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“环流-天气气候-农业年景”系统模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
汪铎  张镡 《大气科学》1989,13(2):178-184
本文从综合评述近几年国内外在“作物产量-天气气候-环流”方面所做的研究工作出发,针对用气象学方法预报农业产量中存在的一些问题,提出了“环流-天气气候-农业年景”系统模式。分析了系统模式几类尺度和模式的因子,讨论了系统模式的应用价值以及有待澄清的一些现象和问题。  相似文献   
10──20天准双周振荡的经向传播及地理特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用ECMWF1983年7月1日至9月12日逐日200hPa纬向风场资料,用复经验正交方法讨论了10-20天低频振荡的经向传播及地理特征。结果表明:(1)10--2天振荡有三个显著区域:贝加尔湖附近地区;赤道90°E附近以及新加坡、马来西亚地区;80-100°E,22-32°N之间。(2)源于较高纬度地区的振荡与源于赤道附近地区的振荡在105°E,17—23°N附近同位相相遇,在90°E,20°N附近反位相相叠加,振荡相互削弱,在25°N附近同位相相遇。(3)从振荡位相来看,中南半岛东南部、马来西亚北部、菲律宾以西区域的振荡向北传播到中国东南沿海,向西传播到孟加拉湾印度半岛;20°N以南低纬度地区的振荡很少能传播到80°E以东30°N附近地区;位于90-95°E,25-27°N之间的振荡以及贝加尔湖附近地区的振荡可以向南北两个方向传播。  相似文献   
The absorption properties of the water vapor continuum and a number of weak bands for H2O, O2, CO2, CO, N2O, CH4, and O3 in the solar spectrum are incorporated into the Fu-Liou radiation parameterization program by using the correlated k-distribution method (CKD) for the sorting of absorption lines. The overlap absorption of the H2O lines and the H2O continuum (2500-14500 cm-1) are treated by taking the two gases as a single-mixture gas in transmittance calculations. Furthermore, in order to optimize the computation efforts, CO2 and CH4 in the spectral region 2850-5250 cm-1 are taken as a new single-mixture gas as well. For overlap involving other absorption lines in the Fu-Liou spectral bands, the authors adopt the multiplication rule for transmittance computations under which the absorption spectra for two gases are assumed to be uncorrelated. Compared to the line-by-line (LBL) computation, it is shown that the errors in fluxes introduced by these two approaches within the context of the CKD method are small and less than 0.48% for the H2O line and continuum in the 2500-14500 cm-1 solar spectral region, -1% for H2O (line) H2O (continuum) CO2 CH4 in the spectral region 2850-5250 cm-1, and -1.5% for H2O (line) H2O (continuum) O2 in the 7700-14500 cm-1 spectral region. Analysis also demonstrates that the multiplication rule over a spectral interval as wide as 6800 cm-1 can produce acceptable errors with a maximum percentage value of about 2% in reference to the LBL calculation. Addition of the preceding gases increases the absorption of solar radiation under all sky conditions. For clear sky, the increase in instantaneous solar absorption is about 9%-13% (~12 W m~2) among which the H2O continuum produces the largest increase, while the contributions from O2 and CO2 rank second and third, respectively. In cloudy sky, the addition of absorption amounts to about 6-9 W m-2. The new, improved program with the incorporation of the preceding gases produces a smaller solar absorption in clouds due to the reduced solar flux reaching the cloud top.  相似文献   
本文对1972—1978年七年春播期(3月27日—5月10日)500mb亚欧环流形势,应用变K-均值聚类法进行客观分型,共得九型。对它们和春播期四种主要中期天气过程——连阴雨和低温连阴雨、过程性天气、连晴,用对应分析方法数量化。以环流形势与同期的北半球500mb波谱分析中选出的物理量作为因子,对天气过程类型作出了逐步回归和AID聚类的统计推断。 对1979、80年春播期作了预报检验,效果尚好。  相似文献   
