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I review the multiphase cooling flow equations that reduce to a relatively simple form for a wide class of self-similar density distributions described by the single parameter, k , first introduced by Nulsen. It is shown that steady-state cooling flows are not consistent with all possible emissivity profiles, which can therefore be used as a test of the theory. In combination, they provide strong constraints on the temperature profile and mass distribution within the cooling radius. The model is applied to ROSAT HRI data for three rich clusters. At one extreme ( K  ∼ 1) these show evidence for cores in the mass distribution of size 110–140 h −150 kpc and have temperatures that decline towards the flow centre. At the other ( k ∈ ∞), the mass density and gas temperature both rise sharply towards the flow centre. The former are more consistent with observations which usually show a lower emission-weighted temperature within the cooling flow than from the cluster as a whole. The requirement that the solutions have a temperature gradient that is non-increasing towards the cluster centre limits the matter density gradient to be shallower than ρgrav ∝∼  r −1.2 in the cluster core.  相似文献   
Combined fluid inclusion microthermometry and microanalysis by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) are used to constrain the hydrothermal processes forming a typical Climax-type porphyry Mo deposit. Molybdenum mineralisation at Questa occurred in two superimposed hydrothermal stages, a magmatic-hydrothermal breccia and later stockwork veining. In both stages, texturally earliest fluids were single-phase, of low salinity (~7 wt.% NaClequiv.) and intermediate-density. Upon decompression to ~300 bar, they boiled off a vapour phase, leaving behind a residual brine (up to 45 wt.% NaClequiv) at temperatures of ~420°C. The highest average Mo concentrations in this hot brine were ~500 μg/g, exceeding the Mo content of the intermediate-density input fluid by about an order of magnitude and reflecting pre-concentration of Mo by fluid phase separation prior to MoS2 deposition from the brine. Molybdenum concentrations in brine inclusions, then, decrease down to 5 μg/g, recording Mo precipitation in response to cooling of the saline liquid to ~360°C. Molybdenite precipitation from a dense, residual and probably sulphide-depleted brine is proposed to explain the tabular shape of the ore body and the absence of Cu-Fe sulphides in contrast to the more common Cu-Mo deposits related to porphyry stocks. Cesium and Rb concentrations in the single-phase fluids of the breccia range from 2 to 8 and from 40 to 65 μg/g, respectively. In the stockwork veins, Cs and Rb concentrations are significantly higher (45–90 and 110–230 μg/g, respectively). Because Cs and Rb are incompatible and hydrothermally non-reactive elements, the systematic increase in their concentration requires two distinct pulses of fluid exsolution from a progressively more fractionated magma. By contrast, major element and ore metal concentrations of these two fluid pulses remain essentially constant. Mass balance calculations using fluid chemical data from LA-ICPMS suggest that at least 25 km3 of melt and 7 Gt of deep input fluid were necessary to provide the amount of Mo contained in the stockwork vein stage alone. While the absolute amounts of fluid and melt are uncertain, the well-constrained element ratios in the fluids together with empirical fluid/melt partition coefficients derived from the inclusion analyses suggest a high water content of the source melt of ~10%. In line with other circumstantial evidence, these results suggest that initial fluid exsolution may have occurred at a confining pressure exceeding 5 kbar. The source of the molybdenum-mineralising fluids probably was a particularly large magma chamber that crystallised and fractionated in the lower crust or at mid-crustal level, well below the shallow intrusions immediately underlying Questa and other porphyry molybdenum deposits. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
This study examines the forcing mechanisms driving long‐term carbonate accumulation and preservation in lacustrine sediments in Lake Iznik (north‐western Turkey) since the last glacial. Currently, carbonates precipitate during summer from the alkaline water column, and the sediments preserve aragonite and calcite. Based on X‐ray diffraction data, carbonate accumulation has changed significantly and striking reversals in the abundance of the two carbonate polymorphs have occurred on a decadal time scale, during the last 31 ka cal bp . Different lines of evidence, such as grain size, organic matter and redox sensitive elements, indicate that reversals in carbonate polymorph abundance arise due to physical changes in the lacustrine setting, for example, water column depth and lake mixing. The aragonite concentrations are remarkably sensitive to climate, and exhibit millennial‐scale oscillations. Extending observations from modern lakes, the Iznik record shows that the aerobic decomposition of organic matter and sulphate reduction are also substantial factors in carbonate preservation over long time