stacking of the massive pyrite and stockwork bodies in duplex structures, resulting in local thickening and increased tonnage of minable mineralization. Furthermore, differential mechanical behaviour of the different sulphide minerals localised the detachments along relatively ductile sulphide-rich bands. The result was a geochemical and mineralogical reorganisation of most deposits, which now consist of barren, massive pyrite horses, bounded by base metal-rich ductile shear zones. Metal redistribution was enhanced by mobilisation of the base metal sulphides from the initially impoverished massive pyrite, through pressure-solution processes, to tensional fissures within the already ductile shear zones. In NW Iberia, VMS deposits were also strongly overprinted by the Variscan deformation during emplacement of the Cabo Ortegal and órdenes allochthonous nappe complexes, but no stacking of the orebodies was produced. Original contacts were transposed, and the orebodies, their feeder zones and the country rock acquired pronounced laminar geometry. In lower-grade rocks (greenschist facies, Cabo Ortegal Complex), solution transfer mechanisms are common in pyrite, which remains in the brittle domain, while chalcopyrite shows ductile behaviour. In higher-grade rocks (amphibolite facies, órdenes Complex), metamorphic recrystallisation overprints earlier deformation textures. The contrasting behaviour of the IPB and NW Iberian deposits is explained by key factors that affect their final geometry, composition and economics, such as pre-deformation structure, size and mineralogical composition of the orebody and associated lithologies, temperature, crustal level, deviatoric stress and availability of a fluid phase during deformation and the style and rate of deformation.  相似文献   
We have measured the pressure-induced change in the lattice dynamics of diaspore, α-AlO(OH), by in situ Raman spectroscopy up to 25 GPa. The spectra are evaluated by density functional perturbation theory-based atomistic model calculations. The assignment of calculated to experimentally observed Raman bands is based on the calculation of Raman intensities. We discuss the accuracy of the approach employed for these calculations and explain the relative magnitudes of mode Grüneisen parameters.  相似文献   
In the past several decades, the techniques used to discern the different sedimentary fractions of P have been refined. This has allowed for a better understanding of P burial of the different P fractions and diagenetic reactions and, ultimately, the constraining of P residence time in the oceans. P sequential extraction was performed on eight sediment cores (between 16 and 24 cm deep) collected along a salinity gradient from the Ojo de Liebre Lagoon and the salt evaporation saltern of Guerrero Negro, Baja California Sur, Mexico in order to determine, under purely diagenetic conditions (in the absence of anthropogenic activities and biogenic sediment reworking), the fractionation and flux of P to the sediments. The majority of P was found in the authigenic fraction (37 ± 5.4% to 53 ± 8.9%), with P associated to organic matter comprising the overall smallest percentage (0.25 ± 0.43% to 21 ± 6.0%) relative to total P. The average flux of total P to the sediments for all the sites was found to be (451 ± 127) × 10−4 mol m−2 year−1, up to several orders of magnitude greater than those found in other studies. It is concluded that P is most likely transformed from P associated to organic matter to the authigenic mineral phase and that P was retained in the sediments in its mineral form rather than in reactive forms. This particular study area has the ability to retain large quantities of P in the sediments.  相似文献   
A comprehensive review of the geological, geochronological, and isotopic features of the Mesoproterozoic Grenvillian terranes attached to the southwest of the Río de la Plata craton in Early Paleozoic times is presented in this paper. They are grouped into the northern (sierras de Umango, Maz and del Espinal and surroundings), central (Sierra de Pie de Palo, southern Precordillera and Frontal Cordillera), and southern (San Rafael and Las Matras Blocks) segments. The Mesoproterozoic basement consists mainly of arc related, intermediate to acidic and mafic?Cultramafic rocks of 1,244?C1,027?Ma, with juvenile, Laurentian affinity. Exception to it is the Maz Group, with a protracted history and reworked character. They are affected by 846?C570?Ma, extensional magmatism in the northern and central segments, which represents the Neoproterozoic breakup of the Rodinia supercontinent. Successive passive margin sedimentation is registered in Late Neoproterozoic (~640?C580?Ma) and Cambro-Ordovician (~550?C470?Ma) times. The southern segment is noted for the younger sedimentation alone, and for showing the exclusive primary unconformable relationship between the Mesoproterozoic basement and Early Ordovician cover. The effects of Early Paleozoic Famatinian orogeny, associated with the collisions of Cuyania and Chilenia terranes, are recorded as main phase (480?C450?Ma), late phase (440?C420?Ma), and Chanic phase (400?C360?Ma). Among them, the tectonothermal climax is the Ordovician main phase, to which klippe and nappe structures typical of collisional orogens are related in the northern and central segments. Preliminary data allow us to suggest a set of paired metamorphic belts, with an outboard high-P/T belt, and an inboard Barrowian P/T belt.  相似文献   
