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This study compares the thermal bioclimatic conditions recorded at Bursa (100 m) and Uluda? (1878 m) meteorological stations at 7:00, 14:00 and 21:00 LST (local standard time) between 1975 and 2006, by using the physiologically equivalent temperature (PET), which is calculated from meteorological parameters. The effects of elevation-dependent environmental and atmospheric conditions on thermal perception (i.e., PET) values were analyzed and assessed. The analysis showed that the mean annual difference between PET values in Bursa and Uluda? was 12 ºC. The difference was lower in winter (9 ºC PET) and higher in summer (15 ºC PET). The highest difference between PET values occurred in the afternoon (16 ºC PET) and the lowest difference occurred in the morning (8.4 ºC PET). The differences occur as a result of high altitude and higher surface albedo due to snowfall, which leads to lower PET values and thus to less comfortable thermal conditions. The mean PET values of Bursa and Uluda? decrease 0.67 ºC every 100 m.  相似文献   
Derinkuyu Underground City, located in the Cappadocia Region of Turkey, is an important structure not only for its antique and archaeological characteristics, but also as a structure in terms of the long-term stability of underground rock structures excavated by mankind. The authors carried out some observational, experimental and theoretical rock mechanics studies in the region from 1996 in the context of a research project supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan for the assessment of the long-term behaviour of Derinkuyu Underground City, and these studies are still continuing. In addition to the monitoring of the environmental conditions such as temperature, moisture and air pressure, they also installed acoustic emission (AE) and electrical potential (EP) measurement systems to monitor the behaviour and response of the surrounding rock at the fifth and seventh floors of the underground city. In this article, the geology, seismicity and state of stress of the Cappadocia Region, climatic conditions in the underground city and its vicinity, short- and long-term behaviours of the surrounding rock, its index and mechanical properties, and effects of water content and freezing–thawing processes were investigated. The stability of Derinkuyu Underground City was also evaluated using theoretical and numerical methods, and the results were presented. Furthermore, its implications in modern geoengineering are also discussed.  相似文献   
A new species of eurypterid, Paraeurypterus anatoliensis gen. et sp. nov., is described from the Upper Ordovician (Katian) ?ort Tepe Formation of southeast Turkey. The single specimen, preserving the carapace, mesosoma and fragments of appendages, appears morphologically intermediate between the eurypteroid families Dolichopteridae and Eurypteridae. P. anatoliensis retains the plesiomorphic conditions of crescentic eyes with enlarged palpebral lobes and a quadrate carapace with ornamentation consisting of small pustules but also displaying the derived characteristics of genal facets and a row of large acicular scales across the posterior of each tergite. Phylogenetic analysis incorporating each of the major eurypterine clades and all Eurypterina having a three-segmented genital operculum (the triploperculate condition) resolves eurypteroids to be an unnatural group, with Dolichopteridae and Eurypteridae forming part of a grade leading to diploperculate Eurypterina. P. anatoliensis is intermediate between the two eurypteroid families, as is ‘Eurypterusminor from the Pentland Hills of Scotland, which is shown to be a distinct genus and assigned to Pentlandopterus gen. nov. Using the phylogenetic topology to infer ghost ranges for each of the major eurypterid clades reveals that the majority of eurypterid superfamilies must have originated by the Katian, indicating a largely unsampled record of Ordovician eurypterids. The occurrence of poor dispersers such as Paraeurypterus in the Ordovician of Gondwana is puzzling, and it has been suggested that they dispersed to the continent during periods of sea level lowstand in the Sandbian and Hirnantian, however this does not explain the lack of Ordovician species in North America and Europe, given the well-sampled nature of these continents, and an alternative is proposed whereby eurypterids originated in Gondwana and radiated out to Laurentia and Baltica in the late Ordovician and early Silurian, thus explaining their sudden appearance in the European and North American rock record.  相似文献   
Özgür Kişi 《水文研究》2009,23(25):3583-3597
