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There are many large-scale Cenozoic sedimentary basins with plentiful river deltas, deep-water fans and carbonate platforms in the southern South China Sea. The Crocker Fan was deposited as a typical submarine fan during the late Eocene–early Miocene, and stretches extensively across the entire Sarawak–Sabah of the northern Borneo area. However, systematic analyses are still lacking regarding its sediment composition and potential source suppliers. No consensus has been reached yet on the provenance evolution and sedimentary infilling processes, which seriously impeded the oil-and-gas exploration undertakings. By combining with sedimentary-facies identification, heavy mineral assemblages, elemental geochemistry and detrital zircon U-Pb dating, this paper aims to generalize an integrated analysis on the potential provenance terranes and restore source-to-sink pathways of the Crocker Fan. In general, the Crocker Fan was initially formed over the Cretaceous–lower/middle Eocene Rajang Group by an angular Rajang unconformity. The continual southward subduction of the proto-South China Sea resulted in magmatic activities and subsequent regional deformation and thrusting along the Lupar Line in the northern Borneo. The lowermost Crocker sequence is featured by a thick conglomerate layer sourced from in-situ or adjacent paleo-uplifts. From the late Eocene to the early Miocene, the Crocker Fan was constantly delivered with voluminous detritus from the Malay Peninsula of the western Sundaland. The Zengmu Basin was widely deposited with delta plain and neritic facies sediments, while the Brunei-Sabah Basin, to the farther east, was ubiquitously characterized by turbiditic sequences. The Crocker Fan successions are overall thick layers of modest-grained sandstones, which formed high-quality reservoirs in the southern South China Sea region.  相似文献   
副渔获物对渔业资源的影响及其减少方法的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于渔具不同的选择性和多鱼种鱼类共栖 ,人们在对目标种类进行捕捞时 ,不可避免地产生副渔获物及其抛弃。由于渔业资源的下降和人们对海洋环境保护意识的加强 ,副渔获物及其抛弃问题日益成为人们关注的焦点。本文对世界范围内的渔业活动所产生的副渔获物进行分析 ,根据副渔获物的种类、被抛弃情况和原因以及对渔业资源的影响 ,提出了减少副渔获物和抛弃的方法。  相似文献   
晚中生代─新生代南海周缘地块运动与南海演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了由华南几个盆地的古地磁数据综合而得的反映该区白垩纪以来古纬度变化曲线,结合Schmidtke等(1990)发表的加里曼丹150Ma以来的古地磁数据,表明华南与加里曼丹在40Ma前具有大致相同的古纬度变化史,差异仅出现在距今30Ma前后和10Ma以来。若此趋势可靠,则可作出下列推断:(1)南海的扩张只能发生在距今30Ma附近或10Ma以后华南与加里曼丹反向运动时期;距今30Ma的扩张已被广为接受;(2)华南与加里曼丹之向可能存在的古南海只能在91Ma之前存在;(3)南海演化可能存在两期扩张。南海的拟合可通过沿3500m等深线的先道时针旋转、后北向平移两个步骤完成。这与Hayashida等(1991)提出的日本海张开与扩张模式很相似,提示东亚边缘海的形成和演化可能具有同样的机制。华南距今50Ma以来的古纬度变化与Tapponnier(1982)的传播挤出构造模式所预期的基本吻合,表明距今50Ma以来华南古纬度变化的运动学机制可用Tapponnier模式作解释。  相似文献   
本研究初步评价CHIMEHERB人工皮的治疗效果.74例,105个创面应用人工皮:供皮区47个创面,愈合时间平均为9±1.94d(天),油纱布对照为11.7±1.93d(P<0.01);14个浅Ⅱ°新鲜创面,70%在3~5d内逐渐干燥与创面紧密粘附,平均愈合时间为9.8±3.09d;11个存留上皮组织的削痂深Ⅱ°创面,平均5.7±1.7d干燥,平均愈合时间为10.55±3.09d,不需植自体皮;8个削痂刨面至脂肪组织或切痂创面4~9d更植自体皮,其存活率近乎100%,2个创面因残留坏死组织而失败;人工皮应用于16个自体皮间隙创面,除三个网状植皮和一个条状植皮创面失败外,所植自体皮都在人工皮下扩展融合,未观察到占位现象;对后期残余小创面有良好的效果.本研究结果提示人工皮对创面愈合具有有利影响.主要适用于供皮区、浅Ⅱ°新鲜创面、深Ⅱ°脱痂和削痂后存留上皮组织较多的创面、自体皮间隙创面和后期残余小创面,不适宜于深Ⅲ°新鲜创面.  相似文献   
A simple three-dimensional tidal model is used to examine the M2 tidal current distribution in a northeastern part of the East China Sea, especially the vertical variation of the current in the region. Computed M2 current is compared with observations available and found to be in good agreement.Main features of the calculating method in this study are: (1) Vertical variation of the tidal current is taken as a funetion of the depth-mean velocity: (2) the method is applicable to a variety of the vertical eddy viscosities; (3) it has a fine vertical resolution, especially near the sea bootom. So, this method not only enables us to get a steady state solution easily but also depicts effects of the friction on the vertical variation of the current much better.  相似文献   
