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The northern Fossa Magna (NFM) basin is a Miocene rift system produced in the final stages of the opening of the Sea of Japan. It divides the major structure of Japan into two regions, with north-trending geological structures to the NE of the basin and EW trending structures to the west of the basin. The Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line (ISTL) bounds the western part of the northern Fossa Magna and forms an active fault system that displays one of the largest slip rates (4–9 mm/year) in the Japanese islands. Deep seismic reflection and refraction/wide-angle reflection profiling were undertaken in 2002 across the northern part of ISTL in order to delineate structures in the crust, and the deep geometry of the active fault systems. The seismic images are interpreted based on the pattern of reflectors, the surface geology and velocities derived from refraction analysis. The 68-km-long seismic section suggests that the Miocene NFM basin was formed by an east dipping normal fault with a shallow flat segment to 6 km depth and a deeper ramp penetrating to 15 km depth. This low-angle normal fault originated as a comparatively shallow brittle/ductile detachment in a high thermal regime present in the Miocene. The NFM basin was filled by a thick (>6 km) accumulation of sediments. Shortening since the late Neogene is accommodated along NS to NE–SE trending thrust faults that previously accommodated extension and produce fault-related folds on their hanging wall. Based on our balanced geologic cross-section, the total amount of Miocene extension is ca. 42 km and the total amount of late Neogene to Quaternary shortening is ca. 23 km.  相似文献   
Long time behavior of one-dimensional self-gravitating system is numerically investigated. Itinerant behavior among quasiequilibria is discovered, and its origin is clarified. The macroscopic distributions of the quasiquilibria are different from the isothermal distribution, but the transient states, which appears between two successive quasiequilibria, resemble the isothermal distribution. Averaging over the is itinerancy gives approximately the thermal equilibrium. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
A new radio spectropolarimeter for solar radio observation has been developed at Tohoku University and installed on the Iitate Planetary Radio Telescope (IPRT) at the Iitate observatory in Fukushima prefecture, Japan. This system, named AMATERAS (the Assembly of Metric-band Aperture TElescope and Real-time Analysis System), enables us to observe solar radio bursts in the frequency range between 150 and 500 MHz. The minimum detectable flux in the observation frequency range is less than 0.7 SFU with an integration time of 10 ms and a bandwidth of 61 kHz. Both left and right polarization components are simultaneously observed in this system. These specifications are accomplished by combining the large aperture of IPRT with a high-speed digital receiver. Observational data are calibrated and archived soon after the daily observation. The database is available online. The high-sensitivity observational data with the high time and frequency resolutions from AMATERAS will be used to analyze spectral fine structures of solar radio bursts.  相似文献   
Sandy shelf sediments are important elements of clastic sedimentary systems because of their wide distribution in the geological record and their significance as hydrocarbon reservoirs. Although many studies have investigated shelf sediments influenced by waves or tidal currents, little is known about shelf sediments influenced by oceanic currents, particularly their lithofacies characteristics and stratigraphic evolution. This study investigated the stratigraphic evolution of shelf sediments off the Kujukuri strandplain facing the Pacific Ocean, which is influenced by the strong Kuroshio Current. Sediment cores were obtained from six locations on the Kujukuri shelf (34 to 124 m water depth) using a vibrocorer. The dominant lithofacies is mud-free sand with low-angle cross-lamination associated with alternating beds of finer and coarser sand with cross-lamination. These display depositional processes influenced by storm waves and the Kuroshio Current, respectively. This finding is consistent with the previously presented modern and historical observations of the Kuroshio Current and estimates of the storm-wave base. Radiocarbon dates show that the sediment succession formed during the last transgressive and highstand stages after 13·1 ka. The depositional processes during the stages represent a transition from storm waves with abundant sediment supply to both storm waves and the Kuroshio Current with sediment starvation mainly due to its trapping in the strandplain. Comparison to other Holocene–Modern shelf systems suggests that the sandy shelf successions are strongly influenced by oceanic currents under conditions of limited riverine input and open coastal geometry. The resultant sand-dominated succession is characterized by reversal of the proximal to distal grain-size trend compared to the fining for most other recognized wave/storm-dominated shelf successions. This is because of seaward increase in the influence of the Kuroshio Current. Thus, shelf deposits are naturally complex, and these may be further complicated by the additional influence of oceanic currents above the usual wave-dominated and tide-dominated end members.  相似文献   
X-ray diffraction measurements of distorted rutile-type oxyhydroxides β-GaOOH, InOOH, β-CrOOH, and β-CrOOD were taken at a maximum pressure of up to 35 GPa under quasi-hydrostatic conditions, at ambient temperature. Anomalies in the evolution of the relative lattice constants and the axial ratios of β-GaOOH, InOOH, and β-CrOOD suggest anisotropic stiffening along the a- and/or b-axes where the hydrogen bond is formed. The changes were observed at 15 GPa in β-GaOOH and InOOH and at 4 GPa in β-CrOOD. The pressures were higher in oxyhydroxides that have longer O…O distances of the hydrogen bond at ambient pressure. In contrast, such stiffening behavior was not observed in CrOOH, which has a significant short O…O distance and strong hydrogen bond. The stiffening behaviors observed in the present study can be attributed to the symmetrization of the hydrogen bonds in oxyhydroxides, as was previously found in δ-AlOOH(D).  相似文献   
