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As part of the multinational Lake Owens Dust Experiment (LODE), we have studied the generation of dust storms on the south sand sheet of Owens (dry) Lake, California, an anthropogenically desiccated playa reported to be the single greatest source of particulate matter in North America. During March 1993, we performed an intensive field study including eight significant dust storms, building on our prior work (1978–1984) and preliminary studies (1991–1992). We studied sources and magnitude of coarse saltating particles, the meteorological conditions that allow them to become mobile across the flat playa of Owens (dry) Lake, and how the motion of saltating particles across different types of playa surfaces results in the generation of PM10 dusts (aerosol particles smaller than 10 μm aerodynamic diameter). Saltating grains of lacustrine sand and broken crust abrade and disaggregate the playa surface into fine aerosols, and the resulting PM10 concentrations recorded during major dust storms are among the highest ever recorded in North America. On 23 March 1993, we measured a 2 h concentration on the playa of 40 620 μg m−3, as far as we can determine the highest ambient PM10 value ever recorded in the U.S.A. Abrasion of salt-silt-clay crusts by saltation is shown to be responsible for all but a small part of one dust storm. The quantity ‘sand run’, saltating particle transport multiplied by wind run, is shown to be very closely correlated with dust aerosol concentration. Finally, we have established that on-lake bed studies are essential for quantitative prediction of dust events on the Owens (dry) Lake bed, despite the difficult conditions encountered.  相似文献   
Peridotites associated with pyroxenites (with rare olivine andspinel) are exposed on the islands of San Jorge and Santa Isabelin the Solomon Islands. Orthopyroxenite occurs in large outcrops(100 m2) whereas websterite and clinopyroxenite occur as layersand veins/dykes in peridotites. The bulk compositions of thepyroxenites are characterized by high Mg2+/(Mg2+ + Fe2+) (0·78–0·91)and low Al2O3 (<2·7 wt %). Low rare earth elementabundances are coupled with large ion lithophile element enrichmentsand positive Sr and Pb anomalies (primitive mantle-normalized)relative to adjacent rare earths. Temperatures of equilibrationfor the pyroxenites are between 950 and 1050°C. These relativelylow temperatures, combined with the occurrence of primary fluidinclusions, suggest that the pyroxenites formed by interactionof peridotite protoliths with an aqueous fluid. Bulk-rock andmineral compositions of the orthopyroxenites are similar tothose of mantle-derived pyroxenites, whereas the websteriteshave closer chemical affinity with crustal arc cumulates. Nevertheless,field relationships plus petrological, textural and geochemicalevidence are consistent with formation of all pyroxenite typesin supra-subduction zone mantle, resulting from metasomatismof peridotite by subducted Pacific Plate-derived fluid. Sucha setting for pyroxenite has not previously been reported indetail. We propose that these processes produce mantle pyroxenitewith compositions similar to crustal pyroxenite. KEY WORDS: mantle metasomatism; pyroxenite; supra-subduction zone  相似文献   
This study provides the first detailed estimate of riverine organic carbon fluxes in British rivers, as well as highlighting major gaps in organic carbon data in national archives. Existing data on organic carbon and suspended solids concentrations collected between 1989 and 1993, during routine monitoring by the River Purification Boards (RPBs) in Scotland and the National River Authorities (NRAs) in England and Wales, were used with annual mean flows to estimate fluxes of dissolved and particulate organic carbon (DOC and POC) in British rivers. Riverine DOC exports during 1993 varied from 7·7–103·5 kg ha−1 year−1, with a median flux of 31·9 kg ha−1 year−1 in the 85 rivers for which data were available. There was a trend for DOC fluxes to increase from the south and east to the north and west. A predictive model based on mean soil carbon storage in 17 catchments, together with regional precipitation totals, explained 94% of the variation in the riverine DOC exports in 1993. This model was used to predict riverine DOC fluxes in regions where no organic carbon data were available. Calculated and predicted fluxes were combined to produce an estimate for exports of DOC to tidal waters in British rivers during 1993 of 0·68±0·07 Mt. Of this total, rivers in Scotland accounted for 53%, England 38% and Wales 9%. Scottish blanket peats would appear to be the largest single source of DOC exports in British rivers. An additional 0·20 Mt of organic carbon were estimated to have been exported in particulate form in 1993, approximately two–thirds of which was contributed by English rivers. It is suggested that riverine losses of organic carbon have the potential to affect the long-term dynamics of terrestrial organic carbon pools in Britain and that rivers may regulate increases in soil carbon pools brought about by climate change. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Glass inclusions in plagioclase and orthopyroxene from daciticpumice of the Cabrits Dome, Plat Pays Volcanic Complex in southernDominica reveal a complexity of element behavior and Li–Bisotope variations in a single volcanic center that would gounnoticed in a whole-rock study. Inclusions and matrix glassesare high-silica rhyolite with compositions consistent with about50% fractional crystallization of the observed phenocrysts.Estimated crystallization conditions are 760–880°C,200 MPa and oxygen fugacity of FMQ + 1 to +2 log units (whereFMQ is the fayalite–magnetite–quartz buffer). Manyinclusion glasses are volatile-rich (up to 6 wt % H2O and 2900ppm Cl), but contents range down to 1 wt % H2O and 2000 ppmCl as a result of shallow-level degassing. Sulfur contents arelow throughout, with <350 ppm S. The trace element compositionof inclusion glasses shows enrichment in light rare earth elements(LREE; (La/Sm)n = 2·5–6·6) and elevatedBa, Th and K contents compared with whole rocks and similaror lower Nb and heavy REE (HREE; (Gd/Yb)n = 0·5–1·0).Lithium and boron concentrations and isotope ratios in