The accuracy of the wavelet regression (WR) model in monthly streamflow forecasting is investigated in the study. The WR model is improved combining the two methods—the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) model and the linear regression (LR) model—for 1‐month‐ahead streamflow forecasting. In the first part of the study, the results of the WR model are compared with those of the single LR model. Monthly flow data from two stations, Gerdelli Station on Canakdere River and Isakoy Station on Goksudere River, in Eastern Black Sea region of Turkey are used in the study. The comparison results reveal that the WR model could increase the forecast accuracy of the LR model. In the second part of the study, the accuracy of the WR model is compared with those of the artificial neural networks (ANN) and auto‐regressive (AR) models. On the basis of the results, the WR is found to be better than the ANN and AR models in monthly streamflow forecasting. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
M. Afşin 《Environmental Geology》2000,39(10):1190-1196
The main aquifer of the Helvadere springs that emerges on the strike-slip of the Hasanda?? fault set alongside the Tuzgölü (salt lake) fault zone, and trends in a NW–SE direction of Aksaray city, in the western part of Central Anatolia, is the exposed rocks of Hasanda?? which are volcanics that have distinct hydrogeological properties. The meteoric origin of the spring waters is deduced from hydrochemical and environmental isotope (18O, 2H, 3H) studies. The springs have high discharge (Q>100?l/s) and low ion concentrations because of fast circulation along the groundwater flow path in the aquifer. Furthermore, because it has Ca-Na-Mg-HCO3 hydrochemical facies, it conforms to high standards of drinking and irrigation water.  相似文献   
The study is a deterministic-based approach on landslide susceptibility. The purpose of the paper is to create quantitative susceptibility maps by joining the one-dimension infinite slope stability model with a raster-based GIS (ILWIS) and taking into account the spatial distribution of input parameters. A landslide-prone area, with relative homogeneous geology and geomorphology, located in the Subcarpathian sector of the Prahova River, Romania, was selected for the study. There are frequent problems caused by active landslides in the studied area, especially in years with heavy precipitation, often causing destruction of houses and roads situated on the slopes (1992, 1997, and 2005). Detailed surveys covering a 7-year period provided the necessary input data on slope parameters, hydrological components, and the geotechnical background. Two simulations were used: one on dry soil conditions and one on fully saturated soil conditions. A third test was based on the level of the groundwater table mapped in summer 2008. Detailed analyses were particularly focused on landslides to compare predicted results with actual results using field measurements. The model is very suitable for use in raster GIS because it can calculate slope instability on a pixel basis, each raster cell being considered individually. The drawback of the model is the highly detailed data of input parameters. Despite this disadvantage, in conclusion, the usefulness of slope stability models on a large-scale basis was emphasized under infinitely high failure plain conditions and lithological homogeneity.  相似文献   
In this paper the spatial and temporal responses of the Some?u Mic River (Romania) to natural and anthropogenic controls over the past 150 years are analysed, based on a series of morphometric parameters extracted from five successive sets of topographic maps and one set of orthophotos. Prior to the intensive hydrotechnical interventions of the last four decades, the river was characterized by a complex alternation of different channel types, resulting in a mixture of alluvial and mixed sinuous – meandering – sinuous anabranched – meandering anabranched reaches, each a few hundred metres to a few kilometres long. The main cause for this spatial behaviour was the local geology. Its effects were intensified by a larger scale slope, slightly higher than along a longitudinal profile with normal concavity, as a consequence of the presence of a 400 m elevation knick‐point located in the catchment area. A generalized maintenance of river in the floodplain perimeter during the entire interval of study (centennial scale), with local planform adjustments and lack of median scale avulsion in lateral tilting areas and along the anabranched reaches, channel lengthening and meander development during hydrological stable periods and channel shortening and increasing of natural cutoffs during periods with higher incidence of floods (decadal scale), and the incapacity of local morphologic