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Black Sea coast line is a hazardous region especially in winter due to the dominant wave action. Therefore, rubble mound breakwaters protected with armourstone used as ship shelters are vital structures especially for the fishermen. The deterioration of the armourstone with time in the form of abrasion and disintegration may result in the failure of the breakwater. In this study, the properties of the armourstone taken from an andesite quarry and used in the Hisarönü rubble mound breakwater were studied both in field and laboratory in order to assess their qualities and long-term durabilities. Based on the in situ observations and laboratory tests, the andesite is found to be generally marginal rock. CIRIA/CUR, RDIs, RERS and Wet-Dry strength ratio classifications are in good agreement with the in situ observations and the results of the laboratory tests. However, RDId, Average Pore Diameter and Saturation Coefficient classifications cannot correctly predict long-term durability of the armourstone. Field studies reveal that block size of the andesite in the quarry increases with depth due to the increase in spacing of the cooling joints of the rock.  相似文献   
Calc-alkaline and alkaline intrusions of the late Neoproterozic form essential part of the Arabian–Nubian Shield. They were formed during the collision between East- and West-Gondwana. Sharm El-Sheikh area, Sinai, includes wide compositional array of these intrusions that can be considered as a case study. Variations in both tectonic and thermobarometric condition for granitic intrusions are studied. Four mappable granitic types are recognized namely monzogranite, syenogranite, alkali feldspar granites, and riebeckite-bearing granites. The monzogranite and the syenogranite of the study area are mostly I-type, whereas the alkali feldspar granite and the riebeckite-bearing granite belong to A-type granitoid. The calc-alkaline intrusions were formed in compressional setting due to decompressional melting of mafic lower crust. Partial melting and anatexing of crustal rocks are suggested to explain the protolith of the alkaline intrusions. The transition from the calc-alkaline magma to the alkaline one occurred as a result of the tectonic transition from compression regime to tectonic relaxation (extension setting) during the last stage of the Pan-African Orogeny. The amphiboles of the studied granites are classified as calcic- and alkali-amphiboles. The calcic-amphiboles are ferro-edenite while the alkali-amphiboles are typically riebeckite. Both amphibole types are of magmatic nature. Coexisting amphiboles and plagioclases are used to estimate the physicochemical parameters of magma crystallization. The syenogranite underwent temperature and pressure of formation range of 520–730 °C, <3 kbar. The alkali feldspar granite records 450–830 °C, <4 kbar, while the riebeckite-bearing granite records the lowest temperature condition among all varieties and estimate formation at 350–650 °C, <4 kbar.  相似文献   
The Cappadocia Region of Central Anatolia having a very distinct culture is one of the attractive touristic sites of Turkey due to its spectacular and unique landforms and historical heritages. In this region, the structures carved into thick to massive tuffs survived and kept their original integrity for a number of centuries. Environmental and anthropological factors at the Cappadocia Region have been the main reasons for extensive subsurface and multi-purpose use in the past and present. In addition, thermal insulation properties of the tuffs make these rocks suitable for use in underground openings. The Kayakapi Neighborhood, located in the town of Urgüp, is one of the famous historical sites. This site is situated within the “Göreme National Park and the Rock Sites of Cappadocia” which was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1985. In order to develop the tourism potential of this abandoned site while preserving its cultural and natural values, a natural environmental conservation and revitalization project was initiated. As an integral part of this project, in this study, environmental and engineering geological problems, including rock fall potential and stability of about 1,200 rock-hewn structures, were investigated and an inventory was prepared for the possible re-use of the underground openings and other structures at the site, and remedial measures were recommended. The assessments based on observations and experimental studies indicated that the tuffs do not show significant changes both perpendicular and parallel to layering, and discontinuities and rock weathering seem to be more important factors controlling the stability of rock-hewn structures. The major stability problems threatening the re-use of the openings are structurally-controlled block instabilities, overbreaks, and erosion and shearing of the pillars made of tuff. On the other hand, the area at the entrance of the site requires some protection measures such as the construction of a retaining wall, systematic bolting of rock slabs and removal of some blocks having rock fall potential. The inventory for the openings suggests that there are a number of openings that can be re-used after necessary remedial measures.  相似文献   