提出了海洋监测即时服务的框架,并对该框架下的海洋监测即时服务应用系统的设计概要、系统组成和功能做了介绍。依据该框架研发即时服务应用系统在多个台站和终端用户得到应用,系统运行良好,为海洋监测信息的即时服务提供了保障。  相似文献   
河口大型滩涂演化关系到航运通畅、生态保护以及近岸工程的安全性,是地貌学和工程界关注的热点。利用单波束测深系统对长江口崇明东滩进行高精度监测,并结合近年来周围环境因素分析其冲淤格局。结果表明:(1) 2011-2017年间崇明东滩和北港北沙基本以淤积为主,北港北汊河槽中央局部形成-2 m心滩,-5 m等深线包络面积基本稳定,整体呈"长高不长大"的格局;(2)海洋来沙是其淤积的主要物源,汊道涨落潮时空分异而形成的两大环流是塑造此地形的主要原因;崇明东滩和北港北沙的淤积直接挤压北港北汊的发展,沙体淤积可能会引起未来两大沙体的并靠;(3)崇明东滩、北支南沿的滩涂整治工程是促进北支萎缩和崇明东滩淤积的重要因素,另外横沙通道落潮分流增加,青草沙围水工程改变了北港河槽的曲率,也有利于北港北沙的淤积。  相似文献   

Compared with traditional methods, the three-dimensional laser-scanning (3D-LS) technique can efficiently acquire many high-quality geometric properties of rock discontinuities. In practice, engineers usually prefer to simplify the processing by using single-station point data and roughly orienting owing to the complexity of registration/georeferencing multi-station point data. However, prior published studies have paid little attention to the accuracy and reliability when determining discontinuity orientations using 3D-LS. We propose a reliable and accurate method with robust on-site applicability. As part of an ongoing effort, we are evaluating the precision of the commonly used coarse registration method and the fine registration method, and promoted the optimized coarse- and fine-registration methods and evaluated their precision. It is found that: (1) the common and the optimized registration method can meet our project’s engineering requirements, and the optimized registration method improved accuracy in the dip direction by approximately 1°; (2) fine registration using an iterative closest point (ICP) algorithm can correct both dip direction and dip angle; and (3) the orientation is of high precision with commonly used coarse and fine registration, whereas the optimization effect to correct the orientation is slightly limited.  相似文献   
茶皂素对几种鱼类和对虾的毒性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本研究以茶皂素类作为“清池剂”,试图解决对虾养殖的基础和应用技术问题。试验结果表明:对虾对茶皂素和油茶皂素有较高的耐受力;茶皂素与油茶皂素均具鱼毒活性,油茶皂素则较强。鱼种不同,中毒反应也略有差异;两种茶皂素的鱼毒速度快,在致死浓度时16h内出现中毒死亡,毒性降解也快,浓度为5×10~(-6)时40h后不再引起鱼类中毒。  相似文献   
As part of the environmental characterization to model acoustic bottom scattering during the high-frequency sediment acoustics experiment (SAX99), fine-scale sediment roughness of a medium sand was successfully measured within a 600 /spl times/ 600-m area by two methods: stereo photography and a technique using a conductivity system. Areal coverage of the two methods, representing approximately 0.16 m/sup 2/ of the sea floor, was comparable, resulting in the depiction and quantification of half-meter wavelength sand ripples. Photogrammetric results were restricted to profiles digitized at 1-mm intervals; sediment conductivity results generated gridded micro-bathymetric measurements with 1- to 2-cm node spacing. Roughness power spectra give similar results in the low-spatial-frequency domains where the spectra estimated from both approaches overlap. However, spectra derived from higher resolution photogrammetric results appear to exhibit a multiple-power-law fit. Roughness measurements also indicate that spectrum changes as a function of time. Application of statistical confidence bounds on the power spectra indicates that roughness measurements separated by only 1-2 m may be spatially nonstationary.  相似文献   
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