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Continuous exposure in the Pindos mountain chain (Greece) and the detailed stratigraphic measurements in the area enable us to construct eight balanced cross sections across the Pindos Fold-and-thrust belt (PFTB) and to approach quantitatively some parameters which controlled foreland evolution. The 160-km-wide passive continental margin of the Apulian continent in Greece was progressively shortened from east to west at rates of 6 mm/year between the Early Oligocene and Late Eocene. From the rear to the frontal part of the wedge, fault-bend folds, duplexes and imbricates were formed, while strain was partitioned into faulting (~34%), layer parallel shortening (~23%) and buckling (~9%). Foreland subsidence and internal deformation of the orogenic wedge are strongly affected by two parameters of equal importance: the thrust load of the overthrusted microcontinents and the rigidity of the underthrusted Apulian passive margin. Changes in the thickness of the pre-orogenic sediments and reactivated transform faults induced salients. During the Lower Miocene, the orogenic wedge in the Peloponnese suffered additional uplift and westward gravitational gliding induced by the intracontinental subduction of the Palaeozoic rift zone of the Phyllite-Quartzite Series, which was reactivated and returned to the earths surface during the Hellenic orogeny.  相似文献   
The Serranía de Ronda (western Betic Cordilleras, S-Spain) is formed by different tectonic units of the Betic internal domain. Stratigraphic correlations of the Permo-Triassic and Triassic sedimentary sequences imply that one part of the Mesozoic carbonates of the Rondaides (Dorsale bétique), namely the Cabrilla unit (Dorsale interne), is shearedoff from the frontal part of the Malaguides, and another part (Nieves unit, Dorsale externe) forms the Mesozoic cover of the alpujarride Casares unit. The first alpine compressional phases took place in the Paleogene; post-metamorphic movements followed in the time between the Upper Aquitanian and the Upper Tortonian. From geometrical considerations it can be concluded that the Malaguides originated paleogeographically from a more internal region than the Alpujarrides.
Zusammenfassung Am Aufbau der Serranía de Ronda (westliche Betische Kordilleren, S-Spanien) nehmen verschiedene Einheiten der betischen Intemzonen teil. Stratigraphische Vergleiche der permotriadischen und triadischen Sedimentserien erlauben den Schluß, daß die mesozoischen Karbonate der Rondaiden (Dorsale bétique) zu einem Teil (Cabrilla-Einheit, Dorsale interne) von der frontalen Partie der Malagiden abglitten und zum anderen Teil (Nieves-Einheit, Dorsale externe) das abgescherte Mesozoikum der alpujarriden Casares-Einheit bilden. Die ersten alpinen Kompressionsphasen sind im Paleogen anzusetzen, da für mesozoische Deckenbewegungen beweiskräftige Argumente fehlen. Zwischen Oberaquitanian und Obertortonian fanden post-metamorphe Überschiebungen statt. Aus geometrischen Gründen wird angenommen, daß die Malagiden paläogeographisch internerer Herkunft sein müssen als die benachbarten Alpujarriden.

Resumen La Serranía de Ronda (Cordilleras béticas occidentales, Prov. Málaga) está formado por diferentes unidades del conjunto bético interno. Correlaciones estratigráficas del Permo-Triásico y del Triásico de los diferentes unidades permiten la conclusión que los Rondáides (Dorsal bética) está por una parte (unidad de Cabrilla, Dorsal interna) el revestimiento mesozóico de la parte frontal de los mantos maláguides, y por otra parte (unidad de las Nievas, Dorsal externa) la parte mesozóica de la unidad alpujárride de Casares. Las primeras fases alpinas de compresión deben ser situadas en el Paleógeno. Las traslaciones post-metamórficas de mantos son de edad aquitaniense superior hasta pre-tortoniense superior. Con argumentación geométrica se puede concluir que los Maláguides son de un orígen paleográfico más interno que los Alpujárrides.

( , . « » , (Dorsale bétique) ( , Dorsale interne) , ( , Dorsale externe) . .. , . - . , , .