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987112001569   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The southeastern Anatolia comprises numbers of tectono-magmatic/stratigraphic units such as the metamorphic massifs,the ophiolites,the volcanic arc units and the granitoid rocks.All of them play important role for the late Cretaceous evolution of the southern Neotethys.The spatial and temporal relations of these units suggest the progressive development of coeval magmatism and thrusting during the late Cretaceous northward subduction/accretion.Our new U-Pb zircon data from the rhyolitic rocks of the wide-spread volcanic arc unit show ages of(83.1±2.2)-(74.6±4.4) Ma. Comparison of the ophiolites,the volcanic arc units and the granitoids suggest following late Cretaceous geological evolution.The ophiolites formed in a suprasubduction zone(SSZ) setting as a result of northward intra-oceanic subduction.A wide-spread island-arc tholeiitic volcanic unit developed on the top of the SSZ-type crust during 83-75 Ma.Related to regional plate convergence, northward under-thrusting of SSZ-type ophiolites and volcanic arc units was initiated beneath the Tauride platform(Malatya-Keban) and followed by the intrusion of l-type calc-alkaline volcanic arc granitoids during 84-82 Ma.New U-Pb ages from the arc-related volcanic-sedimentary unit and granitoids indicate that under-thrusting of ophiolites together with the arc-related units beneath the Malatya-Keban platform took place soon after the initiation of the volcanic arc on the top of the SSZtype crust.Then the arc-related volcanic-sedimentary unit continued its development and lasted at~75 Ma until the deposition of the late Campanian—Maastrichtian shallow marine limestone.The subduction trench eventually collided with the Bitlis-Ptrge massif giving rise to HP-IT metamorphism of the Bitlis massif.Although the development of the volcanic arc units and the granitoids were coeval at the initial stage of the subduction/accretion both tectono-magmatic units were genetically different from each other.  相似文献   
Cut slopes are prone to fail due to the disturbance on original geometry and strength. In addition, because of these disturbances and stress relief, natural apertures which increase the weathering effects widen in engineering time. Owing to these reasons, slope stability assessment has a prominent role on these road cuts. Generally, slope stabilities are assessed by deterministic approaches with a significant engineering judgment. Because of this reason the reputation of probabilistic approaches is increasing. In this study, 20 road cuts located in North West Black Sea region of Turkey were evaluated using slope stability probability classification (SSPC). Considering this probabilistic approach, rock strength parameters and failure mechanisms were determined. Furthermore, slope mass rating (SMR) classification was applied for each road cut in order to compare with the results obtained from SSPC. These overall results were then evaluated with the field observations considering rockslope deterioration assessment (RDA) and Falling Rock Hazard Index (FRHI) for the disturbed/weathered zones, and failure mechanisms. According to these, SSPC is found to be more accurate for surficial degradations (raveling and fall) using samples taken from the disturbed/weathered zones rather than using relatively fresh samples beyond the disturbed zone. Moreover, despite strength differences between weathered and relatively fresh zones, SMR classification is identified to reveal the same stable probabilities. It is found that SSPC shows more detailed probabilistic results than SMR. Lastly, rockfall and raveling mechanisms determined by RDA and rockfall risk by FRHI were found to be coherent with SSPC and field observations.  相似文献   
Quantification of weathering depths in slightly weathered tuffs   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Slightly weathered white and pink tuffs of Midas monument have deterioration problems. In this study, depths of the weathering zones developed in the tuffs are investigated through optical microscopy, XRD, chemical analyses, SEM and some index parameters. By examining quantitative weathering indices and comparing them with thin section studies, it is found that thin section analyses of the phenocrysts, LoI and WPI are good indicators to quantify the depth of weathering for the tuffs. However, thin section studies have limited value for fine-grained tuffaceous matrix. The chemical weathering of the tuffs produces weathered zones that are 4.5 cm thick within the white tuff and 2.5 cm thick within the pink tuff. Physical weathering causes fracturing of feldspars along their cleavage planes. Variations of the index properties of the tuffs caused by weathering are not significant enough to quantify the weathering depths in the tuffs.  相似文献   
The Tekkeda? volcanic complex, which extends as a ridge in the direction of NW–SE, is one of the poorly known volcanic centers and is exposed to the southwest of Kayseri located within the Central Anatolian Volcanic Province (CAVP) of Turkey. The mineralogical composition of Tekkeda? volcanics reveals an assemblage of plagioclase (labradorite, bytownite)+pyroxene (augite, diopside and enstatite)+Fe–Ti oxide (magnetite, rutile)±olivine (forsterite) mineral composition having hypocrystaline porphryric, hypohyaline porphryric, gleomeroporphryric and seriate textures under the microscope. Confocal Raman Spectroscopy (CRS) has been used to define the mineral types. Tekkeda? volcanics have medium K2O contents and are calc-alkaline in character. Geochemically, Tekkeda? volcanics show a narrow range of major element compositions and are classified