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b-Values of two tectonic parts in the circum-pacific belt   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two different data sets have been applied to compute theb-parameter of the magnitude-frequency relation for two different areas in the circum-Pacific belt. These areas are: a) South America, Middle America and Mexico, b) all the remaining island arcs of the circum-Pacific belt, starting from Alaska and the Aleutian islands and proceeding southeastwards. The first data set spreads over 77 years, while the second one covers a 90-year period. In both cases the results clearly showed that theb-values are lower in the first of the above-mentioned areas, while respectively higher in the second. This is due to the tectonic conditions in these areas as estimated during the present work.  相似文献   
This paper introduces a new way of estimating the inelastic response of first‐mode dominated structures with behaviour that can be approximated with the elastoplastic idealization. The proposed approach emerges from formal dimensional analysis and is liberated from the response of the elastic system. The application of the proposed method hinges upon the existence of a distinct time scale and a length scale that characterize the most energetic component of the ground shaking. Such time and length scales emerge naturally from the distinguishable pulses which dominate a wide class of strong earthquake records; they are directly related with the rise time and slip velocity of faulting, and can be formally extracted with validated mathematical models published in the literature. The most decisive feature of this work is that the inelastic response curves that result with the proposed approach assume similar shapes for different values of the normalized yield displacement. Because of this similarity the paper proposes a single inelastic response curve which offers directly the maximum inelastic displacement of the structure given the energetic pulse period and pulse amplitude of the ground shaking. When the proposed method is applied to MDOF structures it is not capable to estimate interstorey drifts nor is capable to capture the effects of negative stiffness which may result due to P‐delta effect. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The multi-pulse shoshonitic Predazzo intrusive complex represents an ideal igneous laboratory for investigating the chemical and physical conditions of magma emplacement in a crustal context, since numerical models can be constrained by field evidence. It constitutes the most intriguing remnant of the Middle Triassic magmatic systems of the Dolomitic Area (Southern Alps), preserved by the Alpine tectonics. Predazzo Intrusive Complex comprises silica saturated (pyroxenites/gabbros to syenites), silica undersaturated (gabbros to syenites), and silica oversaturated (granites and syenogranites) rock suites. In this paper, we modeled its emplacement and evolution with a multiple thermo-/oxy-barometric, hygrometric, and EC-AFC approach. At odds with what proposed in literature but according to the field evidence, the emplacement of the Predazzo Intrusive Complex occurred at shallow depth (<?6 km). In this context, the different pulses differed slightly in bulk water content, but shared a common thermal regime, with temperatures between 1000 and 1100 °C and ~?600 °C at low-to-moderate oxidizing conditions (? 0.1 to +?0.7 ΔFMQ). The interaction between the intrusion and the shallow crustal rocks was minimal, with Sr and Nd isotopic compositions indicating an average of 5–6% assimilation of crust. A thermo- and oxy-barometric comparison with the nearby Mt. Monzoni also enabled to speculate about the solidification time of the intrusion, which we infer took place over about 700 ka.  相似文献   
The angrites are a small and heterogeneous group of achondritic meteorites with highly unusual chemical and mineralogical features. The abundant presence of glasses in D'Orbigny makes this rock a unique member of the angrite group. Glasses fill open spaces, form pockets, and occur as inclusions in olivines. Their physical settings exclude an incorporation from an external source. Major and trace element (rare earth elements [REE], Li, B, Be, transition elements, N and C) contents of these glasses and host olivines were measured combining laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), secondary-ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA), and EMP techniques. Based on the major element composition, glasses filling voids could represent either a melt formed by melting an angritic rock or a melt from which angrites could have crystallized. Trace element contents of these glasses strongly indicate a direct link to the D'Orbigny bulk meteorite. They are incompatible with the formation of the glasses by partial melting of a chondritic source rock or by shock melting. The refractory elements (e.g., Al, Ti, Ca) have about 10 × CI abundances with CaO/TiO2 and FeO/MnO ratios being approximately chondritic. Trace element abundances in the glasses appear to be governed by volatility and suggest that the refractory elements in the source had chondritic relative abundances. Although the glasses (and the whole rock) lack volatile elements such as Na and K, they are rich in some moderately volatile elements such as B, V, Mn, Fe (all with close to CI abundances), and Li (about 3-5 × CI). These elements likely were added to the glass in a sub-solidus metasomatic elemental exchange event. We have identified a novel mechanism for alteration of glass and rock compositions based on an exchange