changes resulted from human interventions to completely counterbalance general trends (decadal scale), supports the idea of decreasing the amplitude and frequency of important floods, after the end of the Little Ice Age. Channel metamorphosis by canalization, diminishing/elimination of overflows and medium‐scale avulsions by changes in flow regimes (dams) and the presence of dykes in the floodplain perimeter, channel narrowing (43%) and incision (at least after 1945) downstream from dams, and probably because of in‐channel gravel mining are the main anthropically induced changes along the Some?u Mic River. Even if human impact is important, both at the drainage basin scale and along the Some?u Mic River, it has only local impacts, subordinated to climate. The low level of human impact on this river could be the consequence of the higher general slope downstream from 400 m elevation knick‐point, which probably forces the positioning of its effects under an important internal threshold of the fluvial system. This boundary condition defines Some?u Mic River as an atypical river. This study supports the idea that climate has a more important role in the post‐Little Ice Age (LIA) rivers' behaviour than currently accepted. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Early Miocene (ca.?21–18 Ma) volcanism in the Karacada? area comprises three groups of volcanic rocks: (1) calcalkaline suite (andesitic to rhyolitic lavas and their pyroclastics), (2) mildly-alkaline suite (alkali basalt, hawaiite, mugearite, benmoreite and trachydacite), and (3) a single trachyandesitic flow unit. Field observations, 40Ar/39Ar ages and geochemical data show that there was a progressive temporal transition from group 1 to 3 in a post-collisional tectonic setting. The calcalkaline suite rocks with medium-K in composition resemble those of subduction-related lavas, whereas the mildly-alkaline suite rocks having a sodic tendency (Na2O/K2O=1.5–3.2) resemble those of within-plate lavas. Incompatible element and Sr-Nd isotopic characteristics of the suites suggest that the lithospheric mantle beneath the Karacada? area was heterogeneously enriched by two processes before collision: (1) enrichment by subduction-related processes, which is important in the genesis of the calcalkaline volcanism, (2) enrichment by small degree melts from the astenosphere, which dominates the mildly alkaline volcanism. Perturbation of the enriched lithosphere by either delamination following collision and uplift or removal of the subducted slab following subduction and collision (i.e., slab breakoff) is the likely mechanism for the initiation of the post-collision volcanism.  相似文献   
Levent Altaş 《Solar physics》1994,151(1):169-176
The distribution of spotless flares (SFs) covering the time interval between 1947 and 1990 was investigated. The (11 – 20°) latitude zone was found as the most prolific region for the occurrence of SFs. The longitudinal distribution of SFs occurred most frequently at six or more places on the solar surface. In addition, the asymmetry of SF activity on the solar disk was also studied in this paper. The variation of the asymmetry was compared with other solar activity manifestations. The existence of secondary maxima of SFs appears to be an important result of our analysis. A one-year shift was found when the number of events was plotted versus the year.  相似文献   
The necessity of estimating the degree and spatial extent of positive impacts with regard to protecting communities and properties through potential flood control projects can be considered one of the main reasons for performing flood modeling. This paper presents an overall systematic approach based on the simulation of some extreme event conditions, using a hydrological model to generate the resulting river flows and then using a hydraulic modeling exercise to decide upon floodplain evolution in the case-study area, Bostanli river basin, which has been under the threat of flooding for many years. The potential serviceability of the planned Bostanli Dam in the study area was examined by using the HEC-HMS and HEC-RAS modeling tools, both integrated with GIS functions for spatial operations. The results indicate that the dam construction as planned would have a somewhat positive impact as a potential flood control measure, since it seems to decrease the flood peaks of 68.9 and 158.7 m3/s (that would potentially be generated by 100- and 500-year storm events under current conditions) to 65.5 and 150.7 m3/s (when the dam is in operation), respectively. However, this seems to contribute little to the overall flood mitigation performance in the basin.  相似文献   
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