Zusammenfassung In Gezeitengebieten wie dem vorliegenden (südliche Nordsee, wofür eine Neubearbeitung vorgelegt wird) wurde bisher meistens das den Seekarten und anderen Quellen entstammende Zahlenmaterial ohne weitere Beschickung als Grundlage für die Bearbeitung von Tiefenkarten verwendet.Dabei wurde und wird das Seekartennull meistens stillschweigend als Kartennull für Isobathenkarten mit übernommen, obwohl sich manche Bearbeiter der Fehlerhaftigkeit dieser Annahme wohl bewußt gewesen sein mögen. Besonders unangenehm macht sich diese Tatsache bemerkbar, wenn Isobathen des Seegebietes mit Isohypsen im Watt oder auf dem festen Lande und auf Inseln in Verbindung gebracht werden sollen.Die jetzt vorgelegte Tiefenkarte versucht, dieses Dilemma durch Berücksichtigung einer für das ganze Gebiet gültigen, also von dem örtlich verschiedenen Seekartennull unabhängigen Niveaufläche zu umgehen; es wird eine Methode angegeben, die im Gebiet der südlichen Nordsee angewandt wurde, und im Hinblick auf die Isobathenäquidistanz (10 m im Ergebnis, 5 m im Entwurf) kritisch auf die möglichen Fehler untersucht. Es wird ferner, erläutert an einem konkreten Beispiel, auf den Unterschied zwischen den Seekarten-Tiefenlinien (nautischen Warnlinien) und echten morphologischen Isobathen hingewiesen; allerdings ist ein Anschluß der so gewonnenen Niveaufläche für die Tiefen der südlichen Nordsee an die beiderseitigen Landeshorizonte noch nicht möglich.
A new bathymetric chart of the Southern North Sea
Summary For charts of tidal regions like that of the Southern North Sea, for which a revised edition is herewith presented, the numerical values required as basic elements for the construction of bathymetric charts have until now mostly been taken — without foregoing correction — from existing charts and other sources. Besides, in most cases, chart datum has been and still is continued to be used as ordnance datum for the construction of contour lines, though many a chart author may have been well aware of the uncorrectness of this procedure. The deficiency makes itself felt in a most disagreeable way when isobaths of the sea regions are to be combined with isohypses of regions of tidal flats or connected to such of the continent or of islands.The bathymetric chart herewith presented tries to avoid this uncorrectness by using a reference plane valid for all types of regions and, hence, independent of chart datum which is subject to local differences in height. The method that has been used for constructing the chart of the Southern North Sea is discussed and carefully scrutinized for any errors that may possibly occur with regard to the equidistance of isobaths (in this case 10 m on fair charts, 5 m on plotting charts). In addition, by way of practical example, attention is called to the difference existing between depth contours on charts (nautical danger lines) and true morphologic isobaths. It is, however, not yet possible to connect the new reference plane on which the depth contours on the new bathymetric chart of the Southern North Sea have been based to the ordnance datum used in mapping the countries adjoining the area covered by the new chart.

Une nouvelle carte bathymétrique de la partie sud de la mer du Nord
Résumé Pour l'établissement des cartes bathymétriques représentant des zones soumises à la marée comme celle de la partie sud de la mer du Nord, on s'est jusqu'ici servi des valeurs numériqúes provenant des cartes marines et d'autres sources, sans avoir corrigé ces valeurs avant leur usage. En outre, on a employé le plus souvent, et on continue encore à employer le «zéro hydrographique» comme «zéro du nivellement général» pour la construction de lignes de niveau bienque beaucoup d'auteurs de cartes se soient, sans doute, rendu compte de l'inexactitude de cette méthode. Cette défectuosit é présente des inconvénients extraordinaires lorsque des isobathes de la région marine sont à com biner avec des isohypses de zones couvrantes et découvrantes ou à relier à celles du continent.Par rapport à l'édition refondue de la carte bathymétrique présentée avec ce travail et représentant la zone soumise à la marée de la région sud de la mer du Nord, on a essayé d'éviter cette inexactitude par l'introduction d'un nouveau plan de référence qui est valable pour des régions de caractères bien différents, et qui ne dépend pas du zéro hydrographique soumis à des différences locales en hauteur. La méthode qui fut appliquée à l'établissement de cette carte est discutée dans ce travail et examinée avec soin pour éviter que des erreurs pourraient s'introduire dans des équidistances des isobathes (dans ce cas, 10 m sur les minutes de rédaction, 5 m sur les minutes de construction). En outre, un exemple pratique sert à attirer l'attention sur la différence entre des lignes de niveau (limites de danger) indiquées sur des cartes marines et des isobathes vraiment morphologiques. Cependant, il n'est pas encore possible de relier le nouveau plan de référence sur lequel s'appuient les lignes de niveau de la nouvelle carte bathymétrique, au zéro du nivellement général en usage pour la représentation topographique des pays contigues à la région couverte par cette carte.

