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田伟  王清  李晓茹 《工程地质学报》2008,16(S1):197-201
主要研究了一个边坡在施加冷却塔荷载前后的稳定性问题。采用有限元法和摩尔-库仑屈服准则计算和分析了冷却塔荷载对边坡稳定性的影响,得到较理想的结果。结果表明,边坡的整体稳定性问题,主要是变形稳定性问题;玄武岩柱状节理的存在对边坡稳定性产生了不利的影响;冷却塔的修建对边坡稳定性是有影响的;边坡的变形破坏随时间的增长而增加;边坡的破坏形式以倾倒破坏为主。  相似文献   
The Yishu fault zone (mid-segment of the Tanlu fault zone) was formed in the Presinian. Periodic tectonic activities and strong seismic events have occurred along the fault zone. During the initial stage of the Caledonian Movement, with the proceeding of the marine transgression from the Yishu paleo-channel to the western Shandong, uneven thick sediments, composed mainly of sand, mud and carbonates of littoral, lagoon, and neritic facies, were deposited in the Yishu fault zone and western Shandong, and constructed the bottom part of the Lower Cambrian consisting of the Liguan and Zhushadong formations. Through field observations and the lab-examinations, various paleoseismic records have been discovered in the Liguan Formation and the Zhushadong Formations of the Yishu fault zone and its vicinity, including some layers with syn-sedimentary deformation structures that were triggered by strong earthquakes (i.e. seismite, seismo-olistostrome, and seismo-turbidite). Paleoseismic records developed in the Zhushadong Formation are mainly seismites with soft-sediment deformation structures, such as liquefied diapir, small liquefied-carbonate lime-mud volcano, liquefied vein, liquefied breccia, convolute deformation (seismic fold), graded fault, soft siliceous vein, and deformation stromatolite, as well as seismites with brittle deformation structures of semiconsolidated sediments. Paleoseismic records preserved in the Liguan Formation are not only seismo-olistostrome with a slump fold, load structure, and ball-and-pillows, but also seismo-turbidite with convolution bedding, graded bedding and wavy-bedding. However, in the western Shandong area, the closer to the Yishu fault zone, the greater the thickness of the Liguan Formation and the Zhushadong Formation, the greater the number and type of layers with paleoseismic records, and the higher the earthquake intensity reflected by associations of seismic records. This evidence indicates that tectonic taphrogenesis accompanied by strong earthquake events occurred in the Yishu fault zone during the initial stage of the Caledonian Movement, which embodied the break-up of the Sino-Korean Plate along the Paleo-Tanlu fault zone at that time.  相似文献   
通过对天津市蓟县系雾迷山组热储层地下水位动态规律的分析,利用LUMPFIT软件预测了在不同开采量下未来水位的变化规律。结果表明,水位呈逐年下降的趋势,但由于回灌量的增加,水位下降速率明显减小。  相似文献   
大兴安岭东南部油气资源勘查区重磁异常初步解释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