of Al and Sc for Fe and other moderately volatile elements in addition to the well-known metasomatic exchange reactions (e.g., Ca-Na and Mg-Fe).Because glass inclusions in olivine were partly shielded from the metasomatic events by the host crystal, their chemical composition is believed to be closer to the original composition than that of any other glasses. The relative trace element abundances in glasses of glass inclusions in olivine and glass pockets are also unfractionated and at the 10 to 20 × CI level. These glasses are chemically similar to the common void-filling glasses but show a much wider compositional variation. Inclusion glasses demonstrate that at least olivine grew with the help of a liquid. In analogy to olivines in carbonaceous chondrites, initial formation could also have been a vapor-liquid-solid condensation process. At that time, the glass had a purely refractory composition. This composition, however, was severely altered by the metasomatic addition of large amounts of FeO and other moderately volatile elements. The presence of volatile elements such as carbon and nitrogen in glasses of glass inclusions is another feature that appears to give these glasses a link with those hosted by olivines of carbonaceous chondrites. All these features point to an origin from a vapor with relative abundances of condensable elements similar to those in the solar nebula.  相似文献   
Rocks with P-bearing olivine were found in soil samples delivered by the “Luna-20” automated station. They are ascribed to the highland anorthosite–norite (more rarely, gabbro-norite)–troctolite rock series enriched in phosphorus and other incompatible elements, but are not related to typical KREEP rocks enriched in incompatible elements. Their source is presumably of hybrid origin and related to primary high- Mg suite (HMS) rocks. The occurrence of high- and low-Cr populations of P-bearing olivine in different structural rock types can be attributed to the annealing-related more rapid chromium diffusion (relative to that of phosphorus) in olivine from metamorphosed rocks. This assumption is supported by stoichiometric formula calculations of these olivines. An alternative explanation for these olivine populations is their derivation from at least two different sources. Disequilibrium crystallization of the P-bearing olivines, which is confirmed by an intricate phosphorus zoning, excludes the existence of P-rich melts, which is consistent with previous observations. At the same time, olivine fractionation can be responsible for the phosphorus content in lunar melts. The incorporation of phosphorus in olivine of the “Luna-20” anorthosite troctolites is presumably controlled by a coupled substitution mechanism of divalent cations and silicon for phosphorus and chromium in the tetrahedral and octahedral sites (Milman-Barris et al., 2008). Another possible mechanism is the substitution of divalent cations in octahedral sites by phosphorus and chromium, which provides the possible presence of P3+.  相似文献   
Melt and fluid inclusions were studied in the minerals of Cenozoic olivine melanephelinites from the Chukchi Peninsula, Russia.The rock contain several generations of olivine phenocrysts varying in composition at mg=0.88~0.77.The phenocrysts bear fluid and melt inclusions recording various stages of melt crystallization in volcanic conduits and shallow magma chambers.Primary fluid inclusions are CO_2-dominated with a density of up to O.93 g/cm~3.All fluid inclusions are partially leaked,which is indicated by haloes of tiny fluid bubbles around large fluid inclusions in minerals.Melt inclusions contain various daughter crystals,which were completely resorbed in thermometric experiments at about 1230℃.Assuming that this temperature corresponds to the entrapment conditions of the CO_2 fluid inclusions,the minimum pressure of the beginning of magma degassing is estimated as 800MPa.Variations in the compositions of homogenized silicate melt inclusions indicate that olivine was the earliest crystalline phase followed by clinopyroxene,nepheline and orthoclase.This sequence is in agreement with the mineralogy of the rocks.The melts are strongly enriched in incompatible trace elements and volatiles(in addition to CO_2,high C1,F,and S contents were detected).There are some differences between the compositions of melts trapped in minerals from different samples.Variations in SiO_2,FeO,and incompatible element contents are probably related to melt generations at various levels in a homogeneous mantle reservoir.  相似文献   
The fraction of swelling-type clay minerals (smectites) is a first measure to estimate the swelling potential of natural rocks. This swelling potential is only activated if water can be incorporated in the sheet silicates. The samples studied in this work are volcanic rocks from the Southern Andes. According to the petrographic and mineralogical studies, the rocks are characterized as vulcanite with high content of smectite. Undisturbed samples showed minor swelling behaviour in conventional swelling tests, although X-ray diffraction and differential thermal analysis revealed swelling clay contents of more than 70 % in some samples. Powder swelling tests were performed on ground and recompacted rock samples. The results of these tests show a better agreement with those expected according to the mineralogical composition of the samples. The reason for the non-activation of the swelling potential in undisturbed samples was suspected to be the influence of the iron-oxide/hydroxide content, which was on average around 11 %. Scanning electron microscope images showed that the edge terminations of the clay particles are coated with hematite. The hydrophobic properties of hematite impede the access of water between the interlayers of the clay minerals and, in addition, hematite cementation prevents the expansion. In a further series of swelling tests water was replaced by a reducing solution (0.1 molar hydroxylammonium chloride) which removes the Fe-oxide coating. It can be shown that thus the swelling potential of the clay minerals in such undisturbed rocks can be activated.  相似文献   
