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After decades of low year classes,the stock of Japanese sardine(Sardinops melanostictus)has begun to recover since the mid-2000s.The hatch dates and otolith growth rates of age-0 juvenile sardine,which were collected in the subarctic Oyashio waters in autumn 2018,were determined from an otolith microstructure analysis.The sardines were hatched from late January to late April,while mostly in February and March.The otolith growth rate increased continuously up to 60 d after hatching and thereafter de-creased.The revealed growth rate in a crucial growth period is faster than that reported for juvenile sardines collected in the 1990s,which is coincided with the recent recovery trend of the sardine stock.Two groups with different hatch dates,growth histories,and migration routes were identified using unsupervised random forest clustering analysis.They were considered inshore and offshore migration individuals in accordance with recent researches.In the offshore group,a high proportion of sardine juveniles hatched late and grew faster in the Kuroshio-Oyashio transitional waters,a finding consistent with the hypothesis of growth-rate-dependent re-cruitment.This finding on the population composition and growth rate of juvenile sardine in the Oyashio waters can be a basis for an improved prediction of their survival and provides us with valuable information on the recruitment processes of this stock during the period of stock recovery.  相似文献   
对已知脉冲星大样本的统计和分析表明,绝大多数脉冲星的线偏振大于10%,谱指数低于-1.比较了脉冲星和射电类星体及致密陡谱源的频谱和偏振特性的差别,以高线偏振、高谱指数、高银纬及在低频下较低流量等作为射电脉冲星候选者的判据,从新近释放的VLA巡天和WSRT巡天结果中挑选出一个较粗的候选脉冲星样本.进一步考虑近期在部分天区中已作过高灵敏度的脉冲星巡天,所有落入这些天区内的候选源也都从本样本中排出.以候选源偏振度大小为序,给出了一个共47颗候选源的子样本.  相似文献   
琥珀是由古代植物代谢产生的树脂聚合物形成的化石。琥珀中的有机质保存环境稳定、封闭,能很好地记载其形成时期的古植物和古环境等信息。本次研究运用气象色谱质谱联用仪(GC-MS)和元素分析稳定同位素质谱仪(EA-IRMS)等测试方法,研究了沈北煤田煤中琥珀的有机地球化学组成、稳定同位素和化合物单体碳同位素特征。结果表明,琥珀中的饱和烃以二萜化合物为主(占73.45%),芳香烃以松香烷型化合物为主(56.17%);高含量的贝壳杉烷、雪松烷、扁枝烷和松香烷型化合物指示琥珀来源于松柏类植物,且以柏科植物为主。沈北琥珀的δ13C值为-22.8‰ ~ -21.2‰,与同时期其他地区琥珀的δ13C值相似;氢同位素变化范围较小(-297.2‰ ~ -276.0‰),氧同位素值为17.4‰ ~ 31.6‰。琥珀的稳定同位素组成(碳、氢和氧)进一步证明琥珀来源于裸子植物。琥珀的δ13C值主要与其形成时的全球气温变化和大气组成有关。沈北琥珀的氢和氧同位素组成主要受植物种类(松柏类)以及植物生长的局部气温和降水条件有关。琥珀稳定碳同位素有望成为研究古气候和古大气组成的良好载体,琥珀的氢和氧同位素可以反映形成时期的古环境条件,但仍需进一步深入研究。  相似文献   
高质量的海底声强图是进行多波束海底底质分类、目标识别的基础。要得到"单纯"反映海底底质信息的声强图,就需要对原始声强数据进行地形改正,消除地形因素的影响。在描述了多波束数据中水深数据不能满足声强数据的改正要求问题的基础上,提出了以水深数据覆盖范围为约束的声强数据选取方法。实例计算结果表明:该方法在能有效地选取高质量的声强数据,提高了基于声强图像的海底底质分类精度。  相似文献   
田稼  赵占清 《吉林地质》1999,18(3):71-74
本文简述了小型氰化厂的技术管理方法和实际操作过程,应用该方法提高选矿厂的生产技术指标和经济效益。  相似文献   
中国南方二叠纪层序地层时空格架及充填特征   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
李祥辉  王成善 《沉积学报》1999,17(4):521-527
据华南二叠纪不同沉积盆地层序地层区域分布、纵向演化及其充填特征分析研究,初步建立了上扬子克拉通-右江盆地-钦防盆地、中扬子克拉通及全区的层序地层时空格架模型;提出层序充填可分为两个阶段:早二叠世碳酸盐缓坡-台地层序充填阶段,晚二叠世陆源碎屑为主与火山碎屑相混层序充填阶段;认为全区二叠纪四个Ⅰ型层序受控于构造隆升事件,晚二叠世层序TST普遍发育火山碎屑沉积,古陆边缘HST或少量SMT/LST大多由三角洲沉积体系进积叠加而成,上扬子克拉通及右江地区的生物礁以海侵和高位型为特色。  相似文献   
川滇黔桂地区二叠纪不同成因盆地层序地层模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
覃建雄  杨作升 《沉积学报》1999,17(2):183-187
通过不同类型沉积盆地层序界面性质、层序类型、结构、组成、完整性、对称性以及层序发育特征和控制因素研究表明,不同成因沉积盆地,其层序内部构型及成因格架各异.克拉通盆地层序发育主要受全球海平面变化及碳酸盐自旋回控制,LST以陆上暴露不整合面及其上风化残积相为特征,TST以海侵上超不整合面上相对薄的超覆型退积准层序组为特色,HST表现为厚层加-进积丘礁滩组合;对于被动陆缘裂谷盆地,主控因素包括全球海平面变化和同沉积断裂活动,LST期,孤台以陆上暴露不整合面及残积相为标志,台盆表现为水下间断不整合面及上覆混屑浊积岩,TST以台盆硅灰岩-硅岩退积准层序组不断向斜坡和孤台上超为特征,HST期,孤台以加积-进积丘礁滩组合为主,台盆为加积型钙屑重力流沉积,弧后裂谷盆地层序特征与被动陆缘裂谷盆地相似,但其台盆加深加宽,层序以硅质岩及火山碎屑浊积岩为主,揭示层序发育主要受同沉积断裂活动、全球海平面变化及火山活动控制;被动陆缘走滑盆地层序发育主要受控于不同沉积断裂活动及全球海平面变化,层序组成以放射虫硅质岩和深水泥岩为主;前陆盆地LST以造山侵蚀不整合面及盆底扇沉积为特征,TST表现为巨厚层浊积扇-扇三角洲弱进积-弱退积充填型准?  相似文献   
