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The Bakony-Balaton Highland Volcanic Field (BBHVF) is located in the central part of Transdanubia, Pannonian Basin, with over 50 alkali basaltic volcanoes. The basanite plug of Hegyestu erupted in the first phase of volcanic activity. K/Ar and Ar/Ar ages were published for the BBHVF. K/Ar and Ar/Ar ages of the leucite-bearing basanite of Hegyestás were conflicting. This is caused by the special Ar retention feature of leucite in this basanite. K/Ar ages measured in the usual way were 25–45% younger, but after HCl treatment of the rock, or after reducing the baking temperature of the argon extraction line from 250°C to 150°C, they became similar to the Ar/Ar ages. All Ar/Ar determinations were performed after HF treatment. HCl treatment dissolved olivine, nepheline, leucite, magnetite and from 1-1 sample analcime or calcite. K dissolution studies from different locations of Hegyestü have shown that K content is mostly ≈2%, but it may decrease to ≈0.3%. HCl treatment dissolved 28.0–63.5% of the K content. The calculated K concentration for the dissolved part of samples with ~2%K was 4.02-6.42%: showing that leucite is responsible for the low temperature loss of 40Ar(rad). Ar may release at low temperature from very finegrained mineral, or when the Ar release mechanism changes. A 40Ar(rad) degassing spectrum has been recorded in the 55–295°C range of baking temperature and the data were plotted in the Arrhenius diagram. The diagram shows that a change of the structure in the 145–295°C range caused the loss of 40Ar(rad). On fractions of HCl treated rock 7.56±0.17 Ma isochron K/Ar age has been determined. This is regarded as minimum age of eruption and it is similar to the Ar/Ar isochron age (7.78±0.07 Ma).  相似文献   
Abstract The chronological characteristics of Alpine metamorphic rocks are described and Alpine metamorphic events are reinterpreted on the basis of chronological data for the western and central Alps from 1960 to 1992. Metamorphic rocks of the Lepontine, Gran San Bernardo, Piemonte, Internal Crystalline Massifs and Sesia-Lanzo mostly date Alpine metamorphic events, but some (along with granitoids and gneisses from the Helvetic and Southern Alps) result from the Variscan, Caledonian or older events and thus predate the Alpine events. Radiometric age data from the Lepontine area show systematic age relations: U-Pb monazite (23-29 Ma), Rb-Sr muscovite (15–40 Ma) and biotite (15–30 Ma), K-Ar biotite (10-30 Ma), muscovite (15–25 Ma) and hornblende (25-35 Ma), and FT zircon (10-20 Ma) and apatite (5-15 Ma), which can be explained by the different closure temperatures of the isotopic systems. A 121 Ma U-Pb zircon age for a coesite-bearing whiteschist (metaquartzite) from the Dora-Maira represents the peak of ultra-high pressure metamorphism. Coesite-free eclogites and blueschists related to ultra-high pressure rocks in the Penninic crystalline massifs yield an 40Ar-39Ar plateau age of about 100 Ma for phengites, interpreted as the cooling age. From about 50 Ma, eclogites and glaucophane schists have also been reported from the Piemonte ophiolites and calcschists, suggesting the existence of a second high P/T metamorphic event. Alpine rocks therefore record three major metamorphic events: (i) ultra-high and related high P/T metamorphism in the early Cretaceous, which is well preserved in continental material such as the Sesia-Lanzo and the Penninic Internal Crystalline Massifs; (ii) a second high P/T metamorphic event in the Eocene, which is recognized in the ophiolites and calcschists of the Mesozoic Tethys; and (iii) medium P/T metamorphism, in which both types of high P/T metamorphic rocks were variably reset by Oligocene thermal events. Due to the mixture of minerals formed in the three metamorphic events, there is a possibility that almost all geochronological data reported from the Alpine metamorphic belt show mixed ages. Early Cretaceous subduction of a Tethyan mid-ocean ridge and Eocene continental collision triggered off the exhumation of the high pressure rocks.  相似文献   
K-Ar Dating of Fault Gouges from the Red River Fault Zone of Vietnam   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Constraining the timing of fault zone formation is fundamentally important in terms of geotectonics to understand structural evolution and brittle fault processes.This paper presents the first authigenic illite K-Ar age data from fault gouge samples collected from the Red River Shear Zone at Lao Cai province,Vietnam.The fault gouge samples were separated into three grain-size fractions(0.1 μm,0.1-0.4 μm and 0.4-1.0 μm).The results show that the K-Ar age values decrease from coarser to finer grain fractions(24.1 to 19.2 Ma),suggesting enrichment in finer fraction of morerecently grown authigenic illites.The timing of the fault movement are the lower intercept ages at 0%detrital illite(19.2 ± 0.92 Ma and 19.4 ± 0.49 Ma).In combination with previous geochronological data,this result indicates that the metamorphism of the Day Nui Con Voi(DNCV) metamorphic complex took place before ca.26.8 Ma.At about 26.8 Ma-25 Ma,the fault strongly acted to cause the rapid exhumation of the rocks along the Red River-Ailoa Shan Fault Zone(RR-ASFZ).During brittle deformation,the DNCV slowly uplifted,implying weak movement of the fault.This brittle deformation might have lasted for ca.5 Ma.  相似文献   