Die Karte kann auch einzeln zum Preis von DM 3,- je Stück durch den Buchhandel oder unmittelbar vom D.H.I. bezogen werden (Druckschrift Nr. 2560 des D.H.I.).  相似文献   
Volatile organic compounds with volatilities ranging between those of n-hexane and n-pentadecane were identified in open ocean and coastal marine surface water samples taken in the north central part of the Gulf of Mexico. Approximately 40 organic compounds were found. The types and concentrations of the compounds found depended upon the extent of anthropogenic and terrestrial influences. Open ocean samples consisted mostly of aromatic hydrocarbons, whereas coastal samples included alkanes, cycloalkanes, cycloalkenes, aromatic hydrocarbons, aldehydes and chlorinated hydrocarbons. Unpolluted open ocean and coastal water samples had individual concentrations rarely exceeding 5 ng/kg; some aromatic hydrocarbons approached 15 ng/kg. n-Pentadecane dominated the hydrocarbons in these samples (50–100 ng/kg). The most polluted coastal water samples had individual volatile organic concentrations as great as 150 ng/kg with total concentrations approaching 1000 ng/kg. The terpene, limonene, was found extensively in the coastal samples (up to 40 ng/kg). Photooxidization of hydrocarbons in industrial/urban atmospheres was considered as a possible source of aldehydes present in coastal water. The dynamic headspace stripping/Tenax-GC adsorption method coupled with packed column gas chromatography, and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry were used for volatile organic analysis.  相似文献   
Estimation of the Strength of Stratified Rock Mass   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stratified rock formations are often encountered in engineering structures with large dimensions, such as tunnels, caverns, etc. In the present work, the question of how and when such materials fail is addressed. It is argued that average values cannot provide appropriate measures for the strength of layered rock, as local stresses and strains differ greatly in the various constituents and one may fail, while others remain intact. The present work attempts, therefore, to formulate a solution covering both elasticity and failure in three dimensions, though simple enough to be easy to use in engineering applications. To this end, the local stress and strain state in each constituent were evaluated, assuming the constituents to be orthotropically elastic up to the point of failure. Subsequently, several failure criteria are considered and an example is presented to illustrate the model’s response. A discussion on the effect of geometry and on the values of local versus global quantities follows.  相似文献   
UBV RI photometry and 4600–9000 Å spectroscopy of nova V475 Sct taken in the first 3 month after discovery is presented. The object can be classified as a Fe II type slow nova with t 2,V = 48 days, t 3,V = 53 days. The absolute magnitude of the nova at maximum, its colour excess and distance were determined. The observed 13.4 day periodicity of flares can be explained by the mass transfer bursts from the red to the white dwarf, probably caused by the periastron passage of a third body. Two sets of absorptions are seen in the P Cyg-type Hα line profile. They arise in the expanding shell of the nova.  相似文献   
New photoelectric and CCD observations of the eclipsing contact binary systems V344 Lac and V1191 Cyg are presented and analyzed. All available times of minimum light were used to study period changes of the systems and determine up-to-date ephemerides. The orbital period of V1191 Cyg is found to be increasing at a very fast rate. The photometric elements were determined using the new light curve, radial-velocity curve and broadening function fitting code ROCHE.  相似文献   
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