利用中日合作微震观测台网1988年3月至1991年3月间的地震记录计算了西安及周围地区小地震的波谱和震源参数,并探讨了震源参数与震级ML之间的关系.  相似文献   
目的:通过网络药理学方法探析板蓝根-山豆根-白茅根治疗银屑病的作用机制。方法:应用 TCMSP 平台检索板蓝根-山豆根-白茅根的化学成分,利用GeneCards等数据库检索银屑病的相关靶点基因,将药物靶点与疾病靶点取交集绘制韦恩图。运用Cytoscape 3.8.2软件构建药物-成分-靶点网络图,构建蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用(PPI)网络图,对交集靶点进行基因本体(GO)功能和京都基因与基因组百科全书(KEGG)通路富集分析。结果:共获有效成分52种,如β-谷甾醇、槲皮素、山柰酚等;与银屑病相关靶点90个,其中白细胞介素-6、肿瘤坏死因子、肿瘤蛋白p53、白细胞介素-1β、活化蛋白-1等为核心基因;GO功能富集分析中共确定了614条GO条目,其中生物过程480条、细胞组分52条、分子功能82条;KEGG富集分析中共确定了102条通路,涉及多种癌症通路、肝炎、磷脂酰肌醇3-激酶(PI3K)-丝氨酸-苏氨酸-激酶(Akt)信号、肿瘤坏死因子信号、丝裂原活化蛋白激酶等信号通路。结论:板蓝根-山豆根-白茅根可通过多种活性成分、多个靶点、多条通路抑制炎症因子的表达及角质细胞增殖、分化而发挥治疗作用。  相似文献   
On January 21 2016, an earthquake of MS6.4 hit the Lenglongling fault zone(LLLFZ)in the NE Tibetan plateau, which has a contrary focal mechanism solution to the Ms 6.4 earthquake occurring in 1986. Fault behaviors of both earthquakes in 1986 and 2016 are also quite different from the left-lateral strike-slip pattern of the Lenglongling fault zone. In order to find out the seismogenic structure of both earthquakes and figure out relationships among the two earthquakes and the LLLFZ, InSAR co-seismic deformation map is constructed by Sentinel -1A data. Moreover, the geological map, remote sensing images, relocation of aftershocks and GPS data are also combined in the research. The InSAR results indicate that the co-seismic deformation fields are distributed on both sides of the branch fault(F2)on the northwest of the Lenglongling main fault(F1), where the Earth's surface uplifts like a tent during the 2016 earthquake. The 2016 and 1986 earthquakes occurred on the eastern and western bending segments of the F2 respectively, where the two parts of the F2 bend gradually and finally join with the F1. The intersections between the F1 and F2 compose the right-order and left-order alignments in the planar geometry, which lead to the restraining bend and releasing bend because of the left-lateral strike-slip movement, respectively. Therefore, the thrust and normal faults are formed in the two bending positions. In consequence, the focal mechanism solutions of the 2016 and 1986 earthquakes mainly present the compression and tensional behaviors, respectively, both of which also behave as slight strike-slip motion. All results indicate that seismic activity and tectonic deformation of the LLLFZ play important parts in the Qilian-Haiyuan tectonic zone, as well as in the NE Tibetan plateau. The complicated tectonic deformation of NE Tibetan plateau results from the collisions from three different directions between the north Eurasian plate, the east Pacific plate and the southwest Indian plate. The intensive tectonic movement leads to a series of left-lateral strike-slip faults in this region and the tectonic deformation direction rotates clockwise gradually to the east along the Qilian-Haiyuan tectonic zone. The Menyuan earthquake makes it very important to reevaluate the earthquake risk of this region.  相似文献   
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