This study aimed to elucidate Dotilla myctiroides (H. Milne-Edwards) food resources and how the soldier crab influences the organic matter composition on the intertidal flat. A preliminary assessment of D. myctiroides size, sex, and population distribution was conducted to clarify the characteristics of the inhabiting population. Overall, D. myctiroides size and abundance was normal across the tidal flat area. Comparison of different sediment types from the soldier crab habitat (surface sediments, igloos, burrow lining, burrow pellets, feeding pellets, and feces) using the fatty acid (FA) analysis technique revealed D. myctiroides removes organic matter via the significantly lower contributions of polyunsaturated FAs, essential FAs, and dinoflagellates in the feeding pellets. Dotilla myctiroides tissue analysis of the hepatopancreas and hindgut in individuals that had been starved for 24 h confirmed not only the consumption of dinoflagellates, but diatoms and macroalgae as well. In addition, the FA metabolism within the digestive system implied the ability of the soldier crab to synthesize highly unsaturated FAs (HUFAs) such as 20:4n–6, 20:5n–3 and 22:6n–3.  相似文献   
A recent observation with the Hipparcos satellite and some numerical simulations imply that the interaction between an oblate halo and a disc is inappropriate for the persistence of galactic warps. Following on from this , we have compared the time evolution of galactic warps in a prolate halo with that in an oblate halo. The haloes were approximated as fixed potentials, while the discs were represented by N -body particles. We have found that the warping in the oblate halo continues to wind up, and finally disappears. On the other hand, for the prolate halo model, the precession rate of the outer disc increases when the precession of the outer disc recedes from that of the inner disc, and vice versa. Consequently, the warping in the prolate halo persisted to the end of the simulation by retaining the alignment of the line of nodes of the warped disc. Therefore, our results suggest that prolate haloes could sustain galactic warps. The physical mechanism of the persistence of warp is discussed on the basis of the torque between a halo and a disc and that between the inner and outer regions of the disc.  相似文献   
Total mass flux, size distribution of sediment particles and some chemical components such as total carbon (TC), total nitrogen (TN) and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) were monitored monthly using a multi-cup sediment traps at seven coral reef sites (6 reef flat and 1 reef slope) of the Marine Protected Areas around Ishigaki, Kohama, Kuroshima and Iriomote Islands in the southern Ryukyus, Japan from September 2000 to September 2001. The size distribution of trapped sediments revealed mostly uni-modal fine sand to mud in the reef flat and gravelly to coarse sand in the reef slope. The total mass flux ranged between 0.54 to 872 gm−2d−1, and showed a pronounced seasonality (high in summer-autumn and low in spring) at each site, which was consistent with the rainfall and typhoon regime. Exceptionally high values were observed on the reef slope (Iriomote) in February–March 2001 (1533 gm−2d−1) owing to a large amount of bottom sediment re-suspension. On the reef flat (Todoroki South and North; Ishigaki), values obtained in July–August 2001 (872 gm−2d−1) and August–September 2001 (800 gm− 2d−1) indicate the high terrestrial discharge from Todoroki River. Trapped sediment particles consist of CaCO3 (1.2–27.1%) and a non-carbonate fraction (98.8–72.9%), which contains total carbon (4.9–26%), carbonate carbon (CO2-C) (0.2–3.1%) and non-carbonate carbon (NC-C) (7.9–25.6%). Total nitrogen content was in the range 0.02–0.48%. TN is contained mainly in the carbonate fraction and NC-C may be contained in the non-carbonate fraction. The low TN/OC ratio of the trapped sediments suggests that they were mostly of terrestrial origin and that both fractions migrated. The high total mass flux derived from Todoroki River exceeded the threshold at which a lethal effect on coral community is caused. The results stress the importance of conducting seasonal studies of sedimentation over more than one year and at more than one location in south Japan coral reef ecosystems to gain an understanding of the processes controlling the total mass fluxes and their nutrients content, also to develop an awareness of how to prevent the damage of coral reef ecosystems and, if it does occur, to allow mitigation measures to be undertaken.  相似文献   
Vibrational density of states of the NaAlSi2O6 jadeite and NaAlSiO4 calcium ferrite (CF)-type, and SiO2 stishovite is calculated as a function of pressure up to 50 GPa using density functional perturbation theory. The calculated frequencies are used to determine the thermal contribution to the Helmholtz free energy within the quasi-harmonic approximation and to derive the equation of state and several thermodynamic properties of interest. A dissociation of jadeite into a mixture of a CF-type phase and stishovite is predicted to occur at 23.4 GPa and 1,800 K with a positive Clapeyron slope of 2.8 MPa/K. Elastic anisotropy for jadeite, the CF-type phase, and stishovite also computed clearly shows that stishovite and the CF-type phase are the most anisotropic and isotropic in these three phases, respectively.  相似文献   
Peptidoglycan (PG) is a biopolymer found exclusively in the cell wall of bacteria. Recent chemical analysis of particulate organic matter suggests that a major amount of the muramic acid, an amino sugar present only in PG, could not be accounted for in terms of bacterial cells (Benner and Kaiser, 2003); however, data on particulate PG is quite sparse. In the present study, conducted in 1996, the PG was examined at 5 sampling sites in the northwestern Pacific Ocean, and in natural seawater cultures. Particulate PG, which was concentrated using a 96-well filtration plate equipped with Durapore filters (pore size, 0.22 μm), was measured by the silkworm larvae plasma (SLP) assay. The PG concentration generally decreased with depth and correlated significantly with bacterial abundance throughout the entire water column. However, the ratio of particulate PG to bacterial abundance varied with depth. The average ratio was 0.61 ± 0.53 (average ± SD, n = 40) between 50 and 2000 m, which agreed with the bacterial cellular PG content from 0.63 to 1.1 fg cell−1 obtained in seawater cultures. On the other hand, the ratios of PG to bacteria from the surface to 50 m (3.7 ± 2.6, n = 29) and below 2,000 m (2.1 ± 1.7, n = 7) were significantly higher than that between 50 and 2,000 m. These results may suggest that, in the surface and deep layers, a significant fraction of particulate PG was present in bacterial detritus, whereas this fraction was reduced in the middle layer.  相似文献   
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