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We isolated 4 Norwalk-like viruses (NLVs) contaminated oysters from 33 Chinese oysters collected from local commer-cial sources of Shandong Province. After amplification of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) region of NLVs genomes with RT-PCR, the open reading frame 1 (ORF1) of the RdRp was sequenced and subjected to multiple-sequence alignment. The re-suits showed that NLVs in the four isolates belong to genogroup Ⅱ. The sequence comparison showed that the similarity between four Chinese oyster isolates were higher than 99.0%, which indicated that NLVs prevalent in close areas have high homogeneity in genome sequences. In addition, the most conserved sequences between diverse NLVs were used to design primers and TaqMan probes, then the real-time quantitative PCR assay was performed. According to the standard curve of GII NLVs, the original amounts (copies) of NLVs in positive patient's fecal isolate, positive Japanese oyster isolate, and the Chinese oyster isolate were 8.9×108, 1.25×108 and 4.7×101 respectively. The detecting limit of NLVs was 1×101 copies. This study will be helpful for routine diagnosis of NLVs pathogens in foods and thus for avoiding food poisoning in the future.  相似文献   
东海东北部春季若干重要水文结构的分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
本文主要基于韩国海洋研究所在东海沿岸海洋过程试验中收集的CTD资料,分析了1995年春季出现在东海东北部的一些重要水文结构。结果表明,一种锋涡状结构出现在黑潮向东转折点附近。它不仅使邻近海域的水文结构变得更复杂,而且诱发黑潮水与陆架水间活跃的交换。在陆架坡折处观测到若干孤立的陆架水块,可能是锋涡的卷挟作用所致;该海域存在4个水团,即黑潮水、对马暖流水、陆架水和混合水。对马暖流水分为上下两层:上层水为变性黑潮水,盐度比黑潮水约低0.1,底层对马暖流水仅位于冲绳海槽区,并有着与黑潮中层水相同的温、盐特性;一种双锋结构出现在邻近黑潮的陆架边缘附近。在内陆架形成的陆架锋,由北向南伸展时,愈来愈偏向陆架边缘。而黑潮锋沿九州以西深槽的陆架边缘向北伸展。在黑潮转折点附近,两锋几乎合并为一条锋。狭窄的锋带由黑潮水及其变性水和陆架水的混合水所占据。  相似文献   
利用电子显微探针元素分析技术(EPMA)对黄海南部野生银鲳和鮸鱼的耳石进行了锶和钙沉积特征的初步分析。定量线分析结果表明,两种鱼类耳石的Sr/Ca之间存在显著的种间差异。银鲳耳石Sr/Ca比,在耳石核心及相邻处为低值区(5.86±0.92);3段Sr/Ca高值区分别为近核心部(7.88±1.28)、第1龄处(9.44±1.82)及耳石边缘(7.91±1.38);揭示银鲳孵化和早期发育应需要盐度适中的生境,当龄鱼在后期的生长中需洄游经过两段高盐生境(其中之一在第1龄时)。鮸鱼耳石Sr/Ca比波动表现为耳石核心处(7.72±0.97)高于其余部分,反映了鮸鱼孵化及初期发育阶段可能生活在高盐度生境,而当龄鱼随后阶段的生长和发育过程则会洄游至盐度有所降低的生境中进行。  相似文献   
利用南海周边1989-2014年的潮汐资料和GPS长期观测资料,分析了南海周边相对海平面变化特征,以及2004年苏门答腊地震对该区域相对海平面变化的影响。研究结果表明,南海周边的相对海平面变化以上升为主,平均上升速率(4.53±0.20) mm/a,高于全球平均速率,且2004年后上升趋势加剧;南海周边相对海平面呈现6类较典型的变化特征,并存在与板块构造相对应的分区聚集现象,形成了中国东南和越南沿海、马来半岛、加里曼丹岛北部、菲律宾群岛等4个变化特征区。受2004年苏门答腊大地震的影响,马来半岛、南沙和西沙海域的地壳形变由上升趋势转为下沉,加剧了相对海平面的上升;中国东南沿海和菲律宾群岛受地震影响较小;越南沿海和加里曼丹岛北部区域的地震影响还有待进一步研究。  相似文献   
以苜蓿转化细胞系和对照细胞系为材料 ,利用同位素标志方法研究了 3种大分子物质——DNA、RNA和蛋白质的合成动态。结果表明 ,与对照细胞系相比 ,转化细胞系的生长速度明显加快 ,DNA、RNA和蛋白质的合成旺盛 ,合成速度显著提高。同时 ,转化细胞系 DNA、RNA和蛋白质出现最大合成速度的时间均相应地延迟。  相似文献   