periods. Lower lake levels favour aragonite precipitation from supersaturated waters. Prolonged periods of stratification and, consequently, enhanced sulphate reduction favour aragonite preservation. In contrast, prolonged or repeated exposure of the sediment–water interface to oxygen results in in situ aerobic organic matter decomposition, eventually leading to carbonate dissolution. Notably, the Iznik sediment profile raises the hypothesis that different states of lacustrine mixing lead to selective preservation of different carbonate polymorphs. Thus, a change in the entire lake water chemistry is not strictly necessary to favour the preservation of one polymorph over another. Therefore, this investigation is a novel contribution to the carbon cycle in lacustrine systems.  相似文献   
Six equilibria among quartz, plagioclase, biotite, muscovite, and garnet were empirically calibrated using mineral composition data from 43 samples having the assemblage quartz+muscovite+biotite+garnet+plagioclase+Al2SiO5 (sillimanite or kyanite). Pressures and temperatures in the data set used for calibration were determined through the simultaneous application of garnet-biotite geothermometry and garnet-quartz-plagioclase-Al2SiO5 geobarometry. Thermodynamic expressions for four of the six equilibria incorporate interaction parameters that model non-ideality in the mixing of cations in the octahedral sites of both muscovite and biotite. With pressure chosen as the dependent variable, multiple regression was used to solve for unknowns in the equilibrium thermodynamic expressions. The regressions yielded multiple correlation coefficients ranging from 0.983 to 0.999, with corresponding standard deviations of 338 and 92 bars in the residuals. The standard deviations in the residuals may be explained largely or entirely by the propagation of errors associated with electron microprobe analysis. These equilibria enable the determination of pressures from equilibrium assemblages of quartz+garnet+plagioclase+muscovite+biotite, and give results closely comparable to the experimentally calibrated garnet-quartz-plagioclase-Al2SiO5 geobarometer. Geobarometric applications should be restricted to rocks in which equilibrium constants and compositional variables fall within the same ranges as those used for calibration.  相似文献   
Abstract— Visual photometry, which measures reflected solar radiation, can be combined with infrared radiometry, which measures absorbed and re‐radiated solar energy, to determine key properties of small solar system objects. This method can be applied via thermophysical model concepts not only for albedo and diameter determination, but also for studies of thermal parameters like thermal inertia, surface roughness or emissivity. Hence, a detailed analysis of the asteroid surface is possible and topics like surface mineralogy, the density of the regolith or the presence of a rocky surface, lightcurve influences due to shape or albedo, porosity of the surface material, etc. can be addressed. The “radiometric technique” based on a recently developed thermophysical model is presented. The model was extensively tested against observations from the infrared space observatory, including spectroscopic and photometric measurements at infrared wavelengths between 2 and 200 μm of more than 40 asteroids. The possible model applications are discussed in terms of the different levels of knowledge for individual asteroids. The effects of the thermal parameters are illustrated and methods are presented as to how to separate different aspects. Possibilities and limitations are evaluated for the possible transfer of this model to near‐Earth asteroids. In the long run, this kind of study of near‐Earth asteroids may provide answers to questions about their surface properties which are crucial to develop mitigation scenarios.  相似文献   
Generally the large tidal estuaries of the eastern United States, such as Delaware Bay, are characterized by rather high suspended particle concentrations at the landward end and high biological activity at the seaward end. As such, these estuaries can be conceptualized as geochemical and biochemical “reactors” for those processes controlling the transmission of trace elements from fresh to the coastal shelf waters. The efficiency of these reaction processes relative to estuarine flushing will control the residence times of microconstituents in such estuaries.Evidence is drawn from the Delaware estuary to illustrate biogeochemical estuarine reaction processes using salinity distribution data and mass balance calculations. The Delaware retains some of its estuarine trace elements as sedimented estuarine particles, while others are more conservative and largely exported. Those retained by sedimenting processes include trace elements in primarily geochemical (particle reactive) chemistries, while those exported appear recycled by biochemical (nutrient reactive) chemistries. Often, the behavior of trace elements (e.g., Fe, Cd) and nutrients (e.g., PO4) appear biogeochemically linked. Other examples are drawn from mixing studies to illustrate particle interaction, and benthic flux measurements to illustrate limited diagenetic reflux.The residence time of estuarine microconstituents should depend seasonally on the relative turbidity, flushing rate, and primary production of tidally dominated estuaries such as the Delaware. Thus, residence times of the more biogeochemically reactive microconstituents must be substantially shorter (days to weeks) than the average flushing times of these larger estuaries, while the residence times of the less reactive ones should approach such flushing times (weeks to months). True estuarine residence times of microconstituents can only be modeled after using large data sets averaged over time (season, tides) and space (salinity).  相似文献   
