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煤矿防治水工作不仅是煤矿生产的基础性工作,而且是关系到人民生命财产安全的大事.文章论述了50多a防治水工作的理论、实践及其发展.随着市场经济的发展,防治水工作也出现了一些新问题,今后煤矿防治水应引入新观念,拓展新领域,满足新需求,特别是一些关键性工作,必须认真思考.  相似文献   
根据岩心、测井、地震及区域地质背景资料,综合矿物岩石学、沉积构造、测井相及地震相等各类相标志,巴基斯坦下印度河盆地K油田白垩系上砂岩组为典型的开阔海岸相的沿岸砂坝沉积,其相标志包括:储层以高成熟度的石英砂岩为主,含有海绿石、鲕海绿石等海相指示矿物,呈分散状分布;发育平行-低角度交错层理或块状层理及潮汐层理类型,岩心中见丰富的生物介壳,具有大量的生物潜穴和强烈的生物扰动现象;测井相多呈漏斗型或箱型,以反旋回为主;地震相以平行-亚平行席状为主;陆棚风暴沉积与之伴生。分析认为,沿岸砂坝平面上多呈条带状平行于海岸线分布,纵向上多期沿岸砂坝叠置,砂体连通性好,构成该油田最为重要的有利储集层。但砂体内部具有强烈的非均质性特征,据此进一步划分为坝中、坝缘及坝间沉积微相类型,其中,坝中微相以细-中砂岩为主,孔隙类型包括原生粒间孔、铸模孔和次生加大孔,孔、渗性较高,储层物性良好;坝缘微相以细砂岩和粉砂质砂岩为主,孔隙多被胶结物充填,储层物性中等;坝间微相以粉砂岩或粉砂质泥岩为主,孔隙类型以微孔隙为主,储集性能差。不同微相类型的砂岩相互叠置形成砂坝复合体,加剧了储层平面非均质性和层间非均质性。   相似文献   
对川西北地区一些典型金矿区的地质-土壤剖面分析显示, 土壤微生物蜡样芽孢杆菌Bacillus cereus的芽孢计数分布可以指示下伏基岩的金矿化. B. cereus芽孢计数的异常区位于矿体的顶、底板, 而在矿体出露地表处, 芽孢计数出现极低区. B. cereus芽孢计数还进一步受到非矿化因素特别是土壤类型的强烈影响, 使不同矿区芽孢计数的背景值不同. 这种微生物学找矿法在远景区范围内, 或在矿区的勘探中可能会取得较好的找矿效果. 但要使该方法能很好地应用在区域化探中, 必须建立不同自然地理环境(特别是不同土壤类型)的芽孢计数背景值数据库.  相似文献   
王红梅 《贵州地质》1996,13(3):220-224
通过对罗甸Meng江中三叠统许满组成4件睡形刺样品的处理分析,发现了一批牙形刺化石,经研究,这些牙形刺分属8属6种和6个未定种,并自上而下建立了两个牙形刺带:(2)Neogondolella excelsa-Gladigondolellatethydis带及(1)Neogondolella constricta带。  相似文献   
Profiles of trace contaminant concentrations in sediment columns can be a natural archive from which pollutant inputs into coastal areas can be reconstructed. Reconstruction of historical inputs of anthropogenic chemicals is important for improving management strategies and evaluating the success of recent pollution controls measures. Here we report a reconstruction of historical contamination into three coastal sites along the US Gulf Coast: Mississippi River Delta, Galveston Bay and Tampa Bay. Within the watersheds of these areas are extensive agricultural lands as well as more than 50% of the chemical and refinery capacity of the USA. Despite this pollution potential, relatively low concentrations of trace metals and trace organic contaminants were found in one core from each of the three sites. Concentrations and fluxes of most trace metals found in surface sediments at these three sites, when normalized to Al, are typical for uncontaminated Gulf Coast sediments. Hydrophobic trace organic contaminants that are anthropogenic (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, DDTs, and polychlorinated biphenyls) are found in sediments from all locations. The presence in surface sediments from the Mississippi River Delta of low level trace contaminants such as DDTs, which were banned in the early 1970's, indicate that they are still washed out from cultivated soils. It appears that the DDTs profile in that sediment core was produced by a combination of erosion processes of riverine and other sedimentary deposits during floods. Most of the pollutant profiles indicate that present-day conditions have improved from the more contaminated conditions in the 1950-1970's, before the advent of the Clean Water Act.  相似文献   
The uptake of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) by marine deposit-feeding invertebrates can be determined by screening for PAH-derived metabolites. We identified 1-hydroxypyrene as the only intermediate metabolite in tissue of four species of deposit-feeding polychaetes, Nereis diversicolor, Nereis virens, Arenicola marina, and Capitella sp. I exposed to pyrene spiked sediment. Synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy (SFS) provides a fast and simple method for both qualitative and quantitative analysis of 1-hydroxypyrene in all four species. The SFS assay was validated using HPLC with ultraviolet detection. A good correlation between 1-hydroxypyrene concentrations determined by the two methods was observed. We used HPLC with fluorescence detection combined with enzymatic hydrolysis of conjugated metabolites to investigate species specific metabolite patterns. A tentative aqueous metabolite identification scheme indicates that Nereid polychaetes predominately make use of glucuronide conjugation whereas Capitella sp. I. and Arenicola marina appear to utilize predominantly sulfate and/or glucoside conjugation. The usefulness of 1-hydroxypyrene as a biomarker for PAH exposure in deposit-feeding invertebrates is discussed.  相似文献   
控制基坑变形是保证基坑及周边环境安全的关键,而底板施工期间墙体变形的控制更是关注的重点。结合上海轨道交通某在建地铁车站基坑开挖时的变形监测数据及跟踪工况,对素混凝土垫层的支撑约束作用进行了监测分析。坑底暴露时间对底板施工阶段内的基坑变形有着显著影响,基坑暴露时间的长短是控制底板施工期间围护墙变形的关键。素混凝土垫层对围护墙体变形具有一定的支撑效应,在一定程度上能起到类似结构底板的作用。施工中应尽快完成混凝土垫层的浇筑工作,尽早发挥垫层对围护墙体的支撑作用。垫层对墙体的支撑效果与其自身的平直度等因素有很大关系,破坏垫层的整体性,则会削弱其对围护墙体的支撑作用。提出对坑底施工阶段基坑变形的控制措施,缩短底板施工阶段的暴露时间,提高垫层的整体性,加快底板施工,尽早形成底板混凝土对围护墙体的支撑作用,从而控制开挖阶段的基坑变形,对其他深基坑工程具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
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