为了适应精细化预报和业务管理的发展需求,国家气象中心建设开发了基于Web的国家级天气预报检验分析系统。系统分为预报检验、检验文件解析处理、检验数据查询分析与检验平台管理4个功能模块,关键技术包括标准化的数据管理、开放式的算法模块管理与调度和检验数据的可视化分析。系统建立了规范高效的检验业务数据流程,兼容处理预报分析制作系统(MICAPS)数据、GRIB2数据、城镇报数据、自动气象站数据等其他专业气象数据,涵盖了国家级省级智能网格预报、全国城镇天气预报、定量降水预报、大城市空气质量预报等数十项检验业务产品,给出了空间分布、柱状图及数据表格等展现形式。系统为全国各级预报员、模式开发人员和管理人员提供预报检验反馈信息,为各省以及国家级预报业务考核提供了信息支撑;同时系统提供逐旬、月、年度的智能网格预报以及城镇天气预报的检验结果对比,有力支撑了智能网格预报产品业务研发和业务试验。  相似文献   
贺兰山地区沙尘暴若干问题的观测研究   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:24  
利用贺兰山地区沙尘暴历史资料和综合观测资料 ,对大气背景、浮尘、扬沙和沙尘暴发生期间的大气气溶胶数浓度谱、质量谱、大气总悬浮颗粒 (TSP)及粒径分布、微气象、分光日射观测以及沙尘样品进行中子活化处理 ,分析了该地区浮尘、扬沙和沙尘暴形成规律 ,气候变化特征和贺兰山的影响。并综合研究了沙尘气溶胶尺度谱特征、光学厚度和化学组分等变化特征 ,提出了若干结果。  相似文献   
ZHANG Jie  Zhenglong  LI  Jun  LI  Jinglong  LI 《大气科学进展》2014,31(3):559-569
ABSTRACT Satellite-based observations provide great opportunities for improving weather forecasting. Physical retrieval of atmo spheric profiles from satellite observations is sensitive to the uncertainty of the first guess and other factors. In order to improve the accuracy of the physical retrieval, an ensemble methodology was developed with an emphasis on perturbing the first guess. In the methodology, a normal probability density function (PDF) is used to select the optimal profile from the ensemble retrievals. The ensemble retrieval algorithm contains four steps: (1) regression retrieval for original first guess; (2) perturbation of the original first guess to generate new first guesses (ensemble first guesses); (3) using the ensemble first guesses and nonlinear iterative physical retrieval to generate ensemble physical results; and (4) the final optimal profile is selected from the ensemble physical results by using PDE Temperature eigenvectors (EVs) were used to generate the pertur- bation and generate the ensemble first guess. Compared with the regular temperature profile retrievals from the Atmospheric InfraRed Sounder (AIRS), the ensemble retrievals RMSE of temperature profiles selected by the PDF was reduced between 150 and 320 hPa and below 400 hPa, with a maximum improvement of 0.3 K at 400 hPa. The bias was also reduced in many layers, with a maximum improvement of 0.69 K at 460 hPa. The combined optimal (CombOpt) profile and a mean optimal (MeanOpt) profile of all ensemble physical results were improved below 150 hPa. The MeanOpt profile was better than the CombOpt profile, and was regarded as the final optimal (FinOpt) profile. This study lays the foundation for improving temperature retrievals from hyper-spectral infrared radiance measurements.  相似文献   
定位精度是评价雷电定位网络的重要指标之一,定位算法直接影响雷电探测结果的精度。雷电监测系统探测数据误差不可避免,传统定位算法不具备抗误差干扰能力,迭代计算易发散,定位结果精度不高。为了满足实际应用需求,提出一种新的雷电定位算法DG-LLA(DBSCAN and grid-search lighting location algorithm),在定位计算中引入DBSCAN(density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise)方法与网格搜索方法。通过仿真与国家雷电监测网实际定位结果对比分析定位算法性能。结果表明:到达时间差(time difference of arrival,TDOA)法和Taylor级数展开法定位误差较大,仿真区域的均方根误差分别为982 m和668 m;定位中引入DBSCAN方法后,均方根误差明显减小为406 m,引入DBSCAN方法和网格搜索方法后,均方根误差减小为349 m;在相同回击数据条件下,算法DG-LLA与国家雷电监测网相比定位数量更多,回击数据的利用率从43.4%提升到51.5%,新增定位结果周围雷达回波特征较强,定位精度更高。  相似文献   
闽北汛期强降水中尺度特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为揭示闽北暴雨的中尺度规律,利用1980~2005年南平市10县(市、区)气象站5~6月雨量大于等于50mm达到或超过3个站的43个暴雨过程129个暴雨日的逐时降水自记资料,分析了汛期暴雨日雨团和强雨团的时空分布、强度及持续时间、移动规律、雨团与影响系统的关系以及地形对雨团的产生、分布、移动等的影响等,得出闽北汛期强降水的中尺度若干特征,其结论可为预报人员在业务实践中提供有益的参考。  相似文献   
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