meltinclusions are highly variable (20–60 ppm Li with 7Li= +4 to +15 ± 2; 60–100 ppm B with 11B = +6 to+13 ± 2) and imply trapping of isotopically heterogeneous,hybrid melts. Multiple sources and processes are required toexplain these features. The mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB)-likeHREE, Nb and Y signature reflects the parental magma(s) derivedfrom the mantle wedge. Positive Ba/Nb, B/Nb and Th/Nb correlationsin inclusion glasses indicate coupled enrichment in stronglyfluid-mobile (Ba, B) and less-mobile (Th, Nb) trace elements,which can be explained by fractional crystallization of plagioclase,orthopyroxene and Fe–Ti oxides. The 7Li and 11B valuesare at the high end of known ranges for other island arc magmas.We attribute the high values to a 11B and 7Li-enriched slabcomponent derived from sea-floor-altered oceanic crust and possiblyfurther enriched in heavy isotopes by dehydration fractionation.The heterogeneity of isotope ratios in the evolved, trappedmelts is attributed to shallow-level assimilation of older volcanicrocks of the Plat Pays Volcanic Complex. KEY WORDS: subduction; volcanic arcs; igneous processes; melt inclusions; SIMS; trace elements; lithium and boron isotopes; diffusion  相似文献   
The regional dust model system LM-MUSCAT-DES was developed in the framework of the SAMUM project. Using the unique comprehensive data set of near-source dust properties during the 2006 SAMUM field campaign, the performance of the model system is evaluated for two time periods in May and June 2006. Dust optical thicknesses, number size distributions and the position of the maximum dust extinction in the vertical profiles agree well with the observations. However, the spatio-temporal evolution of the dust plumes is not always reproduced due to inaccuracies in the dust source placement by the model. While simulated winds and dust distributions are well matched for dust events caused by dry synoptic-scale dynamics, they are often misrepresented when dust emissions are caused by moist convection or influenced by small-scale topography that is not resolved by the model. In contrast to long-range dust transport, in the vicinity of source regions the model performance strongly depends on the correct prediction of the exact location of sources. Insufficiently resolved vertical grid spacing causes the absence of inversions in the model vertical profiles and likely explains the absence of the observed sharply defined dust layers.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. This article examines the formation of social capital—defined as the norms of trust and reciprocity integral to social relations—and the ways in which it may help rural people's organizations gain access to rights and resources. The formation of social capital must be viewed within the context of the symbolic systems, or cultural capital, that imbues social relations with meaning. The concept of social capital provides a valuable conceptual framework for analyzing the multiscale processes of environmental management, rural development, and resource conflicts with which many rural social movements are involved. The role played by social capital is illustrated through a detailed case study of an indigenous political and cultural organization in the Ecuadorian Amazon. The organizational history of a lowland Quichua federation and the successes and problems it has had in managing development projects and achieving political objectives provide insight into the importance of social capital in the development of the region.  相似文献   
Stable oxygen and carbon isotope profiles from modern bivalve shells were investigated in order to reconstruct short-term hydrographical changes in the river-shelf system of the Laptev Sea. Oxygen isotopic profiles obtained from the aragonitic species Astarte borealis exhibit amplitude cycles interpreted as annual hydrographical cycles. These records reflect the strong contrast between summer and winter bottom water conditions in the Laptev Sea. The seasonal variations in δ18O are mainly controlled by the riverine freshwater discharge during summer with 0.5‰ per salinity unit. Corrected for a defined species-dependent fractionation offset of -0.37‰, time-dependent salinity records were reconstructed from these δ18O profiles. They indicate a good correspondence to seasonal hydrographic changes and synoptical data. Persistent trends with shell growth towards more negative δ13C values are observed in all specimens and appear to be related to metabolic changes of the bivalves during ontogeny. In contrast, short-term fluctuations are likely linked to seasonal variabilities of the river water outflow patterns and enhanced phytoplankton productivity during summer. This is corroborated by a clear watermass-related distinction of the various δ13C records made on the basis of water depth and distance from the riverine source.  相似文献   
The Quaternary deposits in the Store Middelgrund–Rørdebanke area midway between the island of Anholt and Hallandsåsen on the Swedish coast are described on the basis of reflection seismic profiles with a vertical resolution of 5–10 m. The Quaternary rests on Upper Cretaceous limestone, the surface of which is nearly horizontal. Three Quaternary sequences are defined and interpreted as: (1) Late Weichselian marine or lacustrine deposits, (2) Late Weichselian glaciogenic deposits, and (3) Late Saalian–Eemian and Early–Middle Weichselian deposits. Sequence 3 is probably comparable to the upwards-coarsening sequence known from Skaerumhede in Vendsyssel. The layers in sequence 3 are dislocated in the eastern part of the Store Middelgrund–Rødebanke area mainly by gentle folding, but other types of deformations occur. Folding could be the result of horizontal push from an ice sheet approaching from the east. Alternatively the folding is an effect of vertical, gravitational forces acting on the sediments due to an unstable density profile, as described by the Rayleigh–Taylor instability model. The zone of deformation is located close to the northern flank of the tectonically active Sorgenfrei–Tornquist Zone. It is suggested that the initiation of the folding process was facilitated by tremors from small earthquakes.  相似文献   
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