Abstract K–Ar age determinations were carried out on phengite separates from pelitic schists collected systematically from the Sanbagawa southern marginal belt and the associated area. The petrography and phengite chemistry by electron probe micro-analyzer (EPMA) revealed the existence of detrital white micas in the schist that have an extremely older age (108 Ma) in comparison with the neighboring schists (88 Ma) without any detrital mica. The ages become gradually older from the north ( ca 78 Ma) to the south ( ca 90 Ma) except for some samples that contain detrital micas and/or have been reactivated thermally by intrusives. The age is interpreted as an exhumation-cooling age that has been controlled by the ductile deformation of the host rocks that have never experienced a culmination temperature higher than 350°C which corresponds to the closure temperature of the K–Ar phengite system. The southward aging of the recorded ages in the extensive chlorite zone of the central Shikoku, from the Dozan river area of the north ( ca 65 Ma) to the study area of the south ( ca 85 Ma) through the Asemi river area ( ca 75 Ma), is explained in terms of increasing exhumation/cooling rates of the host rocks from north to south. The phengite K–Ar ages in the pelitic schists from the Kyomizu tectonic zone, which is classically considered as a remarkable thrusting shear zone, have no significant difference in comparison with that of the neighboring schists. This fact suggests that the latest stage of brittle deformation during exhumation/uplift has not significantly affected the ages of phengite in the schists.  相似文献   
The pre-Mesozoic metamorphic belt runs parallel to the Day Nui Con Voi - Red River shear zone in Vietnam to the south. The belt is mainly composed of hornblende gneisses, amphibolite lenses and mica-schists. Five hornblendes from a gneiss and an amphibolite were analyzed chemically and chronologically by Electron Probe Micro Analysis (EPMA) and 40Ar/39Ar methods. EPMA analyses show that hornblendes in the gneiss and the amphibolite have significant amount of edenite component and similar average composition. However, the recalculated Fe3+ content is significantly heterogeneous in a thin section while total Fe is nearly the same among the analyses. The rim of each crystal is higher in Fe3+/(Fe3+ + Fe2+) than the core. These chemical and petrological features suggest that the hornblendes have suffered significant oxidation, in particular, largely in the gneiss.

40Ar/39Ar analyses showed that the gneiss has a significant variation of plateau ages (2089±14, 1977±19 and 1873±13 Ma) among three hornblende grains, whereas the amphibolite gives the same plateau ages (2056±14 and 2044±21 Ma) for two grains. All grains of both samples have excess ages in the first few fractions at low temperatures and partial-loss ages between the excess and plateau spectra. The Ca/K ratios indicate some disturbed phases for the lower temperature spectra but the partial-loss ages are also derived from hornblende phase. These facts suggest that hornblende in the gneiss has experienced partial argon loss by oxidation and/or thermally activated argon diffusion process. However, the gneiss and the associated amphibolite have preserved the early Proterozoic tectono-metamorphic event in the hornblende crystals except for their rims, giving new evidence for the early Proterozoic event within the pre-Mesozoic metamorphic belt (northern Vietnam) south of the Red River shear zone in Indochina.  相似文献   

Metamorphic rocks experience change in the mode of deformation from ductile flow to brittle failure during their exhumation. We investigated the spatial variation of phengite K–Ar ages of pelitic schist of the Sambagawa metamorphic rocks (sensu lato) from the Saruta River area, central Shikoku, to evaluate if those ages are disturbed by faults or not. As a result, we found that these ages change by ca 5 my across the two boundaries between the lower‐garnet and albite–biotite, and the albite–biotite and upper‐garnet zones. These spatial changes in phengite K–Ar ages were perhaps caused by truncation of the metamorphic layers by large‐scale normal faulting at D2 phase under the brittle‐ductile transition conditions (ca 300°C) during exhumation, because an actinolite rock was formed along a fault near the former boundary. Assuming that the horizontal metamorphic layers and a previously estimated exhumation rate of 1 km/my before the D2 phase, the change of 5 my in phengite K–Ar ages is converted to a displacement of about 10 km along the north‐dipping, low‐angle normal fault documented in the previous study. Phengite 40Ar–39Ar ages (ca 85 to 78 Ma) in the actinolite rock could be reasonably comparable to the phengite K–Ar ages of the surrounding non‐faulted pelitic schist, because the K–Ar ages of pelitic schist could have been also reset at temperatures close to the brittle–ductile transition conditions far below the closure temperature for thermal retention of argon in phengite (about 500–600°C).  相似文献   
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