We analyzed variation of channel–floodplain suspended sediment exchange along a 140 km reach of the lower Amazon River for two decades (1995–2014). Daily sediment fluxes were determined by combining measured and estimated surface sediment concentrations with river–floodplain water exchanges computed with a two‐dimensional hydraulic model. The average annual inflow to the floodplain was 4088 ± 2017 Gg yr?1 and the outflow was 2251 ± 471 Gg yr?1, respectively. Prediction of average sediment accretion rate was twice the estimate from a previous study of this same reach and more than an order of magnitude lower than an estimate from an earlier regional scale study. The amount of water routed through the floodplain, which is sensitive to levee topography and increases exponentially with river discharge, was the main factor controlling the variation in total annual sediment inflow. Besides floodplain routing, the total annual sediment export depended on the increase in sediment concentration in lakes during floodplain drainage. The recent increasing amplitude of the Amazon River annual flood over two decades has caused a substantial shift in water and sediment river–floodplain exchanges. In the second decade (2005–2014), as the frequency of extreme floods increased, annual sediment inflow increased by 81% and net storage increased by 317% in relation to the previous decade (1995–2004). Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A lack of understanding exists of the origin and textural characteristics of Saudi Arabian Red Sea coastal sediments. This paper concerns the southern coastline of Jizan on the Saudi Red Sea. It is some 160 km long characterised by either narrow rocky headlands with intermittent pocket beaches or wide low-lying beaches dissected by wadis. Granulometric testing of samples from 135 locations showed that beach sand size was mainly very fine to medium grained (M z = 3.93 Ø), sorting ranged from 1.65 to 0.41 and skewness values from ?051 to 0.39, being mainly negative; dune sands were medium to fine grained (M z = 1.13 Ø; average sorting 2.8), while skewness variations within dune samples indicated symmetrical to fine skewed values (б Ι = 0.55 to 0.89). Most foreshore samples were derived from wadis. Wadi mud levels can be high, e.g. Baysh (84%), and wadi Samrah (90%) with mean grain size ranging from very fine to medium sand (M z = 3.9 Ø), sorting being well to poor (0.45 to 1.52) due to sediment influxes. Sabkha had a wide range of sand/mud and significantly higher carbonate percentages than other environments. Sediment source differences and littoral reworking contributed to grain size variation. The carbonate content varied between 1.5 and 31.5% due to hinterland contributions, and spatial analysis showed increasing quantities of carbonate minerals towards the south. On the wider geographical front, findings from Jizan are similar to those of the Northern United Arab Emirates (UAE), including sabkhas, being composed of sand, skeletal carbonate, fine fluvial material and wind-blown silt and clay components of wadi origin. Further work on the northeastern Red Sea edge can hopefully confirm these findings.  相似文献   
Fractional crystallization of peraluminous F- and H2O-rich granite magmas progressively enriches the remaining melt with volatiles. We show that, at saturation, the melt may separate into two immiscible conjugate melt fractions, one of the fractions shows increasing peraluminosity and the other increasing peralkalinity. These melt fractions also fractionate the incompatible elements to significantly different degrees. Coexisting melt fractions have differing chemical and physical properties and, due to their high density and viscosity contrasts, they will tend to separate readily from each other. Once separated, each melt fraction evolves independently in response to changing T/P/X conditions and further immiscibility events may occur, each generating its own conjugate pair of melt fractions. The strongly peralkaline melt fractions in particular are very reactive and commonly react until equilibrium is attained. Consequently, the peralkaline melt fraction is commonly preserved only in the isolated melt and mineral inclusions.

We demonstrate that the differences between melt fractions that can be seen most clearly in differing melt inclusion compositions are also visible in the composition of the resulting ore-forming and accessory minerals, and are visible on scales from a few micrometers to hundreds of meters.  相似文献   

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