Phosphorus-bearing Fe and Ni sulfides represent a new type of phosphorus compounds and are characteristic accessory phases of CM chondrites. The proportions of atoms in the sulfides can be approximated by the equation (Fe + Ni)/P = 0.965 ± 0.003 (1σ) · S/P + 1.255 ± 0.036 (1σ). Sulfides with high S/P ratios are systematically richer in Fe and poorer in Ni compared with low-S/P sulfides. Their characteristic minor elements are Cr, Ca, Co, K, and Na. The contents of Cr and Ca may reach several weight percent, but their incorporation does not affect the relation between (Fe + Ni)/P and S/P. This is also true of light elements (O and H), which probably occur in the P-bearing sulfides in certain amounts. The sulfides are usually associated with schreibersite, barringerite, eskolaite, and daubreelite. A negative correlation was observed between the Fe/Ni ratios of coexisting P-bearing sulfides and phosphides. Metallic iron was never found in association with the sulfides. It can be suggested that P-bearing sulfide is a primary phase rather than a secondary alteration product formed under the conditions of the CM chondrite parent body. This phase had to be stable in the solar nebula after the formation of Ca-Al inclusions and before the condensation of Fe-Ni metal. At high temperatures, P-bearing sulfide with low Fe/Ni and S/P ratios coexists with schreibersite in the solar gas. During condensation schreibersite is replaced by barringerite, which is accompanied by a decrease in the Fe/Ni ratio of phosphides and an increase in the S/P and Fe/Ni ratios of P-bearing sulfides. Trace element data suggest that the P-bearing sulfides could be formed in the solar nebula by the sulfidization of a precursor phase of extrasolar origin.  相似文献   
Anhydrous and amphibole-bearing mantle peridotite xenoliths from Kapfenstein (Styrian Basin) have been studied with the aim of understanding both the processes responsible for amphibole formation and the nature of metasomatizing agents which affected this portion of lithosphere. This area of the Pannonian Basin underwent a subduction event which was followed after about 15 Ma, by alkaline intraplate magmatism. Primary clinopyroxene (cpx1) in four-phase lherzolite xenoliths is characterized by LREE-depleted to slightly LREE-enriched patterns. LREE-depleted cpx1 have low Th and U contents and Zr (and Hf) anomalies varying from slightly negative to positive. LREE-enriched cpx have high Th and U contents and remarkable positive anomalies of Zr and Hf. Primary clinopyroxenes in amphibole-bearing lherzolites present a comparable compositional variation from LREE (and Th, U, Zr, Hf)-depleted type to LREE (and Th, U, Zr, Hf)-enriched type. LREE-depleted cpx1, with strong negative Zr and Ti anomalies, are also recognized in the peridotite matrix of a composite sample cut by a large amphibole vein. Textural and geochemical evidence indicates that amphibole disseminated within the matrix grew at the expense of primary spinel and clinopyroxene, mimicking the trace element patterns of the latter. As a consequence, the geochemical features of amphibole vary in relation to those of clinopyroxene, from enriched to depleted. On the other hand, the composition of vein amphibole in the composite xenolith compares well with amphibole megacrysts and microphenocrysts, suggesting that it represents a fractionation product of alkaline melt that passed through the lithosphere. Two kinds of metasomatism, superimposed on a slightly depleted lithospheric mantle, were identified. A slab-derived melt (proto-adakite?) metasomatic agent was responsible for the first enrichment in Th, U, Zr and Hf observed in clinopyroxene, whereas an alkaline within-plate metasomatic agent caused the formation of the Nb (and Ta)- rich disseminated amphibole. The final process was the alkaline magmatism, which was responsible for the formation of the large amphibole vein and megacrysts. It is proposed that the Nb-poor and Nb-rich amphiboles record the transition between the suprasubduction slab melt-related and the intraplate alkaline metasomatism.

These geochemical features are consistent with a lithospheric portion enriched in slab melt components which was subsequently metasomatized by alkaline melt. Alternatively an asthenospheric uprising could have scavenged a previously slab melt-enriched region of the lithosphere.  相似文献   

Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment for Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A probabilistic seismic hazard assessment was performed for the Japanese islands and surrounding areas. Seismic hazard parameters characteristic of the seismic history of the regions were obtained. The probability of occurrence of a large M ≥ 7 earthquake within a 10- and 50-year period was also calculated. Regions of very high levels of hazard occur where the Pacific, Phillipine and Eurasian Plates meet. High probabilities of occurrence of a large M ≥ 7 earthquake within a 10- and 50-year period occur within the region where the Pacific Plate subducts with the Eurasian Plate.  相似文献   
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