据统计,我国近岸70%以上海底光缆失效是遭受了渔船拖网作业或抛锚等活动的破坏。维护损坏的海底光缆,首先需要快速准确地定位光缆损坏段,同时获取光缆在海床上的布设状态以及布设区域的海床地形特征、地貌与底质特征等信息。在实际工作中,复杂的海床环境为海底光缆的检修及维护带来巨大的技术困难。围绕海底光缆巡检的技术需求,系统分析了常规海底光缆检测技术的特点,基于国内外水下无人机器人的发展现状,为提高海底光缆的检测效率、识别准确率和智能化水平提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   
北黄海海底麻坑群形态的定量研究及控制因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于高分辨率多波束水深数据和反向散射强度数据,对北黄海海底麻坑群的形态参数进行定量研究,结合水深、地形坡度和后向散射强度的变化准确界定了麻坑的轮廓,识别出圆形、椭圆形、拉长型麻坑共282个,并在ArcGIS软件中对其形态参数进行了分析计算,麻坑的平均长轴1.36 km,短轴0.78 km,直径0.94 km,面积0.88 km2,平均周长3.82 km,长宽比1.83,深度0.3~2.5 m,平均面积密集度13%,麻坑的剖面形态有麻坑边缘凹陷、中部有明显凸起(W1型),麻坑边缘凹陷、中部略凸起(W2型),麻坑中部单纯凹陷(V型),分别集中分布在麻坑群的北部、南部、西部。麻坑的平面规模大、深度小的原因与地层中形成麻坑的游离气体浓度较小有关,也可能受到了地震、海啸等外力的诱发。麻坑的长轴优势走向为ENE-WSW、NNE-SSW,底流对其形状的塑造起了较大作用,部分麻坑成串排列,形成串珠状的麻坑链,其排列方式受到海底古河道、古潟湖等沉积地层结构的控制。海底麻坑群发育区反向散射强度为-60~-71 dB,麻坑内部较麻坑外部平均高5 dB,可能为麻坑内部气体泄漏引起海底沉积物被剥蚀后残留下的粗颗粒物质或海底生物活动留下的遗迹导致的。  相似文献   
The spatio-temporal patterns of macrofaunal fouling assemblages were quantitatively investigated in the nearshore waters of the South China Sea. The work was undertaken by deploying seasonal panels at two sites (H-site, L-site) for one year, and the fouling communities on the panels were examined and analyzed. The results indicated that species composition of assemblages was obviously different between the two sites. At both sites the assemblages were characteristic with solitary dominant species throughout the year, with Amphibalanus reticulates dominating at H-site and Hydroides elegans at L-site. Shannon index and biomass of the assemblages varied with depth and season at both sites. At H-site the total biomass in summer and autumn were significantly higher than those in spring and winter, while at L-site the assemblage biomass also differed significantly among the four seasons, and the greatest biomass occurred at the depth of 2.0 m in winter. The abundance of all seasonal samples in non-metric multidimensional scaling was clustered as one group at L-site and three groups at H-site. The environmental factors were more likely to be related to the variation of fouling assemblages. Furthermore, it also suggests that in tropical seas the integrated adaptability would qualify a species for dominating a fouling assemblage despite its short life cycle, rather than the usually assumed only species with long life span. This study reveals the complexity and characteristic dynamics of macrofaunal fouling assemblages in the tropical habitats, and the results would provide valuable knowledge for biodiversity and antifouling research.  相似文献   
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