区域重磁异常的初步解释表明,西拉木伦河以北的松辽盆地外围地区存在诸多中、新生代盆地,发育3条NW向深大断裂和近NEE向的弧形构造.1∶20万重力异常显示,本区中、新生代盆地边界具有较明显的梯度异常特征,1∶5万航磁异常可较为清晰地勾画中新生代火成岩的分布.重、磁、电剖面联合反演揭示,中生代地层厚度1~4km,古生界规模宏大,厚度可达4~6km,是本区寻找油气的重要层位;古生界含油气盆地基底为志留系及更老地层;大兴安岭NE向展布的花岗岩具有蘑菇状侵入特征.通过重、磁异常联合反演,消除火成岩影响,得出突泉和扎鲁特地区的中生代基底深度1.5~4km,古生代的基底深度为2~6km.  相似文献   
沿海地区深基坑设计施工都十分重视其抗浮问题,在深基坑开挖前掌握抗拔桩对于基坑隆起和围护结构变形及受力规律十分重要,其研究成果对于节约工程成本和保证基坑施工安全具有重要的指导意义。以港珠澳大桥侧接线拱北海关隧道明挖段为依托,首先建立抗拔桩与土体的硬接触模型,并验证该模型对于抗拔桩模拟的合理性,采用极差分析法研究底板不同桩长和桩径加固对基坑围护结构稳定性的影响规律。分析结果表明,增大桩长可更有效地减小地表沉降,增大桩径可更好地控制连续墙的变形,增大桩长和桩径都可以很好地控制坑底隆起。  相似文献   
大兴安岭地区浅覆盖层对地面伽马能谱测量的影响   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
讨论在大兴安岭地区进行地质填图中浅覆盖层对伽马能谱测量的影响问题。通过放射性元素的取样分析、岩石—土壤的矿物分析以及实测剖面分析,得知了伽马能谱测量的影响因素,从而为应用伽马能谱测量解决地质填图中的问题提供了依据。  相似文献   
女34断块水平井提高采收率开发实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
舍女寺油田女34断块是大港油区典型的低渗透块状砂岩断块油藏,由于储层严重的非均质性,注水开发见效快、水淹快,并且形成油藏次生底水,作为水平井技术改善低渗透油藏开发效果的先导试验区块,经过深入地质研究和可行性论证,又相继完钻2口水平井,同时进行注采井网调整,编制了水平井和直井采油、直井注水的混合外网调整方案,方案实施后,断块采油速度由0.6%提高到2.6%,采收率提高8个百分点,开发效果显改善,实践证明水半井技术是改善低渗透非均质断块油藏开发效果的有效手段之一。  相似文献   
吴起星  田管凤 《岩土力学》2004,25(12):2028-2032
提出计算竖直受力桩的位移协调法,具有模型简单、参数易取的优点。用来分析桩侧土影响半径rm,结果表明,随着桩顶荷载P增大,桩长细比L/d增大,都会使rm扩大;土质越好,rm越小。此外,也说明,现行建筑基础规范中有关桩间距规定的合理性。  相似文献   
Some pyrrhotite-chalcopyrite-bearing amphibole megacrysts (including pyroxene megacrysts) were discovered in Mesozoic augite diorite-porphyrite at Caoshan in Tongling area, Anhui Province. The amphibole megacrysts, belonging mainly to pargasite and magnesiohastingsite, are characteristic of the amphibole composition derived from mantle and crystallized in lower crust. In general, the aggregates of pyrrhotite-chalcopyrite take the shapes of cylinder and sphere. Three occurrences have been recognized in the amphibole megacrysts: parallel linear, bunchy and scattered. The unique cylinder-like shape of the aggregates and remarkable Ni-poor sulfides in Caoshan are distinctively different from the spherical Ni-rich sulfides in pyroxene megacrysts and any other kinds of megacrysts. In terms of composition, the amphibole megacrysts and their sulfides in Caoshan are similar to those in the pyroxenite xenoliths in Qilin, Guangdong Province. In terms of origin, the pyrrhotite-chalcopyrites as exsolution products resulted from the subsolidus re-equilibration of sulfide solid solution within amphibole megacrysts.amphibole megacrysts were first discovered inside and outside China. This discovery is important for the study of regional magma evolution and its associated mineralizations and ore sources as well.  相似文献   
金超  曾荣树  田兴有 《地球科学》2013,38(6):1229-1239
CO2地下埋存是一项缓解全球气候变暖的措施.采用沉积地质学的研究方法, 首次对松辽盆地南部长岭凹陷的保康沉积体系沿水流方向进行连井剖面分析, 结合室内显微镜薄片鉴定和岩心观察等手段, 对保康体系的沉积相类型及其时空分布规律、储盖层沉积特征、水文地质及构造特征等进行了研究.结果表明, 研究区青山口组-嫩江组是CO2地下埋存的良好储盖组合, 同时计算研究区CO2埋存量为7.43×109 t, 大约相当于2002年中国CO2排放量的2倍、2009年中国的全年排放量.   相似文献   
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