as augite andesite/basaltic andesite. On the variation diagrams based on MgO versus major and trace elements, they show good positive and negative correlations, indicating fractional crystallization of plagioclase, clinopyroxene and Fe–Ti oxide. Tekkeda? volcanics display enrichment in large-ion lithophile elements (LILEs) relative to high field-strength elements (HFSEs) in chondrite, MORB, E-MORB and lower crust normalized multi-element diagrams. In all normalized multi-element diagrams, the trace element patterns of all samples are similar in shape and exhibit depletions in Ba, Nb, P and Ti as characteristics of subduction-related magmas. Rare earth element (REE) patterns for Tekkeda? volcanics show REE enrichment with respect to chondrite values. They exhibit marked enrichment in light rare earth elements (LREEs) ((La/Sm)N=4.13–4.62) relative to heavy rare earth elements (HREEs) ((Sm/Lu)N=1.34–1.92). Furthermore, all samples have negative Eu anomalies ((Eu/Eu*)N=0.77–0.90), indicating the significant role of plagioclase in the fractional crystallization. Elemental ratios such as K/P (15.46–21.69), La/Nb (2.01–4.26), Rb/Nb (8.74–10.59), Ba/Nb (38.54–75.77), Nb/Ta (1.16–2.14), Ce/P (2.13–4.32) and Th/U (1.77–3.97) propose that the magma was subjected to conceivable crustal contamination during the evolution of these Tekkeda? volcanics. This statement is supported by the AFC modeling based on the trace elements. As a result, despite the lack of isotopic data, the petrographic and geochemical results suggest a significant role of plagioclase, clinopyroxene and Fe–Ti oxide fractionation during the evolution of the Volcanic Arc Basalts (VAB) nature of the Tekkeda? volcanics. Furthermore, these results reveal that the volcanics of Tekkeda? were produced from a parental magma derived from an enriched source of mixed subduction and/or crustal products.  相似文献   
A new natural gas pipeline with a 0.90-m diameter is under construction to provide a gas connection between Turkey and Greece as well as to create a gas ring for southern Europe. The new pipeline route lies next to an existing small diameter gas pipeline broken by a landslide that occurred in February 2006 near Karacabey (Bursa). Although the existing pipeline has been temporarily repaired, either the pipeline route should be relocated or the landslide should be stabilized. The geological survey conducted in the study area reveals that relocation is not feasible due to the existence of other landslides in close vicinity to the site. In order to investigate the causes of the landslide and to suggest possible remedial measures, geotechnical investigations including surface geological mapping, trial pitting, drilling with field tests, inclinometer measurements, laboratory testing, and limit equilibrium analyses were conducted. The investigation revealed that the unconsolidated clayey soil slid on claystone along a non-circular failure surface. Based on the gathered data, possible remedial measures including partial removal of landslide material and construction of toe buttresses, slope flattening, lowering the pipeline, and surface drainage systems were evaluated. These are suggested to prevent the reactivation of the landslide, and thus to establish a safe route for both the existing and the new pipelines.  相似文献   
Deterioration mechanisms of tuffs in Midas monument   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Slightly weathered white and pink tuffs of the Midas monument have deterioration problems. In this study, depths and characteristics of the weathering zones developed within the tuffs are investigated through optical microscopy, X-ray diffractometry (XRD), chemical analyses, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and some index parameters. Accelerated weathering tests including wetting–drying, freezing–thawing and salt crystallization are performed, and durability assessment methods are used to predict the durabilities of the tuffs. The findings are compared with field observations. By examining quantitative weathering indices and comparing them with thin section studies, it is found that thin section analyses of the crystals, LoI, and WPI are good indicators to quantify the depth of weathering for the tuffs. However, thin section studies have limited value for fine-grained tuffaceous matrix. The chemical weathering of the tuffs produces weathered zones that are 4.5-cm thick within the white tuff and 2.5-cm thick within the pink tuff. Physical weathering causes scaling of outer layers of the tuffs and fracturing of feldspars along their cleavage planes. However, variations of the index properties of the tuffs due to weathering are not so significant to quantify the weathering depths in the tuffs. Among the accelerated weathering tests, salt crystallization is found to be the most destructive environmental condition. Pigeon droppings rich in NO31− are found to be the main source of soluble salt at the Midas monument. The salt transported up by capillary rise due to surface water causes spalling of the tuffs in the capillary zone. Surface water and salt of any kind in the close vicinity of the monument should be totally eliminated for the purpose of conservation. Field observations and the durability equations reveal that the white tuff is less durable than the pink tuff. Wet-to-dry strength ratio yields a better stone durability assessment among various durability methods used in this study.  相似文献   
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