The present work aimed to identify the main environmental drivers shaping temporal and spatial dynamics of macrobenthic communities within a eutrophic coastal lagoon. Sediments in the óbidos lagoon showed a gradient of increasing metal contamination from the inlet area to inner branches. The mid-lower lagoon area exhibited an intermediate contaminated condition between the inlet and upstream areas, suggesting that the effects of the organic loadings into the lagoon may be reflected until this area. This transitional feature was corroborated by biological data, with macrobenthic assemblages displaying characteristics of down- and upstream areas. Macrobenthic abundance peaked in winter, which was associated with a higher nutrient availability (mainly ammonium) and the proliferation of green macroalgae in mid-lower and inner lagoon areas. However, massive macroalgae growth resulted in a sharp decrease of macrobenthic diversity and abundance in spring, particularly where the higher amounts of decaying algae were detected. Higher dissimilarities between assemblages were detected during winter (and spring, for trophic composition), while in summer, differences were highly attenuated. The least contaminated area (close to the sea inlet) experienced smaller temporal variations for environmental variables, as well as the lowest temporal biological variability. This area was dominated by carnivores, which were related with increased salinity. Deposit-feeders were numerically dominant in the lagoon, being generally spread within organically enriched sandy and muddy areas. The high concentration of chlorophyll a and suspended particulate matter in water was reflected in the abundance of deposit-feeders/suspension-feeders, taking benefit of the high primary productivity. On the other hand, deposit-feeders/herbivores responded to the decay of macroalgae mats in the sediment. Biological associations varied with the biological data used (taxonomic versus trophic group composition; abundance versus biomass), highlighting the relevance of the combination of different data analysis' approaches. In general, BIOENV analysis indicated total phosphorus, biomass of Ulva, metals and organic carbon and nitrogen as being significantly influencing benthic patterns. On the other hand, discrepancies in ecological behaviours of some taxa were also detected in the present study stressing the need for additional studies on the relationships between macrobenthic communities and environmental variables. Implications of the present results for monitoring studies are discussed.  相似文献   
Simulated impacts of global and regional climate change, induced by an enhanced greenhouse effect and by Amazonian deforestation, on the phenology and yield of two grain corn cultivars in Venezuela (CENIAP PB-8 and OBREGON) are reported. Three sites were selected:Turén, Barinas andYaritagua, representing two important agricultural regions in the country. The CERES-Maize model, a mechanistic process-based model, in theDecision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT) was used for the crop simulations. These simulations assume non-limiting nutrients, no pest damage and no damage from excess water; therefore, the results indicate only the difference between baseline and perturbed climatic conditions, when other conditions remain the same. Four greenhouse-induced global climate change scenarios, covering different sensitivity levels, and one deforestation-induced regional climate change scenario were used. The greenhouse scenarios assume increased air temperature, increased rainfall and decreased incoming solar radiation, as derived from atmospheric GCMs for doubled CO2 conditions. The deforestation scenarios assume increased air temperature, increased incoming solar radiation and decreased rainfall, as predicted by coupled atmosphere-biosphere models for extensive deforestation of a portion of the Amazon basin. Two baseline climate years for each site were selected, one year with average precipitation and another with lower than average rainfall. Scenarios associated with the greenhouse effect cause a decrease in yield of both cultivars at all three sites, while the deforestation scenarios produce small changes. Sensitivity tests revealed the reasons for these responses. Increasing temperatures, especially daily maximum temperatures, reduce yield by reducing the duration of the phenological phases of both cultivars, as expected from CERES-Maize. The reduction of the duration of the kernel filling phase has the largest effect on yield. Increases of precipitation associated with greenhouse warming have no effects on yield, because these sites already have adequate precipitation; however, the crop model used here does not simulate potential negative effects of excess water, which could have important consequences in terms of soil erosion and nutrient leaching. Increases in solar radiation increased yields, according to the non-saturating light response of the photosynthesis rate of a C4 plant like corn, compensating for reduced yields from increased temperatures in deforestation scenarios. In the greenhouse scenarios, reduced insolation (due to increased cloud cover) and increased temperatures combine to reduce yields; a combination of temperature increase with a reduction in solar radiation produces fewer and lighter kernels.A report of thePAN-EARTH Project, Venezuela Case Study.  相似文献   
Journal of Seismology - This paper proposes a new numerical procedure, based on an evolutionary optimization algorithm, for the simultaneous generation of the three components of the seismic ground...  相似文献   
The research studies the applicability of two elastoplastic models for the collapse prediction of the lateritic soil profile from Southeastern Brazil. These tropical soils have peculiar geotechnical behavior, due to their mineralogical composition and porous structure coming from intense process of formation. Two elastoplastic models were analyzed: the Barcelona Basic Model (BBM) and another one based on BBM, however developed for tropical soils. Oedometric tests with suction control were performed at three distinct depths of the soil profile. The BBM was not suitable for the upper layer of the soil profile, because BBM considers the compressible behavior of the soil in function of the reduction of the elastoplastic compressibility index with the increase of the matric suction. The model developed for tropical soils showed better suited to the compressible behavior of the soil profile, resulting in good prediction of the collapse potential, mainly by accepting increasing values of the elastoplastic compressibility index of the soil profile with the matric suction rise.  相似文献   
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